I am now referring to the Ron Paul / Elon duo as “the OG” and “the DOGE.” I have prayed that Ron would live long enough to see the death of the FED. I believe it is already dead but would love for him to see it publicly eviscerated. He deserves to be the one to pull the plug.

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🙏🙏. Yes he does!

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Ah, what a great start to a great week! Thanks Y'all!!!

I think the Ron Paul story is the best example of what's to come and that is: "Hot damn. We're getting the band back together!"

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I love it when the first Brief and Take is reporting good news! Trump may not have invented the term “Fake News” but he certainly brought the concept into full view for the American collective attention! Perhaps one of the most significant “culture of change” (h/t Ashe :) shifts of our time…millions of questioning dives later and the exodus from MSM will go down in the history books as a major transitional feat of Awakening ❤️🇺🇸

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The minute I read that piece it occurred to me the media’s move to extinction had to have actually begun in 1871. And, by 1913 it’s demise was in full swing.

The fact that the income tax and the election of senators were declared to be ratified amendments to our constitution should prove my point. The average citizen in 1913 had just one source of the news, the newspapers. So investigative reporting was key. But, the slightest bit of investigation by a reporter would have found that legislatures all over America had made changes to those amendments before sending them back to Washington. Thus, the amendments were not approved and needed to go back to the Congress for re-negotiation and sent back to the states for approval. Instead, the Secretary of State just declared them ratified and the press merely reported it. So, America was put solidly on the road to destruction by corrupt Democrat politicians. The media and democrats were joined at the hip right then, if not sooner!

One amendment took power away from the state legislatures. The states were severely weakened. The other moved us away from using tariffs to fund our government and began taxing our citizens. That was the key to our decline. So, can we see why Trump is taking America back to tariffs? This all makes a lot of sense if we know our history.

The real question is, will our media save themselves from themselves? It is their choice, not ours. We just stopped believing their reporting. That is our job.

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Thanks for the details JS! I am constantly impressed by the decline of Christianity in American society and its seeming direct correlation with the mid-1800 (which is when many Biblical scholars assert that the Laodicean epoch began). Your insights only support that co-incidence.

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The Communist movement relies on the death of religion. Isn’t that exactly what we have witnessed since 1854? Communism has continually failed wherever it has been tried, except here in America. Here it has been made to appear to work by picking the pockets of our Capitalists.

That is the basic reason for the invention of the income tax in 1913. Tariffs picked the pockets of businesses that wanted to sell products in America and also made our businesses more competitive against foreign competition. That had to stop!

The income tax immediately began picking the pocket of American businesses and, at the same time, made our citizens believe they were actually paying that tax. But that was a lie! Their job paid that tax and their employer sent the money to Washington. Their job as a taxpayer was to do the accounting for their taxes at year’s end. This merely made them even more persuaded that they were paying the income tax.

What was actually happening was business was being robbed to allow our government to offer more and more things our churches used to do.

This has been a deliberate and corrupt plan from 1913 to today. The good news is the bad ideas are about to end and our slavery is going to stop. In fact, it was stopped seven years ago and almost no one knows! Some fools are still voting against Trump who did what was necessary in 2017 to save America.

Let the education begin!

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Reuters was going strong controlling the narrative of global news by the late 1890s. I don't see media weakening at all during that time, strengthening and consolidating maybe. It was the media weapon that so successfully skewered the character of McCarthy also, a full 80 years later.

Really not sure where people are concluding that print media was dying before the internet came on the scene. It was the world wide web that killed print media and that didn't really start until the late 90s.

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Great point! McCarthy was skewered for what? He was pointing out the presence of communists in our government!

Wow! Look at our government 70 years after the skewering succeeded. Why did the media fail to jump onto McCarthy’s discovery? I believe a book by Laura Ingraham around 1998 proved McCathy was wrong. He claimed there were 57 communists in government. Actually, there were over 500 according to the book. Today I bet the count is well over 5000! But I have no way to prove that estimate any more than McCarthy could prove his number of 57. Isn’t that the real problem? Communist is in the mind of the person. It is a way of thinking in a non-Capitalist direction. It comes from believing you can get something for nothing. Government jobs tend to verify this for obvious reasons.

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Oh yea, for sure he had only collected EVIDENCE to prove the 57, but 1000s for certain. He tried, and he was lucky they didn't just kill him. Character assassination was effective enough.

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All I recall vividly was how the televised hearings screwed up my watching Howdy Doody in the afternoons. I really hated McCarthy for that. Of course, a 9 years of age I had no clue about what was going on.

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I’m glad the British Empire - that cancerous Elephant in the Room behind all manner of centuries-long global tyranny, greed and bloodlust - was finally brought up. Today’s metastasized version of it - including 3-letter-type agencies, propaganda outlets, political tools and criminal syndicates around the world (the latter of which they are the largest) - still has the City of London as its capital (and capitol). In the end, the posh veneer of all their Pomp and Ceremony and Proper English will not save them from True Justice. The wigs are off, boys!

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and LONDON now looks like a DEGENERATING SHITHOLE...why do you think the fake "ROYAL FAMILY" disappeared w their FAKE AS SHIT "CANCER" excuses!?!? They are nothing but TRANSYLVANIAN GRIFTERS who stole all of the brit's land and wealth...

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What goes around comes around. Pharaoh’s palace was not shielded from judgement and Buckingham Palace is no exception.

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"Paul said he would be “happy to talk” with Musk about joining a potential Department of Government Efficiency." Oh dear. So the way to reduce government corruption is to create yet another federal bureaucracy?

Here's a suggestion: The way to reduce government corruption is to use the power of the House to defund corrupt govt departments. How's this: Start by defunding Jimmy Carter's Dept of Education. Since its creation in 1980, U.S. students have gone to the bottom in test scores compared to other countries (dumbing down America, which is its purpose after all). Next is the DHS, literally a fascist organization staffed by the fellow-travelers of Nazis brought to the US during Operation Paperclip. Then there's the corrupt FBI: defund the new FBI HQ. Reduce the size of the bloated State Department, which has over 70,000 employees to staff 200 embassies. Take a page from Elon and get rid of 60,000 "activists" in that department. It will work much better. Then there's the EPA...

We don't need new bureaucracies or new laws. The Constitution already gives the House the power to reduce the size of this corrupt, bloated, invasive federal government. If the Republicans do control Congress and the White House in 2025, there's plenty of work to do.

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I hope you are looking at this backwards. What is proposed is not more bureaucracy but a change in bureaucracy’s design. What if Musk and Paul do the job without pay? To me that is the key. If they volunteer as citizens to honestly look at our bloated systems, they will become the opposite of bureaucracy. They will become what the founders envisioned in 1776.

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I appreciate your comment and sure, I get it. But the first thought of any politician or activist about changing government is to create another bureaucracy. That was made clear in the article.

Frankly, we need to simplify our approach: use the powers vested in the House by the Founding Fathers and defund this bloated government. We don't need a Department of Government Efficiency to do this, because our federal agencies are all broken and staffed with political appointees. How can you create greater efficiency within an unresponsive and politically tainted bureaucracy without getting rid of the dead wight? As Einstein said, "You can't solve a problem with the same consciousness that created the problem."

We need Republicans with a backbone on the Appropriations Committees. But that approach is (or has been) too simple (and scary) for our elected officials.

It would be great if Paul and Elon could set up a volunteer organization that could organize support for an effort to persuade our pols to defund govt. But for God's sake don't let it be part of the government. Hell, the Democrats have been using private groups to pressure government for decades, and very successfully -- just look at Marc Elias and his Lawfare group, and all the dark money groups funding the parasitical and destructive blob in DC.

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I admit - that was exactly the first thought that went through my mind as well...time will tell!

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It’s to remove the unconstitutional bureaucracies, remove the corrupt leaders from the constitutional ones.

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The first step should be to actually read the Constitution! See what it says our government must pay for. Everything else is fluff. Where is our healthcare mentioned? 90% of our government has been invented by our government!

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Read it OUT LOUD in both houses. Then ending with "Pay attention representatives"

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Immediate Dissolution of ALL Fed & State Income Taxes + All Govt Fees = Dropping DS House of Cards. Restitution of ALL Previously Paid Income Taxes + Removal of All Rats while Mil Martial Law fumigates system back to Natural Law = NESARA

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Yes, eliminating income taxes is a great idea by Trump and crew as a way to defund the govt. He's on the right track with that one!

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One day closer to Electing Donald J TRUMP... aaaaaaah... The meltdown over the next 24 hours by media and Hollyweirdos should be entertaining! WOKESTERS screams to the heaven 🤣😂🤣 cant wait! Illegals kicked out of those 5-star hotels into the streets. Prepare for war America. I believe Martial Law is next!

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I hope that Trump and Melania, once HE WINS, takes a two month vacation someplace tropical and warm and stay hunkered down until January. I fear for his life even more now after the election. Talk about an insurrection, just wait when THEY lose!

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God gifted him for this role and will protect them.

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One can only hope. I don't have as grand of a view as yours.

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Ashe is so right about the media, now that it is clear to Americans (finally)…’It’s almost like public trust in the media is no longer a part of their business mode.’ It never was, true…the Chinese knew, but they have had a lot more experience with tyranny.

Ghost! I share your dream!! Thank you for sharing the evolution of British Intelligence…that was a section I didn’t know. Blessings and thank you!!🙏

The Q plan is absolutely brilliant and after all of these years, it has been providing directions, diversions and proofs all along. Amazing gift we have been given by those brilliant minds God gifted the developers! BB: ‘Peacemakers on deck, but not before the threat of war is built up.’ It’s almost hard to believe that nine years has passed since we first were made aware. 🤣 “In their blindness to see Trump toppled in the public mind, they have eagerly shifted the Overton Window into the mass acknowledgement that former presidents associated with pedophiles … at the very least."

Medvedev’s comments/warning is interesting 🧐 …smells like a diversion or an orchestrated focus on the Nazis in Ukraine (and DC, for that matter).

Tomorrow begins the true push to the precipice and as a poll worker…have a front row sea.

What manner of chaos, warmongering, etc. is coming?

The public acknowledgement of the election fraud attempts prior to this one is a huge difference from 2020.

The celebrities are so narcissistic, as is the majority of politicians; makes sense this is likely where the suicide weekend is going to hit.

Moves (and much more importantly) countermoves. Known in advance. God bless the revealers of the truth.

Pray for the country at 6:00 tonight…it your time zone.🙏🙏

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I watched in real time Mitt Rmney’s cronies steal the primary votes from Ron Paul in 08. I knew right then that Obama would win.

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Me too. I love Ron Paul.

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Peanut and Fred did what others could not do!

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They died a ‘martyr’s death’ .. Peanut and Fred didn’t die in vain, in fact will go down in history as the perfect example of what happens when government gets too “big for their britches”!

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Here's another story you might want to cover.

Share widely. This is not an election. This is a democrat coup against the American People

This video, in just 7 minutes, explains how the democrats intend to steal the election with illegal voters. Just because it is illegal to vote, if you are not eligible, does not mean you can't vote and have your vote counted. The entire national voters registration system must be purged of illegal, dead and other unqualified voters. In the future every voter must be screened for eligibility and every voter must have a photo ID. Again we are in the midst of a globalist coup to install Harris who will fullfill all planks of the globalist agenda: digital currency, mass censorship and the implementation of Agenda 2030.

Here's How Illegals Are Voting in America (11/03/2024)

Yes illegal immigrants are voting in the US. election and here's how it's happening.



Chinese National Charged With Voting Illegally In Michigan (10/31/22024)




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Any chance Badlands can identify whether UKR Adrenochrome/Organ Harvesting HQ lies east or west of Dnipro? Concomitant w/ destroying all child/human trafficking, Adrrenochrome, Organ Harvesting Ops is obliterating all AZOV vampires. Perhaps the war narrative that Russia is fighting east of the river is just polite civilized distraction (engineered convincingly from both sides) while the real war is being or has already been fought.

Could Nov 5 finally mark the end of the public vs private narrative aspects of this honest-to-goodness WW? White Hats... humanity needs full honest disclosure! Let Natural Karma Law be seen globally. Let's root out Evil once & for all. Let's heal our planet. Let's Evolve as Sentients. Let's commenmorate Peanut & Fred. 2nd Coming is One & All. Let's Go as a Planet of Christed Souls!

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I believe the presstitute bordellos are inflating their viewerships by orders of magnitude beyond what they are. There's no accurate way to measure how many people watch or listen to presstitute bordellos like ABCNews, CBSNews, NBCNews, FOXNews, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, PBS, etc. These presstitute bordellos rely upon a perception among the public that they're authoritative sources, with large audiences, thus they're influential. Because presstitutes do report some legit news, all criminals need cover, even the alternative media references them. It's an old cultural thing embedded in the collective psyche of Americans through at least a hundred years or more of brainwashing. They'll all be gone soon. Good riddance.

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"I cannot wait to see how Ron Paul will be unleashed. I hope they give him a cord and let him flip over some tables. Maybe whip a few central bankers. (One can dream.) — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry "

Love this Ghost! I love Ron Paul! He was my congressman from Texas. Voted for him when he ran for President. Paul joining the Trump team is the best news ever, after a solid landslide win by Trump tomorrow! ❤️🙏🎉🇺🇸

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Ron Paul will be a great addition to the Trump team, which seems to be getting better by the day. As always, thanks for the updates.

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AiA notes that institutional change is a lagging indicator of public opinion. Lagging indicators are an interesting phenomenon. They are like the battleship that takes a mile or two to make a 90 degree turn. Observers who understand know long before the "actual" is completed and what the intent and implications are...but the execution (pun intended) is still a requirement. I guess my point is that we can easily become "bored" or even "anxious" waiting for the inevitable to take place. And in that boredom or anxiety, we can even willfully embrace what the data deny.

No wonder we are told that "patience is the virtue of an ass that trots beneath his burden, and is quiet"... wait, maybe I don't like that quote after all.

GBPH: "Ultimately this is all about incentive structures, and that is a topic that warrants more discussion and dissection." All aboard that train! A quick read of Adam Smith's Book IV of Wealth of Nations (titled "Of Systems of Political Economy") would be a great primer for that discussion!

PS - I am praying for the people of this land - that we would get the leader we deserve!

PPS - I hope that prayer doesn't make anyone nervous!!

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I'm Praying for God's mercy.

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Amen!!! Something I believe we can count on!

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Perhaps off topic, but saw this this morning, and felt it was relevant to share today. We were duped into believing we won the first revolution, so we can't lose the one we are fighting in now! God willing, we win! 🇺🇸🙏🎆

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“Finishing the American Revolution”


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