Nancy Pelosi is insane. Ronald Reagan never dreamed we would have NO borders in the U.S. and we the taxpayers will now subsidize the entire world. The American Dream was meant for Americans and that includes Immigrants that entered the U.S. legally. For years immigrants were excited to assimilate into the American culture and learning English went without saying. Now people come here and cling to their own cultures and flags and don't intend to become Americans but want to sponge off Americans. And Diversity, for Pelosi's information, has brought down many nations its not the miracle of all miracles. This woman should be taken out of the population she's dangerous.

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Well said! She's also a disgrace as an American!

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It’s treason, folks.

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TOTALLY AGREE !! Also, what about the homeless Americans who have more of a 'right', if anyone does, to "The American Dream". WOW she is so nuts. The audience is insane as well.

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It's important to not get discouraged by so much crime being revealed. The justice phase is just around the corner. Keep the faith! God wins.

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We should find the revelation encouraging, in fact. Exposure, disclosure, justice. It's the only way.

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Absolutely. I get it. It's just heavy.

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I have been helping my grandson with his American government class and one of the assignments was to read excerpts from the essays written by an anti federalist who wrote under the pen name of Brutus. We also read excerpts from other anti federalist writings as well as excerpts from The Federalist Papers. I was flabbergasted at how on point the concerns of the anti federalists were and how things they said could happen under federalism actually HAVE happened. I’m 65 and I don’t remember ever reading any of this in my government classes. The Bill of Rights is the document that protects US. Not necessarily the Constitution itself. Now a lot of you may have already known this. But I read a lot and this whole thing was new to me.

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Order a copy of the Federalist Papers. It’s eye opening. Blessings.🙏🇺🇸

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Honestly every thing about the constitution that concerned the anti federalists has slowly come to fruition.

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Is it terrible that the thought of criminals being prosecuted for treason makes me smile? I wouldn't be surprised or sorry if Facebook disappears. I love seeing the proof that we'd be tired of winning. And I'm confident that there are contingency plans for anything the enemy will try to do for the election. I live in a small town in Northern Michigan and up here it's Trump country and people up here like the 2nd amendment if you know what I mean....

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Here as well…

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How far north? (I grew up in Midland, FWIW. Traveled around a bit though.)

And no, to your question, seeking justice for criminals is honorable. If they have committed treason, they deserve to pay the price.

If you let criminals get away with crime, you get more crime -- until something finally breaks. Look at any major US city run by progressives. Hellholes. Like NYC before Giuliani cleaned it up -- it can be done, but like the old joke about how many shrinks it takes to change a light bulb -- it only takes one, but the bulb really has to want to change.

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Thanks...I agree. I'm in Oscoda but grew up in the Detroit area. Came north twenty years ago.

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I've been to that area, Au Gres, Tawas City/East Tawas, Oscoda -- pleasant getaway from the 'city' of Midland. My best friend and I ran a dance deejay business in mid-Michigan in the 1970s and we once played a dance at Au Gres-Sims Twp. High School. 'Happy Days' was popular then, and they wanted a 1950s themed dance. Only problem was their familiarity with the music of the '50s was pretty much limited to Happy Days -- they really didn't know most of what actually was popular back then.

Did you get in on any of the excitement when that Ohio National Guard F-16 dropped its fuel tanks? I heard one of them landed in a shopping center parking lot, Tawas City IIRC...

Small world -- WB 🍻

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That's funny. Well a client of ours, who just lost her husband, was parked there but forgot her shopping list, and left. The engine fell on her parking spot..

She told another client that she thinks her husband was protecting her. It's funny how misinformation spreads so fast but nobody was harmed. Hopefully when we retire we will move downstate by our kids and grandkids. Thanks for asking!

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Little moments of providence abound, if you are open to seeing them. Once I was staying with my wife's family in California, and we'd bought some new liquor and wine to stock up the liquor cabinet. There was a probably 40-year old bottle of 'Tom & Jerry Mix' which was basically rum and brandy, IIRC. Anyway there wasn't more than a shot there, bottle was almost empty and probably had been for most of those 40 years, and I told my wife that I'd drink it with our egg nog next day (it was Christmastime) to clear out space.

Well, next day I went to finish off that old bottle, and it was nowhere to be found! Noone in the house had any idea where it had gone; wife's mom basically never even touched anything in there. We looked high and low and never found the bottle. Wife thinks her grandpa (passed years earlier) was worried and asked my dad (also passed) who was a research chemist if that stuff was still safe. My dad would have told him, 'well, after all this time it might have oxidized to acetaldehyde, which is toxic (a liver poison).' So somehow that leftover bottle simply disappeared. Nobody has seen or found it since. Basically vanished without a trace, as if it had been taken up on a Star Trek transporter beam.

I do believe that those who have passed have some ability to affect things on earth. How and why, who knows? Maybe Jesus himself helped them, makes as much sense as anything.

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I am so glad to catch up with your Takes before I have to start into my work week.

GBPH your line: "More jabbering from more baboons." made me laugh...twice. That is how I take all the bullshit the DS Rat Bastards spew. Laugh immediately is my best advice as to how to handle anything the MSM = LIES forwards. I truly believe starting from any of their narrative talking points and trying to defend from there is a lose before you start. Simply laugh at them and if that does not embarrass them back into their hole then maybe simply use Chris Paul's "You Sound Vaccinated" line on them and walk away:-)

I look forward to tomorrow's Takes.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Omgosh I did NOT know Chris Paul said that. I think that ALL the time! Wow.. great minds...

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He had a great meme on X to go with it too 🤣

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I’m still chuckling!!🤭

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The only people left in Colorado to fight the illegals are those men, not in uniform, that have the balls to lay down their life for their friends. Because when they start sniping the invaders, the Colorado state police and other such ilk will be looking for the snipers. Mark my words, apparently this is where revolution 2.0starts.

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Brazilians should find out how millions of Chinese access YouTube and other banned social media from the west. Also Supreme Court Judge Moraes threat to fine anyone accessing X using a VPN is interesting. That can only work by having his minions follow every Brazilian on X. The whole idea of having a VPN is to make impossible to be tracked by individuals or governments.

Moraes just made X even more attractive to Brazilians by banning it. People love seeing anything a government or social media bans, as has been proven time after time.

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Also the banning of X in Brazil also shows that Moraes is very afraid, and in his mind X and its followers are much more powerful than he. If one could draw a picture of how Moraes thinks it would show X represented by a giant and Moraes himself represented as a tiny insect.

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Burning Bright notes an interesting truth with an even more interesting result, ‘…Narrative Convergence is a feature of patriot control…’. We’re seeing the escalating results of the convergence of many different paths. I agree that the cabal and their minions have lost control to the extent that they will be unable to regain it. NCSWIC.🇺🇸. Plus, the lines are now publicly drawn between the world’s patriots and the cabal. No wonder they’re trying to shut off communications.

At the same time they’re desperately censoring and blocking social media, Musk’s case against Media Matters rises up to the public eyes.

Interfere in the 2024 election and you will spend the rest of your life in jail. Don’t they remember that this treason means we get the wealth, too.

Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Yes, they hate it. Ghost recommendation is absolutely necessary. ‘Time to resurrect the Federalist/Anti-Federalist debate.’ Indeed!🇺🇸

Nancy Pelosi, her handlers and their bosses should be in jail (temporarily) to await the tribunals for treason and crimes against humanity. Remember the penalty for both charges? Ashe, ‘…will we deport the criminal invaders, lock up Nancy Pelosi and her allies…’. Hence the ‘temporary’ status.

Thank you, Ghost of BPH, for your extensive investigation into the true history of the European and Middle East conflict, including the crimes of the cabal-led Israeli regime. It’s especially telling the Templars had their beginning (once again) in Prussia. I’m thrilled the Alliance is stabilizing this area and that the eternally oppressed African nations will finally have opportunity to excel and manage their own resources.

Ghost also stated what I totally believe. ‘The Nazis never left.’ Nope…and they not only ruled the UK and EU, but more importantly to ‘we the people,’ they have ruled DC for many years. The proof of the Nazis in DC? What my mother said for years, that actions speak louder than words. In DC’s case, MUCH louder. Especially now when they know the rule is ending and more and more are seeing the truth of this.

God bless these patriot warriors and their families.🙏🙏🇺🇸

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"Words have power. If they didn't, why would the Wicked Witches want to take them away from you?"

-- el gato malo

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Ghost, you need to read some Mike King books - the truth about "Nazis", Roosevelt, Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Eisenhower - everything you assume to be true is the reverse, and no, Hitler was not a Rothschild. King has extensively researched the roots of that war, going back through WWI, to our Civil War, to our Revolutionary War, back to the French Revolution, Napoleon, Oliver Cromwell, and the Rothschilds of course. It is all connected, in ways most people have never heard about, even patriots.

See his articles here:


...and some of his books are on Amazon again (many were previously banned, some still are).

You can find many videos of him on Rumble, often with Patriot Underground and NewsTreason

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

I have just read thoroughly four pieces from this Mike King archive page.

Fatal errors are: his pet suppositions; omission of important provable historical facts which would greatly alter his narrative; failing to consider clear contradictory evidence that would sweep away his entire published raison d‘être.

I will read some others because he is such a clear — and interesting — exemplar of these errors. But I would caution you and any readers to exercise greater discernment, and large measure of salt, before imbibing his brew.

Please, for a more thorough and intelligent understanding, visit the “Breaking History” archives and Matthew Ehret’s many offerings.

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To your point; "With all the obfuscation that has gone on surrounding the world wars, it is difficult to sort out"

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And I should trust your random judgement... why? Go read some more, and then take up your argument with Mike.

I've already been reading extensively for many years.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

Do whatever you want. No need to get snippy, missy. Trusting random judgement? Hmmm 🤔…methinks you may want to think about that one.

And I do hope people will read several of his pieces linked in his archives. As I mentioned — they are somewhat interesting.

Addendum: to answer your question, I have no desire to “take it up with Mike”. He did not post, you did. Therefore, I took it up with you.

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LOL Look who's getting "snippy" - at least I don't resort to calling names. In my experience it's only people who are not on solid ground who do that.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

…sadly, sometimes shoes fit very well.

If you’d like to say something more mature than “LOL” and the like, and post something a little more substantial than offense and an attempt at derision, at a very mild and appropriate condescension on my part, please do.

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deletedSep 2·edited Sep 2
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Triggered, much? :)

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Nice reply. To people who want to start schooling Ghost and Matt Ehret on this particular subject: 🙄

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Says someone who clearly hasn't read Mike King. :)

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What has Mike King written about Operation Gladio? Do you have a reference?

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How about you ask him? Or do a little Google search of your own? I'm not here to fetch for you.

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Hahaha. So he doesn’t know about it. That’s the problem with a one trick pony. You end up in a hang out and don’t get the whole picture. You just exposed him and yourself. Because if he knew what he was talking about you would have responded of course. We see this a lot in these comments. I know all about operation Gladio. Don’t have to google it. I fetched it a long time ago.

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There was a lot of betrayal of Hitler by some high ups in the NSDAP. That became more apparent to him toward the end of the war. These are the "Nazis" that Ghost has in mind, I believe. Bottom line, Hitler was trying to save Germany and Europe from being taken over by Communists. With all the obfuscation that has gone on surrounding the world wars, it is difficult to sort out.

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You are correct that Hitler was trying to save Europe from Communism and war, and yes he was also betrayed by an infiltration of traitors - Mike King has researched this extensively and it's eye-opening and life-changing to read. Nuremberg was a travesty against humanity, and we have all been extensively lied to about everything we can possibly imagine. By the way, "Nazi" was a word made up in the media by the usual suspects. The NSDAP never called themselves that. :)

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deletedSep 2·edited Sep 3
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Yes, I have read Mein Kampf. I have two copies, one in English, one in German. What a gaslighter you are. Wisdom is chasing you, but you are tooooo fast.

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Yes, from Prussia.

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Regarding Africa. The French and American troops have been thrown out of Mali & Chad in Africa in the last year. The US is now struggling to find another partner country to establish a drone base in southern Africa. The vaccum has been filled mostly by Russia, a bit by the Chinese and now we see Arab nations are extremely interested. Our military base in Niger is now home to Russian troops. The Biden adminstration strikes again with more inept foreign policy. IMO Africa will become the next major player, just like India with massive populations and natural resources, playing both sides of the game of Western countries vs Russia, China & the Arabs. We also see the same major players establishing Brics and the end of the petrodollar. Was backing Ukraine & Israel worth bringing the US into banana republic territory? We are being led by fools

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Um.....that Tweet about the Hell's Angels going to Aurora? Perhaps you should vet this stuff a little better? The videos were from 2022 or 2023, like Rolling Thunder 2022 and the Sturgis M/C rally in 2023. They have nothing to do with Aurora, CO and they are NOT headed to Aurora to fight the Venezuelans gangs.

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“Time to resurrect the Federalist/Anti-Federalist debate.”

Its not coincidental that one rarely hears the “Anti-Federalist Papers” mentioned.

“States Rights” is a naughty concept and Honest Abr sits in a temple in a throne supported by fasces.

Reducing the subject to literal black vs white is a very comfortable way of side stepping the issue of where actual power resides.

The human heart cannot be legislated. It can be coerced, but only God can change man’s heart.

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True…God alone.🙏

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President Trump is for law and order, for the Constitution, and for the rights of people. He is giving power back to the people, which the establishment hates and tried to kill him for it. This article seems to say the opposite. Just pointing that out.

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I stand with the Hells Angels. If your government is tyrannical and is doing everything in their power to ignore things that are hurtingWe the People, are doing things to destroy We the People, someone has to step in.

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It would be nice, but the Hell’s Angels will likely be protecting their own backyards. It will take patriots living in Colorado to make a difference.

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Aren't there Hell's Angels in Colorado?

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"Trump is both threatening and codifying. He’s telling those still sitting on the fence that they’ll have to hop off of it soon, and throw in with the likes of Musk and Durov, or else take their chances with the globalist regime ..." -- Burning Bright

Back during the 2008 election, when Glenn Beck was still at CNN (you may remember [they] took him off the air in both 2008 (CNN) and 2012 (Fox) when he proved too effective against Obama), he made a prediction of sorts that is now reaching its final conclusion. It probably took longer than Glenn expected, but it is here. Paraphrasing, he said "Folks, it's time to decide which side you are on. Because if you don't, someone will come along and knock you down off the fence and into the fray, and probably not at a time and place that would be of your choosing. So choose now, and choose well."

You are here.

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The fact that we have nonstop Pfizer drug ads after the murder of millions by Pfizer, is a testament that we have no Law and Order. Fauci still a free man and Deep State already telling us of their Cyber-attack coming, the way they did COVID. Between that and the collapse of the banking system...we are in for some very dark days ahead.

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