Feb 8Liked by Simon Esler

Bud Lite tested the waters with it's "Woke" ad and failed miserably. Everyone makes mistakes, I hope they learned a lesson, just because it's new doesn't mean it's good. Stick to the old fashioned, how it always was, and you won't go wrong. BTW, I really like this new guy Simon Esler and his posts. He hits the nail on the head with his articles!! Kudos Simon!!

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Disturbing to realize that the values and virtues upon which this country was founded have fallen into a category of old fashioned. The corporations trying out their woke psyop have a last chance to save themselves - bring back the tried and true values and virtues !!

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“Stand by the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, wherein is the good way and walk therein and you will find rest…” Jeremiah 6:16. Old ways of the fathers…

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Love that!! Thank you, Miriam 🙏❤️

I put it on my Notes : )

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The tried and true virtues are the only path to success!! Good take, Feather!🇺🇸🙏

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Yes, and common sense can be a trigger for wokes.

Check out a movie, it's been on Amazon, Mr. Jones, from 2019. Based on the true story of a NY Times reporter in Russia. This audience will love it. Nothing new.

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In my opinion the Bud Lite story is exactly like the Green Energy story. Businesses that make money selling to the public need to know where America is going so they can remain a player and make money. After all the profit motive is the reason the business exists. They aren’t working this hard to lose money.

How can any business choose to ignore the cards dealt to them by our media? If they refuse to accept the new “norms” they will be ridiculed and shamed into submission. Conversely, if they buy into the silliness they find the truth of the matter, that being the public ain’t buying it. That is what happened to Budweiser. They just screwed up and bought into the lie.

I agree with Trump. We need to thank Budweiser for sorting out how America feels about the new norm. They very clearly took a bullet for us and exposed the truth. We are not going to revolt against the Trans community, but we will not pay to support it either. That is a good thing to sort out and Bud Lite did it for us.

Jim Schout

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We won't revolt against the trans community.... so long as they leave the kids out of it.

If they persist in drag queen story hours and the rest of it -- Game On!!

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Remember just a few months ago a woman speaking at a WEF conference talked about the water supply. I don't remember all of the details but she was saying that the Covid op didn't work but people would comply when their water supply was compromised. Also Q - watch the water.

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“ A clip from the WEF’s Davos meeting last year which received little attention at the time but is now going viral shows WEF spokesperson Professor Mariana Mazzucato lamenting how COVID and climate change failed to bring about a world government before insinuating that a water crisis will be the catalyst that imposes a world government upon humanity.”


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Remember too that the EPA, a 3 lettered weapon against us, took the Berkey water filter system off the market a few months ago. The ‘cease to sell’ letter to the owners went public. Who doesn’t want us filtering community water….?

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Well said! Criminal what they did to Berkey Water filters!! Luckily I bought 2 replacement filters just before that happened. I hope they are fighting it in court - do you know, Miriamnae?

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They are fighting. And while they are out of business, I heard the Pro Pure filters fit Berkey. And I believe I heard it has anti-flouride filtration…I need to check it out today.

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Hi, I have a Berkey and I still receive emails and at the top of their website it states that “despite rumors, they are not going out of business”


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Yes. They are not closed, but are not selling to the distributors. Certainly not where I’ve bought mine. We got the copy of the letter(s) of the charges against them and that “we are unable to sell at this time.” I do not know of it being reversed yet. But hopefully.

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Thank You!!

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Thank you, Feather.

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Dr. Ardis also…”watch the water.”

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I expect this is well known by our side and countermeasures will have been planned out for every contingency. God bless you.🙏🙏

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We seem to be confused here. We keep talking about the blithering fool speaking daily in front of a podium that has the seal of POTUS on it. But who is that clown anyway? He is not Joe Biden as I have stated often before. He is an actor with the wrong right ear design. But, he is an actor and we need to figure out why Joe Biden disappeared before the inauguration in 2021. Who was actually elected and what does it mean that everything done since then has been done by an actor playing the role of our President.

What does this mean for everything we are seeing each day? Isn’t this more important to understand than anything else? Heck, they can run another fake guy in who speaks clearly and doesn’t make gaffes but that won’t make this any better. The problem is the fakery and the stolen election that makes the fakery necessary. I am quite bored with this stupid movie. I want some reality for a change!

Jim Schout

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They put dementia dx in so Valerie Jarret, Iranian, can run things. They know full well he’ll be replaced, who will step in and it’s been in place from day 1.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 10

BIG MIKES planning to have his coming out party..... Already cleaning up the image and hiding videos of his man parts. It won't work... The Black community, and the rest of America, is not welcoming Big M and his Crack HO, or any part of their Insanity, back, and "Yes We Can" BS, is DONE! The whole thing has fallen apart. Americans, who thought these clowns were great, have awakened out of the spell they were under. Its a New Day.......🙏

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Go girl! ❤️

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The farmers in Europe have reached the precipice and eventually they will win as the EU is being ‘attacked’ on multiple fronts.

I actually agree with Trump’s ‘forgiveness’ of Bud. We don’t want to destroy the livelihood of our citizens and you can bet Bud has learned a lesson…..not a beer drinker, but it makes sense as we want American businesses to thrive after we get rid of the deep state.

Biden’s cognitive decline….’ya think?


Fear mongering of cyber, terror threats increasing daily. WWIII anyone?

CIA was behind Nord Stream.

Tucker has ratcheted up the panic factor in all of the cabal and the minions.🙏🙏

Europe is different from the US. The memories of a centuries long feudal system are still present. The near east countries have also memories of various dictatorships and/or communist regimes in the not-too-distant past. The US, however, has never been under any feudal lord or dictatorship, but Obama was working on it in his half of the 16 year plan. Why bring this up? Because the cabal is a single minded creature and consistently uses the same playbook over and over because it has always worked with countries with a history of feudal lords, royalty and dictators. This is why the US is at the forefront of the war against the would-be overlords. 1) We have never suffered under a feudal regime. 2) We have a constitution that recognizes and ensures individual rights. 3) We have the 1st and 2nd amendments. Under our constitutional republic, individuals thrive with creativity in all areas which is why we’ve been at the forefront. This is also the reason others desire to come. The legal immigration has been a huge benefit as they assimilated into our free culture and the US has been better for it. Yes, the Prussians infiltrated after WWII and Operation Paperclip brought the Nazis. The remnants of these are the deep state. We are awakening and daily exposing and thwarting their goals. What the cabal doesn’t understand and what will bring it down? We the people will not comply. Period.

God bless the truth community and especially the journalists.🙏🙏

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Amen, Alt…

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Feb 8·edited Feb 8

Re. your 1, 2, and 3: You are right, but remember Reagan:

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. It must be fought for, protected and handed on. Or one day, we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States, where men were free."

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I’ve thought about it many times over recent years as we watched Reagan (and most presidents’ speeches). My grandfather was active in politics so our family paid attention.😀. I’m primarily an optimist, but I have been thinking about the impacts of rulers on the serfs over centuries and it dawned on me this is what makes us unique in our sense of individualism and explains why we are attacked from within….as we would rise up if attacked by others. I do believe, Wild Bill, that we’ve actually come quite a ways. Although we still have many hopelessly asleep, the majority is awake enough to ask a lot of questions and that’s where it starts, even though the MSM tries to hide the magnitude. Who knows? (except God). Our children are asking us a lot of questions and our son is much more aware. Blessings to you.🙏

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Next up, Putin on Carlson. The beat goes on... one Normie at a time. I understand what Q meant when he said, "It had to be this way." And as Trump said, "We caught them all, but if I released everything we know now (2021), it would cause a civil war."

And as he also famously said, "People need to see how bad it can get." I believe we are there.

And God bless you too, ALtab. 🙏🕊✝💖

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What a great comment! Thanks ALtab. 🙏❤️

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The brief was loaded with good information today! I don't know when you all sleep, but I appreciate each one of you and what it takes to stay on top of the news.

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"Nothing I've seen since has disabused me of the notion that the Sovereign Alliance is very real, and very much in control.” — Burning Bright

I hope this is true

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It’s crazy how so many have labeled Carlson a traitor or a spy because he’s interviewing Putin. Even going so far as to calling for his arrest or blocking him from re-entering the United States! Megan Kelly interviewed Putin in 2017 and wasn’t called a spy. I know journalists have interviewed other leaders who were considered enemies and they were not called traitors. I recall John Miller interviewed Osama bin Laden. Nobody called him a traitor. It really makes you wonder why they’re so afraid of Rhys interview. Also, we’re still waiting to watch the Julian Assange interview. Hmmm

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[They] are scared sh!tless of losing control of the message. Listen to or read one of Putin's speeches or interviews, and it becomes impossible for anyone to maintain the belief that he is a monomaniacal crazy man. He is measured and thoughtful, and says serious things to which we should pay attention. Sure, he is not always on 'our' side -- but why should he be? He should represent the interests of Russia. Just as the American president should represent the interests of the USA... should, anyway.


-- the Russian equivalent of the State of the Union address, 14 Dec. 2023

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Amen, Wild Bill. He is bright, very serious and measured in all of his statements. He has goals, and understands sovereignty. Well said!

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Exactly correct. His first substantive comment in the 'R-SOTU' linked above:

"Yekaterina Berezovskaya: Mr President, last week you announced your decision to run for president. In this regard, what goals do you consider the most important, at home and abroad?

Vladimir Putin: I have spoken about this many times, but it would not hurt to say it once again. For a country like Russia, existence, mere existence, is impossible without sovereignty. Without sovereignty, Russia would cease to exist, at least in the form it exists today and has existed for a thousand years.

Therefore, our main objective is to strengthen sovereignty. But it is a broad concept. For example, strengthening sovereignty on the international stage involves enhancing our defence capability and security on the external contour. It also includes strengthening social sovereignty, which means providing safeguards for the rights and freedoms of our citizens, as well as developing our political and parliamentary systems. And lastly, it includes economic security and sovereignty, as well as technological sovereignty."

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Thank you for finding that clip Feather journey!

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Thank you for mentioning it because I didn’t know about it!

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Sweden has lost its Viking spirit.

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… ‘they’re poisoning the water and making the frogs sissies…!!’ shouted Alex Jones.

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He may be on to something.

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He’s right.

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I missed the "Righteous Russia" series (mentioned in the first item) when it came out. It can be found at https://burningbright.substack.com/p/righteous-russia-part-0-enemy-of and is worth reading.

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There is a key point that I’ve not seen any article author state. DM and his image on a can was not the whole reason for the boycott.

The brilliant Ivy League F..kheads in marketing at

AB wouldn’t lower themselves to begin to understand the working class that made BL the number 1 beer.

Those marketing geniuses have NEVER had a working class friend they spent any time with.

Their only relationship with the working person was to hire one to do jobs that were beneath their social status.


#1. They were called fratty, implying that they weren’t smart enough and BL needed to go after a more educated market.

Had AB immediately apologized for their stupid F’N mistake, most, but not all, would have come back to BL.

Now they won’t. You don’t mess with the working man. He and his ilk vastly outnumber any other demographic.

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Let's see if they apologize with an over the top "for the boys" kind of Superbowl ad...

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We shall see..

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AB didn't make this kind of mistake back when they were HQed in St. Louis. Move to NYC and all hell breaks loose.

Whether they will recover from it, time will tell.

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Great point WB!

Good buddy of mine is from St Louis and that city is/was full of good midwesterners that appreciate America.

NYC dwellers all hate each other in addition to the rest of the country.

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I went to university in St. Louis (1972-75) and grew up in a small town (35K) in Michigan. And that was the vibe I felt during those days. Even the New Yorkers were a bit brash, but under the 'tough guy' skin, they were for the most part great people.

It's changed I suppose in the intervening ~50 years, and the big cities have suffered the most. It's important to remember that this has been [their] plan all along, and they believe that if they can 'win over' the big cities the rest of the country will fall in line. We will see.

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Go Woke and Go Broke. Bud Light can kiss my ass!

Love your work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Forgiveness may come when and if those responsible for the disastrous decision to wag Mulvaney in our faces are fired and the working class citizens who lost their jobs are rehired.

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I haven’t been able to listen to Badlands Newsbrief for the last two days. There is a notice that says the audio is still processing. I make this comment at 7:50 AM. Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how I can get around it.

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You’re about the same age as my friend from STL. He’s 72, I’m 67, so the same time frame

I agree about the big cities and their influence — the reason why the founders created a democratic republic.

Yes, we will see.

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Feb 9·edited Feb 10

Enjoyed the brief very much, especially the thought of Tuckers interview with Putin, putting the REAL Communist, and their COMMUNIST friends at the NWO/WHO/UN/Klaus Headquarters, and Obama's basement, in a TIZZY FRENZY 2.0. Ooooooh!! Love IT!!

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