Lynne— I listened to Cliff High upon your and other’s recommendations here. I understand the attraction. I truly do. I did some cursory research. Based this on what High said on the July 5 podcasts following the one on July 2 making dire predictions of Europe’s future.
High strongly propounds “The Naked Bible”, a book written by Mauro Biglino, a man purporting it to be the “true”, untainted scripture. This comports with what I recognized as the ideas of Zechariah Stitchen, Von Daniken et al. (The book of Urantia also may play a part.) The author of the “Naked Bible”, Cliff High’s Bible, does indeed follow them. Perhaps you do too —I don’t know.
I do know that the writers above circularly cite one another for their theories; and these miraculously morph into their premises, and hence to their conclusions This is presented as scholarship. And round and round it goes, forming new, enlightened and authoritative voices.
Here are some links to read about Biglino and his Naked Bible.
If this is what you and others take to be the true, I won’t say anything beyond this post. I write because you were so kind to share this, and because words and thoughts are expressed that take on entirely different meanings to one who holds to the historic Christian faith (as compared to those followers of Cliff High and by extension, Mr Biglino. )
Both men (and their circle) emphatically proselytize against our historic understanding of the Bible —meanings of Biblical words and concepts — historical AND cosmological. High is grandly open about this.
I write only to lift up the curtain to you, if you yourself don’t know, to show the origins and antecedents to Cliff High’s world view and teachings
You be the judge. And also so you understand that when you talk about God it may carry a completely different meaning than is taken by others.
I know that you speak in love. I don’t believe believe that Cliff High does. I
Believe that what he says is pure chicanery. Whether he is a willing deceiver or simply deceived himself I don’t know. Much of what he talks about, we’re seeing played out before us if we have eyes to see. Of course, though, he knows more. He knows secrets. He guides our perception of a true and evident unfolding of events, a true movement of the true God — But AWAY from a true understanding of it and Him. He does this adroitly and convincingly and many trust him.
This is just my conclusion — after much delving into this stuff a while back — Please forgive what might be an unwelcome intrusion! I needed to tell you this — Truth is so important , these days especially! And we search for truth because we’ve awakened from slumber to so much deceit.
Please read the links carefully. If this is news to you, know that you’re among friends. If you already know & accept it & this is unhelpful at best, I wish you well.
God has preserved the words He inspired by His Spirit. If you know it and Him, all this other stuff can be easily seen as the unholy work of those seeking to beguile His children. Get to know Him. Test the “Naked Bible”. Test Cliff High.
Do go with God. May He guide your steps. I pray discernment for you.
Blessings in God the Father of Jesus Christ who really did redeem us from sin — and much, much more.
Dick....Thank YOU for explaining. I haven't listened to Clif High that long. I don't delve into
a lot of what he writes about like aliens etc. I listen to his podcasts on current events. I was brought up in the Catholic Faith. I am sticking to the way my parents brought me up in the Church .I don't care what the Communist Pope has to say. After the Plandemic, I go to pray at the Church on my own. I was even told at another Catholic Church during the Plandemic that
I had to wear a mask. I told the man that no one was in the Church. I said the Pope is a
Communist and Catholic Charities aid and abet illegal aliens and walked out. I won't go
back to that Church. Thank YOU for being so kind to take time to explain to me.
Oh yay!! I’m so glad to hear that! Thank you! So many people are sucked in because he talks about stuff that’s happening & we want to understand it so much! But what he then throws into the mix is dangerous and deceptive, I believe.
it distorts a right understanding of events unfolding and further, harms us spiritually — which is far worse!! There are other really sweet people here who recommend him. I may write a response to them as well!
So happy to have met you!
Please click on my orange (red?) circle to see my info.
With a glad heart and much love (and not a little relief!😅)
Thank YOU for caring enough to express your feelings. I have learned so much in reading and commenting on Substack. I clicked on your orange circle :-). Sending GOD's Blessings and Love to You, also. +
I encourage you to read (on substack) 👉🏻Joe Lange and 👉🏻Eric Carlson, if you don’t already.
Very clear, insightful and concise writing! The comments are often great, too.
There are so many great writers here!!
—Also, a nice daily read is “Radio Patriot”: Some very important ones are interspersed with just encouraging or interesting ones, but it’s easy to quickly navigate through them if you want. Many Great reposts from all around, to go alongside the badlands daily briefs and others.
Hoping you and your family are and will bee well and that your heart is untroubled.
I know you can't listen to Podcasts too much. But, put in search: Clif High. He is SUPER.
He does about 30 minute Podcasts. He also writes, too. Go to Clif High, Substack.
People have been listening to him for YEARS.
Lynne— I listened to Cliff High upon your and other’s recommendations here. I understand the attraction. I truly do. I did some cursory research. Based this on what High said on the July 5 podcasts following the one on July 2 making dire predictions of Europe’s future.
High strongly propounds “The Naked Bible”, a book written by Mauro Biglino, a man purporting it to be the “true”, untainted scripture. This comports with what I recognized as the ideas of Zechariah Stitchen, Von Daniken et al. (The book of Urantia also may play a part.) The author of the “Naked Bible”, Cliff High’s Bible, does indeed follow them. Perhaps you do too —I don’t know.
I do know that the writers above circularly cite one another for their theories; and these miraculously morph into their premises, and hence to their conclusions This is presented as scholarship. And round and round it goes, forming new, enlightened and authoritative voices.
Here are some links to read about Biglino and his Naked Bible.
If this is what you and others take to be the true, I won’t say anything beyond this post. I write because you were so kind to share this, and because words and thoughts are expressed that take on entirely different meanings to one who holds to the historic Christian faith (as compared to those followers of Cliff High and by extension, Mr Biglino. )
Both men (and their circle) emphatically proselytize against our historic understanding of the Bible —meanings of Biblical words and concepts — historical AND cosmological. High is grandly open about this.
I write only to lift up the curtain to you, if you yourself don’t know, to show the origins and antecedents to Cliff High’s world view and teachings
You be the judge. And also so you understand that when you talk about God it may carry a completely different meaning than is taken by others.
I know that you speak in love. I don’t believe believe that Cliff High does. I
Believe that what he says is pure chicanery. Whether he is a willing deceiver or simply deceived himself I don’t know. Much of what he talks about, we’re seeing played out before us if we have eyes to see. Of course, though, he knows more. He knows secrets. He guides our perception of a true and evident unfolding of events, a true movement of the true God — But AWAY from a true understanding of it and Him. He does this adroitly and convincingly and many trust him.
This is just my conclusion — after much delving into this stuff a while back — Please forgive what might be an unwelcome intrusion! I needed to tell you this — Truth is so important , these days especially! And we search for truth because we’ve awakened from slumber to so much deceit.
Please read the links carefully. If this is news to you, know that you’re among friends. If you already know & accept it & this is unhelpful at best, I wish you well.
God has preserved the words He inspired by His Spirit. If you know it and Him, all this other stuff can be easily seen as the unholy work of those seeking to beguile His children. Get to know Him. Test the “Naked Bible”. Test Cliff High.
Do go with God. May He guide your steps. I pray discernment for you.
Blessings in God the Father of Jesus Christ who really did redeem us from sin — and much, much more.
Dick....Thank YOU for explaining. I haven't listened to Clif High that long. I don't delve into
a lot of what he writes about like aliens etc. I listen to his podcasts on current events. I was brought up in the Catholic Faith. I am sticking to the way my parents brought me up in the Church .I don't care what the Communist Pope has to say. After the Plandemic, I go to pray at the Church on my own. I was even told at another Catholic Church during the Plandemic that
I had to wear a mask. I told the man that no one was in the Church. I said the Pope is a
Communist and Catholic Charities aid and abet illegal aliens and walked out. I won't go
back to that Church. Thank YOU for being so kind to take time to explain to me.
Oh yay!! I’m so glad to hear that! Thank you! So many people are sucked in because he talks about stuff that’s happening & we want to understand it so much! But what he then throws into the mix is dangerous and deceptive, I believe.
it distorts a right understanding of events unfolding and further, harms us spiritually — which is far worse!! There are other really sweet people here who recommend him. I may write a response to them as well!
So happy to have met you!
Please click on my orange (red?) circle to see my info.
With a glad heart and much love (and not a little relief!😅)
God Bless!!
Thank YOU for caring enough to express your feelings. I have learned so much in reading and commenting on Substack. I clicked on your orange circle :-). Sending GOD's Blessings and Love to You, also. +
Thank you! Ditto what you said too 😉😊
Do you keep up with Vigano?
I love that great man of God.
YES.... Isn't HE a GIFT from GOD. A friend always lets me know when he comes out with new
videos and writings +
Thank you Lynn ! 🙏🏻
I already know Clif since many years BUT I think he's very controversial and I can't parse good and wrong things in his productions.
To me he often needs to be cross-checked with other sources ... 😟
Really? You get around :-) The people I have replied to on his Substack always spoke
highly of him. Do you believe there are people in a group called the SOC that
advises President Trump?
I respect the people who like him, but I'm circonspect about him ...
I've heard about the possible SOC group but never digged the matter
Oh OK. If you hear about the SOC, let me know. THANKS :-)
Hullo Lynne!
Please see post above re great substack peeps. Highly recommended!
Hi....Thank YOU....I will check out :-) +
I encourage you to read (on substack) 👉🏻Joe Lange and 👉🏻Eric Carlson, if you don’t already.
Very clear, insightful and concise writing! The comments are often great, too.
There are so many great writers here!!
—Also, a nice daily read is “Radio Patriot”: Some very important ones are interspersed with just encouraging or interesting ones, but it’s easy to quickly navigate through them if you want. Many Great reposts from all around, to go alongside the badlands daily briefs and others.
Hoping you and your family are and will bee well and that your heart is untroubled.