I thoroughly enjoyed watching the ass whuppin Sleepy Pedo Joe took last night in the debate. It was glorious and the meltdown of the CNN talking heads afterward was proof in my mind that we are in control. I have come to believe that We the People won the day Trump was elected in 2016 and everything since then has been a complete take down of the DS Rat Bastards and the Awakening.

I believe MSM is dead and We the People are the news now and that it is our responsibility to be the force that loudly sets the Public Mandate for Justice.

Thanks for all your work to get us these Takes.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I completely agree with you 💯 👌

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Keep your eye on the ball! We are being distracted by the debate when the real problem is election integrity.

Last night Trump blew it. When Biden brought up Jan 6th Trump failed to make the key point that all of America needs to understand. The insurrection worked to perfection to kill off the alternate electors. The proof of election irregularities never made it to the floor. The riot was started the minute Arizona was called to vote their electors! Trump was the big loser due to the riot and Biden was the big winner! Why Trump failed to make that point was a great disappointment to me. I immediately put the debate down as a loss for honesty and integrity. We are still ignoring the truth.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 30

I totally respect your opinion.

I have a different point of view. As I stated above I believe we have been on the offensive since Trump won. No one was more disappointed then me with the events of January 2021. I was there for J6, it was a love fest and all of Trumps supporters were at the Ellipse when the DS Rat Bastards went into the Capitol Building, Trump was working the plan then. So while I want justice yesterday, I have prayed for patience. 2024 will be Biblical. Last night was glorious and Sleepy Pedo Joe got his ass whupped while ALL of Normieville watched in horror (as evidenced by the CNN talking heads after the debacle).

I am taking the Victory and shouting from the rooftop that We the People are the news now and need to own the Public Mandate.

God Bless!!!

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BTW: In a landmark decision and significant victory for January 6 defendants, the Supreme Court has overturned the Department of Justice's use of the obstruction of an official proceeding charge under 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2). This ruling marks an unprecedented defeat for the Biden administration's Department of Justice.

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No argument from me. I am just confused by the delay in springing the trap. The public is being educated but the fact that it needs this much work scares me. I cannot believe Americans are this dense or have no interest in their own future.

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Millions truly are 100% checked out or 100% invested in the leftist narrative. To the death for some. Fortunately, we don't need to reach them all.

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True. We just need a critical mass. And I think we may have already reached it.

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I agree... but here we are.

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I disagree. We needed the Biden presidency to show the dems plans for this country. Without this disaster, we'd have stayed the awful course.

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We had the same thoughts, Joe, and our (formerly liberal) son-in-law was texting me the whole time. He agreed completely with us.👍🇺🇸

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Calling out the CIA (above) is commendable, but perhaps 𝘿𝙚𝙚𝙥 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 should be the CIA's new moniker.

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I like that, but I also favor ComIntern America. At least we'd be calling it what it is.

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Everyone worried about Trump was as disappointing as all the fear porn being spread lately. I appreciated watching his past debates, though, it gave me appreciation for his strength. I NEVER care what Michelle Obama says and I LOVE the Supreme Court showing us how we don't have to abide by the unelected 3 letter agencies bullcrap! We are winning and for the whiners- ever take down an evil that's existed since the beginning of mankind? No... so suck it up and trust God!

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Jarkesy: SCOTUS has basically eliminated Administrative Law Judges in one fell swoop. I do not believe that the full impact of this has yet been comprehended by much of anyone. This will completely change the relationship between the government and the People.

In time, I believe this case will be viewed as one of the most consequential SCOTUS decisions in history.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Another blockbuster ruling, this one appreciated in the moment for what it is:


Unelected bureaucrats may not write regulations with the force of law. Hallelujah! Two decisions in one day, driving stakes into the heart of the administrative state! A red-letter day for the Court if ever there has been one -- and surprising given SCOTUS's lackluster performance in recent days.

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For the good right???

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Yes, from our perspective. From the standpoint of the Deep State, this is an unmitigated disaster, because [they] have used their ALJs with their arbitrary power to lord it over the People and the States. That will now come to an end; those ALJs and their staff should all be let go, as they no longer will have work.

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Oh….the impact on the unelected bureaucratic system, so expanded by Obama, is going to be a huge shock when the unelected power structure realizes we don’t need them. And they won’t be able to do anything about it.🇺🇸

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First let me say in my lifetime LEFTIE moderators were never polite to the Republican candidate. That was the first clue for me that this debate was by design to replace BIden. Although as I understand it an elected sitting president cannot be replaced without his agreement. And the glee expressed if its Gavin Newsome I don't understand. Do people think with a different candidate the policies will be different. And why would you want the whole country turned into a sh*thole like California? Thats my question.

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I agree. But isn’t that the game plan? Now the subject is about changing candidates at the last minute. Who cares? The election is going to be stolen unless we fix the damned problem!

Democrats must destroy their party from within. They have been forced to get onto the Biden bus but the wheels are falling off. Changing candidates just confuses the problem even more. The problem is a party that will do anything to win including lying, murder and stealing elections.

We need more on Seth Rich and how his murder was covered using the dossier. The 2020 stolen election is just one piece of the corruption. The Democrat party must die, but it will need to a suicide. I think we are seeing it happen right now. But I have thought that for 24 years and so far it has survived thanks to the Republicans!

We had all we needed in 2000 with the Votomatic machines in Florida. The pregnant chads were the proof but they had experts deciding the intent of the voter. The actual intent was to steal that election. But Bush won and the whole theft thing just went away. Now we see how the theft has evolved. They have just gotten smarter at being corrupt.

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The cheating is much smoother now because we have computers that can change a vote with one finger, ballot boxes, ballot harvesting....well you get the picture. If the elections were legitimate the Democrat party would have disappeared years ago. No matter what they are involved in debates, elections .. they have to cheat.

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I actually consider that a lot of states have been working behind the scenes to prevent another steal, but so much of the truth you’ve mentioned likely will be revealed ahead of time. I think so many more are awake. And, as my husband reminds me, I have been wrong before.😑

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All I can say is that the tide is turning! Hallelujah! I did not watch the debate bc I knew it would be a disaster for Biden but I did watch and read Telegram and Truth Social! I don’t regret not watching bc these “debates” are not debates! They are shows for the propaganda news media! Thank you to the News Brief contributors! You are a national treasure and should be in President Trump’s garden (not sure of the name) of heroes in this digital war!💥🇺🇸🙏

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That guy playing Joe Biden is absolutely magnificent. I was as impressed with that performance as any I have ever seen! God, that guy is as good as it can get! Think about it. He has the mannerisms, the expressions and the stumbling and mumbling of a deranged, lying fool perfected. That has to be impressive to anyone watching. I know it blew me away!

What happens in September when he performs like a Rhodes scholar and blows Trump off the stage? I see a potential problem.

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Have not read the brief yet as am enjoying IMMENSELY the post-debate coverage on Badlands. Very good night. And somebody needs to clip GBPH “I want Hillary so bad.” 😂

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Although it may be true that the debate set up may have been designed to replace Biden, you still have to look at the fact they originally set it up to hamper Trump- CNN? Jake Tapper? No audience? Mikes cut off by moderators. Q said “They never thought she would lose”, the new quote should be “They never thought Trump would accept.”

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So Judge Cannon has come under “scrutiny” ?? You don’t say. I’m thinking really hard, trying to remember if the commie judges in the other Trump cases came under scrutiny”scrutiny”. I’m still trying to remember….

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The debate was successful in the contrast between the participants; especially given how the entire process was highly structured for Biden. The media response was priceless…’approaching panic’ in the opinion of one CNN pundit.

Supremes did one great ruling by cutting the powers of the unelected bureaucratic system. Mark Joseph Stern’s comments covered the extent of the damage to the deep state. Sad, isn’t it?

As Netanyahu (with US cabal minion support) is working hard to start the WWIII distraction, Russia is exposing the truth about the NAZIs, not only in Ukraine, but in the west.

Big Pharma might be seeing the end of their killing spree as the real heroin decrease exposes the connections to the fentanyl cartel.

Government and corporations working together in tandem is fascism. Having to send in the mercenaries is telling. CIA in control, still and always in tandem with State.

Court cases are going to move when directed to meet whatever agenda is the driver.

Ghost nailed it with his advice, ‘Now is not the time to panic. Now is the time to keep a cool head. Those who panic are the ones who will lose. Whenever chaos erupts, always look for the guy in the room who is calm. He is the one who is going to make it. Be that guy.’

Michelle/Michael….if they can talk him/her into it; should provide a lot of drama. They have to do something. Panic!

God bless all who contribute, especially those who research and analyze to separate the truth from the clown shows! Hard work. Thanks to BB, Ashe, & Ghost today!🙏🙏

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Onwards calmly…

Great comment. I love your recaps.

This happened today


Does it mean the imprisoned J6ers can see light at the end of this dark tunnel…how soon?

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Those imprisoned solely on 1512 'violations' are presently illegally imprisoned.

Some are also held for other 'crimes,' so it is not clear if or when they must be released.

That article also talks about the effect on Jack Smith's DC prosecution of Trump, which is also based on 1512. The idiot Smith is seeing both of his witch hunts falling apart. Couldn't happen to a more deserving fellow.

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Thank You WildBill!

So, illegally imprisoned should mean immediate release within days…maybe July 4th 🇺🇸 Let the interviews begin!!

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Proof that the DoJ does not intend to go quietly into the good night:


Hell hath no fury like a jilted lawyer...

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Another reason we don’t need them in Congress…

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Correct, if [they] follow the law... we shall see how much they drag their feet.

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Trying to remain calm

DC contempt for the Rule of Law on full display

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That guy just looks like a weasel, doesn't he? God reserves a special place in hell for vermin like this.

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True!! I’m ready to see justice somewhere…..anywhere.

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I surely hope so. A friend of mine is representing one of the J6 defendants and all he’s been able to say is how biased the Judge in that case is. Hopefully, this will help his case. I’ll ask him Sunday. These wrongfully convicted innocents should be awarded significant damages and restitution. I get really ticked off when I think about how many lives the ‘regime’ has screwed over!!🤬

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Julie Kelly listed the rest of the wicked perpetrators of the unlawful application of the 1512c rulings in the J6 cases.


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Thank you once again Badlands Team and the commenters here as well.

GBPH: "Our leaders are deranged. They have fallen into a spiral of groundless psychosis, fueled by appalling opulence and unhinged emotional petulance."

Not sure if this is common knowledge but there is a verse in the Revelation, describing the "Kings of the earth" as those under the dominion of the great harlot Babylon and the "merchants of the earth" as those who have become powerful by Babylon's "luxury". The word (often translated sensuality or luxury) is only used here (Rev18:3); it is the Greek "strēnos" that means exactly "insolent luxury". Babylon is the common name for system of system that has been at work in the lives of Mankind for thousands of years. Its strategies have been disclosed - and yet, we still fall victim to them.

I wonder why? (Okay - I don't really wonder...those answers were also disclosed.)


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Although it may be true that the debate set up may have been designed to replace Biden, you still have to look at the fact they originally set it up to hamper Trump- CNN? Jake Tapper? No audience? Mikes cut off by moderators. Q said “They never thought she would lose”, the new quote should be “They never thought Trump would accept.”

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True, but Trump couldn't have set it up better himself - a lot of people watched just to see how badly CNN would sway the debate to stop Trump, and instead saw the supposed sure winner go down in flames. it's as if a hobbled horse took the Triple Crown.

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There’s a lot of focus on how poorly Biden did. I also see how great Trump did.

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I saw a clip briefly last night of the poll taken afterwards of "who won the debate?" It had Trump 67% to 33%. Now. I know to take that with a grain of salt, but it still seems there are some strong pockets of TDS.

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Yes, I saw that poll also. I agree.

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Who cares what the former First Imposter Ladyboy thinks of Biden. She is best suited on the Kids Choice Awards and doing her BS rap songs. Her hatred of the white race, her toxic meals for schoolkids scam along with the coverup of the Chefs death leaves me cold. The idea that anyone cares what this ladyboy has to say or thinks, also leaves me cold. First things first... Who is this ladyboy impersonating a First Lady Illegally and who are these kids of theirs really? Obviously, these people are as corrupt as their CIA bosses. These people were placed in the position by George Soros/Bushes aka CIA. Someone needs to find out who that Ladyboy really is. Shes no more a First Lady than I am. That is also not the real Biden so WTF is going on here? All the speculation adds to the comedy of this clown show. The questions by CNN about the black race ONLY, was so racist and probably written by Ladyboy herself.

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Except for Trump and some if his close associates, these people are all cabal puppets. They are not even trying to hide it anymore. But their day is coming, when they will answer for their crimes -- first here, to We the People, and finally to God before they are sent to their eternity in hell.

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and the reason they're floating Michael's opinion of the Bidens is they are emotionally shopping "her" around the electorate to see how she'd be received as a replacement for Biden.

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What last night’s debate showed me is the net result of a stolen election. Trump has succeeded in chasing the far left into a corner. The Russia hoax that spun out of the Seth Rich murder led to the Mueller investigation. That failed and led to impeachment number one which was collapsing when COVID popped up. Meanwhile the CIA/FBI had the Hunter laptop but failed to do anything. That came to light in 2020 just before the election and the “51 experts” lied to allow for the election to be stolen. This led to Jan6th which led to all of the craziness that Trump pointed to last night.

So, my question for us is, “Will the Democrats be allowed to get away with stealing the 2020 election?” So far they have not been caught and Biden even emphasized that fact last night in the debate. In other words the fact that they succeeded and he was still standing on the stage as our president proves the election was fair and legal.

Today 100% of all discussion is about the debate with no thought about how Biden got to be there in the first place. There is the psyop working to perfection. We are still being duped by experts.

Can the bad guys still steal the 2024 election? I bet that is in the works right now! Look, to solve any problem you must properly define the problem. The problem is a corrupt Democrat party that will do anything to win. So far, where have they really lost? They are in control right now despite last night’s craziness.

We have a lot of work to do!

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Funny that at the same time bibi has his dirty little hands busy in his part of the world, and fake players in the uke/afghan region seem to be flailing, our supposed “leaders” are going down shit creek without a paddle!?!----so as I strive to be the calm one in the room of chaos, can I be giddy as well(I think I will). God Bless!!!

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July 4th Cookout Cost Reaches ‘Record High’ Due to Inflation, Farm Bureau Says


The Farm Bureau survey found that the retail price for 2 pounds of ground beef has increased by 11 percent to $12.77, and 3 pounds of pork chops has increased by 8 percent to $15.49. However, it found that chicken prices have fallen by about 4 percent from last year, to $7.83 for 2 pounds of chicken breasts.

“Combined, the chicken breasts, pork chops, and hamburger meat account for over 50 percent of the cost of the summer cookout, showing how much the meat case influences the overall cost of the cookout,” the bureau stated.

A number of other products—including hamburger buns, potato chips, cheese, ice cream, lemonade, and strawberries—have increased in price. The only other item to see a decline was “homemade potato salad,” which decreased by 4 perce

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

As for last nights debate... I am tired of hearing about the "CHOICE PLAN FOR VETERANS" Its a failure, and I know it because I got the 7500 bill for the CHOICE which the VA refused to pay. If I have an emergency, I have to drive 1 hr to the VA in Ann Arbor MI. Urgent care is not covered locally. I went to ER at VA on a FRIDAY, when Employees take a FRIDAY off paid every week. 7 hours sitting there unseen, I finally left and drove home. #2, It took me 4 months to get the "CHOICE" approved only to have the VA come back and say "They didn't approve it" after the treatment and the bills were submitted to them, and would not pay it. 3 years hounded by creditors I negotiated for 1/2 that amount and paid it off. I have the Choice Approval letter but so what. Congress could not even help me with that. I was told by U of MI medicine where I was seen that VA does this to everyone, but I still had to pay them. They told me "SORRY". How could TRUMP give FAILURES at the VA who cant manage their own system, something else to fail at? WTF is that? Sorry TRUMP but you are out of touch. CHOICE made it worse for us. THE RIGHT TO TRY, is also joke. The Insurance companies will not pay for alternative medical care. Im a TRUMPER 100% but lets keep it real, healthcare sucks when BILL GATES FOUNDATION OWNS EVERY PHARMACUTICAL and EVERYONE ELSE. We have a CDC out to kill us and build camps for us to quarantine us (42 Billion dollars to them in 2021) and a Congress that handed them the money to do it. We dont need a VA. Abolish it and give veterans a healthcare good everywhere. The VA and all these "PROGRAMS" are a waste of MONEY! While they earn 6 figure salaries, and we get the shit they hand us. I found the debate a waste of time. PS, for all Veterans and their families. When you call that whistleblower line the VA set up, I was told by the DR at the VA it goes right to their offices. They laughed about it. The letter I wrote President TRUMP while he was President was rerouted back to the VA Clinic in my hometown and I was called to ask WHY I WROTE THE PRESIDENT. I requested proof of the letter and they emailed it to me. They then informed me of the 800 number Whistle blower calls I had made. Emails are surely tracked as well. I will die at home before I ever walk into another VA. We Veterans are a fkn joke to this RIGGED SYSTEM. Fake JOE and a Tired TRUMP. If any Veteran needs legal help for benefits call 401 331-6300 Chisholm and Kilpatrick. They are the best of the best. Go to their website... Dot waste time with veterans organizations. You need a LAWYER! They do ONLY Veterans Claims.

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The VA where we are is the exact opposite of what you’ve described…going above and beyond to ensure my husband’s health needs are covered, including approving 2 local, non-VA specialists. I won’t allow him to work with them on his cancer treatment. He has to stay on a chemo drug for the rest of his life…. I have NEVER been a fan, but this one VA unit has definitely changed. Praying yours does, too.🙏🙏

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Im glad your happy. Personally, Id rather have the healthcare the VA employees/ Government get! 100% excellent covered care. Ironic isnt it......

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Ironic and terribly corrupt. Vets deserve better care vs the bureaucrats. I can’t imagine Trump reneging on his promise to fix the VA. Of course, I live in a red state….

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I live in a RINO state

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Hopefully (and prayerfully) not for long, Catherine!!

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