Ashe: "It’s theater, but it’s nice to see Garland sweat, and we can all breathe another sigh of relief being reminded that this man is not a Supreme Court Justice."

I remind myself of this every time I have the misfortune of seeing him on TV. They claimed he was moderate. Everyone now can see what he would have been on the court.

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We definitely dodged a bullet on that front with that idiot!!

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Much as we dislike it, we have to give Mitch McConnell the credit for that one.

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Yeaaah, I guess!! ;)

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On a scale of 0 to 100, with 0 being 'terrible' and 100 being 'excellent,' very few of the current round of pols are all the way to one end or the other. (Though there are a few dems pretty close to 0...)

Even Trump has stumbled a few times, or at least it appears so to us mortals without omniscience regarding his true strategy. McConnell is not my favorite for sure, but he has been on the right side of several issues, and the Supreme Court and Federal court judge appointments are a shining example of his being on the right side in some matters.

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I'm not sure what you mean ? Trump up by 60 points seems pretty much 100% to me. Who is running besides Biden on the left?

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Many feel that Trump mis-handled the C19 response and vax development, as one example. I'm not sure that I agree with them, because there were many things going on at once and there are things we still do not know. On balance, I like and trust Trump certainly more than any other politician out there.

The only other that I think is worth much is RFK Jr who is basically 'the Trump of the left' though his positions have been moderating regarding the left's favorite issues, like global warming for instance. He has shown himself capable of learning and changing positions where the facts warrant it (the border wall) -- an admirable trait in a politician, which I greatly respect.

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One of many ‘idiots in charge’ in DC.

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I'm developing a serious dislike for severely rotten POS Garland.

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Y'all were spot on today (as usual :-)). Keep up the great work!

One of the best things Trump has done from the moment he came down the Golden Escalator (very possibly sooner but I did not follow any "entertainers" so never paid any attention to him prior) is to NEVER follow the lead of the DS Rat Bastard MSM narrative. If you start with their narrative and try to defend out from there you have already lost.


God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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"Trump skips debates". Why should he of all people or anyone take these debates seriously when the Liberal Democrats, corrupt Judges, DOJ, FBI, Media and all those who are running, who are part this corrupt government don't take the elections seriously?? Until We The People's elections are held legally, honestly and in the interest of the American people, the debates are just a waste of our time!!

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❤️🕊️🇺🇲 TRUMP PEACE: Watch Saudi Leader Tell U.S. Media ‘Every Day We Get Closer’ to Normalization with Israel 🇺🇲🕊️❤️


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everything SATANIC OBAMA put ( or tried to put) in place must be REVERSED...

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Does perjury really matter anymore?

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Perhaps not in this moment... but in a time not too far in the future, it will. I expect well before the statute of limitations runs out.

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Good question...

It matters as long as God and our Christian values matter !

When you forget God and His Verb, you lose your own moral value 🙁

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No. Nor does High Treason…

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I appreciate the research and encouragement that the morning brief provides!

Justin encouraged us to pray! And at that suggestion, I could not help but think of Daniel who spent some 70+ years as a captive to a system that, though allowed by God as a form of discipline to His covenant nation, was (or became) the template for the collectivist mindset. His prayers of intercession were and are majestic (for anyone looking for a "coach" see Daniel 9:4-19).

As for the "Collectivist Beast": The Revelation, chapter 18, provides a recounting of the fall of the "Babylon" system of system (which was actually the planned implosion of collectivism in order to replace it with the "one-world" Beast inclusive of a single religion, government and economy). According to the answer Daniel received after his intercession in chapter 9 (see versus 24-27) this will happen...but not yet! When it does - we will all know!! In the meantime - we need to pray to the God who made us in His Image and Likeness for mercy and favor!

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Why should Trump debate? 1. It IS beneath him and 2. there won't be a 2024 election, he will be President though. You hear things often enough and make sense of them.

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Great News Brief!

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Questions are a very powerful tool for ‘we the people’ here in the US and all countries! Lead on individual freedom supporters.... God bless each question and the one who asks it.🙏🙏

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I still feel that he was referring to the Walter Reed Army Hospital vaccine when he was talking about getting a vaccine that was safe (no mRNA in it. That's what the push to get it was about.

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"Thank you so much."

~ Intelligent Polite Lady, wearing a nice red shirt, & Speaking at the podium.

~ The Sage Hana



(Oops, you may find such ACTUAL DATA upsetting, even if we didn't have to weight, 75 years).







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Very Good !

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