I always wonder if Assange was kept in prison because it was safest place for him and when the time is right he will be released and exonerated 🤷🏼‍♀️

The water narrative: you don’t think they will be putting something in it to cause chaos across the voting states? Maybe that’s too ‘tin foil’ and it’s the money laundering? Definitely setting up something bad though.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

I believe the same about Assange. Russia is safer for him than the USA. He'll be assassinated before his plane touches down here. Russia is hated for protecting him among other reasons. PS, thank you to Putin for blowing up Obamas Bio Labs in Ukraine...Good Work!!

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Always proud of Putin for bioweapon blow ups and actually protecting his Country’s borders!!!

Weird you have a communist bad country protecting it own citizens

Who btw have super modern clean subways



Open terrifying terrorist crossing borders

Unsavory despicable subways

So where did this all go wrong? Who’s the evil empire when you look behind the curtain

You Go Putin go kick ass on the global sanctions

And prosper

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Watch the water.

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That was my thought too, although I’m not sure what Q meant! Do you have any ideas, TruthMatters?

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One of the characters in Trump’s admin that I was especially disappointed with was Mike Pompeo. He mentioned in an interview (must’ve been on Fox but I don’t remember), that he was the one that talked Trump out of pardoning Assange. He still believes Assange is guilty of treason and deserves the death penalty.

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Bill Barr was my biggest disappointment. To say that he saw no indication of election fraud when half the country saw it live on national TV was a crock. Then there were at least 5 states (swing states) that had day long testimonies from American Patriots that testified to the election fraud they personally witnessed. The states I recall having such televised testimonies was AZ, GA, PA, NV WI and MI. I watched them all. I told my husband- we have all this evidence- it’s overwhelming, no way can they brush this all under the rug. But they did with Bill Barr’s help.

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Agreed! I remember Barr delivering an awe-inspiring speech on the Constitution at Hillsdale College, and then this… goes to prove how talk is cheap.

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There are two possibilities. One is that Barr, Pompeo, Pence et al are hypocrites and will talk out of one side of their mouths while vomiting out the other.

The other is that they are undercover assets of the White Hats and are 'taking one for the gipper.' Exposure is a complex and difficult operation, and things are not always as they seem. 5GW is like that.

I have not seen enough conclusive evidence yet to be able to make a convincing argument for either possibility. I put it into the basket 'Awaiting further insight.'

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Yes, I thought about the white hat theory when Bill Barr left the administration at least a month before Biden’s inauguration. I remember Trump being very grateful and complimentary to Barr on his comments during his departure. I thought that’s strange- this idiot did not help you at all with election fraud substantiation. And then I thought, is this all a plan and Barr is just an actor? I hope someday we get these answers...

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Someday, likely later this year, a lot will come out. But there may be things that are never said, too. Remember Shakespeare:

"All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players;

They have their exits and their entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts..."

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Well said !!! Yeah I too thought ALL THIS EVIDENCE

evidently that doesn’t count.

I thought 6 month this will a done deal election fraud!!!

Guess long game goes on Barr, pence, numerous others and what about the mountains of EVIDENCE

IF WE they say have it all, then by all means spill

The beans on election fraud that is treason treachery and add the C19 on going heartbreaking disaster!!

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Pompeo was CIA. NEVER TRUSTED HIM - still don’t. Think he is a MAJOR sleeper in the WEFer World.

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Actually think they poisoned the water the first time with C19

But that’s not just me. What better way to disseminate poison and send people to hospitals

To get a death protocol and twist it to a “pandemic”

Just saying ….

Water systems like power grid systems are extremely vulnerable and hackable as Harrari would say.

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I do not think COVID was sent to us by the water systems. All domestic water is Chlorinated and that kills all sorts of biological bugs. There are other pathogens that might get to us, but I do not know what they might be. I can tell you, our water delivery systems are really well run and efficient. Water plant operators are super conscientious.

My concern is technology in that field. Computer control of the chemical feed systems is begging for catastrophe. It is not needed because the technology from 50 years ago is still great and works to perfection. The more sophisticated we try to make perfectly good technology, the more we open ourselves up to humans trusting the machines instead of watching them personally and doing manual tests to insure accuracy of the outcomes. The idea that AI has a place in a water plant scares the heck out of me.

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Actually not a virus in the water, but poisons, idk what the chlorine would do,

Not knowing the finer details of a water system, knew in the old days Rajneesh tried poisoning the The Dalles water system. That apparently failed.

Portland used to have open water ponds

Well the old way if it ain’t broke don’t fix.

Our technology has a way of making things more hackable.

I’m not even certain there is a virus.

But something made me sick once,

Shedding twice,

Hoping water people at the systems are

Not compromising our health. If I wanted to make people sick I’d start with the sodas sold by fast food providers,

I do know they drop chemicals from the skies which must contaminate all water

By PPM and seeps into everything we eat.

I used to manage the city pool

The chlorine is lethal

The mechanic room where the pumps were was noticeably damaged from the


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I have followed this since the Spring of 2016. I cannot figure out what Assange did to require extradition. He was accused of hacking the DNC computers and exposing the data, but that was Seth Rich in reality. It got him killed.

Seth gave the data to Assange who released it. That is not criminal, is it? It was embarrassing to Hillary and to the DNC, but why put Assange into prison? Won’t a court of law hear the truth and set him free? In 2016 he refused to expose his source to Sean Hanitat, but Sean pretty much made it clear Seth Rich was that source. He is dead! Surely Assange is not still protecting a dead person. Then again, lots of dead people are still voting so maybe he knows something that I am missing. Let’s get the truth out and move on.

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Navalny: Why the fuss now?

The outrage in the West over the death of a Russian political figure in a Siberian prison is a flashing ***DISINFORMATION INCOMING*** sign for the truth community.

Especially when an American citizen has been rotting in Russian custody over 7 years with zero sanctions and half hearted negotiations for his release.

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Simon says: "The third option is, of course, to take the maddening number of variables in this scenario and rest more comfortably in doubt and uncertainty: a primary tool for navigating the fog of fifth generation warfare and a necessary cognitive stage for effective discernment."

A big Amen to that. God always has known, science (mankind) is continuing to learn that peace of mind is necessary not only for a long, healthy life, but a more fulfilling life as well. Wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment (the act of distinguishing and assessing) are all tools that, if we use them, will make life better.

Ashe's Take on the neurastink X-periment brings back to the surface my major objection to the fawning over Musk - no matter what he does with "twitter" - and, interestingly enough, ties right back to our need for discernment (h/t SE).

Ashe says: "Who is the ethical voice in this experiment? I don’t mean the SpaceX marketers talking about healing the lame and making the blind see again. I mean a person or people with a calibrated moral compass who will ensure that these scientists aren’t developing the tools for our future enslavement?"

The only way a compass works is for there to exist a "magnetic" north, and for it to be accessible without interference; the only way a "moral compass" works is for there to be a Truth outside of ourselves, a source of Good in whom we can confidently place our trust. Otherwise the "direction/morality" is subject to the one holding the compass.

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Nice! Enjoyed your comment. Love the compass analogy.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 22

Bidens not the oldest man, Hes the Oldest STIFF. Hes been dead since 2020. Whoever that is posing as Biden, JILL should give up the name of? Bidens family is guilty of covering up his death and allowing an imposter chosen by Obama to impersonate him for the last 3.3 yrs. These LIARS are guilty of TREASON and should all face the punishment of TREASON under the harshest sentence of DEATH after trial

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Would I love to see this come to light.

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21

Im praying one day that mask falls off during a mumbling event! Another falling down the stairs event! His VP is too drunk and dumb to notice.

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You are correct. Ppl think I am wearing a tinfoil hat when I tell them that the Biden they see now is an actor. They laugh at me and say he has cosmetic surgery. I tell them they can research the crappy funeral he had in Arlington - no 21 gun salute. They laugh again. F them - too many Americans are happy to swallow Obama propaganda

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Feb 22·edited Feb 22

Makes no sense that he had plastic surgery and his voice changed... No doubt its an imposter, just like Obama is a Kenyan, birth witnessed by G-ma, Daddy never had any DREAMS besides the ones to impregnate all the women in the village. The flies do want their snot nose back to land on. Mikelle is a man, and the gay marriage they had in 1995 was illegal as Gay marriage was not legit until 2012. !st lady is not legit and TREASON CHARGES are forthcoming. The Chef was killed and the woman who made the call was surely a man. The Secret Service is protecting the truth and J6 was a set up by actors.


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𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐔𝐥𝐭𝐫𝐚 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 - 𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 🙏𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐎𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐝 𝐀 𝐋𝐨𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐔𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐁𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐰.

𝐒𝐚𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐲 & 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 & 𝐆𝐨𝐝𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 ...

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 🥰 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐍𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐈𝐬 𝐀𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝. 🥰🇺🇸

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Thanks for your take on Navalny’s death, BB. Something to remember about Navalny is that John Brennan once publicly stated that he dreamed of Navalny replacing Putin. Putin and Russia have long been a thorn in the side of the DeepState.

As for the NYT article, I agree with Simon’s take: “This only further confirms that the assassination of Joe Biden’s character is an operation.” That distancing from Biden is interesting to watch.

While I agree that our water infrastructure needs attention and upgrading, I would not trust the current DeepState communist Administration to do it!! Better to wait until Trump is back at the helm. For one thing, I would not trust any analysis of what’s in the water from the DeepState.

(In my small town, there were wells contaminated with PFAS and the source turned out to be from the foam used by the Fire Dept and heavily sprayed on a major structure fire.)

Thanks for the report on Assange, Simon. We need to keep Julian Assange in our thoughts and prayers! 🙏❤️🕊

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Ashe, those water "improvements" immediately sent a chill down my spine. They may in fact me performing much needed repairs, but you can bet they are also installing / "upgrading" remote ability to control water additives / chemicals as well, which means they are very likely consolidating to more centralized digital water management which can then be more easily hacked by their Chinese partners thus, the facade of improvement = the weakening of our water resources if not outright ability to poison it more easily (see snake venom theory).

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I was involved with the design and construction of water treatment plants and I know America doesn’t have a $50 Billion need for “improvements” nor does it need a additional $6 Billion. This is all political foolishness.

Knowing that business I am trying to figure out how a kickback might work. The biggest game is likely on the consultant side. Once money is “available” the goal is to get your share while it is sitting there. But, if your existing facilities are actually working well, as almost all of them are, the game is to get a consultant to recommend new ideas. They are paid to give some cover to the politicians because the city management knows the water plants are doing just fine and they need someone to justify grabbing that free money that is really not justified. The consultants get paid no matter what they report.

It is my surmise that these consulting groups are behind the push for the excessive funding. The AWWA is a strong political force and they exist to promote the needs of the water treatment industry. Kickbacks from a municipality are unlikely and the contractors who bid on the construction would kickback to the municipality, not to Washington.

The other likely suspect is the manufacturers of new technology. That is the other side of this game. The new technology is pushed to the deep state players who then demand the new stuff become necessary in every water plant, even thought the plants are just fine as is. This creates the demand from the municipalities all over America for funding to buy the new stuff. Then, after the finding is available, the consultants do a study to tell the plant operators they actually need the crap the operators know is bogus. The problem is, the plant operators are not consultants so they get no say on the matter.

And there you have story about why I left the business. The government screws up everything it touches. I can tell you a hundred stories about this silly game because it has been going on since the EPA was invented.

Trump will have his hands full in trying to fix this corrupt system. I gave up 29 years ago but I really hope he will succeed!

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EPA is another agency that we can do without. A clean environment is a luxury good -- something people invest in, when all of their more basic needs are met. EPA came along in the 60s, after Rachel Carson wrote Silent Spring, and most communities were already on the way to improving their waste treatment and other things that contribute to a high standard of living.

As always, the government 'wags the dog' and gets into the game, once the game is already in play. And opportunities for corruption arise, and the sort of people that attracts, are attracted. And it grows and grows like a cancer, and eventually gets its tentacles into things so far removed from its original mission that you can no longer recognize it.

And, as with a cancer, the only cure is 100% surgical removal. Get rid of it, all of it. If we later find out there is something it was doing, that actually needed to be done, we can find a more efficient way to do that thing only. Most likely, life will go on better than before, and with a lot less waste and expense. But that waste and expense is somebody's income, so expect them to fight tooth and nail. Nonetheless it must be done.

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Wild Bill, you are 100% correct concerning the EPA. In 1969 we had severe pollution problems here in America and the idea of a government agency to push the states for corrective measures made sense.

Within 20 years the problems were pretty much solved and discharge limits were clear and regulated by the local municipalities. The role of the EPA was done but that is never the case. The “experts” start finding new problems that are not real problems in reality. But, the experts like their jobs and need to justify their existence. There is our problem in a nutshell.

The same type problem is helped by either corrupt or stupid politicians. The experts in holding on to their jobs go to Congress and request funding to support their aims of correcting this new set of “non-problems” but the politicians fear the backlash from failing to fund these important non-problems because they do not have their degrees in non-problem solving…they are just lawyers who also like the government pay checks. So, America just dives deeper into the swamp and us taxpayers pay for their game. And, what can we do? We aren’t even in the game. We are paying to watch it.

It will absolutely take a Donald Trump to fix this. And, you can see why he is being vilified from every angle. The system does not have any desire to be fixed because, to the insiders, it ain’t broke! America is going broke, but their system works for them.

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Jim, I think the states and communities would have figured out the solution without the Feds. It would have been cheaper, faster, and less invasive.

But no politician would have benefited, so they interjected themselves into the 'problem.' And it evolved as it always does.

Your closing comments remind me of George Carlin's quip, "It's a big club, and you ain't in it."

Trump is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime leader. But he is not alone; he is backed by '200 generals' and a group of others. The plans to 'take back America' have been in the offing since at least JFK's assassination, and perhaps much longer. They were once national, i.e. US only; but they realized that the problems were worldwide, and so would need to be the solution.

What we can do, must do really, is be there to explain all this to the Normies, when the situation gets so bad that they can no longer ignore what is happening. It will be difficult for them to learn in a short time what those of us here have spent years, in most cases, learning. But when the stuff hits the fan, they will look to their 'friendly local conspiracy theorist' for answers. We must be ready, and treat them with compassion and understanding as we show them the way forward.

This is something we all can do. We can't all join a combat unit, or fly a helicopter; but we do not need to. We will be the troops on the ground of the information battles, helping those coming after us. We can and must do this. For many of us, it will be the mission of a lifetime. For others, perhaps another accomplishment in a distinguished life. But it must be done, and the world will be better for it.

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Beautiful ❤️🙏🕊

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Great comment. Thank you!

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Absolutely with you, Simon, on your “deeply biased” stand against Pornhub!!

There are many excellent reasons to our bias, but a major one is how addicting it is and especially for younger and younger kids to get hooked…eventually it leads to more violent forms of sexual abuse, a reason to be firmly against the soft porn they are trying to normalize in elementary grades!

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Did Navalny get a vax? Did he die of sudden death syndrome, like his mom said?

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They will never admit it, but he was almost certainly poisoned. The Russians (and the CIA, for that matter) are experts in undetectable poisonings. Breitbart, for one.

Regardless don't feel too much sympathy for Navalny. He was no angel, reportedly he was asking MI-6 for money to stage a coup. Whether the truth on that will ever come out, and whether anyone will believe it if it does, remains to be seen.

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"clean warter" means chemi-CULL "warter" -- while the courts 're fightin' it out over "floor-ide" (which has no bizness in human beans' bodies an' is dumbin' us down, killin' us sloooooly) the fiends behind nano-domestick quell gotta find other "fun" wayz ta kill us all (usin' cheapo industrial waste in the warter supply--mebbe some lithium ta calm down all them po' folks that seem ta be votin' "right" an' resistin' doin' the 2020 tuskeegee two step)--- there's a HOST of killer chemi-culls they kin put in the "clean warter" ta kill more folks n' before an'--like them clot shots--use this 'scuse ta tell 'em it's "good fer whut ails 'em" (like thinkin' !)

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No but nothing is as it seems, we can only watch and wait like we have for 8 years!

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And pray and read the Bible and most importantly, trust Jesus Christ

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Amen, Margot! 🙏🕊✝

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Anyone catch a glimpse of Assange being walked into the courthouse in London? He looked pretty frazzled.

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I didn’t see it but long years of solitary confinement in Belmarsh high security prison would do it. Shameful

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I find it hilarious that the government that recognizes NAMBLA as a legit organization now wants to regulate porn because minors.

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Here is an exhaustive review of Alex Navalny's life as a community organizer in Russian politics. From a quick reading, it looks to me like Navalny had been in the training, service, and pay of U.S. NGO's, CIA, etc for a good while before he butted heads with Bad Vlad. The more things change...


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The amount Trump must come with for an appeal is outrageous! How can that even be legal? Where’s Jonathan Turley’s take on it!

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Feb 21·edited Feb 22

I think it would be funny if he went to his buddies at Deutsche Bank and asked them if they'd provide a bond for him. They very well might, because they know he's good for it and would pay it if it came to that; not only that, but DB might be willing to do it for a minimal amount in consideration of Trump's past (and future) business. A minimal amount like maybe $1. Then Trump and DB and everyone else these clowns have gone after would be the ones making them look stupid. Stupider, that is, than they already look.

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