WOW what a great day of Takes. Ashe, BB and GBPH y'all really out did yourselves today.

The DNC shit show is such a perfect backdrop to the absurdity of all the Uniparty horseshit. One of the best encapsulations of the DNC shitshow was from Chris Paul on his podcast from yesterday referring to "Vasectomy Taco Trucks" outside the hall, really made me laugh, but also paints a perfectly absurd picture.

Could not pick out any one comment today you were all hitting on all cylinders.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Amen! Couldn't agree more.

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I keep saying what's coming has NEVER happened before so makiing predictions based on history are futile is completely being proven in our current Presidential administration circus. If anyone thinks they can predict this November my hat is off to you. God took charge in 2016 and he's been directing things since. Watching the Dems slowly ignite into flames as they crash is immensely satisfying. It's GAME OVER for the DS the sheep just need to be shown. These wins in the news give me lots to share to help that process!

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It is hard to see how one campaign, in flames and going down, can possibly land safely while the other soars on the wind like an eagle, ever higher and higher. (Now apparently joined by RFK Jr., longtime personal friend of Trump.)

So [they] are forced to fraud, and the good guys -- the ones who respect and follow God, among other virtues -- will be waiting for them. Last time, 'they caught them all' but [they] were allowed to 'win'; this time, [they] will not be able to get away with it. I have no idea exactly what the White Hats have planned, but I am confident there is a plan.

Why? Ask yourself, why would Trump have run again, if he thought the left could fraud '24 like it did '20 and '22? Answer is, of course, he wouldn't. Ergo, Trump knows things we do not, the most important one being that the elections this year will be fair and free.

And the sheep will finally learn the truth, and God willing, it will set them free.

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Thanks for reminding me of this: " Ask yourself, why would Trump have run again, if he thought the left could fraud '24 like it did '20 and '22? Answer is, of course, he wouldn't." And he NEVER would have simply walked away in 2020 without a plan. A really good one.

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You're right, Margot. This whole plan has been in the works for a long, long time. Decades, at least. Continually revised, in keeping with the changing times, but the goals unchanging -- restoration of a Godly world where Satan is banished, and men of good will reign.

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I'm very confident in a Trump win... but the Election process, I believe, might be a surprise. I honestly don't know why I think that..

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With things as crazy as they are today, Deb, I am not the least surprised that you believe that. I do too -- there is no way that 2024 can be a re-run of 2020; therefore, something (or things) must change. Exactly what and how, we might guess at; but we cannot know.

Surprise! Indeed.

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Agree with both of you, Deb and Bill. Trusting in the Lord, but it's still kind of gut-wrenching to wait and watch.

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Eph 6 -- the whole chapter, not just the oft-cited vv. 10-17.

"Peace be to the brothers and sisters, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with incorruptible love." -- Eph 6:23-24 (NASB)

God's Grace is an eternal gift, meant just for times such as these.

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You are so right, Deb - everybody is speculating at this point. Of course, God has been in charge since, and forever before, Day One; and will be until, and ever after, the Last Day!!!

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Thank you for sharing your perspective on Israel, Ghost. You are way more researched than most and I appreciate your perspective. As a Christian, I have felt uneasy about all of this blind support for Israel. I believe everything in the Bible about Israel. But I don’t believe leadership (and perhaps some of the citizenry) in Israel is anything like the chosen people that God talks about in the Bible. Until I read your post, this was only my intuition. Thank you for providing me some background. I think there are some VERY BAD actors as you point out. Very evil ugly imposters who are controlling the world. Thank you for bringing some exposure. I will be praying for more exposure.

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I am a Christian as well, and the Apostle Paul explains in his letters in the New Testament all about who Israel really is. It's believers in Christ, Jew and Gentile. The modern nation of Israel which came into being in 1948 is NOT biblical Israel. No specific nation is. It's the entire body of believers, both Old Testament saints and New.

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However, Paul did distinguish believing Gentiles from Israel, even saying that sometime yet to come “all Israel will be saved”. He most certainly spoke of a nation (not political) of a people, descended from Jacob.

“Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, “The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob”;” (Rom 11:25-26)

And the prophet Ezekiel spoke by the word of the LORD that believing, regenerated Israel will finally dwell in the fullness of the land the LORD gave them to possess.

Consider too the brief Q&A between the risen Jesus and his apostles.

So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.” (Act 1:6-7)

Jesus did not tell them that he would not restore the kingdom to Israel, only that it would not happen until the time fixed by the Father.

These things are difficult for us to put together, but I think we need to be careful not to count out those whom the Father loves.

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Amen, Margot!🙏

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You’ll want to explore Will Zoll’s posts on Prussia….it will provide the background for the answers to your questions. Blessings to you.🙏

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Why don't you do your own research?

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Thank you BNB team for your diligence and expertise.

GBPH - as for your questions (and especially the last one): "So my question is, why is the US government participating in this stuff? Why are we supporting this new-age religion that doesn't seem to be at all associated with Biblical Judaism, and instead is based on some sort of occult magic sorcery? I don't care if people want to practice that stuff, but why are Christians being fooled into supporting it?"

The unfortunate truth is that most (I didn't say all) "practicing Christians" are as ignorant of what the Lord taught as they are about history in general. Most (not all) are satisfied being led by a "professional" who may be gifted, but may not be called; instead of reading their Bibles and seeking the Truth the way Jesus recommended - by the infilling of the Holy Spirit of God. In part this is because the same "professionals" instill the fear of "error" that might come from the "uninitiated" delving into the mysteries of God; and in part it is because most would rather spend their time doing something (maybe anything) else but reading the Word and praying. (BTW - history proves that most false doctrine comes from the professionals not from the laity!)

Jesus - the true Messiah - told us He did not come to bring peace and unity but the dagger (the small sword) and division...because He came to tear down religion and replace it with "the priesthood of all believers" - each individual's relationship with Almighty God (see Matt.10:34).

My question: will we need to experience that "dagger" again in order to uproot and tear down religious Christianity?

PS - I do dig deep into this idea in the series that starts here for anyone interested: https://hisgloriousvictory.substack.com/p/a-laymens-guide-to-the-last-things?r=q0fod

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21


Ever grateful for your posts & writing!

I watched a 3+ hr vid yesterday where Ghost lays out in one place his exhaustively researched findings, from the Pale of Settlement, through Zionism on up to the present. ( shows the satanic morphing of Judaism, organized crime & geopolitical shenanigans.) Pretty much what he’s only been able to slow-drip here (and on the Monday Daily, 👉🏼on Breaking History, & elsewhere) over many months (🌟The Ghost vid links are at bottom — & evidently, there’s still more in the wings!).


Well, …I did a side search about midway through the long vid (bottom), searching out some compelling questions that arose. …Found links showing the very concerning present convergence: 👉🏼the Zionist Church’s end times teaching,

👉🏼Messianic Talmudic(+) Judaism, and

👉🏼a big part of the MAGA/Trump movement:

— First, The rebuilding of the Temple, resumption of required rituals & Red Heifer purification Sacrifice to usher it and the “Messiah” (for the initial purification, per Torah, but strictly following Talmudic and, I suspect, esoteric & mystical additions):


— !!👉🏼Many American evangelicals believe the red heifers will usher the second coming of Christ. (!)

👉🏼Byron Stinson (who facilitated getting the specially bred red heifers to Iz from a Texas ranch.) is 👇🏼https://www.bonehisrael.com/ www.t.me/VOHchurch 👇🏼

(! ) “Building Israel  & Bringing the Redemption Closer”(!)

…(!)& their linked, VOH Radio podcast:


This VOH discussion praises Clay Clark, Alex Jones et al, & the Reawaken America movement — many familiar names. (There are many other podcasts)

VOH, Boneh Israel, is a church org which promotes the new temple & resumption of the OT ceremonies, sacrifices & rites, starting w/ the red heifer (to usher in the fulfillment of parallel messianic prophesies).

!…Strange bedfellows… MAGA, and by all means Christians, need the Holy Spirit’s discernment!

We need sound Biblical knowledge and theology. With prayer and first things we will stay off the rocks.

Your series towards this end.

Towards knowing the Love and Truth of our Savior.

Blessings ~ Dick

“The ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” (Hebrews 9:13–14).

:::::::::::: Addenda::::::::

Ghost History Vids - up to present Panorama (LONG, but worthwhile!): https://rumble.com/v5994gc-ukrainian-israeli-mafia-bibi-is-khazarian-proof-with-ghost-of-bph-ep.325.html

Aug 14 Breaking History:


& History of the conflict in the ME: https://rumble.com/v3obl1z-badlands-media-special-presentation-history-of-conflict-in-the-middle-east.html?playlist_id=O4Znld9vTdE

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Thank you!

One quick add - when you research the uncleanness for which the ashes mixed with water were specifically referring to (which aligns with the "ceremonially unclean statement from Hebrews 9) it refers specifically to the "impurity" (the word is "niddah") associated with menstruation (Num 19:9). Though the high priest was to sprinkle the blood of the red heifer towards the tent, the ceremony and the solution (which was a sin offering) were to be kept "outside the camp in a clean place." So not only was all of this fulfilled by the sacrifice of Christ Jesus; even in it's Levitical usage it was not a means of bringing forth the Messiah...and so to your point - we need discernment and knowledge of His Word!!!

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Thank you. I wasn’t certain of that — but after handling dead bodies as well, if I’m not mistaken.

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Enlightened thinking! God tells us to trust and follow Him, not follow man’s wisdom. We need to consider the absolutely insidious nature of the evil one…infiltration of all of the Christian denominations to a lesser or greater extent. Hence the discord in the various groups. Starting with the Catholic Church, the evil one has twisted doctrine in order to distract believers from the truth of God’s word. Catholics actually worship the evil one’s Isis and Jesus is still dead on the cross. Only for a time, however. God bless you!🙏🙏

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For those interested in the truth about Roman Catholic doctrines and teachings, and why they are incompatible with the Bible, I highly recommend a book by a former priest, Richard Bennett.

Catholicism: East of Eden: Insights Into Catholicism for the Twenty-First Century Paperback – Illustrated, June 1, 2010

by Richard Bennett

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My study of the Roman Catholic Church began years ago when I read about the Cathars in France. It opened my eyes.

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Just commented this morning on how they are using the line "we're not going back" and I think Trump needs to use that too. Not going back to the recent 3 years of losing status in the world, high inflation, high crime. I wonder who thought that line up?

Also heard a tad of Obama last night he said something like "Harris isn't going to concentrate on her problems but on your problems". Was that a dig to both Harris and Biden.

I mean Come on, Man.. she didn't get a single vote in the primary!!

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Found the quote..

SAME crap Joe said... wash, rinse, repeat...

"Kamala Harris won’t be focused on her problems – she’ll be focused on yours. As president, she won’t just cater to her own voters and punish those who refuse to bend the knee. She’ll work on behalf of every American."

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Why is the so-called president of the US on vacation (again) at a posh billionaire’s place in California after his speech? If he’s the president….what the heck??🤬, Kamala is outside DC as is Obama. Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett have the football?? Hmmm….maybe it’s an awakening tactic.🤔🤡

BB’s take is very interesting, ‘How long before this thing sinks, and what form will the iceberg take?’ Especially considering how incredibly absurd the highly manipulated polls are.

The one thing that stands out to me from the excerpts of the convention speeches…..Big Mike gave a ‘presidential candidate’ style speech with enthusiasm. That seems very telling to me.

Israel’s actual history and current political situation is bubbling to the top, thanks to many serious digs by Ghost! Everything Israel claims to be is NOT. Of course there are good people there, but like here, they are not in charge. Israel was created and controlled by minions of an evil cabal. It’s becoming clearer each and every day. The UN’s weakening is (as Ghost states) likely a deliberate chess move to take WWIII off the table as the primary diversion to the reset. Nothing will be able to stop this and the minions are increasingly panicked.

God has all of this in His hands…timing is in His time…. God bless Ashe, BB and Ghost for your tenacity in exposing the truth!🙏🙏

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Serious question - do you think M. Obama really is a man? I don't see how somebody could pull that off for all these years, but I'm open to it being possible. Wouldn't that add to the circus if it's true, and revealed?

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So many nods and bobs that reveal he is. From Obama's own gaffs ("Michael and I..."), Joan Rivers ("Everyone knows he's a tranny" and soon after she was dead), to numerous photos and video clearly showing he's swinging a large dongle down under and plenty of old references to Obama (Barry Soteoro) being gay.

The evidence is overwhelming.

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Yes, it is…and becoming more openly known by normies….including several in our Bible study last night. I didn’t bring it up but did support the idea….🙏

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The only law enforcement DEMOCRATS believe in is protecting their elite at the Chicago convention…

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I have noticed this strange phenomenon, that we all seem to understand that the Marxist agenda was pushed on us at university and has brainwashed many, and yet we don't seem to understand that the pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel movement was also pushed upon us by the same Marxists. AND these Marxists run the UN. Sorry Ghost, I disagree with you on this subject. The UN totally corrupt and needs to be dismantled. I totally agree with the Israeli ambassador on this one.

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I'm shocked that you disagreed with the author and didn't receive hate from these people here.

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Oh posh, you know that's not true. Are you even a real person? I'm gonna pray for you. If you are real, I want you to know Jesus.

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Ghost: "...decorative pieces of paper with encantations written on them...".

Typo. Should be "incantations".

Thanks, all, for another excellent news brief!

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Keep talking kamala, the more she talks the less likely she stays on the Titanic. October surprise

Double barrel Michael and HRC to save the drowning Democratic Party. Life boats are limited

Woman and people of color and DEI only.

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traditional Russian spiritual and moral values - a quick google search on this revealed . . . nothing of particular value.

Is this because Google does not want us to know or that Russia is speaking in platitudes as nebulous as a Kamala Harris Word Salad?

Would love to hear more about this, as the searches I read were contradictory. As is much of what we hear from Russia. I firmly believe that the Babel wall of language separates us from Russia in more ways than most other countries and languages.

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Use a different search engine, Andrew. Not platitudes &, in fact, this is old news. They are, in many ways, what we used to be. We are, in too many ways, what they used to be.

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I use Google for 2 reasons. 1) Like it or not, they are the most populated search engine, and 2) I like to know what THEY have to say. When I want to dig deeper, I check other engines as well.

On this search, there were multiple articles (it was all over the internet). But none of them explained anything deeper than the statement. I tried to dig deeper and it yielded very little that wasn't translated babel. So I reached out to a friend of mine in Khazakstan (an American Expat academic) who gave me some decent information.

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Have you read BB’s “Righteous Russia” series? Or watched many Putin addresses over the years? Burning Bright does a pretty good job. (& reading comms might reap some other sources). & That first-hand look via the speeches & such are a great way to judge for yourself.

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Will Zoll’s work provides a lot of associated information, too.

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Yes! The Prussiagate series. Rowing my way through Matt Ehret’s multi-linked & tributaried series’ on his substack. (https://matthewehret.substack.com/ )

Much back story & everything branching from it. One needs conjoined clones & hundred-hour days!

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Researchers, who know so much more than I do, say that Russia has been the boogeyman for decades. As I look back during my lifetime to now I agree.

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The Deep State, Cabal, System of Systems -- whatever you call it -- needs a boogeyman. If one does not already exist, one must be created.

In 1989 when the Soviet Union fell, the new Russia hoped to create new bonds of friendship across the world. They joined the G8, and wanted to join NATO. They were rebuffed and insulted, then kicked out of G7. It is amazing that they have not lashed out at the West. Russia has a long (800+ years) history, and such a history teaches patience. Putin knows that the Cabal is failing, and he looks forward to the time when Russia's hopes of a multipolar, peaceful world will come to be. (as the Righteous Russia series contemplates.)

Interesting question: Which country was on the USA's side in all of its major wars:

(a) Canada

(b) France

(c) UK

(d) None of the above

Correct answer: (d) none of the above. The only country to do that is Russia.


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Excellent information and reminders. I read BB's "Righteous Russia" quite a while ago and came to the same conclusions. Wish I had time to go back and re-read all the great stuff that has come out these past couple of years!

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Exactly! That’s why the cabal ordered the US enemy would be Russia. Now, Iran.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

Yup. Cabal lost Iran (which they controlled for many years) when Iran started allying with Russia and China, both Sovereign Alliance. Now they cannot start WW3 with Iran and Israel, because as Erik Carlson pointed out, "You need to control both sides of a conflict to create a world war."


[They] failed in Ukraine, because they don't control Russia -- no WW3 there. Now, no WW3 in the Mideast either. No matter how hard they kick the hornets' nest -- Oct. 7 was quite a kick -- but not enough. Thanks be to God.

So the Cabal are now well and truly screwed. They've lost much more than Iran -- pretty much everyone on the list wanting in to BRICS, they've lost. All awake, and want no part of the Cabal's control and endless wars.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

You can use Google if you like, but it's also the most insidiously filtered search engine as proven during HRC's 2016 presidential run.

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Yes Google is a great search engine....if you start on page 100. They're the worst at putting good info up front. Matter of fact a study was done on search engines and Google by far is the worst.

To each his own.

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We actually agree on this point.

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I doubt that American Ex-Pats are going to start flocking to Russia. But I do enjoy the narrative. It does seem that Christian religion (orthodox) is alive and well. Kiev has a beautiful, traditional chamber choir. Where are they right now?

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Use your VPN to connect to server in Russia, then search using every search engine... not just Google.

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Google is controlled by the cabal….use Brave, Duck, Duck, etc.

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DDG was good only for a few years but it too went dark in 2020. Brave is only OK. Care must be taken with online search.

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Theyre all controlled.


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…A further key might be to use Yandex to translate the Ru language webpage — https://translate.yandex.com/en/translate

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Joe”the coward” Lange hasn’t provided a shred of evidence for his claims.

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You one of those people that refused to do homework and demanded the teacher give you the answers?

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Hey Joe! There is lots of information on the Ambrosia Company. You show nothing to back up your post. I’m voting against Socialism, Marxism, communism and tyranny. I’m voting for the people from the President down to my town for those who value our God given rights, who understand that they work for us and who follow US Constitution. I honest don’t care about your vote.There’s a dark side of me who wishes you libs will experience what these people plan to do this country at least for a few months, but I don’t want my loved ones to be hurt too.

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Sloth benefits nobody.

If you really wanted to find the info you would.

It's always more convenient when someone else does the work for you.

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Great stuff, as always. We are living in interesting times... like Chinese curse... may your life be interesting. Berlind wears the black cube which is a 3D representation of the 2D pentagram found on Saturn. The occult and related symbolism is interesting... like a Chinese curse. ;-)

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Is it self serving for me to commend the excellence of thought AND the diversity of perspectives displayed in the comments? If I were in charge of these posts I would be impressed! Thank you to ALL of the participants!

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While I am a big Badlands/Devolution follower, I have a very difficult time with Ghost's take on Israel and Palestine. While I agree that the leadership of almost every country, including Israel, are corrupt, I do not think the Palestinian leadership are any better and likely worse. And I do not think that the UN has been on Israel's side EVER. Since its inception in 1948, the UN has attacked Israel and consistently sides with Palestine against Israel. The UN is hell bent on dissolving it. The UN is as corrupt an institution as any on the face of this earth. I really think Ghost needs to listen a little more to the other side of the argument about the history of "Palestine" and who the Palestinians are. I imagine he has. But I think he is on the wrong side of this issue. I agree with the Israeli ambassador on this one.

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In order to continue to fool mankind, it’s reasonable that the UN would protect Israel privately while attacking publicly. This resonates with the various deep digs others have done. I suggest you read Will Zoll’s series as this historical dig changed many preconceived conclusions. Blessings.🙏

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