Thank you Badlands!

Re: Trump

No hush money was paid. There was no affair. Trump sued and Stormy had to pay $300k and her lawyer was sent to jail for extortion.

The Deep State is loosing, so to get the focus off of Biden/Obama, Hunter, the crimes in Ukraine, Election fraud they focus on Trump.

Re: China & Russia

They both are White Hats.

Covid 19- Everything will be divulged.

Re: Financial System- The banks will collapse.



My take: Keep praying for the Militaries around the world that are taking down this corruption.

Have a nice day!

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💯 A+!

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Have a nice day !

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News today is 65.000 workers on strike in NY. The government better spend more time addressing problems and leave Trump alone.

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They’re mentally ill at this point. Solving the problems has never been the goal.

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If you want to understand how they think and work, I recommend Thomas Sowell's 'The Vision Of The Anointed.' If you've not already read it...

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Thomas what a great spirit and mind he has.

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Today Los Angeles schools are closed because of school strike and hundreds of thousands of children are enjoying their time off playing computer games and getting high.

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I’ve been looking forward to “your take” on these news pieces; and I just now remembered that I haven’t let you know in the comments. Please keep up this excellent brief.

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re Covid info released: Biden says, "my Administration will declassify and share as much of that information as possible." It's just another limited hangout. For sure it's a good sign when the enemy has to release more info, but the nat sec state has made compartmentalized info an art. They will release nothing really compromising, and their paid hacks will continue to read from their written lists of talking points prepared for them by their CIA handlers. Nevertheless, it's always encouraging when the enemy has to backtrack, even a little. Thank you Badlands media!

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Nevertheless, the vast majority of the truth is already out and spreading across the world. Nothing the Bidan idiots can do to stop the spread of the truth at this point. When it’s widespread enough, the clamor for Nuremberg-style trials will increase.

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I appreciate Justin's take on the uncertainty of the ultimate goals of Russia and China. Sure, I would love the White Hats theory to be the correct one, but even if that turns out to be a mere dream I am content to take a position where the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Well, sort of friend 😏

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I agree and it is one of the things i love about Justin and others when they write. They are not afraid to point out all possibilities.

RE China and Russia : If they are smart, which i am pretty sure they are, they realize with clarity that we all have a common goal for not only our respective nations but more to the point the health of all benefits each one individually. Much to your point, more often than not, our friends are the enemy of our enemy. Either way, we win.

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IMO, both Xi and Putin are very smart, they know about the Deep State because both have one of their own, and they understand the difference between the Cabal/Deep State and the rest of the country. Putin often mentions the 'US DNC/Deep State' people in the releases from the Russian government ministries. He's very careful never to attack the 'USA' in general.

They are both also quite close with Trump and I suspect they dislike Biden greatly, even though the CCP has used Biden when it suits their purposes. A great post here:


From last July but still very much on point.

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I’m with Just Human on hoping the arrest is more than currently being considered and with BB on the plandemic virus. Whether it was made in China, Ukraine or any other DARPA/3 letter agency; it’s obvious that it was done by the cabal’s powers-to-be in furtherance of several of their stated goals and tribunals should be their future. Time will tell. The work to have all banking assets covered is nothing more than trying to figure out how to best transfer US taxpayers ‘wealth’ to the ever-more-greedy Rothschild banking system in such a manner ‘we the people’ think they’re saving our savings. This, too, will likely fail as there are too many non-controlled news sources and more people are waking every minute to the truth at some level - ever more likely as the steal gets closer to the backyards! God bless all the independent journalists in Badlands and protect them from the evil ones.🙏

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Republicans need to start bringing charges on any and ALL democrats - drag things out long enough that MSM gets involved - rinse and repeat ! That’s the game the left plays , as admitted to by Nancy Pelosi , lie , lie repeatedly , let msm repeat the lie - and lefties will never believe the truth !

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These are tribunal-level crimes, too.

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Africa with ALL the resources is not obeying. That’s very interesting. I lean toward Putin/Xi taking down the enemy based upon history and actions that are apparently against the respective deep state in Russia and China, but of course don’t know for sure OR what their future plans really are.🙏

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Yes, thank you . I saw that.

God bless you!

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Interesting - thanks.

I find the possible double meaning of SA to be intriguing.

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Thanks... thoughts. Consider finance as the body and decompression as the problem. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decompression_sickness. Bubbles cause huge problems... they also removing bouncy when in massive amounts.

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I think Just Human put it perfectly. The one wild card nobody seems to be focusing on is why are the Pelosis there?

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I also appreciate Justin’s views on China & Russia. However, if we are talking about super powers they are all controlled by the same people with the possible exception of Russia. New super powers will most likely be controlled by the KM as the US is now.

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Election integrity and honesty will change much of the landscape in both the USA and the rest of the nations.

Russia has gold backed rubles and has an economy doing well, much to the dismay of the globalist and their communistic bug or borg like mentality.

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I don't believe that the USA is controlled by the KM/Cabal/Deep State as much as they would like. There are certainly a lot of people in the government who are DS, but their actions indicate to me that they are losing on the Game Board. They are making stupid, desperate moves that reveal their gut feelings that they are losing ground.

The Controllers are running Ukraine today, many of the European countries, most of Latin America, for now anyway -- but that is about to change. They are not running Russia, and they are fighting for their life in China just as in the USA. Xi has been purging the government and CCP, likely of the KM influenced folks he does not agree with. I think that the war in Ukraine is [their] last stand, and they are losing. All this talk on the MSM about Ukrainian counter-offensives, Russia losing ground or making small gains at great expense -- all Cabal misinformation. Lies. Putin and his generals are acting like Russians at war always have, they are slowly and methodically destroying Ukraine's ability to fight. Grinding them down, destroying their will to fight. It is a war of attrition and Russia has much greater reserves than Ukraine, even if US/NATO gives them whatever they can spare. Those MiG-29s from Poland? Older aircraft, less capable than Russian planes, and sitting ducks against the latest Russian defenses (S-400 missile system, for example). It is only a matter of time until Ukraine can no longer maintain a credible position on the board. And that is when the KM/Cabal drops onto its knees.

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Hmm... maybe. Time will definitely tell.

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I cannot help but note the appropriateness of Alvin's surname, "Bragg". He seems to have gone head-first into the "Trump Quicksand."

"There's also a possibility that a spicier dish may be served up: one that results in the indictment of someone OTHER than Trump and flips this entire fake news saga on it's head and twists it into a pretzel." Might that refer to Michael Cohen?

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Every time Trump says something about a witch hunt I always think of the Hildabeast...

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And sometimes they really are......look at some of the jewelry she and daughter wear.

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