I visited the cemetary many years ago and it was the same feelings. I was also moved that the French regarded America with gratitude and how they honored our young soldiers — while we ourselves had all but forgotten! Many tears and much soul-searching on that day. The field of crosses and s…
I visited the cemetary many years ago and it was the same feelings. I was also moved that the French regarded America with gratitude and how they honored our young soldiers — while we ourselves had all but forgotten! Many tears and much soul-searching on that day. The field of crosses and stars; all races religions, nationalities. The American melting pot. A land of people descended from those who left loved ones and homeland for this new land. We’re all mixed nationalities. Many as one. In God we *must* trust. We have threads tying us to all the peoples of the world. Ties that bind. Me? I’m a bit of everything (with some native American thrown in for good measure). I’m grateful that in these recent years I’ve come to find my patriotism and to esteem the patriotism of each nation so highly.
This is so eloquent Trumper, and Lynn’s as well.
I visited the cemetary many years ago and it was the same feelings. I was also moved that the French regarded America with gratitude and how they honored our young soldiers — while we ourselves had all but forgotten! Many tears and much soul-searching on that day. The field of crosses and stars; all races religions, nationalities. The American melting pot. A land of people descended from those who left loved ones and homeland for this new land. We’re all mixed nationalities. Many as one. In God we *must* trust. We have threads tying us to all the peoples of the world. Ties that bind. Me? I’m a bit of everything (with some native American thrown in for good measure). I’m grateful that in these recent years I’ve come to find my patriotism and to esteem the patriotism of each nation so highly.
God Bless us all.