My "sleeping" friend texts me her outrage over Trumps indictment and I said... stop watching MSM because they just promote fear... she responds with " I only watch Fox because they tell the truth"🤦‍♀️

I was in my first semester in college when the Patriot Act was introduced and I was given the assignment of a survey from people about whether they supported it. 9/11 was successful in making people think giving up their rights would keep them safer.🤦‍♀️

And you're gonna love this.....my uncle had a sex change in the 70's and became my aunt. And died broken and alone in a nursing home after a stroke. Proving that going against God...(Roman's 1) leads to a lonely life. 🤷‍♀️

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Deb, tell your friend that Fox doesn't tell the truth, they can't anymore. Liberals bought the company years ago. For a while Hannity and Lura Ingraham still were. I don't know what happened with Hannity, but he's no friend to Trump like he used to be. Laura I have no idea about, I really haven't watched in ages.

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Tucker is the only one I watch any more, and even he has been muzzled. Cut off after day one of reporting on the J6 tapes, and guest Jason Whitlock cut off mid-sentence just for mentioning 'national divorce.' But he does say things the others can't because he brings in so many viewers -- as long as he keeps away from Murdoch's third rail.

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Q speaks of Declass so often in drops, I smell white-hat in this latest leak. The method in which the information was leaked is a tad humorous as well. You can’t keep the truth away from we the people!

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Good read. I found myself nodding along with each "OurTake" write-up.

Keep up the great work.

God Bless!!!

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Very well written, and you explain some things that I think about and have not been able to articulate! I really see and know somehow how Trump and the white hats could be playing 'switcheroo" sort of for the edification and education of the people. I sometimes don't even know how I know these things You put the details and dots and color in!! Thank you!! Great job!!

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Interesting note on yew tree...

It is an evergreen (religious implication) and it is a natural (God-given) treatment for cancers. The lies of our government are a cancer on the nation.

Something to think about...

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I have a weird take on the Trump/Tucker interview. The staging of the set seemed somehow skewed to look like Tucker was bigger than Trump. It looked like his chair was closer to the camera or something. If you pause the video, it even looks like Tucker's chair is a little bit bigger. Is Fox pandering to Tucker, but really trying to undermine Trump subliminally.

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Your take is not weird, IMO.

This was so obvious to me while we were watching it that I pointed it out to my wife at the time.

Now there were side cameras that gave different perspectives on Trump's and Tucker's faces, so sightlines to those cameras might have been part of the reason... but the result was a bit grotesque to my eyes. Intentional, and if so for what purpose? Your guess is as good as mine...

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"...we can often learn more from reading false Narrative Deployments than..."


Right the topsy-turvy.

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BB: All we have to do is not participate! There are always options and in this time we reminisce about the time before the concentrated attacks on the family. It’s so obvious with hindsight, isn’t it? Spent the day in the backyard planting and digging in dirt. That’s a great day!! MSM doesn’t matter much after a day like today! God bless you gifted journalists.🙏

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BB - I actually appreciate what you are saying here about Tucker Tonight. I am certainly not a fan of FOX in general. I do watch Tucker (recorded so i can skip stupid stuff) because i like the way he lays out information and facts which i use in conversations with sleepy peoples. :) I also think the fox shows are bringing normies along and each show probably has its own timeline and target. I just like the way Tucker presents the information and it seems to work well when discussing a topic with semi-comatose family members. 😂🤣😂

Well done!

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I would love to know exactly who it is that writesand directs the Lamestream Narrative. On the Trump/Tucker Controversey, I can see them sitting around the table: Hmmm How can we make Trump even more unpopular???? Hey. We will claim that Trump is so horrible that even his buddy Tucker hates him. Lunatics!

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MSM is the media outlet for the Cabal/Deep State. [They] are the ones who write the narrative.

Now if you've been watching [them] for any time, it starts to become clear that they are making unforced errors on the Game Board (Bud Lite, drag queens in schools, Moloch speech, etc.) which to me, is evidence that they do not have the time nor the resources to think their actions through logically, and anticipate the Actual response.

So, given such a scenario, the 'news' they release via their MSM whores cannot be expected to make any more sense than anything else they do. It is becoming more 'helter skelter' by the day. This is good news for us; it means they are losing.

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WB, I'm sure you must know who is BEHIND the 'MSM whores', creating these narratives.

The Publicus Group. Unsurprisingly, there is at least one WEF connection.

I was introduced to this through Dr. Joseph Mercola's newsletter.


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Yeah, it's all Cabal/Deep State. They have numerous 'front' groups and many 'middlemen' groups, who pass funding back and forth to try to hide the sources and uses of funds.

Maybe someday we will get to see that tangled web with all of its tentacles exposed.

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I'm reasonably confident we will, WB! Quite possibly in the not to distant future, with Trump in charge!😉

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Drinking Bud is like kissing your sister. To kiss my girlfriend (aka, my wife of 37 years) I only drink locally crafted ales, preferably unfiltered and unpasteurized. 😊

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"In order to destroy [their] System of Systems, all you have to do is not take part in it.” — Burning Bright

QQ for you BB - how much inconvenience should the "Joe Six Pack" consumer be expected to take-on, and how much more should the "Truth Community" be willing to accept?

We all make daily choices (whether to post on Twitter [I know - I am one of those extremists who sees Musk as a business man, with profit motives] or YouTube, order goods via Amazon, or retain AT&T's cellular plan) that support the System of Systems or its acolytes.

What if...

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"Let's crush Russia's currency flows & defeat their "warring."


"And let's blow shit up so Russia can't sell its vast energy sources."


"WHAT ?!?

They're joinin' together with a new dollar & tradin' stuff."

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"...while the new media and new era of citizen journalism rises to replace them [MSM].”


Once rich ratings, to raging rags.

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Bank releases records showing millions in transaction between Hunter Biden, China firms, Johnson | Just The News


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WOW ! There was some emblematic connecting of dots there. Organic v. meta. Meaning v. beta.

"Smash the literal."

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