Time to fumigate the parasites is brilliant. I've never really considered DeSantis except how Florida handled Covid was really good because I live in Michigan, where we've got Governor Whitler and we sold our house during Covid. We moved into our 5th wheel to ride out the Biden administrations devastation of our economy. So now we winter in Florida and during Covid it was so much better there. But that doesn't mean I totally trust DeSantis. I've become a " I'll believe what I can prove" kinda girl. The only politician I trust right now is NOT A POLITICIAN- Donald Trump! Thanks for the update guys. The DNC is destroying itself and it's fun to watch in my opinion!

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Thank you for suffering through the DNC convention so the rest of us don't have to. Looking at the brief video clips, all I have to say is -Bwahahahahaha.... :)

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Ashe: “Never interfere with the enemy when they are sterilizing themselves.” 😭

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ROFLMFAO... that is hilarious and something to store in the ol memory bank... :)

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Re DNC Convention: I think conservatives sometimes miss the point when discussing the Death Cult (Democrat Party) and its supporters. These people are genuinely enthused about Kamala and Hillary (note the 5-minute standing ovation when HRC stepped up to the podium, and the big crowds at Harris events -- and no, that is not AI). Propaganda is, essentially, repetition. Even the most irrational Narrative will be accepted if it is repeated often enough. We have reached the point where sanity and rationality are almost entirely missing from the Dem side, but no one over there even recognizes its lack (or cares). Humanity is now in uncharted territory. P.S. This is the best news summary on the net. Ashe's analysis of Harris' EITC claim is enlightening.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

"A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth."

"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself."

-- Joseph Goebbels

More here: https://www.azquotes.com/author/5626-Joseph_Goebbels

Who are the Nazis now?

"The Nazi Party, officially the National Socialist German Workers' Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP), was a far-right political party in Germany active between 1920 and 1945 that created and supported the ideology of Nazism."


Even Wikipedia gets things right sometimes -- note the name 'National Socialists.' (edit: I always thought socialism was on the left though.) Now it's called Kamunism. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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Yeah that entry is typical for the woketards and liars who operate Wikipedia. The National Socialists were competing with Antifasistiche Aktion, the communist party of Germany, to see which one of these criminal groups could destroy the Weimar Republic first. The Hitlerians, funded by Western bankers, won out because they got the money. The history of the world as we have been taught it is a pack of lies and propaganda.

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They never ever referred to themselves as Nazis.

It's a derogatory term started by a Joo.

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Of possible note: I received an email today from the top dog at USAA announcing his retirement. 👀

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DEMOCRATS demonstrate walls work…

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...they just needed something worth protecting.

Now we know they will not do a damn thing to protect us, but they will commit the mortal sins of building walls and requiring ID, when their own asses are on the line.

Hypocrites... but I repeat myself.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

Notice how none of the REAL DIRTBAGS' homes ever get raided..... If you're for JOE-Bama, you're not arrested, raided, jailed, deported, exposed, or fired. Your satanist circles are free of FBI infiltrators. Child abductions don't exist and every illegal gets their rent paid too.

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🤔 Me just wishing GBPH would take the gloves off...

"I’m sure these guys don’t think they worship Satan— they probably tell themselves that they just worship money— but that’s actually the same thing. They are servants of Satan, who have chosen to willingly betray God and all forms of decency on this earth. Never again should we allow these animals to feign morality on television, or pontificate to us about the depravity of this world."

There it is. 🙌 👏🏼 💯

It is never the wrong time to do the right thing. I continue to pray for safety, wisdom and discernment for us all! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

PS - You want to really kick the hornets nest, ask all of these "pastors" why they take a salary?!?!? "This is not so among you."

PPS Anyone else debating on going to GART 6?

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Thanks. Glad everyone made it home safe from Deadwood.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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God does win.

Just not now.

Unless I missed the part in the Bible where an orange man saves the world.

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It's been awhile. Curious what kinda stuff everyone found researching Vances ties to adrenachrome harvesting.

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I haven’t found anything yet, but I’m not an anon. I did note he likely has some of his funds in a mutual investment account as his portfolio appears widely distributed.

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Good guess but it's not the answer.

This shouldn't be a challenge to anyone. I discovered this info within 24 hours of Trumps announcement of Vance. I already knew about it before hand but I have now confirmed it.

Its a red flag everyone is missing.

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Article from the GatewayPundit today:

“Joyful Warriors” or Crazed Mental Patients?

“ The problem with the Vice President’s understanding of mental illness is that it is not based in science or medicine.”

“ According to a study reported in the Columbia Magazine, “American adults who identify as politically liberal have long reported lower levels of happiness and psychological well-being.” And a group of Columbia epidemiologists found evidence that “the same pattern holds for American teenagers…while the rates of depression have been rising among students of all political persuasions and demographics, they have been increasing most sharply among progressive students…”


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Ghost’s point on seeing, exposing, and putting a stop to/getting rid of the gop, good old boys “favors” club, is most definitely needed in almost each and every gaslighted state! On being in the Black Hills over the weekend, I thought we might see the Badlands crew chiseling away on Mt Rushmore!?!----after all, “You can almost see the Hair!?!” God Bless!!!

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

Democrat swamp is a laughable mess! Kamala (the border Zar) and her communist sidekick Walz...

TRUMP 2024!!! MAGA❤️🤍💙 because only IDIOTS would vote for Kamala, an installed nominee anchor baby, and her China boot licking communist traitor sidekick, all brought to you by Obastard and Big Mike, the basement Kenyan crackhead and she-man imposter! PS that might have been Kamaltoes double 💩💩

America has become A Frig'n JOKE!

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How much have you found out about vances ties to adrenachrome harvesting?

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Ghost - Isn't this what Rod Blagojevich went to jail for? Auctioning off a senate seat? Game on!

As for Sasse, why stop at sing like a bird when he could squeal like a pig?

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Ghost has the take of the day, year, decade and century, ‘How could they possibly live with themselves, once this is all over and we have won? They did nothing?’ In this clown chow, how can one say nothing at all? This applies to ALL of those in (s)elected positions and ALL of us.

If not now, when?

God bless those who celebrate the truth.🙏🙏

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I wonder what Kamala meant by increasing home ownership to increase property tax revenue…

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20

She meant, giving every illegal a new home where an American once lived.....before they were sent off to CDC Greenzone Concentration Camps where they would be gassed or injected with a poison.

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That’s what I was thinking. Thanks.

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Everybody calm down. Mike Johnson is a fine christian man. I’m sure he has our best interests at heart. He’ll take care of us. 🙄

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