Besides his voice and the face of the REAL Biden that died, I believe it is undeniable that the FAKE Joe Biden PUPPET today is an imposter, and his Pardons are as FAKE as he is. Obama/Killary 3rd term jig is up!
Ashe, that video is a good example of the REAL Joe Biden during the 2020 election campaign, and it's interesting to note the differences between the real Biden and the fake Biden. The video makes it obvious: two attached earlobes instead of one, less pronounced cheekbones, forehead less broad, voice different, nose slightly more aquiline and downturned, narrower face. This video should be viral for not only his message but as as proof that the current Biden is fake. Where did you find this? I'd love to post it on X and other places. Bookmarking this. Thanks for this!
So, the key question is, “What actually happened to the real Joe Biden?”
I can theorize many scenarios, but the truth would be nice. Actually, that report might be enough to get the media to begin asking decent questions about the last five years.
I think there's good reason they don't often (ever?) discuss this but of course it's not the real Biden out there anymore. Was he NoNamed? Did he turncoat and get moved into hiding? We don't know yet, but i don't think it's time yet to play the final Trump card.
Speaking of nuclear fusion, Cynthia Chung recently reposted a long article she wrote a couple yrs ago - all of it fascinating and an excellent read! (link below) titled: What Determines a Limit to Growth. The last 1/4 or so of the article gets into the nuclear fusion and I learned something wonderful…
“ Well one very exciting prospect with nuclear fusion is the plasma torch, which has the capability of turning landfills into resource mines.”
Plasma torch technology.
“The next domain for the future in industry which will completely revolutionize our relationship to resources and waste is located in low and high temperature plasma processes, which will dramatically increase the productivity of steel, iron, titanium…”
“ Suffice to say that the plasma torch technology will not only get rid of all landfills in a clean and sustainable manner, but it also means that there will be no such thing as waste anymore. Since everything we use, can be used over and over again as a resource with no end.”
Welcome to the future where the Overton Window of fear and scarcity goes through it’s complete Shatterpoint!!
So how close will that nuclear fusion system be to the Madrid fault line that the conspiracy conspiracy realists...are chatting about??? Just wondering....
“Did you know that the omnibus CR funding bill that GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson put forward would have enshrined a number of aspects of the WHO Treaty into law in America? Did you know it expanded COVID lockdown law to other diseases? Did you know it reiterated and strengthened laws that provide legal immunity for vaccine manufacturers? I’m guessing you didn’t because almost no one did but all these things are true and Congressional leadership seems hell bent on bringing it back. While a full evaluation of everything this nightmare does let me offer a few examples of the shadiness as a means of explanation.
Hundreds of pages of this continuing resolution spending bill were dedicated to health policy. Why? The purpose of the bill is to keep the government funded - temporarily - until an actual budget could be passed (I know - ha ha). Regardless of the likelihood of Congress doing their job and passing a budget, the Republican led House ought to want to pass something minimalistic so that the next Congress and incoming Trump administration can fight for their agenda more fully. Instead, we have major critical provisions everywhere.”
They are all being set up for a fall! If 2020 was fraudulent, how many congressmen were not legally elected? If enough, and Congress is illegitimate like the administration, then the ‘laws’ would be voided.
The Biden pardons are a can of worms. The power of a president to pardon is pretty much unlimited with a couple of exceptions. Under normal circumstances the presidents ability to pardon goes pretty much un questioned, but there is that question of state of mind. Enter the dementia problem. Was Biden actually issuing these pardons? Did he have the cognitive ability or were they done by? Who knows who? We may never know, but it is something to be considered.
Wasn’t it Hur who said he was mentally incapable of standing trial?
The Pardon question is one we should all remember when we vote for Congress, because unless our elected representatives act responsibly and with honor, a rogue or debilitated President like we've had for the past four years is essentially untethered. The Biden pardons are unlikely to be overturned - the Constitution makes no such provision.
Now consider this: what if the President issues preemptive pardons to all illegal aliens?
Consider this: Biden is not Biden and was replaced by a guy or guys in a mask. Trump has hinted all along about this. The best way to kill an insurrection is to lead it. There almost surely was no Biden Presidency as Trump was/is in his Devo term (hat reads 45-47!) and the last 4 years was just a fully scripted show to wake up the normies and nothing that happened is real, and none of it will stick.
Unfortunately the dead from mandated vaxxines. The dead in Ukraine, Russia, Gaza, might say it want all fake.
We have a fake president. Acting demented. Stole election. Fake insurrection, virus, vaxxine, fake drones idk?
Child trafficking is real ongoing. Lost small business gone…
Young people dying there has been significant damage to people.
We need to know what and who is this Joe Biden actor, and now 50 people admit he was not mentally competent to stand trial but ok enough to be president? Doesn’t fraud Vitiiates everything in the rule of law? What would that mean a do over, not for those run over murdered.
Great news VA. Our green scam energy is coming to Ana brunt end. Good we have 2 large landfills with plenty of garbage they are currently burying. Some of it burning for energy.
Great takes y’all.
Anyone care to explain the drones?
Where is the real Biden and HRC I too have heard Trump say he’s shot?
Denying reality isn't going to fix any problems. This fusion plant sounds more like a scam. The last time I checked no one had been able to build a self-sustaining fusion reactor that can actually produce more power than it consumes. Even if someone cracked that tomorrow, it's very hard to see it being practical on an industrial scale in ten years. And yes, a hydrogen-burning fusion reactor does produce radioactive byproducts. A helium-based reactor can be made pretty much entirely clean, but first we'd need a source for large quantities of the appropriate helium isotope.
The so-called "Deep State" is real, but it's made up of long-serving bureaucrats and career civil "servants". They spend most of their time defending their rice bowls and engaging in a little bureaucratic empire building. Trimming back the worst excesses of this isn't nearly as exciting as hunting mythical child-molesting devil worshipers, but it might actually do some good.
Explaining the drones is easy. There have been many UFO flaps over the years, and this is just another one. The only difference is that people are freaking out over rogue drones instead of little green men in flying saucers. Anyone familiar with the subject knows that even trained observers have trouble judging the range, speed and size of unknown objects without some clearly established reference. Untrained observers primed for panic are even worse. Most of these supposed drones have been spotted near airport flight paths, not exactly a suspicious place for lights in the sky. I'll change my mind when someone turns up any concrete evidence, but unless and until that happens I'm pegging hysteria as the root cause.
After a spike during the disruption of the pandemic, homicide and violent crime in general have returned to their previous downward trend. The real world is far from perfect, but it's far better than the dystopian hellscape conspiracy peddlers try to sell.
Hi Trumpist! I don’t know what you mean by that at all😂… I’m not averse at all to these mini- fusion plants. From what I understand, they’re efficient, ingenious and safe. (Need to learn more) The link I sent was for a company not far from where I live.
Btw, I still think French is the most beautiful language I’ve ever heard. I tried to learn it.It’s like a dog trying to learn birdsong. Even when I can manage to fake out my rusty pidgin Française, I can’t comprehend the musical murmuring reply. Eh bien… When in France, I just mastered the courtesies and always began with a smile. But…I wish I could sing my thoughts like you Frenchies. So glad you’re here! Hope all is well and that you had a Blessed Christmas 💌🇫🇷
The Constitution clearly delegates to Congress the power to determine rules for citizenship. Then again it also delegates the power to tax to Congress but that didn't stop Trump or Biden's illegal taxes.
I’ve been watching Landman on Paramount+. Billy Bob Thornton’s character is definitely NOT woke. He rails against Solar and wind. Explains exactly how the oil and gas business operates and regularly calls all female characters “honey”. It falls along the same patriarchal pattern of Yellowwood but I think it has more humor. So if Paramount productions are the answer to the demise of the woke agenda, count me as a fan. Sonic is already on our list of movies to see over the Christmas break.
All I want for Xmas is: Forever Evisceration of Uniparty Swamp, Global Perp Walk/Mil Tribunals/Noose Justice for all Traitors & Crimes against Humanity/Earth, real Asset-backed Money, GCR, QFS/QVS, EBS/Full Truth Disclosure, Common Law Courts + release to humanity of 6000 patents. If there's a global shortage of rope, lead-in-the-forehead justice works. And, oh yes, 2nd Coming of Christ Consciousness for every girl and boy on planet earth. That's not too much to attract. is it?
Maybe we could have a surprise coming out of SCOTUS pertaining the Brunson case ??
I read very disturbing things about a possible very last hour ruling vindicating President Trump but I don't know which credibility it could have at this time.
I do want to hope there could be a Christmas miracle !🎄🎄
God bless you all and your beloved in this very blessed time of Christmas!
Don’t they shoot traitors? That might make the explanation a little tougher to explain to the public. Then again, it actually might make the truth seem more rational.
Biden's diminished capacity isn't new. It started back in 1988, when he underwent two surgeries on his brain. Since then, his condition has worsened year after year. It doesn't matter though to the Soetoro marxist democrats. They employ any tactic, including nursing and coddling old dementia patients, in order to take and keep power. Derangement Syndrome started long before The Donald came along.
Yep, that clip is from the real JB, of course they don't want you to see it and compare it to "Jim Carrey in a mask"_Patrick. If you know, you is Oh so clear
.....PSYCHED (for MULTIPLE reasons) that fusion WILL [finally] replace MOST forms of power (especially 'fission', LONG an existential threat) - 'fracking', has been one of THE worst ecological DISASTERS to date, PERMANENTLY fouling as it has SEVERAL major DRINKING-water aquifers - and ANY drilling, reconfigures terrain to SIGNIFICANTLY impact resonant informational cues for MANY forms of life, organic media sufficiently close enough to it.....
Fusion power remains a dream for now. Scientists are still struggling to build a self-sustaining reactor that can produce more energy than it consumes. Even if that happened tomorrow, turning something that works for a few seconds in a lab into something capable of producing power on an industrial scale would still take years.
Fracking takes place at depths far below the water table. Without some serious screwups there's no way it can contaminate drinking water. A little scrutiny reveals those "fouled" aquifers were typically contaminated by other sources well before fracking came along.
Respectfully DISAGREE, Frederick - on BOTH counts, while I've no longer ANY doubt that a LOT of more-desirable advanced tech has BEEN in existence - for DECADES now.....
Did you notice all the things going out about Matt Gaetz since a few days, many of them also pointing toward the next BIG date and BIG STAKES of January 3rd ??
Matt Gaetz has been canceled by the Swamp and renounced to be the next Attorney General.
I'm not an expert but I think there seems to be some clear pattern in this flow of steps and updates, and all this events lead toward the January 3rd date of return of Congress and Certification process of President Trump election win...
What could Matt Gaetz and The MAGA Team prepare to derail all these processes and reveal much swamp creatures on a single day ??
I just pray God that something BIG will shake this whole Swamp this day ! 🇫🇷💒🕊️💕🇺🇲
I really can't understand why people continue to put their faith in such slimy creatures to somehow "drain the swamp". The results are painfully obvious: empty promises and abject failure. (But then does it really count as failure if someone doesn't try and never intended to?)
Time will tell… Skepticism is a good too,l but untempered, it can also easily become a dull one. I’m skeptical — at times, of my skepticism. & of my conclusions - especially when resulting in impatience and frustration with it all.
How much of what we use as premises are fed to us and how much is withheld? How much lies? Half-truth? Hidden? What is going on? We all know in part — is there more to see?
Well, yes. We can try to find out more & connect, but much that would factor in is unknown. Which is why, from a foundation of first things, first principles, I try to maintain a humble equilibrium.
…I don’t always succeed, but it keeps me from complaining.
I love GBPH'S take related to "Trump taps ‘Apprentice’ producer, Mark Burnett, as special envoy to the United Kingdom"
There are many things going focused on the UK these very last days, starting with Trump's Team response about who they chose to be [Their] new ambassador in the USA who called Trump a ‘White Nationalist’...
"Trump Campaign Manager Chris LaCivita Says He Should ‘Stay Home’"
I think President Trump is already putting an enormous pressure on [Them] to remember [Them] how he led [Their] Queen herself in front of the whole World on TV !
And maybe he could be telling [Them] "You're fired !!"
I begin loving this MAGA movie with so much good "guest" stars in [Their]
Besides his voice and the face of the REAL Biden that died, I believe it is undeniable that the FAKE Joe Biden PUPPET today is an imposter, and his Pardons are as FAKE as he is. Obama/Killary 3rd term jig is up!
Ashe, that video is a good example of the REAL Joe Biden during the 2020 election campaign, and it's interesting to note the differences between the real Biden and the fake Biden. The video makes it obvious: two attached earlobes instead of one, less pronounced cheekbones, forehead less broad, voice different, nose slightly more aquiline and downturned, narrower face. This video should be viral for not only his message but as as proof that the current Biden is fake. Where did you find this? I'd love to post it on X and other places. Bookmarking this. Thanks for this!
"If the president is “diminished,” can he issue pardons?"
EXCELLENT QUESTION, Ashe!!! Thanks for asking it!!
Unless he's formally removed from office, yes.
Thank you
So, the key question is, “What actually happened to the real Joe Biden?”
I can theorize many scenarios, but the truth would be nice. Actually, that report might be enough to get the media to begin asking decent questions about the last five years.
President Trump has said on one or two occasions at least that Joe "is shot", or something to that effect.
And I remember him saying something about Hillary, that he doesn't insult Hillary anymore because he doesn't like to insult people's doubles.
If it ever came out that Joe was executed, how would they explain having a fake Joe in office for four years?
That last question is what I'm concerned about. Will the people understand? It was necessary to avoid civil war 2.0
Hanging out with Elvis, no doubt.
You should be able to find it on Telegram, I'm pretty sure that's where I saw it first
I think there's good reason they don't often (ever?) discuss this but of course it's not the real Biden out there anymore. Was he NoNamed? Did he turncoat and get moved into hiding? We don't know yet, but i don't think it's time yet to play the final Trump card.
Was Joe cloned? He doesn't look anything like he used to. It's very confusing.
Speaking of nuclear fusion, Cynthia Chung recently reposted a long article she wrote a couple yrs ago - all of it fascinating and an excellent read! (link below) titled: What Determines a Limit to Growth. The last 1/4 or so of the article gets into the nuclear fusion and I learned something wonderful…
“ Well one very exciting prospect with nuclear fusion is the plasma torch, which has the capability of turning landfills into resource mines.”
Plasma torch technology.
“The next domain for the future in industry which will completely revolutionize our relationship to resources and waste is located in low and high temperature plasma processes, which will dramatically increase the productivity of steel, iron, titanium…”
“ Suffice to say that the plasma torch technology will not only get rid of all landfills in a clean and sustainable manner, but it also means that there will be no such thing as waste anymore. Since everything we use, can be used over and over again as a resource with no end.”
Welcome to the future where the Overton Window of fear and scarcity goes through it’s complete Shatterpoint!!
So how close will that nuclear fusion system be to the Madrid fault line that the conspiracy conspiracy realists...are chatting about??? Just wondering....
“Did you know that the omnibus CR funding bill that GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson put forward would have enshrined a number of aspects of the WHO Treaty into law in America? Did you know it expanded COVID lockdown law to other diseases? Did you know it reiterated and strengthened laws that provide legal immunity for vaccine manufacturers? I’m guessing you didn’t because almost no one did but all these things are true and Congressional leadership seems hell bent on bringing it back. While a full evaluation of everything this nightmare does let me offer a few examples of the shadiness as a means of explanation.
Hundreds of pages of this continuing resolution spending bill were dedicated to health policy. Why? The purpose of the bill is to keep the government funded - temporarily - until an actual budget could be passed (I know - ha ha). Regardless of the likelihood of Congress doing their job and passing a budget, the Republican led House ought to want to pass something minimalistic so that the next Congress and incoming Trump administration can fight for their agenda more fully. Instead, we have major critical provisions everywhere.”
Tom Renz’s Newsletter
I did know that and my source was the same as your’s, Tom Renz ❤️
They are all being set up for a fall! If 2020 was fraudulent, how many congressmen were not legally elected? If enough, and Congress is illegitimate like the administration, then the ‘laws’ would be voided.
The Biden pardons are a can of worms. The power of a president to pardon is pretty much unlimited with a couple of exceptions. Under normal circumstances the presidents ability to pardon goes pretty much un questioned, but there is that question of state of mind. Enter the dementia problem. Was Biden actually issuing these pardons? Did he have the cognitive ability or were they done by? Who knows who? We may never know, but it is something to be considered.
Wasn’t it Hur who said he was mentally incapable of standing trial?
Yes Buddy, good point.
The Pardon question is one we should all remember when we vote for Congress, because unless our elected representatives act responsibly and with honor, a rogue or debilitated President like we've had for the past four years is essentially untethered. The Biden pardons are unlikely to be overturned - the Constitution makes no such provision.
Now consider this: what if the President issues preemptive pardons to all illegal aliens?
Consider this: Biden is not Biden and was replaced by a guy or guys in a mask. Trump has hinted all along about this. The best way to kill an insurrection is to lead it. There almost surely was no Biden Presidency as Trump was/is in his Devo term (hat reads 45-47!) and the last 4 years was just a fully scripted show to wake up the normies and nothing that happened is real, and none of it will stick.
Unfortunately the dead from mandated vaxxines. The dead in Ukraine, Russia, Gaza, might say it want all fake.
We have a fake president. Acting demented. Stole election. Fake insurrection, virus, vaxxine, fake drones idk?
Child trafficking is real ongoing. Lost small business gone…
Young people dying there has been significant damage to people.
We need to know what and who is this Joe Biden actor, and now 50 people admit he was not mentally competent to stand trial but ok enough to be president? Doesn’t fraud Vitiiates everything in the rule of law? What would that mean a do over, not for those run over murdered.
Great news VA. Our green scam energy is coming to Ana brunt end. Good we have 2 large landfills with plenty of garbage they are currently burying. Some of it burning for energy.
Great takes y’all.
Anyone care to explain the drones?
Where is the real Biden and HRC I too have heard Trump say he’s shot?
Denying reality isn't going to fix any problems. This fusion plant sounds more like a scam. The last time I checked no one had been able to build a self-sustaining fusion reactor that can actually produce more power than it consumes. Even if someone cracked that tomorrow, it's very hard to see it being practical on an industrial scale in ten years. And yes, a hydrogen-burning fusion reactor does produce radioactive byproducts. A helium-based reactor can be made pretty much entirely clean, but first we'd need a source for large quantities of the appropriate helium isotope.
The so-called "Deep State" is real, but it's made up of long-serving bureaucrats and career civil "servants". They spend most of their time defending their rice bowls and engaging in a little bureaucratic empire building. Trimming back the worst excesses of this isn't nearly as exciting as hunting mythical child-molesting devil worshipers, but it might actually do some good.
Explaining the drones is easy. There have been many UFO flaps over the years, and this is just another one. The only difference is that people are freaking out over rogue drones instead of little green men in flying saucers. Anyone familiar with the subject knows that even trained observers have trouble judging the range, speed and size of unknown objects without some clearly established reference. Untrained observers primed for panic are even worse. Most of these supposed drones have been spotted near airport flight paths, not exactly a suspicious place for lights in the sky. I'll change my mind when someone turns up any concrete evidence, but unless and until that happens I'm pegging hysteria as the root cause.
After a spike during the disruption of the pandemic, homicide and violent crime in general have returned to their previous downward trend. The real world is far from perfect, but it's far better than the dystopian hellscape conspiracy peddlers try to sell.
Btw, here’s a small modular reactors (SMRs) outfit located in Oregon.
Common sense ain’t so common, eh?
Maybe they have cloned another "Lange" version and failed...
Who knows ?
Hi Trumpist! I don’t know what you mean by that at all😂… I’m not averse at all to these mini- fusion plants. From what I understand, they’re efficient, ingenious and safe. (Need to learn more) The link I sent was for a company not far from where I live.
Btw, I still think French is the most beautiful language I’ve ever heard. I tried to learn it.It’s like a dog trying to learn birdsong. Even when I can manage to fake out my rusty pidgin Française, I can’t comprehend the musical murmuring reply. Eh bien… When in France, I just mastered the courtesies and always began with a smile. But…I wish I could sing my thoughts like you Frenchies. So glad you’re here! Hope all is well and that you had a Blessed Christmas 💌🇫🇷
Illegitimate President equals illegitimate pardons. They will not matter. They only highlight the corruption.
The Constitution clearly delegates to Congress the power to determine rules for citizenship. Then again it also delegates the power to tax to Congress but that didn't stop Trump or Biden's illegal taxes.
“Regions of Responsibility” concept is being introduced to the masses. Looks like our region will extend from Greenland to at least Columbia SA.
I’ve been watching Landman on Paramount+. Billy Bob Thornton’s character is definitely NOT woke. He rails against Solar and wind. Explains exactly how the oil and gas business operates and regularly calls all female characters “honey”. It falls along the same patriarchal pattern of Yellowwood but I think it has more humor. So if Paramount productions are the answer to the demise of the woke agenda, count me as a fan. Sonic is already on our list of movies to see over the Christmas break.
All I want for Xmas is: Forever Evisceration of Uniparty Swamp, Global Perp Walk/Mil Tribunals/Noose Justice for all Traitors & Crimes against Humanity/Earth, real Asset-backed Money, GCR, QFS/QVS, EBS/Full Truth Disclosure, Common Law Courts + release to humanity of 6000 patents. If there's a global shortage of rope, lead-in-the-forehead justice works. And, oh yes, 2nd Coming of Christ Consciousness for every girl and boy on planet earth. That's not too much to attract. is it?
Hello to everybody around here!
Maybe we could have a surprise coming out of SCOTUS pertaining the Brunson case ??
I read very disturbing things about a possible very last hour ruling vindicating President Trump but I don't know which credibility it could have at this time.
I do want to hope there could be a Christmas miracle !🎄🎄
God bless you all and your beloved in this very blessed time of Christmas!
Don’t they shoot traitors? That might make the explanation a little tougher to explain to the public. Then again, it actually might make the truth seem more rational.
Biden's diminished capacity isn't new. It started back in 1988, when he underwent two surgeries on his brain. Since then, his condition has worsened year after year. It doesn't matter though to the Soetoro marxist democrats. They employ any tactic, including nursing and coddling old dementia patients, in order to take and keep power. Derangement Syndrome started long before The Donald came along.
Yep, that clip is from the real JB, of course they don't want you to see it and compare it to "Jim Carrey in a mask"_Patrick. If you know, you is Oh so clear
.....PSYCHED (for MULTIPLE reasons) that fusion WILL [finally] replace MOST forms of power (especially 'fission', LONG an existential threat) - 'fracking', has been one of THE worst ecological DISASTERS to date, PERMANENTLY fouling as it has SEVERAL major DRINKING-water aquifers - and ANY drilling, reconfigures terrain to SIGNIFICANTLY impact resonant informational cues for MANY forms of life, organic media sufficiently close enough to it.....
Fusion power remains a dream for now. Scientists are still struggling to build a self-sustaining reactor that can produce more energy than it consumes. Even if that happened tomorrow, turning something that works for a few seconds in a lab into something capable of producing power on an industrial scale would still take years.
Fracking takes place at depths far below the water table. Without some serious screwups there's no way it can contaminate drinking water. A little scrutiny reveals those "fouled" aquifers were typically contaminated by other sources well before fracking came along.
Respectfully DISAGREE, Frederick - on BOTH counts, while I've no longer ANY doubt that a LOT of more-desirable advanced tech has BEEN in existence - for DECADES now.....
That clip of Morning Joe is just precious. 🤣
Precious? Perhaps. But it certainly didn’t age well.
Did you notice all the things going out about Matt Gaetz since a few days, many of them also pointing toward the next BIG date and BIG STAKES of January 3rd ??
Matt Gaetz has been canceled by the Swamp and renounced to be the next Attorney General.
"Gaetz's lawsuit over damning House Ethics report was riddled with errors"
And the final one ( to date !)
"Matt Gaetz uses social media to robustly challenge conclusions of House Ethics report"
I'm not an expert but I think there seems to be some clear pattern in this flow of steps and updates, and all this events lead toward the January 3rd date of return of Congress and Certification process of President Trump election win...
What could Matt Gaetz and The MAGA Team prepare to derail all these processes and reveal much swamp creatures on a single day ??
I just pray God that something BIG will shake this whole Swamp this day ! 🇫🇷💒🕊️💕🇺🇲
Thanks Trumpist!!
I really can't understand why people continue to put their faith in such slimy creatures to somehow "drain the swamp". The results are painfully obvious: empty promises and abject failure. (But then does it really count as failure if someone doesn't try and never intended to?)
Time will tell… Skepticism is a good too,l but untempered, it can also easily become a dull one. I’m skeptical — at times, of my skepticism. & of my conclusions - especially when resulting in impatience and frustration with it all.
How much of what we use as premises are fed to us and how much is withheld? How much lies? Half-truth? Hidden? What is going on? We all know in part — is there more to see?
Well, yes. We can try to find out more & connect, but much that would factor in is unknown. Which is why, from a foundation of first things, first principles, I try to maintain a humble equilibrium.
…I don’t always succeed, but it keeps me from complaining.
I love GBPH'S take related to "Trump taps ‘Apprentice’ producer, Mark Burnett, as special envoy to the United Kingdom"
There are many things going focused on the UK these very last days, starting with Trump's Team response about who they chose to be [Their] new ambassador in the USA who called Trump a ‘White Nationalist’...
"Trump Campaign Manager Chris LaCivita Says He Should ‘Stay Home’"
I think President Trump is already putting an enormous pressure on [Them] to remember [Them] how he led [Their] Queen herself in front of the whole World on TV !
And maybe he could be telling [Them] "You're fired !!"
I begin loving this MAGA movie with so much good "guest" stars in [Their]
own role !!