Nice finish to the week y'all, I loved today's Takes.

Loved this quote from GBPH: "Putin is shutting down your supply-lines in Ukraine, while Trump is openly talking about legally killing you. Devastating stuff. Sovereign Alliance hitting on all cylinders, right now. — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry" - - - - LFG!!!

Have a nice weekend.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Go Vlad!

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God Is With US!! Great video!!

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GBPH - DITTO!!!!! I drive from TN to CO tomorrow to help our oldest and her family (husband and four sons) relocate out of CO (sorry Ashe). That's 18 hours of windshield time - which will give me plenty of time to pray!!! You are indeed kicking the hornets' nest - which (according to Joshua 24:12) God promises to send against His enemies...clearly satanists are His enemies. Be strong and very courageous (also Joshua 1:7). 🙏🏼

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I wonder if Trump just laughs when he talks about Kamala's attempts to sound rational. I just grin when I see pics of the DNC. I had a client on Tuesday watching the DNC while I was working there- it's a freak show! The pedo stuff will be a hard one for the sheep. I love how it's coming out but the lost won't be capable of grasping it, is my opinion. They seem to be the fragile generation. This article was full of gold nuggets by GPH , BB and Ashe!!

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"Must Have Been Tipped Off": Jack Daniel's Cuts Woke Training Ahead Of Robby Starbuck's Next Exposé

I own stock in Dow Chemical, Dupont and Monsanto. These come by way of inheritance from my late parents: my father had his PhD in Chemistry from MIT and taught it at WVU for 40+ years. My mother was a chemistry major and his lab assistant. The oldest of my brothers had his PhD in chemistry from Cornell. My other brother was a physicist. As these are NOT my fields, I am the botanist.

For the last 2 years I have received calls to vote my proxy for these and other companies. Dow Chemical is OFF the rails with DEI. And to think I thought them to be a chemical company instead of a low life purveyor of perversion. EVERY bio for the BOD is a walk in DEI. Last year I actually read their drivel. This year was more of the same and I voted AGAINST everyone proffered for their "board".

I wrote to them in 2023 with my unhappiness at their direction, but of course received no reply.

I wish someone would go after them.

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I would give those companies some slack. They were caught in the same screwed up country as you and I were. They need to stay in business while sorting out the reality of our future together.

Forty years ago they saw America being sold out to China. Our manufacturing was being exported to facilitate the exportation of inflation. Our corrupt Congress had found an evil way to pay for their deficit spending without creating inflation.

The plan was to create a huge trade deficit buying cheap Chinese goods. Then, China would strengthen their currency buying our Treasury Bonds that were attractive due to high interest rates that were created through deficit spending in years past. So, on paper, they balance our trade deficit and our budget deficit at the same time.

Business here saw this and had to either buy from or move manufacturing to China because our government created the new economic game. If it could be made using cheap Chinese labor, that was how a business could stay competitive.

So, as the evil game collapses in front of our eyes, let’s not jump to any conclusions about what business appears to be doing to appease the government. At this point they have no idea which side will win the political battle. For that matter, do you have a clue? Do you see the real problem? If Trump fails to reclaim our greatness we are all screwed, and the deep state is working overtime to kill Trump off. They want the old game they invented to win because it is the Marxist’s game plan to take over. It always has been their goal going back over a hundred years.

OK, we need some good news. The problem I have described was actually solved seven years ago by Trump. He bankrupted the corrupt old system and took back the Gold the cabal had been stealing since 1871. The stolen election of 2020 delayed the new Gold backed dollar so America could witness where the old system was leading us. Kamala and Tampon Tim are a perfect pair to show the future leadership we can expect. But, they are already history because our future cannot exist in a Ponzi scheme. Their trickery has worked for many years, but $35 Trillion of debt and $1 Trillion of new debt every 100 days is just not sustainable. Sit back and watch them try to prove me wrong. It is going to be fun!

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Agreed, Jim; it's not the companies' fault at least not entirely. To keep their listings they had to appoint DEI board members and VPs of wokeness. The universities are starting to dump this BS and so are the companies. The pendulum is swinging back, which does not bode well for the dems this cycle.

I remember Q answered the question "Do we have the gold?" with a simple YES.

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I own stock in a number of companies, including several oil companies. Out of all, Dow Chemical is the only one which engaged in this crap. As to universities.....I will not fund the nonsense they are up to. I am redoing my will. While I am comfortable, I could be an instant multi-millionaire by selling the 5 acres where I live. However, at this time, neither WVU (BA) nor The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (MA & PhD) will get a dime.

Remember, all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.

BTW, according to Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes, it took 650 planes to get our gold out of the Vatican.....that is why the photo w/ Trump looking extatic and the Pope looking oh, so grim. Trump had just told him that we were taking the gold.

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Somehow you were able to survive WVU as well as UNC and came out a conservative. So, the liberal indoctrination failed to corrupt your mind. I appreciate your choice to cut them out of your inheritance, but they did help you to become successful.

I would suggest a slow walk into cutting them off. If Jan Halper-Hayes is correct, big things are happening behind the scenes and that Vatican Gold is likely going to change our tax codes and how our government spends money. If they do away with the Department of Education as Trump has promised, the funding for colleges may need to drastically change as well as the opinions of liberal educators.

Here’s the deal as I see it. The corporations who created the stocks you own are actually funding our government and the universities, but that fact is not recognized by most taxpayers because they think they are paying their income taxes. But, it is their job that pays the tax before they get a dime of personal income. Retirees who enjoy the dividends that fund their retirement pay tax on that income thanks to the corporations.

What America needs is an education into what makes America great. It is the public, but it actually works when the public is organized into constructive free enterprise capitalist endeavors.

I hope this helps define the problem. College professors and school teachers in general have been taught that business is evil and greedy. They try to pass this idea on to their students, but you have proved it doesn’t always work.

What needs to happen is we must re-educate the educators. Once they see how wrong their nutty ideas are, they can actually begin teaching the correct attitudes. Then, you will gladly will them funds to help get the country on the correct path.

This absolutely must happen! America has been slowly screwed up for well over a hundred years. I truly believe we can unscrew it in very short order because the answers are really quite simple. Owning stock in corporations is key to seeing how things really work, but that is never taught in our schools.

What I have just written is precisely what I do to help. I teach investing to anyone who is interested and I show how everything fits together. I do this at no charge because I am retired and see how little the average person knows about how America works and has worked since 1776. Humans have learned how to manipulate our success to fund Socialism. That must stop! That is what I do. I kill Socialism with logic and math.

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The DEI push on the boards is coming from leftist controlled index and mutual funds. This is the problem with uneducated American investors. They know they are uneducated in investing so they entrust their dollars to fund managers. This removes the investor’s votes in the boardroom. It relinquishes that voting power to fund managers who use that power to influence corporate decisions. That is how company presidents get manipulated into making piss poor decisions they hate. But, the other thing the fund managers can control is the pay for the company executives. It is legal bribery or extortion. It should be illegal but the investors have agreed to sell their power for the fund manager’s expertise. It is up to us investors to take back our power because it is immense!

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Neither Dupont nor Monsanto engaged in this DEI stuff. Just Dow Chemical. Your "argument" makes the case for just standing up and doing the right thing instead of licking your finger to see which way the wind is blowing or will blow. Be a part of the solution and not expanding the problem.

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It seems like we’re in a hot month, but it is entertaining to watch the woke weirdos, the alphabet sexuality crowd, the market manipulators, the censoring crowd, the unconstitutional alphabet bureaucracy, and now, the pedophiles ALL swarming about in a huge pot of increasingly hot water….simmering now, but about to heat up to a rolling boil…..

It’s about to get amazingly interesting as the ‘deep state’ implodes. Right on schedule.

God bless the Truthers!🙏🙏

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We have another nasty revelation on Walz

‘I knew who I could go to’: How Tim Walz gave his queer high school students a refuge


Both parties had stars that suited their campaigns at the conventions, but Harris had the 2 that drew horny men. Swift and Beyconce. Trump's people stayed, Harris' left avter the mini concert. Trump's filled a large site, Harris was about 2,000, the 3 socialist Tennessee were disapointed not spew their garbage. The PP BUSS WAS BUSY, ABOUT 25 CUSTOMERS, Chemical Abortions, the number of vasectomies was not stated. Trump had pro-life in mass. Quite a contrast. I watched Greenwood, as I'm older, and he fits the songs I can understand. While Kid Rock jazzed up the younger people.

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The Carmel Colored Democrat Scrotus nominee Hairy-ass is a Narcisist and Psycopath and her weak speach focused on she/her. Who cares how she grew up. The road to hell is paved with knob-jobs. Ditto on the above comment... great post and end to an interesting week... TY.

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If you watch nothing else today, watch below....

Part 1


Part 2


NASA, AF, Navy, Space Force, our woke gov't are all correct, "WE are NOT, nor have we EVER been alone.

3 beings are alive and well at this moment in time

Triune God, I Am

Angels {the good ones} & [the fallen ones]



full StOp

The ONLY aliens are of the "ILLEGAL tribe" that has been/is invading 'almost' every country in the world. They're are being moved by means of our tax dollars via NGO's/13 families/CFR/IntellServices, etc..

This demonic behavior is intensifying exponentially in the last month.

It WILL intensify even more through to the 'Woes' that are coming. I'm so glad the church will not go thru it.



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Has voter fraud been fixed?

What's going to happen in November?

Will Harris receive 100 million votes?

Don't be surprised when she does.

I hope today is the day someone here presents their research showing JD Vances ties to adrenachrome harvesting.

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Speaking of fraud...this is a bot.

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Best to ignore him. Eventually he will go.

Obviously he has more time than sense.

Joe who

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David Icke - John Kountouris - names to check out if you are curious about victor creed's "secrets". All reports are circular - though he will deny it.

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No. I'm human

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He doesn’t actually do the harvesting he gets it from Hillary Clinton.

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Whiteman thinks you crazy🤪

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Imagine a world where you're called crazy for having a different opinion.

You like ketchup and not mustard? Crazy.

You like Ford and not Chevy? Crazy.

You say JD Vance has ties to adrenachrome harvesting? Crazy.

With everything that everyone of you have supposedly learned over the past few years you should be use to crazy.

I know the truth is uncomfortable but it's still the truth.

You all waste your time insulting me when thar time could have been used for something constructive like looking up what I've stated here.

I know I know the substack authors haven't written about it so it can't be true, right?

The substack authors must give you all your answers.

Sloth is a serious enemy to all of you.

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…as is arrogance and belittling behavior, sir…without proof btw…. Blessings!

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Dude, seriously? Seriously?

Your buddies here have been arrogant belittling assholes to me since I've been posting here. Not once have you called them out.

There is proof. I'm not doing the research for you.

Not once have I seen you or anyone else ever ask these substack authors for proof or links. Why? Seriously you can answer this. Why?

🫡 to you Mr. Fence!

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