
Good morning BNB Team and all those who enjoy their Takes!

Two weeks in CO with some of our children and grandchildren and the finalization of the publication of my newest (and first non-career related) book has not kept me from reading these insights - only from having time to share my thoughts about them.

SE: "But this brings forward the central point about what we’re up against. Can you call what they’re doing lawfare if it isn’t founded in law? If it is merely a weapon that bends to their will then it’s nothing but lawlessness." The brilliance of this statement might be overlooked without a forced pause (at least in my case). One of the system of Babylon's greatest tools is the hijacking of language. To take terms that not that long ago were common fare of traditional values (think "gay", "liberal", "justice", etc.) and rework them via constant and pervasive saturation in "modern" society accomplishes two things. It breeds confusion and chaos AND it realigns the seat of authority. This is the dialectic used in the Garden: "Has God said?" (confusion and chaos) followed by "You shall not die!" (realignment of authority). Six thousand years later that tactic of destruction still works - all too well.

Thanks for all of the hard work!!

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Wow...if this attack on truth isn't obvious I don't know what is. And to arrest someone for producing evidence is a f'in joke! And why is Lindsay Graham or anyone from our government going to Ukraine? This crap is just plain ugly!

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Mar 20Liked by Simon Esler

The key takeaway today appears to be the rule of law and Simon’s observation states the obvious to these readers,

“Watching the law be abused in this way may be painful, but pain is just information about how to heal and overcome.”

This simple fact covers the cases against Trump; it also covers the censorship cases as well as those involving Dominion’s role(s) in the 2020 coup as well as attacks on radicalization via social media and the increased suits involving sexual abuse, assaults, etc. Then there’s Fani….🤣

Jonathan Turley is correct, too, “When you are forcing someone to come up with half a billion dollars just to get an appeal? Someone has to say enough.”

Meantime, Graham in Kiev and Obama in London….👀. Getting orders from those on the higher rungs of power?🧐. Peace talks without Russia? Now that’s idiotic! Looks like there is a lot of trouble with the cabal’s proxy states. Must be time to ramp up Taiwan.

Thanks for Ashe, Simon and Jonathan for reporting truth! The takes are spot on! His blessings for you.🙏🙏

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thank You Ashe for all your hard work and for holding the Fort for BB.....great seeing Badlands Fam pulling together....

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A whole lot of shaking going on! #MAGA2024

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How does Patrick Byrne get ahold of voting fraud evidence?

He's just a normal guy right? Wrong.

I believe he's a FBI asset and probably always has.

He was once approached by the FBI about setting up a sting to ensnare Hillary Clinton.


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Lindsay ought to volunteer his own military services. He’s so good at wanting to continue a losing fight,

Neo cons pay satan in blood. Not their own blood of course. Exactly what in the hell is he there for?

We paid his flight. A winless war for a country that is knee deep in corruption grift human trafficking and biological labs.

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fjb. 💩👖. that is all.

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If a straight woman gets drunk and her date tries to engage in sex with her, and she realizes the next day that she didn’t want to, should she go to the police and report it? It’s really no different if a gay man gets drunk and his date tries to engage in sex with him. No hate. I just think if it’s ok for one to report it as sexual assault then it should be ok for the other. Better still would be if all legal adults would realize that if they get shit faced there’s a possibility something you might not want to happen, happens. Drink responsibly. ✌️

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Why interfere with the enemy when it is destroying itself! We literally can see it happening in real time. In several towns in my area there are no Biden signs, no signs praising transgender therapies, no signs saying if you say or do this or that you are racist, bigot etc. There are no signs supporting Ukraine, Russia, Israel or Gaza.

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Lindsay Graham nasty needs his toungue cut out. The whole us senate needs to get recalled and flushed. Then fire 425 of the house. Wtf?

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Why don’t we have a Clinton-like hit squad on our payroll.

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Did China set Biden up? I’m probably late to the game in wondering about that.

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