I've known Putin invaded Ukraine for good reasons... but I just thought it was biolabs. That soldier talking about those babies broke my heart. What's been done to children by evil is so heinous, I understand why God will throw them in a lake of fire. I would love to see them burn first hand. That is why I fight for truth. The children!!! And I've become a Putin fan because I believe he's a Russian Trump!!!

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Or 45 is an American Putin. It appears ... Vlad has been fighting DS as long as anyone.

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Coffee and Takes makes for a great start to my day.

The two most interesting Takes to me today were GBPH's discussion about Netanyahu and the Demonic Ukrainian Azov Battalion behavior. The "Saving Israel for Last" Q Drop is very intriguing and while it is very complicated because of the years of religious psyop. GBPH's work sparks a lot of emotional hair pulling but it is spot on and I am grateful he has the guts to boldly push forward. Second the we are saving the children is what 1st got me into my Awakening.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Funny Obama said this ""Kamala Harris won't be focused on her problems, she'll be focused on yours. As president, she won't just cater to her own supporters, punish those who refuse to kiss the ring or bend the knee. She'll work on behalf of every American. That's who Kamala is," Barack Obama said."

Didn't Joe say the same thing.. we see how that's going.. also what makes you wonder what PROBLEMS does SHE have?

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"Kiss the ring and bend the knee...." pretty rich statement coming from that guy's mouth. Ugh.

(And thanks to the Badlands team for watching for me so I don't have to sit there and throw things at the screen.)

Love this: "If you're not paying attention to narrative structure ... you're nothing more than a psychological passenger being carried along the whims of writers you'll never know."

Friend of mine who had been in for RFK texted me last night about the news that he may be joining forces with Trump. I responded that it was a very strategic move and the timing would have an effect on any post convention bounce KH might get. Her response surprised me a bit because I thought she would be disappointed. Instead, she agreed with me and said it shows her how smart DJT is. As someone who is a centrist she was also extremely annoyed with the Obamas. She had been a fan back in the day, but now sees them as manipulative and self-serving. We are making headway, regardless of what the puppets say.

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You will never hear the truth from the puppets.

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Everything Obama says you can turn 180 degrees:

Kamala needs to focus on her own problems ie Drinking. She kisses my ring! She punishes everyone economically and mentally Every time she speaks. That’s who she is.

Obama is a smooth slivering satanic snake, hissing only lies. What hope and change from the last 4 years of continuous humiliation of your 3rd term.

Spare me Barack you son of Satan.

Bibi is the enemy.

The Lincoln project ought to change their name to the John Wilkes Booth project.

Steve Pasquale talks of “treason” we’ve had enough treason over this last regime to keep military tribunals and gitmo extremely busy for years. They project accuse blame Trump for everything they do.

I heard a Democrat woman speaker say Trump will weaponize the fbi dod put his detractors in jail..??

Like J6, like Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro? Are these people just stupid or lost in the moral compass of Lucifer lies?

Putin still continues to be the noblest leader besides Trump out there!! Pray we save our country

From the “joyful” freak show of the Democratic Party.

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Tell me what you really think!!👏👏👏

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Q: Is Kamal[a] focusing on creating OUR problems? or solving 'em?

A: A/b who can't C is blind & deaf = ZOMBIE

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🤣, but true.

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What a plethora of ‘truths’ included in today’s brief! Exciting to see those whom God has gifted to expose the truth are succeeding in many areas. No final victory, but everywhere one looks reveals progress toward that end. Two months before the election and it’s obvious we’re facing escalation and acceleration of revelations about the cabal’s minions who are actively imploding. This, in spite of the support from the fake news; this alone is exposing the complex nature of the incestuous relationship between the administration and the media.

It’s being stated by many publicly: ‘I can’t believe anyone could stand up and lie to our faces….the entire democratic campaign is based on total lies!’ Forget the softened approach gaslighting…..it’s flat-out lies.

The pincher move (if it plays out) of Trump and RFK, Jr. is brilliant and I anticipate more of these decisions by people who disagree on much, but share common goals. We’ll likely see people step up to use their talents and expertise to remove the unconstitutional bureaucratic system in DC.

All of our writers made key points today:

Ashe: ‘There is so much joy in Chicago this week, as Democrat delegates feign excitement…’

Ghost: ‘But Donald Trump is a chess master. There is no getting the best of him.’

BB: ‘In other words, the Old Guard is acknowledging how bad things ARE by promising to return to how bad things WERE.’

Yep, this about sums it up….and that’s just the satanic west exposure here, it’s spreading.

God bless all who strive to expose truth and plan to build our future upon God’s truth.🙏🙏

Justice for the children.🙏🙏

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Great comment, ALtab❤️🇺🇸. You have a knack for summary with your wonderful flair and insights.


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Make no mistake. What’s going on outside the arena in Chicago is ALSO the Democratic National Convention. It’s just an extension of the policies being discussed inside the arena.

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So, CNN reporters are embedded with the Ukrainian soldiers invading Kursk. Why would this be news? CNN does this all the time.

Let’s not forget January 6th. CNN was there with reporters and cameras recording everything. Their reporter was being guided by John Sullivan of BLM and Antifa fame. CNN was very proud of their reporting shortly after the Congress failed to actually discuss the proof of election fraud and voted to make Joe Biden our President.

What is most interesting is CNN suddenly decided to kill that story. For some reason the whole story changed and it became more important to begin blaming Trump for an insurrection. The fact that a high level Antifa organizer was leading their reporter around was not going to help the new operation. In fact it would be the proof that the left was behind the whole charade.

Why this is still being covered up bothers me. They are still at it today in Russia and will cover up the atrocities if they conflict with the propaganda they are selling to America.

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Interesting this embedding became front and center in ‘the war against terror’? Propaganda, anyone?

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Shortly after the Iraq War began and our troops were pouring across Iraq on their way to Baghdad I was watching FOX news at about 2:00 AM. Geraldo Rivera was embedded and was reporting from the desert where we had just captured the first storage of WMDs. The compound was encircled with a chain-link fence with concertina wire at the top and the entire compound was covered with camouflage tarps. It appeared that the story about WMDs had been absolutely proven in the first days of our attack. Why would a compound like that be built out in the middle of the desert except to hide something worth hiding?

But, within an hour Geraldo reported they did not find any WMDs and the facility was hiding fertilizers. Hummm. That did not make any sense to me, so I played the whole thing back for my wife who is a chemist and analyzed fertilizers. She told me something very interesting and it makes 100% complete sense.

She says that WMDs break down over time, especially in high heat, into what are essentially fertilizers in composition. So, Geraldo just got hoodwinked because he had no chemical experience.

So, here we are 22 years later and I am still waiting for the truth to come out. What confuses me is why our government decided to let the public believe there were no WMDs found?

Where Geraldo was standing there was no place within a hundred miles where a pound of fertilizer could be used for anything. So, why was that secure facility there?

I still think of this every time I hear someone say we found no WMDs and the war was based on false information. There has to be a rational explanation, but I have never heard it. Bush Jr. never defended this and he was severely criticized for letting his military get away with lies to take America into war. The WMD story just evaporated even though I think we actually did find them and the story was not fake. So, the first fake news story was about fake news that was not fake news. This is really getting too convoluted for my tastes. How about some honesty? That would be really nice for a change.

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Now wondering how old they were. How much time does the breakdown take? Had Iraq complied & stopped making WMDs when they said, & these had been long deteriorated? Meaning there were, indeed, no WMDs…anymore.


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Yes, the deterioration takes time and they found fertilizer in lieu of WMD. But, they did exist and we did not necessarily know what state they were in until we found them. To me , the best approach would have been the truth. Instead we we told a completely different story and led to believe the reasons for our attack were not valid. Why? It made our intelligence organizations look silly and let Bush Jr. look bad for buying a lie.

The whole thing just confuses me. Why not just say, “We have found deteriorated WMD’s and we will continue to uncover more because this is obviously not the only stash. Some may not be degraded like this one.”

In stead, they said they found fertilizer which was a lie.

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Jim, this is truly shocking — and confounding! Have you read this anywhere? For me, it’s another in the great pile of questions needing research & reconstruction. If I had the time, I’d go right to the timeline & who was saying what, when. Search out anyone who’s still saying there actually were WMDs —and even more, if anyone telling this sane and reasonable story that so thoroughly explains the WMD confusion.

But, the aftermath, the false truth, is a whole other puzzling story, as you said. Why?? And who made the decision to go that incomprehensible route. And why, given that after-story, did the invasion, that was predicated on there being WMDs, proceed anyway, now towards “regime change”? The war was obviously desired. We were sold on it and easily, I remember, convinced of its necessity.

Another thing complicating the story ( beside other things that have come into my view fairly recently)

Is — I remember distinctly at around that time, that the WMDs likely had been carried on trucks to Syria (many trucks seen by satellite). Perhaps this was after the announced invasion but before it began — a considerable length of time. And puzzling that the invasion was so publicly announced as it was.

Thank you, as always, for your uncommon and thoughtful posts.

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🤨That’s a new wrinkle !


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Exactly so. True on every account. Looking forward to the day they are all held to account!

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I am looking forward to tomorrow’s RFK “announcement,” as well as additional revelation related to X-holdings (asset seizure?) Crimes against humanity?

The continued drip of stories related to crimes against children goes down like vile medicine but my heart goes out to those on the ground and in the dark places doing what needs to be done. As was stated, God bless these and all of us.

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“The document, updated every four years or so, is so highly classified that there are no electronic copies, only a small number of hard copies distributed to a few national security officials and Pentagon commanders.”… and the occasional NYT article. 🤦‍♀️

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Bibi was voted out and can only stay in power as long as there's war and he's got wartime powers. It's also worth mentioning that the largest natural gas deposit in the world is in Palestine and Bibi intends to occupy Palestine permanently and has said so.

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Intentions! Hmm….how many of Bibi’s intentions will come to fruition? Not many, I suspect.

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I think he has MOSSAD behind him and the deep state who are hell bent on WWIII. Trump will get elected on the peace issue...if it's not too late. Palestine would be on a par with every other Arab nation with regard to energy resources if they had the industry to extract it.

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BB - "Furthermore, they're advocating full-scale "Change" on the back of an administration THEY endorsed in the first place. They're acknowledging THEIR own rule has been catastrophic ... but that they just need ANOTHER chance. In other words, the Old Guard is acknowledging how bad things ARE by promising to return to how bad things WERE." (And this matters in my mind because of the centrists that can't help but see it when the "euphoria" and "high" of the convention floats away.)

AiA: "Gaming metrics is a feature of the regime." When a society (as defined by those in control) decides to discard objective Truth because it doesn't fit its narrative, it can be logically deduced that the society in question has willingly and knowingly embraced deceit. Our society suggests that "we" can have it all and it won't cost us anything to have it! In reality however, being successful in business takes hard work and sacrifice; raising children who are kind and generous and just takes hard work and sacrifice; choosing to do what is aligned with objective Truth takes hard work and sacrifice.

If we have taken our eyes off of Truth, nothing we do will correct our path until we refocus on Truth...that is the First of the First Principles - or so it seems to me!

And in summary..."Speaking of polls, Elon Musk dropped a poll on X that has over 4M responses, and the results feel right. Hey, it’s not less fake than any other poll!" AiA 💯 (and may I add - it is not more fake either!)

GBPH: DITTO 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼

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When we repent and acknowledge God in our country and return to His principles of our constitutional republic, we can change the future. God is in control in His time. Blessings!🙏

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I am of the same conclusion. Putin has showed remarkable restraint and has been willing for peace.

NATO cia biden keep pushing his buttons.

He plays the long game.

Shame what is happening in the middle of the

Ground war tho. This all could have been avoided

But the neocons have insisted on escalating and

Soon I pray this too comes to an end!!

We’ve had enough of this enough of Bibi, enough of Biden/Harris let’s go through the huge crisis that’s upcoming to reach a point of sanity and peace.

The lake of fire eternal damnation is too good for

Some of these souless earth creatures.

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This is the process that is/will reveal the truths necessary to complete the awakening….it’s necessary and in God’s hands.🙏

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It does take a while, even for those who've been paying attention, to come to this conclusion. But you are right, and it will happen. We're just watching the final moves of the game.

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I recall Russia's ban on child adoptions by Americans that went into effect about 10 years or so ago. At the time, I didn't understand it, and I thought that it was an act of spite against the U.S. and that it was only going to hurt the children. Since learning about the child trafficking going on all over the world (to say nothing of this report, Lord have mercy) I came to understand that Putin was trying to protect the children all along from such "adoptions."

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GhostPH = my hero exposing Satan's Zionist Nazi cloaking spells in Israel & Ukr. Prevailing narrative that Putin's Russians are clueless when it comes to PR looks pretty silly. Putin speaks to humans who love + live w/ God in their hearts. That Russia Mil recruiting video is best one I've seen! Wow!

Did Bobby Jr take strong libtard positions to strategically attract libtards before pulling the switch? Huh ... who's playin' 5D chess now? Gotta admit I was pissed to hear Bragg is delaying 45's NY sentencing until after election. While I just wish full disclosure could happen quicker, that's clearly my problem. Not theirs. TY, Badlands for keeping it real.

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That sentencing will likely never happen. The 'underlying crimes' that were upgraded to felonies are invalid in view of the SCOTUS Immunity Ruling, according to most legal experts.

POOOF! There goes Bragg's case. At this point the last thing he wants is disclosure -- the best way to get that is to quietly drop the whole stinking mess.

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Great Briefs and Takes today…like every day!

Especially love GBPH’s Take. Netanyahu’s attack against democracy in Israel is not lurking in the shadows anymore and he has a civil war brewing in the very country he has aspired to transform into a dictatorship. Internal threat and strife grow by the day. He has failed in the global strategy to pull the U.S. into his war. Israel is becoming isolated, without friends in the region or elsewhere.


“The contrast between the contrived messaging inside the convention and the hate and violence just outside is delicious — and voters appear to agree. Most major pollsters are reporting an increase in Trump’s support since the convention began.” - Ashe

BB referred to it as surreal…and I agree.

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Israel and their followers will never have friends again other than those in political circles they can buy and sell. They have lost their political and victim capital gained post WWII and the common persons eyes are either wide open or opening across the globe. They will never come back from this and ultimately will never feel safe anywhere again. The young today will have this genocide firmly etched into their psychic, they will remember the visuals on SM, dying children , doctors massacred, massive bombs dropped in “safe” areas, schools and hospitals, the false and reckless rhetoric of the incompetent leaders of the world (with one exception) and they will learn the ways of geopolitics differently to you and I ! The generations post the war have a lot to answer and need in part to take responsibility for the messes their countries are in (mostly the West) in some ways with their addiction to the tel-lie-vision (Tv) that has completely influenced the common sense approach to everything in their lives. That definitely includes the complete success of marketing propaganda influence into the every person thinking and institutions. The gift to our family is that post the dreaded potential population exterminator release is that we turned off the what we call the “idiot box”, bought books, read writers on Substack, learnt to practice more diligent discernment, been selective on what SM to view, got healthier and fitter and backed bags and went travelling particularly to less fortunate countries. We don’t engage in giving one cent to any organisation we have not researched to see who is running the show and I check all my “made in” labels so that I am not supporting nefarious countries trying to subject our futures to “serfdom”. I can only contribute the best way I can in this currently insane world oh and support Trump in his quest to try and get our world back on even keel. With Gods help.

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Great post, Cath! God Bless!

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It would be so easy to tell you all about Vances ties to adrenachrome harvesting.

I think finding the info on your own is important to weening you off the system.

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I just tried. Adrenochrome is hard enuf to research. The ones who have faced the issue tend to be MAGA, so finding out any connections between MAGA leaders and this stuff is especially hard.

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Actually I found everything I needed in a 24 hour period.

I have faith you can too.

Just pretent you're looking up info on Walz, Harris, or Biden. The hate everyone has here for just those 3 people should be enough to fuel your desire to find this information.

Once you do you will never look at Vance the same.

Not to mention why Trump picked him.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

You are so full of crap. A degenerate fool with nothing to add but vitriol.

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If he had anything he’d be plastering it everywhere. He’s baiting this well read audience to research and find what he himself can’t find.

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No. You're wrong I have everything I need.

I don't supply you with all the answers.


It's not up to me to find them for you.

I understand you're use to that.

You need to ween yourself off the system.

This is the only way.

In this game you don't get a trophy for finishing 2nd or 30th.

I've shared enough for anyone that's not sloth can and will find the answers.

Debunk what I said instead having diarrhea of the mouth.

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If I'm full of it then why don't you easily debunk my claims?

It's because you can't.

All you have are insults. That's a sign of low intelligence.

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Hahahaha. Cry harder. This schtick of yours is a dead end.

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Go drink the blood and why are you even here?

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Debunk what I say. You can't that's why you leave comments like the one you left here.

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I care not to engage. Prove your point with receipts

And if you hate JD OR the republicans why are you here?

We’ve had enough BULL SHIT to last a lifetime of 12 years of democrats blaming Trump for everything

Go back to where you came from.

Perhaps have you ever considered JD might have an inside track to the adrenochrome crowd

And if so maybe their supply might be cut off.

Again why are you here?

And no I care not to engage in fools that even consider the democrats have anything to offer.

If you want attention go somewhere else

Go to Chicago join the joyful demonstrations democrats as they try to run from their horrific

Record of the last 3.5 years.

Stay frosty Joe


Happy trails

I don’t need to prove anything especially to you.

Go play with your human trafficking friends that

Drink the blood of children

Sick vampires

May God have mercy on your soul.

Courage is the opposite of coward

Why coward Joe

Why again are you here

“Ignore them is the best way to make them suffer”

I’m now IGNORING you.

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Once again low vibration here. You're sloth plain and simple.

As you sit on the mountain of ignorance throwing your stones you have no idea how ignorant you are.

You keep commenting on my posts criticizing me. I don't mind criticism, it's good.

What I do mind is someone ignorant that's not done one minute of research into the said subject calling me out or insulting me or criticizing me.

Do your research. A battle of wits or opinions cannot be fought by an unarmed individual.

You talk smack yet you haven't produced anything to debunk my claim.

Sloth is not your friend.

If you want someone to give you all the answers go back to grade school. I have a feeling you'll feel right at home.

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We who have neither the time (and more importantly) nor the skills for deep digs rely on the gifted anons for them. Why would one who states they have these skills not share with those of us who don’t?

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You think I have superpowers?

You think I have access to esoteric information?

I'm a regular person just like you.

If I found the answers you can too. I dedicate 4-6 hours of research everyday.

I work a full time job too. Married. Kids.


Excuses will get you nowhere.

Sloth will get you nowhere.

All the time all of you have spent insulting me and telling me I'm wrong you could have already found your answers.

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Its been for the babies!!! Trump and Putin to save the kids from these evil satanists!! Its like someone once said… God will exact his final judgement, we are here to help it along!

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