Is it just me who keeps asking, "Why TF does NATO exist when we have the EU?" Let them protect their own asses!

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My opinion on the answer to your question is these organizations require billions of dollars worth of military equipment. The military/weapons manufacturers are paid billions of dollars to manufacture weapons and equipment. They use a large portion of their budgets for bribes and threats to the government’s customers for control this production.

To put it simply, it’s all about the money!

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RemovedApr 5
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The federal government is a crime syndicate that must be eliminated. As long as these criminals are allowed in the government we will suffer as a country. Poorly informed voters and voters who tools of the crime syndicate vote for those currently in control, we are slaves to the syndicate.

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It is manufactured deep state cover up to enslave us minions… all by design, a disguise.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

Its nothing but a Drug and Child CIA trafficking operation. Its the real enemy of the people. War Mongering Pedophile Billionaire Bastards and their Compromised A-Wipes of Holier than thou Pentagon and DC Dicks and Pricks in suits, ties, and uniforms!

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Notice this information’ is coming out and accelerating? Yes, indeed, the crimes against the children will be the catalyst for unity.

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Better yet—why does NATO exist when you have the UN? It’s a very big joke.

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Two Globalist-Cabal Organizations that We The People need to dissociate from! Hmmm GCO's. Not bad. Anyone have a better way of referring to them?

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The cabal’s structures for world control.

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I stopped going to Ulta when they had Dylan Mulvany and another male made up as a woman talking about being a woman. Thanks, but no thanks.

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You are sooo smart. I haven't been there in years

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Thank you for highlighting the Scottish parliaments latest absurdity, pushed by arguably one of the most racist people in Scotland, our (unelected, by the people) first minister, ‘Useless Yusef’. Of the 4000+ complaints made to the Police on the laws first day, most were to have the first minister arrested for his own, now famous, anti white establishment parliamentary speech, and now removed from the likes of YouTube, but can still be found here


Incidently, Scotlands population is 97% Caucasian. What did he expect?

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My thanks to you all!

Regarding Simon's follow-up coverage on the thought police of Scotland: Several of us are planning a trip to Scotland and Ireland to celebrate my official FRA (Full Retirement Age) in a couple of years. Based on your advice, I went ahead and booked tickets...(okay the trip is real - holding Simon accountable is not!)

But really, I do want to once again laud your level-headedness as regards the "culture war" battles. It reminds me of Paul's comment to those in Rome who (having just come off of a banishment of all those of Jewish descent - and their pending return after Claudius' death) he encouraged to remember that to God there is no distinction based on race and, to those in the region of Galatia, to whom he also added gender, occupation, social status (Galatians 3:28).

Division has been a cornerstone of the System for millennia...because it works.

BB: "Mike Johnson was the latest uniparty bandaid laid over the festering open wound that is establishment politics Stateside, and I believe this whole charade is just more fuel to the fire that the American people MUST wake up as to the false binary that has become of our political system."

First - why does uniparty get corrected to "unitary"?

Second: The logic associated with this assertion, though appropriate and refined, does require a level of Trust and Confidence that I tend to only place in God Himself. Again: I agree 100% with BB's assessment - however, I do recognize that without incremental assertions that allow folks to embrace it at their own pace, it also defines a leap of faith that many are still learning to make. My point - and maybe I am the only one that needs the reminder - patience is a virtue: this is a long war and our goal (though unattainable) should be zero "casualties".

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

Green has a point with Johnson. The Deep State has every man by their cojones. What sins are in Johnsons closet that he doesn't want his wife or the public to know. This is why nothing ever gets better. Gen Flynn said it best "They are all guilty of being with children" "All compromised". Its a sick and evil world we live in. Perhaps its time to vote these career PEDOS out! Of course, the elections are rigged, and they are guaranteed reelection unless we clean up the voting process. The DEEP STATE needs them to stay!

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Term limits amendment to the constitution.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

They'll never vote for it...

They control the agenda!!

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Not forever, though!🙏

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I’m from Louisiana and we had such high hopes for this creep. He doesn’t look or sound good to us. It’s not blackmail or not. That he’s VERY compromised is evident. I read BBs take a few times. I don’t think he’s saying Johnson (I prefer Polly Pockets as Bannon calls him) is playing a role but I sure hope we re not gonna go with that loony take.

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Great takes as always, fam. TYSVM

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Burning Bright is spot on about our ‘false binary’ narrative whereas Mike Johnson is just the latest victim. We all must realize that even for him to get the nod for Speaker—it had to have the Uniparty’s blessing. Blackmail or not, Johnson unfortunately does not have the conviction required to do the people’s business. He looks good, sounds good—-but knows the game all too well and IF he really stood for the people in the first place—-he is caving.

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Maybe it is Flynn and MJT’s “roll” to call people out, however, it is very serious to assume someone is guilty of something without proof. We all know there is pedophilia involved here. Why not call them out on what they are not doing for the American people?

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

Maybe if they would stop hiding the JE List and the laptop from hell and were transparent at the DOJ, CIA, Fake News, and at least one person on the LIST or LAPTOP were arrested, we might know the truth about many things. Why are BILLS rushed through at 3am? Perhaps Green already knows but cant say? Maybe Johnson will correct her...Lets see what he says in response?

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It’s coming, albeit gradually….

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What a glorious day that will be or maybe I should say months!!!!!!!!

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Like MTG did in great detail for 30 minutes in the Tucker interview.

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I’m totally in tune with what MTG said. But it might be a matter of perception for both of us. He came on the scene as a known commodity, but was he really known? We expected a great conservative a real one like MTG herself. We get a democrat liberal. Or a compromised criminal. He’s obviously owned. America is gonna face a tough choice this year. Do we get control of our own criminal government by force,or do we end up in wwiii? Because these fuckers pulling the levers are dying for a war with Russia. I’d prefer they just be dying.

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Their bunkers are prepared, and they have big plans after we are all annihilated. This is their plan, and they are doing everything to finish us off and quickly!!


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4.7 New Jersey earthquake after the massive quake in Taiwan and an eclipse. Hmmm….

The 2 tier justice is more and more focused as the panic increases. The ridiculous ‘so-called’ rules on free speech and hate speech demonstrates this clearly, not just in the US. Simon summed up the response to JK Rowling’s stance, “She does not give their false authority any power, anywhere in her being. Think about this stance, growing en masse around the world and be inspired. Let's go!”

Does anyone believe the CDC, or for that matter, any 3-letter agency? Heard about the warning of a 50% death rate for the new ‘bird flu’ emergence? They’re panicked!

All ‘fluff’ purchases are down….one of the signs of the true damage to the economy. Ashe always has a pertinent message, “The revolution is local, and it begins at home. You have more power than you think.”

Vaccines put in the food supply? Grow your own if at all possible!

Meanwhile the WWIII kickoff is anticipated, at least by the cabal’s minions….🤡

The speaker apparently revealing his true intentions. Maybe, maybe not. Our Fearless Tiger states, “Most of them are not on our side, and the sooner we recognize that fact en masse, the sooner we might begin to develop the skills necessary to determine who is.” He then sums it up, “Tick tock.”

God bless the Badlands truthers!🙏🙏. You are so appreciated!

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Another great comment ALtab. The Badlanders are just the bestest ever

God bless & have a wonderful weekend

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TRUMP overseas: anyone thinking about the left indicting Trump under The Logan Act??? Not sure it’s such a crazy thought. The process is the punishment.

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I thought about that the other day. I would actually like to see them try. Then they can explain Obama's visit to 10 Downing Street.

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Right. Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that. I could cite example after example, but it sounds like you could too.

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Suddenly the uniparty, deep state, isn’t interested in the Logan Act.

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Isn’t Granholm a WEF’er?

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She was a two-term Governor in Michigan and the state went to shit under her rule. It rebounded afterward with a Republican governor, but now it's turned to shit again, actually worse, with the trifecta of evil in power now.

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Apr 6·edited Apr 11

A Narcissistic B too....

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I've never understood why women use makeup. It makes then look more like clowns. I recall boys in high school making fun of otherwise quite attractive girls, thankfully not to the girls themselves but among the guys, who caked makeup on their faces so they almost looked like the top of a decorated cake. It's so weird.

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

I can answer that for you. As young girls, they watch their mothers put on makeup and think it is normal. As teenage girls, they are self-conscious about how they look and think that makeup makes them look prettier and more mature to the boys. They also want to be popular and well liked and they think looking their best helps achieve this (instead of a plain jane poor girl in ragged clothes). Teenage girls also tend to believe that the best looking girls have all the advantages in life, they get the best jobs, the hunky, athletic boyfriends, etc. Young adult women wear makeup as kind of a continuation of all those same reasons only in an adult world now - clubbing, looking for a man, trying to get the exec. job. Human nature is to judge people by the way they look.

When I was in high school many moons ago, I too wore a lot of makeup for those same reasons. Even after I got married I still wore a lot of makeup, it became a part of who I was. No one ever saw me without it. As I grew older, I began to wear less makeup and sometimes even dared to go run errands without any makeup (oh the horror!). Nowadays, I just wear minimal makeup to cover up my genetically inherited dark circled eyes. True story - one day while at work, I had someone on the elevator compliment me on my eyeshadow - except that I wasn't wearing any. I haven't worn it in years. I have natural eyeshadow lol. I once visited an acquaintance without any makeup on (first time she had seen me without) and she asked me if I was sick. I looked that bad. So to this day, I still wear a little bit of makeup to cover up the flaws and spare people wondering if I'm dying. 😉

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Ash is correct about Ultra and the high price tag of their products. I went to that store exactly one time - before Bidenflation, and the prices were too salty for my tastes. I'll stick with common folk brands that I grew up with. I think Ultra put all their eggs in one basket, banking on all the males who want to pretend to be females needing to pile on a bunch of makeup to hide their masculinity.

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Judge McAfee, enjoy any freedom you might have left. when you arrive at Gitmo, your freedom is over!

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