I look forward to the day when the JACOB Accords are enjoyed by all as we are finally liberated from the vice of darkness.

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I was waiting impatiently for this News Brief. It’s interesting that now there’s talk about deep fakes and cheap fakes. The big debate between Trump and Biden is almost here and incidences of Biden’s seeming “problems” are mounting, and there’s even talk of sneaky plans to replace him. Back in my checkered youth I used to play pool, not well, and paid good money to hustlers who beat me after they suckered me in to playing them by acting as though they were clumsy idiots who didn’t know how to play. Game one was mine and as I pocketed the winnings the hustler suggested a second game. Of course I said yes, and proceeded to get pulverized. I remember when Biden was going to be giving the State if the Union address and all us guys on the right were laughing about how he would bumble and stumble his way through it. Surprisingly and disappointingly he didn’t stumble or bumble. It makes me wonder if that’s exactly what his plan is leading up to the debates. So maybe these “senior moments” and “sneaky plans to replace him” are just part of the hustle, doomed to failure because in this instance his opponent, Trump, is the superior player.

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As far as Harry Enten and his reading of the polls between 2020 and 2024, while I would like to say this is because Black voters are finally seeing the light, note that he is forgetting that in 2020, during the beginning of June, The George Floyd riots were going on (after the C0vid lockdowns) and the lamestream media was blaming Trump.

Reminding them of this might be cause for them to "find" another tragedy to hang their hats on though

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What should amaze Harry Enten is why a majority of Black voters still vote for any Democrats. Democrats were the party of slavery, they created the Jim Crow laws, separate but equal was a Democrat invention and most voted against civil rights laws in the Congress. What allure gets Black Americans to like any Democrat?

That is what should be on Harry Enten’s mind and stir his investigative reporter’s brain. Why he fails to understand this truth is what interests me.

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An even more interesting thought is, what will happen when the Blacks really wake up? So far it's been pretty basic: "I was doing better under Trump." But once people start to think (rather than just run on autopilot, which most Americans including but not limited to minorities have been doing for a long time now), and their eyes really come open, THAT is when there will be a real sea change.

And they will learn about all of those things you mention, Jim, and they will be angry. Angry at the Democrats for lying to them, and angry at themselves for allowing themselves to believe the lies. And they will change -- become people who pay attention, stay awake, and think before acting. The Blacks yes, but many others as well. Resolute, and committed to never be played for the fool again.

That should scare hell out of the Demonrats, along with their Uniparty RINO friends. An informed populace is the bane of the grifter.

I don't imagine you'll hear any of this from someone like Harry Enten though. His ilk are on their way out. Daily Beast laying off 70% of its staff. WaPo and NYT cutting staff bigly. LATimes too. The bottom is falling out of the 'mainstream' media, and I say good riddance. This is happening because We the People, of all walks of life, are waking up to the truth. And the truth does not come from the MSM. Not anymore.

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What I've found interesting is the people who know everything that's going on, know how bad it truly is, all the way to child sacrifice, and still aren't engaged in learning more. Some minds will just never engage in anything that isn't their immediate surroundings. I don't understand how to be that way.

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Nor do I; but we do not need everyone to be fully awakened, only for a growing number to figure out who are evil (liars), and who are good (truthtellers). It's happening, not as quickly as I'd prefer either; but we must be thankful for whatever progress comes.

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Overall msg from today's Badlands .... Buckle UP, Buttercup! Last night Phil G's Intel Contact gave 1 word: BOOM (presumably in July). Haven't we all been waiting for NK to get back into movie? The enormous Weight (WAIT) carried by anons (witnessing years of systematic treason w/ ZERO public accountability in essence normalizing the complete dismantlement of all virtue in human society) while hearing repeated BOOM messages from emissaries of Q w/ no public validation.

It's been a test of internal gnosis, discernment in research & courage to communicate. TY, Guys at Badlands! Now can White Hats pls get on w/ Freakin' BOOM stuff? There's way too much puke in my popcorn. Let's end this nightmare movie & get on with hangin' ALL traitorous bitches & pedos so we heal our planet and humanity.

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So, to get the truth about Israel, you’ve got to go to Ukraine and Africa!?!---who would’ve known!?!---maybe only a ghost. God Bless!!!

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“Anyway, can we please do something about the millions of military aged males?”

infiltration over invasion

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Hadrian talked big, right up until they ventured into Scotland. Then the Roman army decided their best option was to build a friggin’ big wall along the northern boundary of England. Hadrians Wall. The remnants of this wall cane seen in Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves in the scene where Costner and Freeman come across a boy hiding in a Sycamore tree after shooting one of the Kings deer. I presume it was the King of Englands deer he killed. If the Roman army panicked when they encountered the Scots, you’d have to assume tales of doom were passed down generation to generation of what would happen to boys caught shooting the King of Scotlands deer 🦌

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Incidentally, that famous Sycamore tree …..


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This story made me cry when it happened; criminals hate our beautiful planet and do anything to destroy Life.

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Thank you for “The Brief” Holiday Edition! I am just now enjoying this content. I have been “Teenthing” it up all day like a rockstar. Just kidding, had to take my mom to the dentist.

I have a few shows to catch up on as well. I have spent the past week with my visiting normie siblings, trying desperately to avoid a TinFoil Hat Citation 😂

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I remember MacGregor mentioning ancient feuds when speaking about Nuland and Congress.

I was impressed that he said that.

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While it doesn’t undermine GPH’s premise necessarily, it looks like that Greater Israel patch is likely a disinformation hoax. Most of the retweets are from bot accounts. There are no images of it anywhere prior to June 16 that I could find on Google (which doesn’t prove anything but definitely makes it sus). Israel doesn’t have the capability to be an imperialistic military even if they wanted to be. Let’s do better before we pass something off as true even (especially) if we wish it was true.

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Ghost, what is reference to Breaking History and is there a link?

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Ghost, what is reference to Breaking History? Is there a link?

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