Everything reads like a HollyWeird script these days. We are truly watching a movie.

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When I heard Gaetz had stepped down I instantly saw the chessboard and heard “The chess pieces are moving”… all these rug-pull incidents are leading up to the time where the whole thing is pulled out from under these people.

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May I agree and make a point no one seems to think about? Does anyone recall the MSG rally where Trump mentioned his “little secret” with Gaetz? He also mentioned he might use the Alien Act of 1798 to export illegals. Somehow our media missed what is being said here. It is actually important to them. But, they do not know the history.

The Act in 1798 was not the Alien Act, it was the Alien and Sedition Act! And that is a very key point. It lost the Presidency for John Adams and put Thomas Jefferson into the White House, but it also created the screwball mess we have today! No one remembers what actually happened nor how it has put America into the predicament we have and it all comes down to a single word. That word is “false”. Jefferson won because he fooled the public into thinking John Adams had violated the Constitution just a few years after we worked so hard to make it the law of the land. And the public bought the story. We have suffered ever since.

The Alien act is what survived. Jefferson’s Congress struck down the Sedition part of the act so that part is now totally legal. But, what did the sedition part say? There is the key question.

The Sedition Act said it was illegal and punishable as a crime to criticize our government with utterance or in print of any false statement. In other words, any citizen had to know the truth before criticizing the government or any government official.

John Adams almost lost his election in 1796 due to newspaper stories accusing him of all sorts of immoral and unjust acts that were totally made up by unknown official sources. Actually, most of these stories were leaked by Thomas Jefferson and his cohorts. So, the whole idea by Adams was to stop false reporting and make it illegal.

Does anyone see what I see today? Think about Matt Gaetz. Think about 90% of what gets reported in the news. I say John Adams had it absolutely right and allowed Thomas Jefferson to use our First Amendment against us by ignoring that one word! He chose to argue the law conflicted with the First Amendment by destroying freedom of speech. But, in truth, it destroyed freedom of false speech.

Here we are 223 years down the American road from the repeal of the Sedition part, and the news media is still using unnamed sources for false claims and it is still totally legal, by law!

That, is what I think the “little secret” is. It has been hidden from us since our very early days and it is the cause of much of our political corruption. Lying is totally legal and not punishable by law!

Maybe we need to check out that repeal from 1801! Was it constitutional or was John Adams correct all along?

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By the way, this is why none of the 51 idiots who signed that letter saying the Hunter laptop was likely Russian disinformation will never be prosecuted. Nor will any other “legal weasel” liars. They are not liars because lying is completely OK thanks to Thomas Jefferson. His argument was, “We already have libel and slander laws so we do not need the Sedition Act at all.” The problem is it costs a fortune and may take years to “prove” someone lied and damaged you personally. So, the Sedition Act put the onus onto the liar to prove his claim was correct. Just think how many lawyers would be put out of work if lying was actually made illegal. Would that be a violation of our freedom? As you can tell, I am a huge John Adams fan. Jefferson set the stage for all future Democrats. They have perfected the plausible lie.

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They may not face justice for that, but, one can rest assured they will face justice for more egregious crimes. Blessings, Jim!🙏

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Ok I think I get it. It’s lawful to lie. So how does this

Get changed?

The 51 intel liars, false accusations on Adams, on Trump on Gaetz, so how is this solved.

Russia, Russia, Russia. Lies every word from the deep state or Dems ….

Lies and half lies and just make up any story?

Steal elections no invasion issue, no inflation, smooth transition of power, while shooting missiles into Russia.

How do we hold people immediately accountable for their lies?

Maybe the tv market says Americans are tired of being lied to!

So where does Gaetz plug in?

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I asked about questioning the validity of the repeal of the Sedition Act. To my knowledge, after 223 years it has not been tested at the Supreme Court. I think it was unconstitutional to allow false statements to become legal. John Adams instituted the law in 1798 to make lying about our government or any elected official a crime. I say it should be illegal because the Bible says, “Thou shalt not lie.” That is pretty clear to me and why not make it the law?

Quite frankly I studied all this thirty years ago and read books about Jefferson and Adams. Adams hated Jefferson for this debacle and the two men never spoke for about 25 years. They finally reconciled and died within hours of each other on the same day… exactly 50 years after working day and night together to write the Declaration of Independence.

Their problem was Jefferson’s obsession with political power. The same obsession is what I see today with most Democrats. They will say or do almost anything to win, including using the media to sell lies.

I find it very interesting that Trump is pointing us back to this 1798 Act! He has a good reason for sure.

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Oh, and here is another 223 year old angle to consider. Why did Jefferson fail to merely take his complaint about the constitutionality of the Act that was passed in Congress in 1798 to the Supreme Court for resolution? BINGO!!!

He knew he would lose! So, he ran it through a friendly Congress and merely changed the law. It has never been challenged! It is just politics and legal lying is a sport to them.

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Hello Jim !


Thank you so much for your brilliant and comprehensive analysis regarding the "Alien and Sedition ActS" (plurality emphasized!).


For context, it is explained these 4 textS were "Passed in preparation for an anticipated war with France, the Alien and Sedition Acts tightened restrictions on foreign-born Americans and limited speech critical of the government".

For a detailed and educational explanation for the 🇫🇷 foreigner I'm, I enjoyed and share you this source:


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I read a very interesting book, 200 years apart, is the name of the book. The Author, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, survived the Bolshevik Revolution that took the lives of 66 million mostly Christians. No one will print it in english.

Only on Yandex.com because a certain powerful group hates it when TRUE HISTORY is learned.

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I always learn from your articles, Jim!!!

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So do I ! 👍🏻👌🏻

Hello Altab! 🙋🏼‍♂️🇫🇷💕🇺🇲

I hope your husband and you're doing as well as possible 🕊️🕊️

I'd be very pleased to read from you 🇺🇲🪶🇫🇷


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Yes..the “Little Secret” certainly rang out to me when I heard them!! Your response is VERY informative …thank you

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One more goodie! The degrading articles in the papers aimed at John Adams were all false and Jefferson was the un-named source of the lies. Adams spent a lot of time proving the accusation were false.

The degrading articles about Jefferson accused him of having sex with his slaves, which he denied. We now know they were true.

That is why Adams knew we needed some protection for government people because the truth needs to be told and lies need to be punished.

Jefferson knew his lies had won the Presidency and they still are winning today. It is up to us to recognize truth versus fiction and that is really tough with dedicated professional liars in office.

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What's most strange about this is the reality that in court, the prosecution must prove the claims, the defense merely refutes the claims or settles the charges. So in the press, the defendent is guilty until they prove themselves innocent, but as we know, just the accusation alone is enough to smear a reputation. But in court, the defense is innocent until proven guilty.

Freedom of speech should not allow deception to flourish. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." But I think we should also ensure that harm must be part of the equation else people could get dinged for "white lies" intended to not hurt feelings.

I've always hated liars and lies so I agree with most of this. However, a debate and public "mandate" needs to be established regarding A1 vs the 9th Commandment. However, given that God has already decreed that we shouldn't lie against another man or woman, all we really need to discuss is the appropriate consequences for doing so.

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I may be reading too much into this, but it struck me as too logical not to point out the connection. I ran into the 1798 Act about 30 years ago and have been looking for someone to actually figure out how present day politicians get away with such blatant lies. It is because it was legalized over 200 years ago and never challenged constitutionally. The Alien Act part is still applicable and maybe that is all Trump is aiming to use. We shall see.

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Subterfuge seems to be the order of the day, week, month, year, decade, century. It's almost enough to make the human head spin nonstop, like a broken carousel at the boardwalk. Sometimes, I just want to get off the ride and relax and read classic literature and play with my cat and lift weights and eat bagels with lox and cream cheese. However, the operator of the circular contraption is determined to give me and all the other riders a permanent case of motion sickness. "Ah, Bartleby! Ah, humanity!" (Bartleby the Scrivener, Herman Melville.) Happy Friday.

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LOL! May I borrow your cat? We don't have any pets right now and I sure wish I had one!

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May I suggest reading? The Life & Teachings of Masters of Far East by Baird Spaulding

Free audiobook. 1924. Classic! 5 vols eventually published. I listen on hikes in woods.


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I just realized how perfectly your post fits with mine about the Sedition Act of 1798. Just stop and think about how much of our present day subterfuge would be outlawed if the Sedition Act had not been overturned. With that law in place only properly researched truth could be printed or put out to the public. News would be factual rather than made up entertainment.

Unfortunately a Congress in 1801 voted to make false reporting totally legal. What you are complaining about is the result. But here is what caught my eye in your post. You long for reading a good book of fiction. But you know it is fiction when you pick it up. With the news you expect non-fiction. That is a bad assumption based on the law.

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The issue with this is imagine how many intelligent criminals and pedophiles would get off scott free repeatedly because there's no evidence to prove they did what an accuser says... i think that's the opposite side of this coin.

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Great perspective on the legal proceedings surrounding Google, Ashe. I think it is much more damning to focus on criminal activity, rather than let these people hide behind the break up of a monopoly. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water, focus on those who broke the law.

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Thank you for the balanced approach to Google's wide-ranging business model. While the company (as Alphabet) has leaned left on political and social issues - as have most tech companies - its ability to innovate is unquestionable, and has inspired, and even empowered, thousands of other businesses. The Chromium Project, from which the Chrome browser and operating system are derived, was made "Open Source" by Google/Alphabet and thus freely available to and in fact the basis of some of Google's competitors' top products. The Federal Government has no business meddling in this.

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Thanks for the reminder Gary. Free markets, like free speech, do not always reward our heroes. We risk losing them altogether if we are unwilling to accept the purity of their premises.

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I appreciate open source . but when my phone does not permit me to uninstall Google anything from chrome to play store to assistant to maps and assistant keeps turning itself on and always listening .... YES that is a monopoly and yes I'd want to break it up. How many TB of your private gmail is feeding into that name- changing AI thing without your knowledge ? break it up!

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Well, if we do change this get ready to pay $20 a month for email services and up from there. The only reason it's all been free for all these years is because we are the value they've leveraged (as it has always been since the beginning.)

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yes indeed, when I started my journey to exit gmail 3 years ago I knew it would cost. the old meme still applies. If you are not paying you are not the customer, you (and your data) are the product . https://ethannonsequitur.com/facebook-you-customer-product-pigs/

But Do Not despair - you can get there! https://restoreprivacy.com/email/secure/ and also https://www.privacytools.io/privacy-email and for history https://futureoftheinternet.org/2012/03/21/meme-patrol-when-something-online-is-free-youre-not-the-customer-youre-the-product/

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It seems that everyone forgets that ehen the DOJ started their investigation into Gaetz it was reported that a Israeli Government Agency was involved in the 25 million dollar blackmail. The DOJ tucked its tail go hide their buddies criminal Agency.

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I keep reminding folks that Israel is NOT what it appears to be, however, there are many innocents there.

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There is a scene, early in the Crowe movie "Master and Commander" where the officer of the watch, responding to a possible bell heard from a distance, sights what appears in the fog to be the sail of a "man of war". After the officer alerts the crew to take battle stations, Crowe's character asks the officer if he was sure...his reply was yes - but that he wasn't positive because it was just a glimpse. Moments later they come under attack and are crippled because, among other damage, their rudder is severed...(reductive recap).

It seems to me that often we choose to respond to what appear to be shadows in the mists. And doing so - in the abundance of caution - is the right thing to do. However, we may feel justified in our caution only if the attack actually comes... (BTW - Looking both ways, twice, before crossing is always sound policy!)

Stay vigilant, seek discernment, trust Almighty God - the next battle has only just begun.

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"What we are watching is a titanic war being fought in the mists over an eternal lake. We stand on the shore, observing flashes and plumes, gouts and gusts and storms raging over the roiling waters. We cannot see who is fighting at all times. We catch glimpses of leaders and enemies, and sometimes the two merge and meld back into the vapors, leaving behind the ghosts of images we puzzle over while the discordant sounds of their tumult resumes in the smoke.

But water tells the truth. And if we are calm and quiet, keen of mind and purposeful with our discernment, we can read the ripples that come back to shore, and see what story they tell.


In closing, I will not say that we are not on a road toward instability and even strife as these Systems come crashing down around us, but I have argued in the past and I believe wholeheartedly that, when all is said and done, and when we are picking up the pieces left in the wake of the Shadow War, figures like Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will not be seen as destroyers, but as builders.

The pillars are crumbling. The supports are trembling. The foundation is being laid.

We have lived a long time in a world of systems and shadows. But there is light in the flashes of foam on the lake, and if you watch the ripples along the shore, you’ll see flecks of gold in their quieting wakes.

These are not heralds of despair, but of hope. Steadfast, unyielding and inevitable as dawn to the fleeing night.

As darkness to light."

-- Burning Bright, 'Righteous Russia Part 8'


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Amen, Wild Bill! Wonderfully stated!

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Beautiful 🙏❤️

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I agree Feather. One of BB's better works IMO.

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Amen. God knows the FULL truth of all of it; we do not.

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A certain group of criminals have attacked Americans in many ways.

My hope is that those criminals sre eradicated in the same way Israel is eradicating INNOCENT women and Children.

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Advice 4 CA AG Rob Bonta: Get nice haircut & pressed suit ready 4 Global Perp Walk pics!

Burning Bright: TY 4 Big Pic White Hat Alliance Insights. Russia-UKR-Israel-WW3 narratives targeting @ EU//Mid East zombies.

Are Helene Victim hardship stories real? Cuz, if yes, Wow! Mt Ppl living in tents w/ snowfall + compromised water supply + broken infrastructure (still). I donated $ but it's hard to know what's real.

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This isn’t 3,4 or 5 D chess. This is a blunder of the highest order. They nominated Gaetz, and left him out there exposed with no air cover and nobody going on the air to defend him. They even had him stay behind the scenes so he couldn’t even defend himself. In short, they squandered their ace.

I am so angry I can hardly think. The Blob just took their first scalp and they’re coming back for more. If this was the worst they had over him, then he would have made it. Every AG on record has had more skeletons than Matt Gaetz! You think RFK Jr. is squeaky clean?! You think Hegseth hasn’t sinned? They’ll be coming for them next! The AG was the lynchpin and they just took him out without even a hearing. I’m so disgusted. If anyone has access to anyone in this ridiculous campaign they need to shake them up. The Blob is 3 steps ahead and we’re still just doing the Trump dance. Uuughhh!!!

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Calm down. Remember this is irregular warfare, trust God, let not your heart be troubled. The enemy wants you upset and angry all the time. Read more Bible and less "news". Preaching to myself here, too, because I'm not too happy with my senators from Oklahoma!

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Hi Chantal, remember that this is exactly the response [they] want from you. I agree with Trumpist and Margot -- there is more going on here than meets the eye. There is a very good chance [they] are being tricked into making a serious mistake that can cost them the game, or a good part of it.

I just posted some words from Burning Bright's 'Righteous Russia' above:


You might find them encouraging, perhaps enough to read his entire piece. The piece is subtitled 'Systems and Shadows.' Exactly what is happening now -- in DC, in Ukraine, Israel -- everywhere.

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It’s a wonderful read!

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Thanks Wild Bill, I’ll check it out.

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Remember to keep at the 40 thousand foot level to get a sense of what is actually happening. Praying God’s peace for you.🙏

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My ‘working-to-survive American citizen brain’ is swimming in all this overwhelming info. Trying to make sense of where exactly it effects our daily hum-drum & beloveds. Just taking a deep sigh & taking a place in the back seat to pray it’s all going to end well for us & our country. Oh, & resuming occasional probably ignored comments on social sites to siphon off some frustration surrounding it all.

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Oh so true and DOGE is coming to deliver: "When it comes to government, less has always been more ... — Burning Bright"

The train just keeps rolling and my smile keeps showing up...

Thanks y'all.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Today's Brief is packed with interesting and thought provoking items. Not to mention a vocob lesson. (I had to look up solipsists.)

Thanks for keeping us on top of the latest news.

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Me too = those who believe their existence is the only real thing and that, as such, only modifications that occur by self can be truly known.

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Me, too.

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Me too solipsist …

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I loved Matt Gaetz for Trump’s AG pick and yesterday’s news certainly intensified the major distraction surrounding the Gaetz appointment from day one. Not pleased at all with Pam Bondi but that has to do with a suddenly resurfaced pizzagate era (2017) accusation. Timothy Holmseth was labeled a conspiracy nut job back then with his claim that Pence and Bondi were part of a child sex trafficking corridor. Then there were claims that Lyn Wood was using Holmseth as an informant…Wood seemed to ruin his career over it but never backed down as far as I remember.

Many pizzagate rabbit holes back in the day never quite made it into the light of Transparency and Truth.

Keeping an open mind. It does seem interesting that Trump knowingly caused a distraction stir over some of his appointments.

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Hi Feather 🪶 !


I share your reaction about the whole STORY/ drama around Matt Gaetz nomination for AG, BUT I'm firmly convinced we still have to watch the end of this probably staged épisode (kayfabe ??) !

I deeply think and hope so and feel comfy... 🕊️🕊️

And I think we're yet watching a similar sequence regarding the nomination of the next Fool Bureau of Insiders Director.

It stinks to high hell for what we're being told about this process !


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Thank you, Trumpist…we are on the same wavelength. Let’s stay calm and carry on with the Golden Age vision, beyond the drama we still have to get through!

In time all will be revealed - the strategy, the kayfabe, The Plan.

I’m glad you are comfy, watching all the different dramas play out. 😉💖

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This STORY has just been UPDATED, a few minutes after my initial comment!! 😀

May God listen and hear all the people of GOOD will who're praying and hoping for His TRUTH! 🕊️💒🕊️



I can't even imagine President Trump nominating to this crucial post such a LOSER who so easily conceded his own last suspicious LOSS!


** Second UPDATE by Matt Gaetz himself !! **

He's spoiling us he'll continue the fight without being in any elected position and he explains LOUD and CLEAR what will be his targets as he will FREE of any political charge: MONEY / CORRUPTION / STOCKS TRADING and TREASON !!

Nothing less ...

Does anybody else here around think about GrandMa Pelosi, FJB $$ family, Mitch "China" McConnell, and so much more??

Official Xweet:


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I probably should have placed my comment here instead of posting it separately...

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You can post a link to it, by going to the comment you want to link to, and right-clicking on the '3 hrs ago' (or whatever it is). Select 'copy link address' and paste where you want it. It will look like this (and this is the link to your comment above):


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I can no longer feign ignorance. 😁

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The truth about this will be interesting, won’t it? I saw all the Pence accusations…still think it’s fishy.🤔

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👍🪃🇺🇸👀---Great stuff, God Bless!!!

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Google isn't just a monopoly, it was created to be an Intelligence Community spy tool. Ditto most social media. The all need major reform or dismantling

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ISO20022 token holders havin great couple weeks. TY Whiplash347!

XRP, XLM & DOGE = Winning! Only just begun! Pretty Paper on deck! Then shiny stuff!

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