All eyes on the BRICS bros! Also of note, my husband voted yesterday and it was 100% Trump people in line wearing Trump paraphernalia and chatting with each other about Trump at MacDonalds. I might take my mom today. It would be more fun for her than anything else I could plan. 🥰

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I just drove this weekend from Costal Virginia five hours west across my state to visit family. Thousands of Trump/Vance signs along the way. They lined the highways and secondary roads and front yards everywhere. Saw about 12 signs for the stupid side. 😁. We are winning.

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I have witnessed something when I walk my dogs. Harris/Walz signs are being taken down by my neighbors. There are many fewer than a week ago. They also have taken down the “Save Democracy” signs. I have not had a chance to ask why?

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Indeed, here in WNC, I haven't seen 1 Harris/Waltz sign in my area, all Trump/Vance.

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Maybe we need to move there from Arizona, stupid signs here and a few of us with Trump.

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I thought you weren't allowed to wear candidate paraphenalia?? I voted Sunday and wanted to wear my Trump for Women sweatshirt but thought it wasn't allowed??

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I thought so too. I have been made (in past elections) to turn my T-shirt inside-out in order to enter the polling place. I have also been made to rip up my sample ballot as I signed my voter form, being told it was illegal to take my sample ballot behind the curtain (which is absolutely false). Apparently yesterday people were trading stickers and buttons while in line. I was incredulous to hear this!

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It’s free speech. Voters can, poll workers cannot…

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Well, apparently not all states have free speech!!

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True. 21 states, apparently…

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Kamala has one thing Trump doesn't. 100 million votes.

Remember voter fraud hasn't been proven. Meaning they're still cheating.

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Correction: 100 million ballots. I doubt she has even "14million" votes. IYKYK

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Why not? Biden got 80 million.

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But if 45-47 gets rid of income tax, what will the demonrats have to launder, steal, and send overseas??? Oh the leftist tears that must be falling over this announcement! 😁😁

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Everybody in the US should pay SOME federal income tax. Let’s start at a dollar and go down from there…

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Well, that would be stupid. The whole point is to get rid of the federal reserve. Don’t pay one cent! It’s illegal!

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If we actually study the history of the income tax we find the Secretary of State “Declared the Amendment ratified” rather than “The Amendment was ratified” as with most other Amendments. What happened in 1913 was never legal because many state legislatures changed the wording. Legally the whole process needed to be sent back to Congress to work out the conflicts. But, the crooked Democrat SOS just declared it ratified.

In 1913 the media was not paying attention and the public relied on newspapers for information. Did the media know and just ignore the crime, or were they just lazy?

That was 110 years ago, but America has benn suffering ever since. It is about time we corrected this error.

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"Trump said that MAGA—which he called "the greatest movement in the history of any country"—is far larger than his 2020 popular vote of about 74 million, though he offered no evidence to support these numbers". Apparently Newsweek is too busy printing lies rather than watching Trump's rallies, I think that is more than enough evidence to support his numbers!!!

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"No evidence" has been the leftist mantra ever since they denied the 2020 election fraud.

You could provide reams of compelling evidence about many aspects of the fraud, but their puppets on the MSM would repeat "No evidence" and that was it. End of discussion.

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Thanks y'all for today's Takes.

I choose to listen to Trumps remarks directly rather than the bullshit DS Rat Bastard's rendition or any of the MSM stories about anything. Trump is sending real signal! All taxes are illegal. Our current fiat system has to be replaced and all the wealth that the DS Rat Bastards have stolen from us need to be returned. We owe nothing to the DS Rat Bastards so all the "debt" can be eliminated by Trump.

We the People are the news and we need to loudly and proudly share the Truth. I believe the statistic is that all it takes is 3.5% to enact the change. We are way past that, we now need to share our voice.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Someone much smarter than me needs to explain this for us. Apparently there are 650 cargo planes of Gold sitting here in America that were reclaimed by Trump according to Dr. Jan. My question is, “How can this value be accounted for in our present system?”

Do you see the problem? We have thousands of tons of Gold, but it is just sitting around with no place to go. Our fiat currency system is based on debt but how can we pay off our immense debt with Gold? We would need to sell all of that Gold to create fiat dollars to buy back our debt, but that would merely bail out the old corrupt system. That makes no sense to me. We would be bailing out the corrupt design that brought us to bankruptcy in the first place.

The only thing that makes sense to me is for Trump to arrange to print Gold backed “new dollars” to exchange for fiat dollars. The exchange rate needs to be calculated, but that is just math and printing ink.

This can be accomplished with a rational explanation about how America has been duped for 153 years and how we are no longer indentured servants to the cabal. Of course we never knew we were slaves, but that is how we were duped! Instead, we stop paying income taxes and start placing tariffs on imports just like we did before 1871. This isn’t rocket science, this just accounting for a change in valuing the dollar. We kill off the fiat dollars backed by debt and substitute a Gold backed dollar.

Actually our new dollar can be backed by Gold, Silver, Platinum, Bitcoin, or any other valuable asset we own and store in our government vaults. The bottom line is our money will have real value.

To me, that will be a refreshing change and bode well for future generations. Let’s get on with doing it! The question is, what the Hell took so long?

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My biggest take-away for today: the ages-old gnostic approach ("I know something you don't know AND you don't deserve for me to tell you") is absent from this community - and that is a terribly good thing.

I read many opinions not all of which align with my own (I get it, we are all here with a fairly similar - but, wonderfully, not exactly the same - perspective: we want America to be great and justice to be served). Mostly, folks explain or at least imply, in brief, why they believe what they believe. Thanks to you all!

My biggest idea: Prayer is not a waste of time. 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼

PS - I published my 100th post this morning ("Why Good Things Happen to Bad People...Like me") - for those who might be interested I have copied the link: https://hisgloriousvictory.substack.com/p/why-good-things-happen-to-bad-people?r=q0fod

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I came across a beautiful line in my reading early this morning which you might like, HGV.

“By alignment with surrender to being a channel of God’s Will, one’s life thereby becomes transformed into a prayer by which one IS that prayer.”

From Transcending the Levels of Consciousness by David R Hawkins

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I am honored that you would think of me, Feather - thank you!

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BB notes the obvious and it’s a very good thing for the future of the country…. ‘He's forcing the old system to justify its existence. It's failing. And it's afraid.’ It should be afraid! We must remember all of the lessons learned about ‘cornered beasts’ because that’s exactly what we’re facing.

Ashe. You are NOT wrong about the cabal media tool, Reuters. There’s been infinitesimal episodes of violence….outside of the illegal felonious aliens that poured through the border, that is.

Beirut. What was really the cause of the massive explosion at the harbor there? I’d bet anything it’s related to the focus on Beirut now.

‘sleight of hand’ indeed, Ghost.

Damascus. Hmmm….the ‘oldest continually occupied’ town in the world. A focus of early Christianity.🧐

ALL of the technology of Google, et.al., is a tool of the cabal that doesn’t want a single word stated about the known election fraud after the election…same plan, different day….Good thing everyone KNOWS the stale plan and countermeasures (and data capture) are going to be deployed. They are desperate to install Marxism here.😡

Of course, the administration’s crooks are sending MORE $$ to Ukraine while Appalachia is still reeling from the deliberate destruction of their homes…evil personified in the so-called Biden administration.

Our Fearless Tiger sums up my long-term question, and I’d think many more with the same question, ‘When do the trials for treason begin?’

Patience for myself, God, and please protect and bless these wonderful patriots.🙏🙏

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Thank you, BB!! I was reacting to Trump’s new round of possible income tax cuts for Police, Fire, First Responders, not that I don’t think they deserve it, but…

What about: Teachers (non-woke), School bus drivers, Janitors, Carpenters, Truck Drivers….the list could go on and on!

“If and when Trump starts to roll back these ancillary taxes, those who have NOT received the breaks will demand them.

And Trump will oblige.

He's forcing the old system to justify its existence.” — Burning Bright 👍❤️

The old system is funding the enormous excess in federal government spending.

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It's pretty clear to all watching (including BB) that Trump's end game is to get rid of the federal income tax. Personal and then corporate. Not just because it is illegal, but because it is immoral. "The government cannot give anything to somebody that it has not already taken (usually by force) from someone else."

And before anyone says "The income tax is legal; they passed the 16th amendment to allow it:" First of all, do the research -- the 16th amendment was never ratified, it was simply declared so. But more importantly, just because something is legal does not make it moral. Slavery was legal once.

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Excellent point

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BB, I think our President was saying goodby to the vampire ruling class on behalf of America when he gave that wave outside the McDonalds drive through window, funny man that he is. He is really enjoying himself as he fights for us.

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Like a cat toying with a mouse, before killing it. Except this time the 'mouse' actually deserves it.

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To paraphrase, "Newsweek states that there is no evidence to support Trumps assertion that MAGA is larger now than 2020" No evidence? A valid assumption would be that MAGA rally's contain MAGA supporters, and seeing that his Rally's are far larger now, so his MAGA support is greater.

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Trump doesn't have 80 to a 100 million votes.

Steal the election 2024! (And they will)

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It's 1984

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IS Candace droppin' Kamala surprise digging into Harris Hindu Marxist family ties? Or is Diddy going full on MAGA? Is it Hammer Time? Can we pls get Full Disclosure? Lists w/ Video footage. It won't be pg13. But we gotta get justice now!

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Candace is going full Ninja on Harris... peeling back the onion layer by layer. Her recent interview with Judge Joe Brown continues to reveal the dirty truth about the "Iranchurian Candidate"

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"Long-time Badlands sponsor EasyRX is currently offering 25% off all orders over $100 using the promo code: BLACKFRIDAY. You can take advantage of this offer by clicking the image below."

Over 30 years ago when I began my journey down the rabbit hole I met a wise man. The one piece of advice he gave me is this....beware of patriots for profit.

Not to mention listening to these same patriots for profit when they don't cover things like Blackrock, the Lithium mining and the HAARP generated storms.

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good 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

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I would love to afford my home again!

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I blame the media for all violent political attacks! They should all be sued by these people!

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guck foogle

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