If Sandy Hook wasn’t a hoax, why would they come after Alex Jones so hard? They could have just proved it and he would have been made a liar. Alex Jones is getting punished for telling the truth. Just like the J6rs, just like Trump, Bannon, Navarro, Rudy, etc.

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Exactly. I don't even like Jones, think he's controlled opposition. Of course since they once again destroyed all the evidence, it's hard to prove either way. I remember there were all kinds of suspicious circumstances around this, and then later how so many of the "dead" children have doppelgangers alive and well in society. It doesn't take more than a few dozen conspirators to create a global stage.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23

Controlled Oppo. Yep. But what are we to make of the whys of the entire drama? …including the court & continuing story.

Distraction, outrage, confusion, contention…but why really? What’s the point? (Including going way back with Jones’ CO leading?)

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Well for sure it was a gun control opp. And now "fining" him 1.5B is a clear message to all those who make their living off exploring conspiracies that "we'll claw back all your earnings" which they hope will silence any others in the space.

It's all about narrative and who is first into the mass mindset. Marketing really. The product is public perception, and first to market usually wins...

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I had no idea Alex Jones owed 1.5 billion related to Sandy Hook? How on Earth was that calculated? Even if everything he said was utterly false (it wasn't) was the argument that he damaged the families? I'm no fan of Jones really, but there was plenty wrong with the official narrative about Sandy Hook. And, to this day it's rotten like 9/11...

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Any nail that begins to protrude even a bit from the Deep State floor will be relentlessly pounded, again and again, not only to convince that nail to stay deeply buried, but hopefully (from [their] viewpoint) to convince any other potentially rebellious nails to do likewise.

The $1.5 billion was calculated in much the same way as Trump's bookkeeper paying his lawyers was determined to be 34 felonies in a kangaroo New York court.

They aren't even trying to hide it anymore.

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Desperation on display in all of these ‘threatening’ cases!

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Indeed. You can almost taste their fear in the air.

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It is amazing how far We the People have come. We are getting so close I can almost taste it...

Thanks for getting another week off with such a HUGE smile on my face...comfyAF...

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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What I find fascinating is how with certain defeat facing Ukraine the G7 continues to promote war. It does support the notion that Ukraine is an evil/corrupt state owned by the west as a clearing house for all types of illicit activities. Unfortunately for these politicians their evil deeds will be on display at some point. Wouldn’t it be a kick in the ass if Putin is proven to be “the goodie” and the west “the baddie”? Unfortunately it’s the good people of Ukraine who will have borne much of the wars cost…and for nothing. Pax

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The longer [they] can put this off, they will do so. They know once everything comes out about Ukraine they'll be toast. They are losing and they know it, but the longer they can delay, they will.

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That’s exactly what is going to be proven.

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‘Because shall not be infringed.’ Ashe is right!

Many of us have known for a LOT longer than 8 or 9 years what Ukraine’s true purpose is for the global elites….including the Nazis in DC. This long hot Sumer is definitely the time to expose all of it; Taiwan has a less, but definitely similar use. ‘…that 2024 would be “the year of disclosure,…’. Ghost is right here, too!

Congress is complicit in all of it. When the resignations begin….then we’ll know. If not before the election, vote them out. We need a clean slate to start restoring our constitutional republic.

Long hot summer. Think HAARP and the weather weaponization designed to help defeat enemies in war; for decades now. WHO is the enemy of the cabal and their deep state minions? Prepare for excessive weather as ‘we the people’ are the enemy. Do not be surprised at anything; NOAA is complicit.

Good bless the dedicated truthers here.🙏🙏

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I’d like to pose a question. or maybe more of a statement, looking for a confirmation. I’m of the thought that what we’re watching is a controlled demolition by what I see as a controlled opposition not just nationwide but worldwide, whether by coercion, actor, or even bot for that matter. But why the timing culminating on “Election 2024”? To wake more people up, obviously, but what other main reason if you had to put your finger on it? I think it’s for the continued exposure and apprehension of all the mid and lower bad players, since, as I said above, the higher ups are controlled opposition. And, I’m assuming whoever’s “running the show” could and has moved the timeline depending on certain circumstances and outcomes. I’ve probably answered my own question, and you certainly don’t need to agree with my premise, just a yeah or neah, and maybe a little blurb if need be. Not all at once now! God Bless!!!

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I consider if control is allowed too much longer, it will either 1) cause civil wars (which they are trying to prevent, or 2) the level of inadvertent exposures is reaching the inevitable ‘precipice.’ One thing is for certain. Time will tell. Blessings!

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Ghost: "The UN {formerly} recognizes 193 member nations, plus the Vatican and the [disputed] State of Palestine. Of the 160 countries invited to the event, only 78 {formerly} accepted."

The word "formerly" means "previously". I suspect that you meant "formally".

Otherwise, another set of excellent reports, thanks.

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Alex Jones wasn't wrong in voicing "unpopular" opinions, under the first amendment was entitled to do so. The federal was wrong and many now question the veracity of Jones claims.

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A man named David Leavitt was very involved in the 2014 Ukraine Coup.

I have written extensively about him on my own Substack these past two years.

He has been accused of being a member of the Church of Satan but presents as a faithful member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Here is one of my reports about him.


And a summary of the first six weeks of my coverage is here


Thanks Badlands!

You guys are my favorite news source…

Jenny Hatch

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Scott Ritter predicted Putin’s proposal (to the letter) since ‘22. Ukraine had a better negotiating footing back then. Now they have to swallow it whole or suffer the consequences. May cool heads prevail.

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Joe, Joe, Yo, over here please... US Dog King President.

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Where's Sam Brinton when we need him?

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I had to look the name up - yeah, dei at its finest. He's that freak that was stealing women suitcases at the airport luggage.

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And also a 'pup handler' -- quick search turned this up:


Just thinking, you know, if Sam was there he'd have kept Biden on a short leash 🤣

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How is Joe Biden wandering off a MAJOR Devolution proof?

Please explain this asinine comment.

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Ahh, the snowflake trolls on....

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What I need to understand is the reason to keep this farce going on and on. Joe Biden has not been seen in public since before the 2020 election. We seem to all agree on that, don’t we?

So, the clown wandering around looking like a doddering fool is likely a very healthy actor playing his role. Periodically he seems to have a mask malfunction that gets some people excited, but this movie is getting quite boring to me.

Surely enough humans have seen enough to buy the truth without causing a Civil War. I mean, once people are told they have been duped for almost four years which side is going kill over it? To me the fact that our government has taken this long to get the truth out is worse than what the truth reveals. Isn’t this now a balancing act rather than a movie? I, for one, am getting pissed off at the damned movie. I know enough to be sick of the show. Seeing America being embarrassed daily to the entire World is nauseating! STOP IT NOW! We have had enough and the gains are overpowering the losses. Capitalists understand this concept, or they should.

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You, and just about everybody in here besides "snowflake" the resident troll, have a clear idea about what's going on....but the average Joe and Jane are only just getting there. The election is the turning point and things will ramp up dramatically between then and now.

If this wasn't an election year, I'd absolutely share your frustration which I felt daily UNTIL this year. Now I see the end of the tunnel and all the signs of a bright light ahead...

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OK, Critical Thinker, let’s try some critical thought.

How can this silliness continue? If the guy playing Joe Biden on our movie is a fake, how can he run for re-election? Are the voters voting for Joe Biden or for a fake? But, that raises an even better question. “Who was elected in 2020? We know the person who was inaugurated had the attached earlobe of the fake Joe, so we inaugurated someone who was never elected. Legally where does that leave America?

Is that critical thinking or what? We are digging a deeper hole for ourselves daily. Some super smart person told me years ago, “When you dig yourself into a hole, the first step is to put down the damned shovel and quit digging.”

I see no way that this movie needs more intrigue. America is definitely bankrupt, we were driven into bankruptcy by socialism and deficit spending to fund our socialism, inflation is killing the value of the American dollar, WW three is being orchestrated, and America is still getting up and going to work every day. What is not to love with this situation?

So, if Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is not a liar, Trump has already declared bankruptcy seven years ago and America is still getting up and going to work every day! What harm did the bankruptcy do to us? The movie is over! Go home! There is nothing to see here.

All we need is for the truth to be told. The answer to everything is, “Wake up tomorrow and go to work.” That is what makes America great and it always has been our strength. Socialism was tried and failed here, just as has everywhere it has been attempted. The problem here in America is or Capitalism allowed it to appear to work for over 100 years. But, it still failed and it took a great Capitalist to show us the truth. You may now thank Donald!

By the way, he took back our Gold so the new dollars will have backing other than debt. The rest is just accounting.

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Firstly, we're in uncharted territory here...surely you'd agree that the world, especially here at home, has gone batshit crazy. Look around at your everyday people and ask yourself if they're ready for the shocking truths to be revealed. If there is a master plan that avoids both a full blown WW3 and civil war and anarchy at home, the timing has to be optimal. I agree this is taking way too long for my liking but I like to think "they" are reading the tea leaves and planning things out.

The only thing I DO know is that major happenings have to take place before the election, so the debate with whatever/whoever is playing "Biden" seems right on schedule. If you have another idea that pulls this all off without a whole lot of innocents getting hurt, I'm all ears and eyes.

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Damn good comment!

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Doesn’t it actually need to ramp up in the next ten days? How can the imposter show up and let Trump devastate him in a debate with nothing but the truth? I mean there are so many facts to be put on the table that just bury Joe Biden (Or the fake Joe). I just cannot see it being allowed to happen. But how can it be stopped?

I saw the doddering fool helped by Obama over the weekend in California. The doddering is being portrayed as getting far worse far faster. There has to be an end game at work or this movie will not sell.

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Yes, I'm the "resident troll" here because of one thing and one thing only.

I have a different opinion than all these commenter's here.

You see critical stinker is a "front line defender"

What's that you ask?

It's a person who's deployed on these social media sites like substack.

F.L.D. like him only show up when someone disagrees with the author/ narrative.

Don't take my word for it. Scan the multitude of substackers comments. Go almost anywhere and you'll find someone that doesn't agree with the author/narrative he's there attacking them with garbage comments like the one he put out here.

Hes signaling to everyone not to listen to me. Why? If I'm way off base then why deploy the F L.D?

Because you get the most resistant when you're clearly over target.

Critical stinker won't engage in polite talk. He cannot formulate any original responses or thoughts on his own.

He just comes here calls people names then hides like the coward that he is.

Keyboard warrior, nothing more.

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Lol...nice try. Could it simply be that you are the FUD pusher and people just call you out on your intentional doomposting? Seems pretty obvious to me but then again, I'm apparently a "Frontline defender", whatever the hell that means....

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The Snowflake has all of social media where he's welcomed into the echo chamber of the media machine, but he chooses to come here and bitch about the friction he caused being the odd man out.

Cry me a river. That's been normal life since at least 2008 for most of the posters here.

So not only a troll, but a whinging troll at that. And probably retarded as well...

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If I'm way off base then why are you following me around and trolling me? You're all over substack. Not many substacks I've been too that didn't have some kind of dumb comment from you.

Just like that anti transgender commenter you tried to talk shit to just because he doesn't support LGBTQ like you do.

You said in your comment you were in fact a transgender.

I wish that substack was still up cause I sure would put your comments up here.

You're slightly amusing but mostly dull.

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Buddy, I barely post and am quite comfortable in my genderhood. You're doing that projection thing again....but I hope you get the help you need.

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What is a wonderful way to expose a puppet, not a president?

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Its a damn shame about Jones and the "NUDGING" by FBI/DOJ to "encourage" the families of victims real or otherwise FBI Actors to sue him. I hope he wins the case, when he's able to sue the DOJ for this bogus crime (Sandy Hook) if he can ever prove it. The J6 Babbit murder was surely a hoax, according to this video. A theater stunt! Who really are the people that call themselves her family? Watch


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Wooz pretty much clinches it. The whole Jones thing top to bottom is contrived, in my book. Him too — only partial exposé.

Emotional distractions.

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Far right conspiracy theorist???? Who are you Axios and who's side are you on???? Don't believe you belong on Badlands!

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"...and who is side are you on?"

Whom are you addressing? Who is "Axios"?

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