I haven’t forgotten them! Thank you and Blessings Everyone!!
Since it’s impossible to address more than one at a time, I click ‘like’ & hope they’ll revisit & read all the others. This thread’s become dense & convoluted 😂. One of us needs to get a substack page started!
So, 🥰 Featherjourney, ALtab and Hubby, and all the brothers and sist…
I haven’t forgotten them! Thank you and Blessings Everyone!!
Since it’s impossible to address more than one at a time, I click ‘like’ & hope they’ll revisit & read all the others. This thread’s become dense & convoluted 😂. One of us needs to get a substack page started!
So, 🥰 Featherjourney, ALtab and Hubby, and all the brothers and sisters —greetings and gratitude and Blessings of Jesus Christ to you all!
( I’m keeping this window open & will be checking for new posts. …It’s becoming a full-time job! 😂)
Dippin’ candles and polishing like crazy these days. They work well together, don’t they? I think I will light a candle this evening with a mirror behind it, just to imbed the image. Thank you, Featherjourney!
I haven’t forgotten them! Thank you and Blessings Everyone!!
Since it’s impossible to address more than one at a time, I click ‘like’ & hope they’ll revisit & read all the others. This thread’s become dense & convoluted 😂. One of us needs to get a substack page started!
So, 🥰 Featherjourney, ALtab and Hubby, and all the brothers and sisters —greetings and gratitude and Blessings of Jesus Christ to you all!
( I’m keeping this window open & will be checking for new posts. …It’s becoming a full-time job! 😂)
LOL ! 😃🥲😊
Blessings back to you a hundredfold ❤️🇺🇸🙏🌎
“ There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
Edith Wharton
I like!!!!
Dippin’ candles and polishing like crazy these days. They work well together, don’t they? I think I will light a candle this evening with a mirror behind it, just to imbed the image. Thank you, Featherjourney!