All of their narratives are crumbling. Hollywood. The music industry. The Clinton cabal. FEMA. they are scrambling like roaches now that the lights are on. And I’m loving it! Let me go refill my popcorn……

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There's only two ways to stop criminals.

Death or prison.

How many deep stare players have succumbed to either one of those?

You have to measure progress with physical tangible events not propaganda or feelings.

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The justice phase may have been occurring in the background, recorded for future ‘movies’ and we don’t know what we don’t know, Joe. Time will tell, however. Blessings.🙏

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Incidentally, the justice phase *must* happen in the background because most of the people in the Matrix fight to defend their captors. We were deep into mass formation psychosis and mass Stockholm syndrome.

Fake Joe seems to think this is still 2004 here. After the Patriot Act and the NDAA, America was already lost for its people.

We are in the Great Awakening phase where the most effectually dangerous players were already neutralized otherwise we'd already be in post apocalyptic scenarios.

Thank God for operation warp speed else we'd just now be getting mandatory jabs and I would be either dead or in some damned reeducation camp.

Fake Joe refuses to get it. But you are exemplary, alttab.

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You live by example, it's quite lovely. I'll practice harder, but i can't just ignore trolls because they do engage new readers.

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You go, GP 😊!

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True, but I sure wish you would change your screen name.

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As has been said numerous times, you need to read between the lines. McCain was "put to death", Biden's face changes, HRC face changes, etc. Whatever, you refuse to do any work so why bother?

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Oct 7Liked by Ashe in America

What a great start to my week, although Eye of the Storm and Defected last night were fantastic too.

Ashe your highlighting the fact that the Smith case is a perfect boomerang for the J6 committee bullshit really made me smile. Also, your FEMA highlight (actual low lights) shows the total disregard the DS Rat Bastards have toward We the People. But as the people in Western North Carolina showed we will take care of each other in times of need. So FEDs get the hell out of our way and give us back the money you stole from us via taxes so we can get the job done. BTW, go sit in the corner and stay out of our way!

GBPH your dismantling and exposure of all the DS Rat Bastard cockroaches as their empire of lies collapse was hilarious.

Keep the heat come, looks to be another monumental week!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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IMO, the ultimate expression of the people waking up together will be the moment Federal agents are being arrested for operating in State territories. This is going to get real interesting soon, I hope.

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FEMA has just proven that not only are they incapable of carrying out the one mission that they were created to carry out, they will actively impede anyone else that tries to do so. Whether that is just an attempt to avoid embarrassment or intentional treachery, we may never know.

Regardless they have just shown there is no reason to keep FEMA alive. Incompetent or actively disloyal, FEMA must go.

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Oct 7Liked by Ashe in America

HRC whines about lack of censorship across social media…just as the country (thanks to social media) witnesses FEMA interfering with rescue efforts!

DeepState panic must be at an all-time high as the citizens are waking up to the government having truly been weaponized against We the People.

Trump’s first term got the ball rolling with “Fake News” and “Drain the Swamp” and the Exposure has been unstoppable.

Thanks for the Briefs and Takes today.

Hard to believe the situation in the MiddleEast with Israel has been been going on for one whole year now. Thank you Ghost for keeping us informed!!


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Oct 7Liked by Ashe in America

This is the pinnacle “ this little succubus”. I plan to use it often.

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🤣 it's a tasty morsel. Lol!

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Succubus: "A succubus is a female demon or supernatural entity in folklores who appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity." -- Wikipedia

Gross. If she appeared in my dreams, I could not run (or fly) fast enough to get away. She was ugly in college and she has not improved with age.

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Oct 7Liked by Ashe in America

Fema doesn't want to help these people. They want them dead. Why isn't Blackrock being named and called out here? Why did the try to buy up the land for lithium mining?

It's Hawaii all over again. Except this time they used HAARP instead of DEWs. The question you have to ask is "Why would the white hats allow this if they were in control? "

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24 hrs ago·edited 24 hrs agoLiked by Ashe in America

The only thing I know for sure is that the LORD GOD is in complete control. Right now we are all theorizing and speculating and will have to wait and see how it all works out. The hurricanes and other disasters are terrible and sad, but the Bible tells us nobody dies until it is their time, decreed by God. Put your trust in Jesus Christ.

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7

Um, “Coward”, Blachrock is being called out. If you’re not seeing it my guess would be that you are too distracted.

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Yes, Blackrock is being called out, but the question is, "WHAT do WE do about it????" Calling them out doesn't stop them.

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Again, Blackrock is being called out and I think you’re just distracted. Do you listen to hip-hop or gangster rap?

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Curious why the call out to Rap? I don't listen to it (hate it). Are they dropping truth bombs?

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….likely some things cannot be completely stopped at this point. Winning a war without a civil war that would kill thousands or hundreds of thousands more may necessitate this. Again, time will tell. This is a multidimensional war against an ancient and well entrenched enemy. The one thing I know personally is that I’m seriously pissed about the hurricane manipulation, seriously!

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23 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

No DEWs in Hawaii. These rumors have no basis, but ignorance of the islands’ long & short history & geography, its people, and the long record of local corrupt & opportunistic public officials & youtube whores — ignorance and letting others do our thinking for us have led us here. And I wish they’d stop. By stating that as fact, you just re-set one of the Maui fire’s sensational, inflammatory, & easily dowsed fires.

This highlights that for so many, our disposition now is to zero in on & absorb any big and juicy “conspiracy”; we’ve settled back into our easy chairs, to be delivered our pre-digested conspiracies — This is precisely how we got here in the first place — how we had lost reality, only before it was via MSM. Now it’s our alt sources. In many ways, we’ve gone back to sleep or just gotten lazy.

I’ve disputed in detail long accounts of the various “anomalies” — that aren’t anomalies at all, etc, surrounding the fire & its aftermath — with many references & links to back it all up.

Yes. There was a conspiracy there, but it was a psi-op on us. We’ve been had.

Sorry peeps, this regurgitation of the DEW thing pushed my button on this, as I know the island well and love the people. I have kept up with the aftermath too, in the year since.

Jtcl — As you’ve said so many times in the past, “Do your own research”.

Yes, it’s time-consuming and boring to learn the backgrounds, plow through county meetings from years past, examine maps & photos, factual back information about fires & weather and news reports. But the planted assumptions fall away when you ask the right questions. It’s the only way.

PS. Did FEMA fail in Maui? Yes. And in some cases, no. Ponderous, inept and wasteful, with obstructions of local grass-roots efforts. But eventually, they came through. Deliberate fails? likely extremely poor leadership, BS govt bureaucracy (par) , and no doubt a money-laundering of funds. Seeing it in spades right now after Hurricane Helene.

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21 hrs ago·edited 21 hrs ago

What do you mean "these rumors have no basis"? On what authority do you have such superior information that they can be ruled out? I've not seen such information refuting these claims, I've only heard "official sources" claim they are baseless.

I do still hope that ALLLL TRUTH will be revealed, and when it does, you most definitely will see that directed energy weapons, "space lasers", HAARP, cloud seeding, etc - all the technologies developed over the past 5 decades have been used in concert to create the desired effects.

For example... for Helene, you actually believe that mother nature guided a storm into a high pressure front, OVER a mountain range for the first time in history? Sorry, let's find some historical context to see where that's ever happened before.

Likewise, going back to the devastating quake and tsnunami which hit Japan (Fukushima). Did you know directed energy weapons CAN trigger earthquakes? How much did you dig into that event?

The fires that burned through Canada, Hawaii, California over the last decade - have you investigated all the anomalies and "spontaneous" nature of their starts with satellite imagery and local reports?

These events are absolutely not natural. They have distinct abnormal features in common. I admit that these days information is much harder to come by because the censoring network has grown far more sophisticated. If I were you, I'd look into Bitchute and Rumble for sources. Admittedly, there's a damn plethora of disinfo wierdos and paranoid morons out there now, but there is still truth.

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I didn’t speak to anything except the use of DEW wrt Maui fire. I did not say nor imply anything about Helene, any other fires, Fukushima or any other place or the existence of DEWs and HAARP.

I mentioned in my comm all the research & my familiarity with Lahaina which took me to my assertion. That involves years living there, much tedious research and an unbiased, logical approach — in fact, I sought to disprove my assumptions, theories and conclusions.

So what survived the ashes of scrutiny is my conclusion. It lies outside alt stories and those of the MSM. A good starting place for me is always a closer look combined with questioned assumptions.


DEWs exist and can start fires. Haarp exists and can make quakes & wind (& other) storms.

…Man and Nature can start fires and wind (& other) storms.

In looking at evidence for nature and man being responsible for the Lahaina fire, as weighed against that for DEWs, the weight of evidence was with man and nature.

It’s as simple as that. (But not simple to get there…)

Like you, I also hope every last bit of truth is revealed. Please, no umbrage is called for, friend.

(I did write a detailed answer to you, but accidentally hit the “cancel”. Sorry and Grrr.)

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs ago

Can anyone tell me who it is that uses a badlands logo instead of a circle? It’s a mystery.

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Federal Elimination of Most Americans

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Unfortunately the best one yet.

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Oct 7Liked by Ashe in America

Wow, amazing stories! OMG. Is this America? I can't believe how bad it continues to get.

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It is America, before the Awakening. We have to reach rock bottom before it can be fixed. We're well on the way, but not quite there yet.

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Yes, indeed, BB, you (and your fellow anons) have most definitely been telling us for years. It’s good to see some fruition! ‘Coordination = Control. And yes, it was possible to see coming.’

Ashe, you are so correct! Pelosi, et.al., boomerang incoming! Can’t wait for the justice stage! Unfortunately, this is the very period of this war that I MUST maintain a patient stance.

Hey, Ghost! Due to your excellent research and educating your readers….we, too ‘…know why they are panicking.’👏👏 Thank you!

FEMA has become the newest evil in our government (like the CIA for decades) and those in leadership are committing crimes against humanity….on whose orders among the cabal’s minions in the US?

Weather manipulation program since 1947. This evil is culminating in October with Helene and Milton. How many thousands do they plan to kill in Florida?😡

Iran. ‘…Iran is not exactly what we have been told it is. For now, that makes it the infinite player in its conflict with Israel.’ Absolutely Ghost! Saudi Arabia and Russia apparently are maintaining their role as the adults in the room. For the record, Ghost is right…the Ukraine Israel conflicts absolutely related. Hmmm..new king in SA soon?

Hmmm…the seat of Prussia and the country Prussia created to rule the world from…🧐

Cuomo’s hopes, Hispanic voices in the election, dragging out Hillary and Obama at this late date certainly speaks in increasing desperation. Boomerangs likely will reveal, not influence as they hope.

God bless each of you, and all who participate!🙏🙏

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Iran is now under the influence of Russia and China. Sovereign Alliance. Used to be Cabal, but no more.

As Erik Carlson told us, you have to control both sides to start a world war. [They] have lost Iran, and they are losing everywhere.

https://badlands.substack.com/p/women-children-and-terror -- 1yo and aging well

The Sovereign Alliance is winning. Thanks be to God 🙏🕊✝💖

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Succubus is the perfect word for that thing called Hillary Clinton! The Supreme Court rulings being ignored by Jack Smith is being strung out to wake people up, but it's still excruciating! I agree with Donna, I love all the winning. But the hurricanes are the punishment and I'm desperate for people to realize the power of faith can easily destroy those hurricanes! I'm posting prayers all over social media. Jesus gave us his Authority through his teachings... but that end times narrative is too powerful. My soon to be released article is going to address that....we must pray that Milton is stopped!! In Jesus name Amen 🙏

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THANKS once again GBPH: "Does this make Iran the opposite of everything that's been said about it? No, it doesn't. It's impossible for us to know, for certain, exactly what the state of affairs is in Iran, to what degree its leadership is malevolent, and whether that potential malevolence comes from radicalization or Deep State control—or both."

Pointing out the weaknesses and malevolence of one regime does not equate to either the approval of any and all opposing governments or the desire to eradicate the entire population of a malevolent regime. This is a multi-player, multi-move, with limited integrity communication parameters (meaning, lying is allowed) game and the theory of success must take all of those factors into consideration.

Discernment remains our (IMO) most valuable and critical weapon. Our brains are wired to react quickly with whatever information is both available and resonant to our pre-existing premises. Further analysis takes both time and patience. If it is more important that we are loud and first, we risk not appearing foolish, but being foolish. I appreciate this forum, but it is not nor ever will be perfect (if of no other reason than my own musings 😉).

Thank you all!

PS - I saw a sign yesterday encouraging me to pray that our leaders would make Godly decisions. Amen. I also think we should pray that we the people should decide that our leaders should be Godly.

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Great admonition, HGV — And reminder to Pray! Pray! Pray!


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We have to protect Pee Diddy. When the SHTF for him, he'll start singing. Maybe he can sing after all. No cap.

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According to Bongino, he may be waiving the 5th so he can expose others.

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Regardless they got his footage. Do they even need him to sing? They just acquired 1000s of hours of very explicit evidence. We do need him on the witness stand. Sean, please stand up.

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20 hrs ago·edited 20 hrs ago

Lurch and Killary are pleading for their lives as child eaters to remain status quo. For trafficked children app, kids in containers at sea, for more jabs, more mask, more ariel spraying, hurricanes, more death and destruction, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from the drugs, kid slaves, climate hoax, Hollyweird rapist, and your slave labor taxes!

"F THE PEOPLE", should be the "DEMOCRATS" campaign slogan.

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Could it be that Iran has the missiles but lacks the precision satellite guidance mechanisms for accurate targeting? Could it be they weren’t playing nice, but just missed? They warned the US, because a US retaliation would be overwhelming. Their present fight is with Israel. Just a theory.

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We don’t know that they “missed” targets. There seems to be evidence that they did not — important targets, too.

That clip Ghost posted a few days ago — of Netanyahu’s hands shaking as he read from his notes following Iran’s missile attack — visible, un-suppressible shaking — keeps coming to mind. I think this says more than any words, any reports, or any actions.

Combine it with what Wilkerson said, the pressure from N’s own demented cabinet, the people, and the world, and you get a Netanyahu who once held the reins of the world, in a large sense, now sitting behind runaway horses at full gallup as the cliff looms on one side, the abyss on the other and the bend’s coming — fast.

Pray for all the people of the ME. Pray for peace and that right be done.

Pray for Christians lost, blinded and bound by a false notion that “God’s People” are the State of Israel.

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News last night saying Bibi is stronger than ever, supported by his people for 'total victory.'

Sounds like wishful thinking to me. I don't believe he'll be in power much longer. Israel must realize that they are no longer the regional hegemon. They still have significant power, but in an all-out regional war, they would be overwhelmed. Likely annihilated.

Netanyahu's shaking hands tell the story. Bibi knows. It's been a good run, but it's over.

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How come you can always say it with the four bit words?

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15 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs ago

Never forget Bagdad Bob.

Oh—and the press. Mostly peaceful

Lets combine em: Mostly Bagdad Bob.

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So you believe that all of the missiles simply "missed" their targets?

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There could not have been so few casualties without precise and very successful targeting to avoid casualties, in Iran's Demonstration to Israel (it is enemy narrative to call it an attack).

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It seems most people are unaware that FEMA didn't even exist until the waning of the failed Carter administration. Prior to that, disasters, from earthquakes and widespread fires (e.g. the 1871 fires) to tornado clusters, dust storms, and of course hurricanes (among others) were dealt with by neighbors, communities, regions, and states (mostly in that order) with funds, materials, and manpower supplied generally by churches, charitable and service organizations, and ultimately by the good hearts of the American people. Nobody waited for help - or permission - from the federal government.

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Best line of the day, from Ghost:

The crones are crowing, like harpies roosting in a boneyard. They, too, can feel the shift that the rest of us are feeling, as the public awakens to the sobering reality that our government(s) has been suffocated by a transnational crime syndicate, and is under their control—like a parasite that has outgrown its host, and now carries it around like a sock puppet.

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You are right! Even better isolated from the text & reread.

He must have enjoyed pouring out that gem!

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