Love GPHs take on Netanyahu...I love seeing Trump doing that kind of stuff. The news is depressing right now, which is probably by design, but those without Badlands think things are hopeless. Ty Badlands 😘

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Good stuff, great start to my week.

Best quote was BB's: "And the best part is, it can, will and IS happening MUCH faster than anyone thinks. — Burning Bright". Yes it is BB and few can even imagine how dramatic the changes will be.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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I kinda liked his lead-in a bit more: "The patriot plan, which includes Trump, Tesla, Bitcoin, Nuclear Energy ... and Anons isn't bringing us into a NEW future. It's returning us to the one that was stolen from us." Hope is a powerful salve!

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You have that right. Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and then the movie “China Syndrome” was all it took for the MSM and Hollywood to kill Nuclear power. Jimmy Carter did the rest with runaway regulation that was never needed. The power industry just gave up on Nuclear because the public was not with them any longer.

The truth is the whole thing was orchestrated by the Left to hurt America. They saw us excelling in every aspect of endeavor and wanted America to help them produce a level playing field. We had to stop excelling so everyone else might catch up and killing efficient energy production was key! They are still doing it today with the demand for all renewable electric.

Trump is poking them in the eye by talking Nuclear. They are not going to take this well I promise you.

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We survived the lost century. IMO we have had our time entirely stolen since Nicola Tesla "lost" to the Robber Barons power plays.

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Just when I’m thinking it might be a slower News cycle until the debate, every one of your contributors have provided more excellent coverage and great perspective on so many different areas. Ashe, GbPH, BB can’t thank you guys enough for your hard work and diligent research efforts. The great convergence continues to gather speed. Amen!

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I have been trying to stay away from the News cycle because it was getting me too worked up with fear of missing out (FOMO) I have said for the longest time that until the MSM starts reporting honestly on the news and starts asking the Uniparty hard and pointed questions, we are going to remain in this propaganda spin cycle. It is now looking like the MSM is starting to take this turn, Maria Bartiromo being a great example when she held Rep. Dingle's feet to the fire, not allowing her to get away with spewing talking points by asking "How?, When?" I have also noticed that CNN is starting to allow Conservatives to answer questions without the host constantly interrupting them so they won't be able to make their point, which is classic interference technique, Daytime TV Shows like "The View" by not renewing the contracts of Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar, the European elections being swept by Conservative leaders, we have also seen many of the lefts strongest talking heads get the boot. Every day there is at least 1 Uniparty Member being arrested or raided for corruption and embezzlement, It is only a matter of time now until the MSM turns completely on the Uniparty and stops covering for them altogether.

I foresee this happening right after Trump wins the election in 2024, the Uniparty will go on a "Peaceful Protest" binge again only this time the MSM will be on the side of Law and Order and not anarchy like the way they were during the Summer of Love.

We are so close to the end of this long movie so, hang in there for a little while longer, and we will witness the end of the elitist rule over not just America but the World.

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Praying you are right! Leaning on and resting in Jesus!!

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‘At first light on the fifth day’. Lol. Who but us Tolkien peeps could appreciate that!

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Yes, I loved that also.

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Cuomo comments on Hush Money trial opened further the eyes of our 36 year old normie MAGA son this weekend. 😊 Stranded astronauts also bringing him to the conclusion that Boeing is about to go down in flames. I have some thoughts on ancient armored vehicles being deployed for anything other than narrative. Huge operational and maintenance burden. No support or spare parts availability. The best they can be are props.

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When will Americas proclaim the new DHS group is a domestic terrorist group, their number one mission think like them , if you Dare descent ..be labeled domestic terrorist cult . I logically think This New DHS group are the cult

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Yes, Deep State is a cult and these idiots are part of it.

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Wonder what the cabal used to bring them into the cult? Bribes, threats of pedophile exposures…?

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It's normally a 'honey or vinegar' choice. Bribes and emoluments, vs. threats. "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way..."

Most choose the easy way. Only the strong are able to withstand [their] threats.

"Nice kids there; it'd be a shame if something happened to them on their way home from school."

[They] have been doing this for a long, long time; and practice makes perfect. Fortunately, more and more are awake and they can't bribe or threaten everyone.

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They have and I expect their next life won’t be pleasant.

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Ayn Rand was raised in this environment and was fully aware of what the enemy plan is to control (enslave) mankind. ‘Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Socialism are only superficial variations of the same monstrous theme—collectivism.’ — Ayn Rand

Prussia was the start of the modern day plan to rule (enslave) mankind. It’s no surprise that the Azov Nazi army is located in the previous Prussian state. As for the apparent long term relationship between the Nazis and Israel, Ghost has noted, ‘Lastly, you realize that the [Neo-Nazi] Azov Battalion has had mercenaries fighting alongside the IDF in Gaza since the October invasion, and that the Israeli defense industry has been arming Azov with its highly-coveted Tavor assault rifles since 2018…’.

Burning Bright sees a different future vs what we’re told. ‘The patriot plan, which includes Trump, Tesla, Bitcoin, Nuclear Energy ... and Anons isn't bringing us into a NEW future. It's returning us to the one that was stolen from us.’👏🇺🇸

Ashe captured the truth of the legal attacks on Trump revealed by none other than Cuomo, ‘That admission has stunning implications for the other political investigations…’. Election interference admitted. Wonder what kind of deal Cuomo is hoping to make…?

Of course EU and NATO ‘provoked’ the Ukraine war and now Nigel Farage has reentered the scene. Now, that’s exciting for the future of Europe’s people.

There are a LOT of unknowns regarding Netanyahu and Israel. I’m anxious to know the rest of this story as ‘unsettling’ barely covers what has been revealed. What really is going on there?

In the meantime, the truth behind the alphabet pushers and children is bubbling up to the public eye….gradually preparing for the inevitable revelations of what is the core evil of the cabal and its minions.

All else leads to a long, hot and very chaotic summer. God bless and protect the truth lovers. Thank you for them.🙏🙏

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Benjamin and Zelenskyy are one of the most best red pills we’re seeing right now. If we think about it, they’re the best red pills for both sides of the uniparty because the majority of people would want to stop foreign aid all together for both wars but, both democrats and republicans want to provide aid and weapons for one of the countries they favor but are biased against the other country. For example, democrats want to provide foreign aid to Ukraine for reasons that we already know but are in denial about and refuse to accept that Biden and his family were involved in quid pro quo. They also will refuse any bill that provides Israel with foreign aid and weapons, whether it’s ties with another bill and/or a standalone. While with republicans, they want to provide aid and weapons to Israel because most of them are pro- Israel and Thomas Massie with his interview with Tucker said that a majority of republicans have AIPAC ‘babysitters’ even though AIPAC will fund candidates from both sides, as long as they’re pro- Israel. They also will refuse any bill that provides Ukraine with foreign aid and weapons, whether it’s ties with another bill and/or a standalone but that’s because the conservative base already knows about Biden and his family’s business dealings over there and there’s proof of it. For election year, you would want both sides to end foreign aid all together but, both sides are just going to campaign against the countries that they are against giving aid and weapons to while, at the same time, try to convince their base and independent voters that giving aid and weapons to the countries that they favor is a good thing, showing their double standards and hypocrisy, instead of telling their base and independent voters the truth about both countries. I would call this a good strategic move when it comes to red pilling both sides of the aisle because at least for the republican/conservative side, they’re much more informed about Biden and his family’s business dealings than the democrat/liberal side and would want to vote Biden out for one of these major reasons while the democrat/liberal side are much more informed about Israel than the republican/conservative side and are conflicted and possibly thinking about sitting the election out due to Biden’s pandering of both the Jews and Arabs in the Israel-Palestine conflict. I’ve been thinking about this and I think that Thomas Massie deserves credit for at least shining a spotlight on AIPAC on the Republican side when he was talking to Tucker because it can reach some of the libertarian and conservative voters, not all but some. Also, for one of these moments, we have to give credit to some of the democrats like ‘the squad’ for raising the issue about Israel. Don’t get me wrong, we all know that the democrats, including ‘the squad’ are bad for America and we can call them every name from the book, however, when it comes to moments and occasions like this, especially mentioning Israel, they are right, to a certain extent, for example, I’ve seen some Israeli officials and supporters on social media who are calling for voters of New York to vote out Jamaal Bowman and made comments about AOC. Some people would be thinking, even though we don’t like ‘the squad,’ why are Israeli officials and supporters, who are 1000 miles away from America and are in Tel Aviv, care about who New Yorkers vote for and why are they dictating and sticking their noses in another country’s affairs that has nothing to do with them and won’t affect them in any way? I think it’s very obvious we know why they care. All in all, we know that conservatives aren’t going to vote for Biden, however, like I said before, due to his pandering for the Jew and Arab vote about the Israel-Palestine conflict, he divided the democrat/liberal base, putting him in a position where he can’t have his cake and eat it too. He has to choose one of the sides

P.S. I didn’t mentioned people like Chuck Schumer, Lindsey Graham, and others because they’re all warmongers and will give aid and weapons to any country who will prolong the conflict

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Still unable to “like”. But love your post. Excellent and perceptive — they so often are.

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Very excellent thoughts on this and I believe you’re correct about the red pill. Remember, too, that there are a lot of duel citizenships in Congress, mostly dems, but some republicans, too. Also, I consider not only the cabal’s profits from both sides of any war, but the money laundering and all kinds of trafficking to profit from as well. After WWII, the Nazis went to Israel and DC and have had a lot of control and collusion together. These are not coincidences. Great comment!!

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Thanks Ashe for your well-written piece on the Orwellian tactics of the progressive Left…DHS unconstitutional tactics!

Love the Ayn Rand quote:

“Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Socialism are only superficial variations of the same monstrous theme—collectivism.’ — Ayn Rand

Thank God Atlas didn’t shrug, leaving the world to wither under the dystopian elite efforts to control! The Great Awakening has been and is the call to understand that complacency is not allowed!! 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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Atlas didn’t, nor will ‘we the people!’

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loved this wee line from Gordon (GBPH) -Are the Ghosts in the Machine trolling Ghost in the News Brief?

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Loved the Lord of the Rings reference in the Farage piece!

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Just when I’m thinking it might be a slower News cycle until the debate, every one of your contributors have provided more excellent coverage and great perspective on so many different areas. Ashe, GbPH, BB can’t thank you guys enough for your hard work and diligent research efforts. The great convergence continues to gather speed. Amen!

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Woke supremacy is the greatest threat to our democracy. ( err.....republic.)

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What we need is to reboot and complete Joe McCarthy's work to purge and arrest all enemies within.

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TRUMP is the man with the Fantastic Plans. I can hardly wait to see how far we can go after TRUMP is reelected. Technologies that have been hidden from us; wealth that will be uncovered that's been stolen from us. I believe once things get rolling, we will see growth like we have never witnessed in our lifetime. Ridding America of all these Traffickers aka Politicians and their friends in high places, before that can happen. I remain hopeful.

LGBTQ Bust was outstanding but lets not let this beast back out to prey on someone else's son.. Im sick of having to check the Predator list in my county to see the thousands loose in OH. They bring our property values down and leave prey unprotected. These freaks are out of prison, cutting your grass, gutter cleaners, power washers, and putting up your fences. Thats the only jobs they can get and that brings them right to your door. As a woman, I have encountered these freaks. They are everywhere. I only wish they would have let the crime play out and had a meeting between an undercover and that FREAK so that we could see just exactly how he would act in person. Maybe he was and this is just a sml clip? He sounded like a professional abuser of children. He should be thrown in the slammer with the worst of the worst so he can get a taste of his own medicine.

Great reporting!!

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Thanks all!

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