"1. On Monday, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg acknowledged that the Biden administration had "pressured" Facebook in 2021 to "censor certain content" related to COVID-19 as part of its efforts to crack down on misinformation."

While this may be true, Zuck was censoring long before 2021 hit. I started posting truth about CV19 and the certainty of its relationship to future jabs as early as April in 2020 and my posts were being flagged, shadow banned, deleted by FB, or banned from posting replies. It's the reason i left the platform ultimately. Just got fedup with 30, 60 and 90 day bans. I think i was only able to actually post comments for 4 months out of 2020 and i ultimately walked in 2021.

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I think a lot of people have walked away. I rarely post anymore, but I was on it a couple of days ago to reach out to my cousin. My feed was basically ads. Now, that may be the algorithm, but I also think FB is past its prime. I remember 10 years ago, one of my friends speculating how long the fad would last - not knowing everything we know now, of course. But I think the cumulative events of the last couple if years have killed it. And as my niece told me a couple of years ago, FB is for old people.

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Unfortunately, the old people are the most naive and gullible and believe the gaslighting that happens on FB. My mom is 83 yo and thinks that FB is harmless. She doesn't understand the true intent of FB and the fact that they know everything about her internet history.

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As does Google, Apple, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc...

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True, but I’m almost 73 and there are a lot of people around my age that are very active and aware of the true purpose and the threat social media poses under the censorship plans…and much more if the cabal wins.

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Gullible isn’t age discriminate. FB is now irrelevant.

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I use Facebook for my food and furniture restoration groups…

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You young people are sure prone to idiotic comments like yours. You seem to forget we “old people” put men on the moon using slide rules.

There, I made the same type of assumption as you did. Chances are, I’m closer to the truth than an uneducated generation of people who can’t balance a checkbook and who select college majors that don’t allow them to pay back their loans…

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Frank, how many of your peers are you able to openly discuss matters covered here on Badlands? Technically I'm "old" now as a GenXer but i chose the technology profession which kept me closer to the "pulse" in the anon crowd. For me, I've been a lone wolf in this game for over 20 years. Most of our peers are factually gullible and naive. The boomers I know still trust MSM.

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All of them…

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I walked away from FB around 2017-ish? Right after it was made known publicly that FB was harvesting user data. That was a big nope for me! All of my new devices since then have never had FB opened on them, the preinstalled apps removed, and the post embedding is disabled through my Brave browser.

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that was the other thing too, I only ever used the mobile website for these services. Most people have no idea how much information and access they provide companies by installing apps on their phones. Everyone is walking around with a tracking device and wiretap active at all times. Even storing a smart device in a faraday cage isn't enough. It's just incredible to me how everyone has embraced this...

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Your phone gives all anyone needs.

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They had been harvesting user data from the beginning as part of their revenue model so i just fed them false personal information from the time i joined. HOWEVER, i didn't expect their AI models to be as effective as they were so even with explicitly false info, they were able to locate me based on friend accounts apparently.

As a side note - this is how all "free" web services work. It costs millions developing and maintaining those platforms and we are the product. Without our participation, they are worthless.

I do sometimes miss the convenience reaching out to estranged friends though...

Overwhelmingly for me is the simple question.... Why doesn't anyone care about privacy anymore???

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Those who would give up privacy to purchase a little convenience, deserve neither privacy nor convenience. (Paraphrasing the quote often attributed to Ben Franklin.)

Or as Joni Mitchell once said, "Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone" (Big Yellow Taxi, 1970).

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It’s been programmed out of us.

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Incidentally, I'm not implying that censorship on FB began in 2020. That game became suspiciously apparent in 2014 - they just improved their tactics. Shadow banning (demoting post/account visibility) was the most subtle. Infuriating really...

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If he was a Republican, it would be.

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Exactly right.

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Tore had so much trouble getting on the Ohio ballot for sec of state. This is nothing new. Corruption is deep and in every state!

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"the joyful electric short bus." hahahaha

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Omg lmao

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Thanks Ghost for your essay on the 1967 Arab-Israeli War and the early use of terrorism by Zionist groups that paved the way for the State of Israel. Good stuff.

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👍🏼Good stuff — and important!

Thank you, Ken! Ditto for many of us! ( Do catch Breaking History — archives too)

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"joyful electric short bus" -- Ain't that just the cat's meow? Short bus, on a short ride, before it short circuits and burns out 🤣🤣🤣 Joy to the world!

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Love it WB!

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Never go full retard. 😂

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Hahaha!! Can't wait until we can post memes here. This is one of my favorites.

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I thought the chief moron was going to bring along the old white commie to fill in the blanks in the word salad, but I believe Ashe is correct, ‘Because his — Mao’s — platform is what’s really on deck for a Harris-Walz administration.’

BB makes me feel good either way, too…’either the enemy really is this retarded … or patriot ghosts in the media machine are in complete control of the 4am talking points.’

Anyone who has studied history and followed up with the Will Zoll’s Prussia history will clearly understand that the history of Israel is lies…and Ghost is correct, ‘Which makes sense, when you consider that Israel was created by the Rothschild family—likely for the purpose of ultimately destroying it in a giant armageddon. (World War 3)’. There are millions of Jews who relocated to Israel BELIEVING that what was public was true and these are the first innocents who will be ‘sacrificed’ if the cabal can trigger WWIII. The truth is that Jewish Nazis (of the Eastern European variety) carried out the cabal’s goal (and theirs) of ruling the world through their own country. The installed government of Israel is evil…and completely controlled by their masters. Not a new world order, But a planned Nazi world order. They will kill the innocents and never lose a moment of sleep.

Politico (and many others) will be destroyed in the end. They’re betting on the wrong horse….too many are awake.🇺🇸🇺🇸🍿

Patel likely has never been given the encryption key, anyway. 🤣

Ukraine is openly demonstrating their true (Nazi) colors…per their Prussian roots…

Dems (Obama’s orders) want to impeach Biden? Only criminal organizations have the gonads to do this and, (by the way) how can they legally replace Kamala and Walz at the last minute without violating states’ deadlines to be included on the ballots?? They can’t. But, since when does Obama and his masters follow the rule of law. Hindsight revealed Obama did the exact OPPOSITE of everything he said as president.

God bless all who work to expose and defeat our would-be enslavers.🙏🙏

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Israel is being saved for last…

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It had to be as it's by far the most laden with emotional land mines affecting millions of people.

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Thanks for the link, Ghost. I appreciate your continuing spotlight on Israel. As best I can figure, the Zionists love to hide behind the “victim” label. Wow, I mean the victim label has worked so well across the board of global infiltration everywhere. Oh, that’s how we ended up with DEI in our universities and in our corporations.

The shift is truly happening. MEI is gaining ground. What a novel idea: hiring based on Merit, Excellence, and Intelligence!!

The global cabal and their allies in the media pulled the wool over our eyes for a couple generations with their dumbing down Marxist ideologies.

Palestinians have endured Zionist theft and lies for over half a century.

The Great Awakening 🙏❤️🦅🕊🌎

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What a wimp Cabala is, “pre-taped” interview (she can’t even go live cuz no teleprompter) and having to have her lunatic sidekick to hold her up, so very bad🤮

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Even worse how many Americans accept this standard in their most empowered leader...

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"ultimately destroying it in a giant armageddon. (World War 3)" Exactly GBPH. The Bible literally instructs these psychopaths exactly what needs to APPEAR to be happening in order to effectively disarm Christians and perhaps even some Jews concerning the "end times". So many are completely convinced that Jesus Christ is imminently returning because of current events aligning with Biblical prophesy. All of which we have modern technology sufficiently capable of simulating. Which is exactly what a psychopath would do if they needed the ultimate smoke screen. I've spoken to so many Christians recently who quote scripture about Christ's violent but glorious return to Earth. Quite frankly, the antithesis of Jesus's New Testament teachings. Revelation has always felt foreign to me but I'm certainly in no position to declare it false, but it's a radical departure from "love your neighbor as I've loved you." How hard is it to imagine that pharisees or romans scripted it? How hard is it to imagine that modern power players aren't using it as a script to gain global dominion?

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Christ will return when where and how He chooses. I don’t recall the details but a while ago group of Christian’s ( ?) and Jews were trying to force the Temple to be rebuilt by sacrificing a rare red cow. Really? People think they can force God in Christ to return? That reminds me of the Israelites worshipping the Golden cow. Sad.❤️🇺🇸🙏

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The return of Christ will happen in you and me and billions of others. Christ is NOT 1 man. Christ is a profound awakened state of consciousness. Yeshua's greatest wish and purpose for humanity to join him as billions of Christed Ones. This is what it means for him to return. Not 1 Dude coming to save the day.

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I have never heard that in any church I attended, Roman Catholic,Baptist, Presbyterian Evangelical, Methodist, S Yogi. I’m not here to debate religion. My point was God only knows as He is the Master planner.

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Why don't U talk directly to Yeshua? Ask him. He will tell U. A/o whose ID is predicated on acting an intermediary & has NOT gone directly to GOD him/herself is likely to confuse matter (to protect their tiny power structure). God & all Christed Ones are here to liberate all God's children. Isn't this common sense? Most churches will become irrelevant in short order for men and women choosing the embrace Christ w/n themselves. How else will u recognize Yeshua when he shows up (if U haven't become a Christed One yourself)? Many will choose NOT to make the leap. I call this decision: The FORK in the Road which will likely happen w/n 2 - 5 yr period. Those who reject His Return will stay in a Dystopian Slave Matrix. WWG1WGA is a mission to get all humans onboard.

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There is no intermediary but Jesus Christ, Son of GOD. He died on the cross to save us from our sins and rose again on the third day. He sent the Holy Spirit to live within those who have confessed their sins and accepted Christ as Savior. (He isn’t a dude.) He is the Son of God who was born in flesh to walk and minister to the people and finally finish His work. The Holy Spirit gives us discernment/good judgement while here on earth. That is the Trinity: God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. We pray to God through Jesus Christ, no other. We read the Bible for guidance. We pray for help, for the needs of others and in thanks for what He has given us. The Kingdom of God will come in His time.

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okay, 1st: His name was/is Yeshua Ben Joseph. NOT JESUS. Do a little research! While I don't claim to be an expert in all the deceptions, I believe Jesus is a reference to either Caesar or Zeus meant to redirect devotion.

2nd: Yeshua NEVER died for anyone's sins. That program reenforces the Religion Slavery Matrix nonsense designed to distract what Yeshua was demonstrating which is the Resurrection which is meant for ALL men and women. Not just Yeshua! Yeshua would NEVER say he was God's ONLY chosen son. More deception. Pls get closer to the heart of Yeshua! Isn't it time?

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30

Blue Sky — I cannot ‘like’ (substack glitch)

So I’ll say, ‘Love’.

Truly spoken.

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

Sovereign, since you’ve set an evangelism & theology path here, I’m supposing the topic is kosher.

Where in the world did you get the notion that we ordinary, run of the mill, low vibration Christians do not speak directly to Jesus, to God? It kinda goes with the territory.

Yes, and we also use a book to learn about Him.

Do you use a book or books? Or did you learn all this talking to others or whatever is calling itsel “Yeshua” and talking (or telepathing) all this to you?

I’m familiar with quite a number of like cosmologies blowing around. Does yours have a name? Do you have go to guys?

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Have you read "The Shack" by William Paul Young, "Unveiled Mysteries" or "The Magic Presence" by Godfre Ray King? Or "Anna Grandmother of Jesus" by Claire Heartsong? There are many other sacred books. But these are just a few that immediately come to mind.

So I am simply asking questions about whether one communes with God. I am not answering those questions for another man or woman. The Return of Christ is a topic generating tremendous interest right now. And for good reasons. Religious interpretations may contain truth and they may also contain distortions. For Christ's return to have any meaning will require men and women opening up to much more than a book. Yeshua spoke directly to those who would listen. Those with fear in their hearts had little space to listen. The same is true today. Most religions would throw Yeshua out if he showed up at their church or temple. That's just reality.

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Bible, Shmible. Throw that fake old worthless book out.

It says nothing about consciousness awakening or being “Christed”. He wasn’t even one dude like it says. So.

I’m tossing that old rag of a book. I want yours.

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The Bible is a sacred text filled with illumination. At same time it has been translated and retranslated numerous times. So anyone relying solely on this text for illumination is likely to miss out on direct connections with Source, God, I AM Presence. Of course, each of us will make choices that feel appropriate. If reading the Bible takes you into direct communion with God, wow! That's great! But don't you think you ought to seek other more direct connections? There are many deceivers in the realm of religion. MANY!

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I concur. There are many deceivers. And many deceived. Do any of the books you mention have direct connections with god?

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The easiest way to fool the world with current technology (what we know of it) is to use holographic images to create an attack from space aliens…. Next is to use holographic technology to create Christ’s return. Fortunately, God has gifted many, many brilliant players in his war and we know ultimately wins. These gifted players are aware of whichever planned ‘movie’ they will attempt.🙏🙏.

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(Still can’t ’❤️‘. 😕

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Aug 29·edited Aug 29

I’m certain It is indeed John’s writing. But it’s been systematically reinterpreted, along with other parts of Scripture.

But you’re right, Gregory — By power players, but not so modern; it started centuries ago. (People, search out the origins of dispensationalism in the American Church, Zionism’s history in Europe, and the major convergences of the two concerning events in 1917, 1948, and NOW. (With plenty in between) … A far different horseshoe than the one GHOST speaks about.

Also, you have nailed the crucial rotted fruit: The first things of Christ have been forgotten, Deliberately replaced.

Contrasting with the sweet:

"Love your neighbor as I've loved you."

…“Love thine enemy”

…And Mark 12:28-32 —

28. Then came one of the Scribes that had heard them disputing together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, he asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?

29. Jesus answered him:

The first of all the commandments is, Hear, Israel, The Lord our God is the only Lord.

30. Thou shalt therefore love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

31. And the second is like, that is, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self.

There is none other commandments greater then these.

(1857 Geneva Bible, some spelling edited)



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Yes, thank you for this post. To all, I'm truly not trying to divide any of us here who earnestly try to walk the path of Truth. I am asking questions which by my estimation, most don't ask. Or, if they did ask, they simply accepted what their pastor or Pope said... which hasn't ever made sense to me since I was a kid.

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Thank you, Gregory…love your comment 👍

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“Revelation has always felt foreign to me but I'm certainly in no position to declare it false, but it's a radical departure from "love your neighbor as I've loved you."

Quite the opposite, friend. Wrath and Love are very compatible. When someone(s) intentionally harm those whom I love very much, I become very angry, full of wrath. How much more does He who loves His own children so completely will His wrath be poured out on those who harm the ones of us who love Him. Read the Gospels, and see when Jesus’ anger was displayed, while he was on earth.

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I did and still do read the gospels. Nothing that Jesus said ever indicates he'll return to Earth in armor to slaughter evil. Did I miss something?

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30

Yes, Gregory. You did. He comes again as a warrior and will have victory over the evil ones, for the sake of His beloveds, those not given over to the enemy.

When? We do not know. How, requires the whole of scripture to understand. But it won’t be the scenario in “Left Behind”, At least that’s my understanding as one outside the pretrib paradigm.

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Gregory, I think you missed the main point of my reply. But, what do you think Jesus will do when he comes again, and why?

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"Dems dare GOP to impeach Biden". What a sad state of affairs . The GOP has dallied and stalled, while evidence grows feet and walks away. Now that he is completely emasculated the dems puff their chests and go all in with the bluff, knowing full well House GOP members can't decide where they want to sit, let alone if they are willing to impeach an decrepit, corrupt, shell of a man, who has sold us down the river, and we really don't give a rat's ass. Because if we did, he'd already be in an orange jumpsuit. I have posited on several occasions that our elected officials are so corrupt, that if they all vanished overnight, our society would collapse. We would not know how to run anything without deception and corruption. The left know that too, and now they are laughing at us. What a sad state of affairs.

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We the People are winning BIGGLY!!! And I constantly laugh in the DS Rat Bastards faces!!!

Love it BB: "This observation results in a tantalizing Bicameral: either the enemy really is this retarded … or patriot ghosts in the media machine are in complete control of the 4am talking points. Either way, I feel fine … — Burning Bright" ... BUT I would suggest BOTH are true :-)

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Correct. That was not an either-or proposition; both could be true. And I think you're right Joe.

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Our resident troll is feeling so ignored he's spamming his posts now. Which technically violates the TOS. Just sayin frenz.

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“Nothing says ‘strong woman of color, ready to lead’ like bringing an old white dude to her first major interview to make her seem more credible. And likable. And competent.” 🤣

Is she bringing him along to make herself more credible, or is he to her as she was to joey lechuga?

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I think you guys are missing the big picture...the young don't know who "kennedy" is and the left has CHEATING down pat...brace yourselves

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Their plan is well known and I’m betting the countermeasures will surprise everyone.

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Agreed. Sun Tzu once said "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."

That is what we will see, when the patriots strike.

Q said 'it had to be military.' Meaning not that there was no other way to do it, but that the military is the only organization that still has the respect of the American People. Nobody else would be trusted. And the military still knows how to use operational security to keep their plans 'dark and impenetrable as night.'

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Quite frankly, IMO it's clear the whole reason Trump got 45 is because of the military. I'm waiting patiently.

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Good point! Wild Bill. So many of us couldn’t quite understand the military is the only way.

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I question whether the US Military has the respect of the American people as a whole. Can you explain?

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I believe (could be wrong) that the US Military has more respect than any other institution in the country. Sure, they have some issues; but most others are worse. How about Congress? The court system? The executive branch with all of its alphabet soup agencies? Like the CIA and FBI (and now apparently the Secret Service)? Does anyone trust any of those folks?

Somebody is planning some sort of disruption leading up to the election, in the event Harris appears to be losing. [Their] goal is likely to encourage or even require mail balloting, since it is easiest to fraud. However the disruption could be used by the 'good guys' to institute martial law and require nationwide in-person voting with ID and proof of citizenship required and paper ballots, at least for federal positions (President, congress and senate). If California wants to use their Dominion systems for local elections like dogcatcher, nobody will stop them.

In this case the vast majority of the servicemen would be National Guard and Reserves. These are folks who are much less likely to be 'woke' than the active duty personnel, who in any event are already on assignments elsewhere. Further the NG and Reserves will tend to be local, i.e. in Kansas the folks overseeing your local elections are likely to be Kansans themselves.

All of these factors make me believe that the military overseeing the elections would be welcomed by all, except for those hoping to perpetrate and benefit from fraud. You'll know them, because they will be the ones screaming about 'our democracy' at the top of their lungs.

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When I heard the Telegram guy was arrested I immediately prayed for him. Glad to see he's covered. I think Zuckerberg sees the writing on the wall and is trying to cover himself. And I just feel really comfortable watching Harris and Walz completely destroy the Democratic party! And I just felt God remind me today that he did save Trumps life and he's going to save this election. Just my thoughts! God bless Badlands Media!

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