The Uniparty is being exposed and Normieville is starting to notice. I love when a Plan comes together.

Thanks for the Takes.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Hi Joe ! πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

Please friendly thank Colonel John "Hannibal" Smith for his contribution ! πŸ˜‰


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β€œUnderstanding vs. Reacting.” Making questions legal again. Great way to start the day.

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Whoa! So much to Comment on:

I read the first paragraph of the Colorado story and asked myself, "What leftist rag did they pull this one from?" And lo and behold, it was the NYTimes. They said EVERYTHING they wanted people to believe in the first paragraph. And that was that there is a court that may have the ability to question the right of someone (Trump) to run for President. Then go on to justify it with J6 committee BS. All on the front page of the biggest NAME newspaper in the country. Sickening propaganda.

"The Left get trapped in Refrigerator - Eats own Foot" - Fetterstein's goon squad forcibly remove a left-wing "press" agent for asking questions off script. HILARIOUS!

Poor Apple - Competition from China. I own a cheap android phone. Why? Because ITS A PHONE. No GD phone is worth $1,500. Who gives a flying F if your phone had a Titanium edge. You put a cheap plastic case over it anyway. And what Chinese worker has the money to buy one anyways?

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Q: How to you milk sheep?

A: Release a new IPhone and charge $1,500

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Love the Refrigerator headline!!🀣🀣

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Star Witness Against Trump Collapses in New York but Judge Still Won’t Dismiss Case

Cohen said he had the goods on Trump. That was why AG Letitia James made him the central piece of evidence in the case. Except… Cohen fell apart on the stand last week. Letitia James’ entire case fell apart at the same time. And yet the moonbat judge still won’t dismiss this fraudulent case!

Michael Cohen turned out to be the personal attorney version of Mike Penceβ€”a self-important, back-stabbing liar with no loyalty whatsoever to Donald Trump. Cohen insisted that he had the goods on Trump. He testified on Tuesday of last week that he had personally altered financial statements with Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg, under direct orders from Donald Trump.

On Wednesday, Trump’s legal team got the chance to cross-examine Cohen, and Letitia James’ case fell completely apart.


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I LOVE this!!! It is another Fine example of how the Cabal is setting itself up for Destruction (God helping:) They are laying out for us the Constitutionality of someone (say Biden, for example, or any Obama) being able to run for office if they are a TRAITOR! And Trump is the anti-traitor:) God is using them to bring all the Laws out that He will use to grind them to powder. Feeling super comfy:)

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All these God-forsaken agencies WE THE PEOPLE NEVER ASKED FOR HAVE GOT TO GO. NO RE-EARNING trust. The people can hire and fire private firms to do the jobs these government-created behemoths are inficting upon us. Day by by we discover (Thank you, Badlands!) another "acronymic authority" stomping on our rights and freedom. This is BS.

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Yup. My company used to cooperate with CISA regarding infrastructure cybersecurity. No more, unless they stop censoring people -- which will never happen.

So defund 'em all. If they have 3 or 4 letters in their name, defund 'em.

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Well, we know that more than half the time they get tomorrow's weather wrong, so there's that. My point is you hear "hurricane" you prepare for the worst. They didn't!

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Thanks for the laugh, Kris…yes, more often than not, they are not exactly accurate on what the weather will be tomorrow!

I was reading that hurricanes only gain strength from the sun’s heat…sure doesn’t explain how Otis went from Cat1 to Cat5 in a few hrs at night?

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Did I read correctly that Eric Swalwell testified in the CO case? The same guy who slept with a spy? Unreal...

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It’s time to remind myself, something I frequently do, that it’s critical to continue assessing events at the 40K view. Our fearless tiger was the first one I’m aware of that taught his readers how to β€˜view’ from that level because the huge amount of chaotic narratives and events elevate emotions and prevent a calm assessment of both by creating a β€˜fog’ impossible to see through at ground level. Today all of the narratives and events put forth only continue to demonstrate how desperate the cabal and their minions are. They can’t put forth a narrative OR an event without the nearly instantaneous public awareness that it’s all πŸ’― false or some degree thereof, like the Maine shooter immediately associated with MKULTRA. The national focus of the big three is extremely important and one can bet the cabal will ramp up the focus on the WWIII. It’s pretty calm at the 40K level. Things are moving and waking up folks and that’s a good thing! God bless BB and Ashe for their consistent dedication to the truth.πŸ™πŸ™

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The Cabal has always used our 'lizard brain' emotional responses to control us.

Once we realize that and ignore their stimuli, we reach a far more comfortable and reasonable state of mind. No more 'fight or flight' responses like 'Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!

Most recent examples are Oct. 7 and Maine. [They] are losing indeed.

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WATCH: Legal Expert Brutally Fact-Checks CNN Pundit Arguing Trump Will Be Disqualified

Brought forward by six voters, the lawsuit references Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, suggesting Trump be deemed ineligible for upcoming elections due to his purported role in the Capitol breach of Jan. 6, 2021. The plaintiffs argue Trump breached his official oath in his endeavors to reverse the 2020 electoral outcome.

Adopted in 1868, Section 3 of the 14th Amendment states:

β€œNeither the Constitution nor Congress, in the one hundred fifty years since that amendment was passed, has clarified how this works,” Honig explained. β€œThe problem is, you can’t just make it up now and apply it retroactively. Some scholars argue it’s β€˜self-executing.’ What does that even mean? Clearly, someone has to enforce it. Why do you think we’re having legal debates in Colorado right now?”

The section was originally intended to prevent former Confederate officials and military officers from returning to positions of power after the Civil War, but its provisions are still part of the Constitution and can theoretically be applied today.

β€œThe uncertain part is the decision of the state-level judge in Colorado. If she rules against Donald Trump, I can foresee two outcomes. First, there will be a significant political backlash that will likely favor Trump. If an unelected state judge decides to remove a major candidate from the ballot, it will disenfranchise millions of voters. Such a move would be perceived as the judge saying, β€˜You can only vote for Joe Biden, as I’ve personally determined that Donald Trump committed insurrection,'” Honig argued.

β€œSecondly, any such decision is likely to be overturned on appeal. Even if the initial judgment goes against Trump, the case would move through the judicial system in Colorado and possibly into federal court.”


GAG ORDERS ARE CENSORSHIP. https://republicanballotnews.com/trump-silenced-again-slams-gag-order/?utm_source=pb_rballot&lctg=178201033237

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Sort of like Engoron personally determining that Mar-a-Lago is worth $18 million... all of these clowns have to go.

Judges hold lifetime appointments 'during good behavior.' A clause which has rarely been invoked. It would seem that making incompetent decisions for which one is unqualified (Engoron) or anti-constitutional ones (the instant matter) would qualify. Toss a few of 'em out, and the rest would be a lot more prudent with their jurisprudence.

I was a licensed professional for my working career, and I understood as do all licensed professionals that I could lose my license to practice by working outside of my knowledge and experience. Same rule should hold for judges.

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True. We had one in the Tennessee district who was anti-death-penalty, and we had to wait till he retired. At the State Supreme Court, they stand for election after being appointed. We bounced 1, the other was black, and screamed racism. We didn't care what color he was he used his powers to block court-ordered executions of killers. Aldopho Birch, Memphis named a street after the butt-hole.

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Acapulco.....Maui all over again!!! Go to "Inspired" for the intv. with Jeff Berwick. There was NO rain with the hurr. that hit & NO warning for the people!!

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https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hurricane-otis-category-5-rapid-intensification-why/ "The fury and quick strengthening of Hurricane Otis surprised both forecasters and hurricane experts".β€―

"Wind speeds jumped by 115 mph in a single day. It normally takes much longer for that kind of increase. Otis' intensification rate is the second fastest recorded in modern times, the National Hurricane Center reported. The change prompted the Center to describe the disaster as a "nightmare scenario."β€―

We all know how weather forecasting is a game of roulette and forecasters can only give information that their equipment tells them. Mother Nature is a force to be reckoned with and should be taken seriously and prepared for the worse scenario. This was a whole different ball of wax from Maui, that was a deliberate attack on the people!!

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The technology to rapidly intensify weather systems has existed for a while now. Looks like a classic example of deploying the technology.

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Yes, and [they] apparently have some sort of subterranean base in Antarctica that can create earthquakes... Christchurch and Indonesia come to mind. That might be part of the weather thing too, who knows.

Soon [their] world will come crashing down on them. After that, we will learn things that will leave us absolutely gobsmacked.

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I think, Weather warfare! Why? distraction? punishing Mexico for something the cabal doesn’t like?

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Get ready for the Holograms and whatever else this regime of Lunatics pulls out of their ass to "SCARE" the sheep into compliance. $$$$$$$$$$$ for defense against Aliens/Sorcery/Imaginary aircraft, coming soon to the skies near you.

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I continue to give thanks to GOD for Matt Gaetz, MAGA President TRUMP and the NEW SPEAKER JOHNSON and pray for them and everyone who stands with them.... AMEN!

"Vengeance is mine saithe the Lord"

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The "eye" hit right where Max Igan was !!! He is living at the "Secret Garden". Maybe what is going on is a "w=r" against humanity itself???

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