Isn’t it amazing how quickly our authorities solve major incidents - within hours - the Baltimore bridge crash wasn’t terrorism, the Crocus attack wasn’t Ukraine, the Russian interference in our 2016 elections had no American collaboration, Benghazi was triggered by a video… and the list goes on.

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I respect Simon's direct and confrontational Take on pedophilia. His willingness to address the topic at all is reflected in his article from June of last year. "This is one of the major dilemmas of living in a culture that has been grooming men to sexually idolize younger and younger females. The top search term in the porn industry is ‘Teen.’ In orbit around this are terms like "barely legal." The porn industry seems to be spending billions grooming men in the direction of pedophelia. This form of grooming is rarely addressed."

As a pre-teen boy I had to defend myself violently twice from the advances of adult men - once from the operator of the local paper's delivery routes...and that was in the early 70's. And no I didn't tell anyone (in fact this is the first time I have ever brought it up), not because I wasn't horrified, but because I wanted to keep my first job (I somehow won a brand new bike in a sales contest the next month too)...the story gets worse but I will stop here, hopefully making my point.

I do believe there is an answer and, like Simon, I believe that reversing the course of this ship will take effort (imagine turn battle ship around).

I also suspect that the general population has become so cowed by the assault against standards, the manipulation of language, and the long-game strategies of our enemy that we may not be capable of the accepting the determination that some actions - and even some thoughts - are wrong. As I have noted before, we need to accept that Truth is and that it comes from our loving Creator; and that He is able and willing to Ransom and Redeem any and every one from any and every sin (oops - did I say that word?)!

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Mar 28·edited Mar 28

Sometime after 9/11 someone told Jon Stewart that he was super smart, smarter than most - the next Walter Cronkite - and boy did he run with that. What we're seeing out of him now is late stage entrenchment as a narcissistic fool, 20 years-worth of him trying to prove to himself (and us) his intellectual/moral/patriotic superiority.

And what a shame. His critical eye in the early 2000s was interesting, at least to me, and seemed to shine a non-partisan light on the corruptions inherent in our systems. What we're seeing out of him today, by contrast, is completely self-serving. He is now just one among many liberal fools serving global masters, getting high on the smell of his own farts and lecturing to the rest of us about how to think and behave. No thanks. Please take Stephen Colbert with you as you go straight to hell. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

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Have you looked into the interesting coincidence between the cargo vessel, the shipping company and the recent death of its CEO Angela Chao, the sister-in-law of Mitch McConnell.

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Thanks y'all.

The fact that DJT did so well the 1st day of trading is Glorious.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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The larger question about the Baltimore bridge is whether we have the engineering talent to rebuild it. Our schools have been dumbing down students for 2 generations. It's shocking to think about, but it's a valid question I think. America is a much different place now than it was in the 1970s when the bridge was built.

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John Stewart wins Hypocrite of the Year.

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I'm going to use the bad fruit analogy for the pedophiles. If a rotten apple remains in a bag of fruit what happens? The rest of the fruit will also rot. To preserve the good fruit the rotten must removed. Same with the Pedophiles. They must be removed to set an example of what we MUST NEVER DO AGAIN! I'm not judging but in this case I believe that's what God would want. 🙏

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“ Our culture is a massive ship and the course correction that is due needs to be comprehended in scale, time and difficulty. Both long term and short term solutions are needed to heal from the large scale sexual abuse of the human collective as a whole.” — Simon Esler

An ideological war that’s been going on for over half a century. The core driver of this war IS satanic/demonic and exposing the source is becoming more and more necessary…but as always, there is a natural inclination to avoid that most deep and darkest rabbit hole. Porn is addicting - there are articles which equate that addition to being greater than heroin -and there is free access to the porn drug to younger and younger children. Heartbreaking to think of the 8-10 yr old boys getting hooked, logging in day after day…a gateway to sexual violence and deviancy. Pizzagate is real and the sick CIA-controlled MSM attack to discredit it proves that the demonic forces at work were threatened…but not enough. It can’t go away!!

The “precipice” is a shifting marker in my mind but as I think about it now, I see that “the precipice” is All of Us getting to a point in time of Knowing what is REALLY going on and it is satanic, demonic, evil ONLY because it remains hidden behind conspiracy labels and a complicit MSM.

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Blatant corruption pushed into the public eye is rapidly escalating.

“There has also been no pollution.”

“There is minor sheening on-scene.”

“…not all sheens are the result of pollution.”

“The amount of potential oil spill is 1.8M gallons of marine grade diesel.”

“The Department of Homeland Security has also deemed the water near the crash site unsafe for divers…”

So, setting the stage for a massive oil spill? Where’s the transportation secretary…oh, right. Biden announced immediately that the government is footing all the bills. 🧐. What? Isn’t there insurance? Oh, right. If there’s insurance, it requires a detailed inspection …. Oh, my! Coverups implemented so swiftly. Did ‘they’ know? Oh, what else is in the containers not labeled hazardous?

The central bankers are behind in the race to get blockchain technology…..

The real estate industry is on shaking grounds, at least in NYC. Boomerang inbound, I’d guess…for the corrupt participants in the court system, too.

The increasing exposures of the pedophilia cult, along with gradually revealing the methods of ensuring multigenerational pedophiles will eventually expose and destroy the cabal’s criminal and evil organization. Everything is connected like a spider web. How does one destroy a web? One thread at a time. It’s apparent many threads are being pulled and more are added daily.

God bless the truthers and bless those who suffer.🙏🙏

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Very good post on pedophilia, Simon. Agree that we have allowed this to be normalized, which is having a cascade of damaging and destructive outcomes across society.

When the value and rights of vulnerable human beings are no longer respected and protected, you get human and child trafficking, seniors being deliberately murdered in hospitals and nursing homes, citizens being forced to submit to bioweapons, government financial support for the most vulnerable cut (witness the UK), abandonment of veterans, and on and on.

It's so true that we have a culture that steers men towards this, with the entertainment and music industries being key. I have lived and traveled in Muslim and Buddhist cultures where things like rape, incest and child molestation are not tolerated, and those societies have felt much safer on many different levels. (But of course the 'west is always best' and we mustn't laud those 'inferior' cultures, must we?)

Perhaps it's also because those cultures have a spiritual basis, whereas spirituality is being attacked in the west. Using other human beings to satisfy one's own carnal needs requires the abandonment of empathy and compassion, the bedrock of sprirituality. Our atheistic capitalist culture has championed winning at all costs, no matter who one hurts. We are our own enemy and I agree, must operate from a place of empathy in coming up with solutions to what we have allowed to become normalized. We cannot allow the war on men/white men to progress as yet another front in the war on humankind.

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Diddy was supposed 2B DS Fall Guy. But White Hats wanna go higher up food chain (literally).

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Thank you, BB, for recommending the interview btw Jon Herold and Mike Benz. It was great, and I mean"great" when great means learning more and more about the bamboozlement of America by the shadow government for my entire adult life. Truth matters. But I was pretty sure I heard Mike use the term "samizdat". This is a term I learned as a Russian major. As you probably know, it's literal meaning is "self-published". It is the way the freedom-loving Slavs published information that went against government narratives of the times, from the tsarist regimes through the Soviet domination. The truth community is now seeking out all the samizdat we can get. The Badlands rally cry, "We are the news now" is as ubiquitous as WWG1WGA! Yay! For you guys!! Keep truth coming.

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Both Phil G & Tore are reporting: P DIDDY cut a deal w/ White Hats ... Feds were planning to murder the rapper & Baltimore Bridge Op was planned distraction ... Are JayZ & Beyonce on the RUN? Nickelodeon & Disney = Tip of Iceberg. Whom else in Music/Entertainment Industry does P have Pedo Filth on video? Phil implied Top Sports Icons will be included. Dare I say GOATS? What about Hussein & Big Mike?

EXPOSURE = De-masking Hi Level Pedos = Global Perp Walk coming Soon! Has March Madness only just begun? Hours in advance of Baltimore Bridge Collapse, Both Phil & Tore idenpendently posted on Telegram comms of coming event in Baltimore ... hmmmmm ... guess both have friends w/ solid intel. Or they employ really good psychics. huh? Q said: NO Deals ... But then the real world requires making deals? comments

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Question - How much does a pipeline under sea water cost to replace?


How much revenue was lost when the pipeline stop pumping?

Just a question..... Russia Russia Russia remembers.

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