Ashe is on the mark this morning…God, country, family and motherhood. Thanks for the affirmation in a beat down world.

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I'm going to see that and raise, all in. Mothers definitely do need to be raising their children, but so do Fathers. I hope I'm not delusional but if this goes the way I'm hoping, Fathers will have much more free time to be with their families again. Michael Tellinger proposed a model for living which I doubt will be fully adopted, but if we erase all the professions that don't actually add value to society (from politicians to bankers to most government jobs and a lot in between) it is conceivable that all value added work benefiting humanity could be performed in about 4 hours per week. Which happens to conveniently align with the far more famous "4 Hour Workweek" book that made a splash years ago.

I work from home these days and everyone in our family benefits. Momis already a full time homemaker and educator to our children, so my being here helps her and the kids. And I love it. I'd much rather work 4 hours on a farm or even at a sewage treatment plant than 50 hours for empty corporate pursuits even if from home.

Anyway... let delusion reign true in 2025+!!! Happy New Paradigm!!!

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During the years our children were at home I was at home and most years had varying sizes of a garden that augmented our meals with fresh veggies. There is no store produce that compares in taste to fresh. Today the children are long grown, but I still garden and what isn’t canned, dehydrated or eaten is shared with friends. There is time to think, appreciate and pray while digging in the dirt and harvesting. A well run home is a good thing and there is no better way to show love for your family.

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Beautiful…both you and your comment🙏❤️💫

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Just 🔥💕🔥

I love your elevating answer!


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Me too ❤️🕊💫

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Jan 9Edited
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⚠️ WARNING !⚠️



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As American as Apple pie and motherhood.

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Not that anyone asked, but IMO when Trump says he's Israel's best friend, I think he means its people.

I believe Trump and the Sovereign Alliance (as we're calling it here) have already discussed at length that Israel is, itself, controlled by a psychopathic deep state publicly headed by Netanyahu and his ilk but surreptitiously headed by Mossad and various unnamed players. The people of Israel are a mix of innocent bystanders who are sometimes used as fodder (Oct 6th) and others who actually buy into the superiority complex they project.

If it wasn't for Trump, I believe Israel would simply be wiped from the map soon, condemning all who exist there, but that is an unjust punishment for most of its people. To minimize collateral damage, Trump had to negotiate temperance from Islamic leaders and everyone else who they (Netanyahu, et all) are offending to preserve the maximum number of innocents possible leaving the rest of the world to suffer the exposure of the psychopaths in charge who actually DO want to wipe out every single living soul in the way of "Greater" Israel.

But keep this in mind... the cost of this decision is being born by innocent Palestinian children who, to this day, live their lives in actual daily terror as they watch entire city blocks turned to dust using weapons stamped "Made in USA."

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Great point. I’ll add two more:

1) “…if Trump is Israel’s best friend, then he will seek to deescalate this conflict and bring peace to the situation [to prevent more loss of life for Israel].” -Colonel Macgregor, with concurrence from the Judge.

2) While we can certainly separate the Israeli People from the Israeli oligarchy/government, we must remember that the IDF is made up of the Israeli people, and universal conscription/service is mandatory.

While only a minority are actually deployed as combat troops— the ones committing the “extra-judicial” atrocities— there is a second minority, called “Israeli Settlers,” who are among the most vicious/malicious in harming Palestinians and stealing their homes. (These people are on the “front lines” of the conflict, often traveling with [under the protection of] the IDF to seize property. They are often-times foreign-nationals, including American dual-citizens.)

While we often separate the actions of ant government from its respective constituency— which has little to no control over their government/military— Israel does present a very unique situation, given the reasons stated above. While we should refrain from engaging in collective blame, we must also recognize that there is an element of cultural hubris at play that has metastasized into this sick behavior, and Christians in the West— particularly American Evangelicals— have played a significant role in cultivating that sick hubris by turning a blind eye to the events on the ground, projecting a conflated presumption of “moral righteousness” based on Biblical Israel and the teachings of Christ, and making excuses (going back generations) for why the situation doesn’t warrant more scrutiny and nuance.

Simply put, Christians assume that the culture of Israel is homogenous and drawn directly from the teachings of Christ (the Bible), when the fact is that Christ Himself is fundamentally rejected by Israeli culture and Jewish doctrine. (Not saying Jewish doctrine/culture is devoid of all moral virtue, only that it is devoid of Christ, according to their own words.)

TLDR — we must cease putting Israel on a moral pedestal, and assess the actions of its people/culture by their own merits. A truly difficult conversation is on the horizon, and I fear that many Christians will turn a blind eye in order to protect themselves from cognitive/spiritual dissonance.

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Exactly right. It's going to be a very large and very bitter pill for many to swallow.

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Thank you, Ghost. There are other comments here that comport with yours. (further down — this may be the most comments on record for the brief! Feather Journey, btw, alerted readers to your late addition today in the Jan 9 Brief )

God Bless and Godspeed !

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Spot on. I was a bit disappointed in the Judge and Colonel's surface level take on things, but the human cost cannot be ignored while this 5D chess is being played.

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Exactly. Old African proverb:

"When elephants fight, the grass gets hurt the most."

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Well stated, Gregory!!

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Very well said, Gregory. I think you are right. Did you mean "surreptitiously headed by Mossad..."?

(Surreptitious: secret, stealthy, clandestine, concealed, hidden, etc.)

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Yes, thank you. My phone autocorrected to that and it did look weird but I assumed I had been spelling it wrong. Damn smart phone. LOL! Corrected.

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👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 !

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Thank you BNB team!

For a minute maybe even two, I thought Ghost was referring to Aurora, CO...I wonder if Ashe thought the same?

I am curious about the opening of shipping lanes in the arctic and what is causing that...oceans are not rising (at any appreciable rate) so is there something offsetting the declared melting in this article?

Speaking of Ashe - I love your balanced handling of the emotional reality. Understanding that judgment (in the original language) is sourced from that idea of being right by nature/the laws of creation. It is not a reciprocation, it is an application of what God and nature (and patient, even-minded people) recognize as being obviously true...I guess that applies to GBPH's comment on the West Bank as well.

As GBPH alludes, there are (stay with me for a moment) "Deep Church" characters trying to make their way into every denomination - it is part of the adversary's strategy. That does not make every one who associates with a church/organization/denomination evil, anymore than it makes every American, Brit, or Chinese citizen. For us to recognize our need for discernment goes a long way in our endeavor to walk in the verse GBPH quotes - and, according to 2Corinthians 10:3-5, we are best served by focusing on the knowledge of God.

Bravo Ashe!!! Our forefathers gladly (and statistically) worked 70 to 80+ hours a week to provide for and protect their families thereby allowing moms to care for the children...just saying.

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I'd say one of the original "deep church" founders had to be the Pope. Any man with the audacity to claim he's the only official living conduit to God is definitely not following Jesus Christ.

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The doctrine of "victory over the people" was already a problem that Jesus hated when He dictated the letters to the congregations of the seven cities of Asia Minor (and for us) to John in circa 96 AD - long before the Pope. Which takes us back to the very message from Paul's letter to the same city - Ephesus - that GPBH quoted from...thanks GP!

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It's really difficult to comprehend or perhaps accept just how much of an enslaved species we've always been. I appreciate the reminding!

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Do you mean the office of the pope, or Bergolio specifically? The catechism specifies exactly how the Pope fits in to the apostolic faith. It is not a “all powerful” as most people assume. Bergolio (and others) may have been selected/elected by and for people who expect specific “deep state” outcomes. If reports of his affiliations in Argentina are true, concern is warranted. I am a fan of Vigano. Hopefully, he lives to see a transformation of the papacy.

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Vigano is a true man.

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Can’t “like” but like 🤗❤️

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Case in point! The Roman church doesn’t really worship God….

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The holy catholic church is the entire body of worshippers, which includes those in heaven, and also those within the apostolic hierarchy who profess true faith. God knows his church and we are one body.

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However, many Roman Catholics do — in spirit and truth, in Christ. The Good Shepherd knows his sheep and they know His voice. There is a distinction between the visible church and the Invisible Church.

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Hi Altab!


The Church, but not all the Catholic worshippers please !


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Jan 9Edited

That multi-denominal deep church capture of churches began in the 19th century (in America), and perhaps much earlier. It became widespread and successful in the 1920s & ‘30s and accelerated in the 90s — going forward. But, there are are still faithful Christians in churches everywhere (and many who left to home-church because there was no-place else to go) …and then there are some faithful who see Truth and teach it and know also how it all came about. You are one, HGV. Thanks for your insights.

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Thank you for the encouragement Dick - and to support your timing, I would look to the kudzu-like influence of the "Enlightenment" and the devolution of the momentum of the Reformation into the Deistic/Epicurean "revival" that the "enlightenment" produced.

N.T. Wright has done some amazing research that points to an earthquake in Lisbon in 1755 catalyzing a resurgence in the idea that "if God was good AND omnipotent, He would not allow tragedies" of any size...OR "He is just busy elsewhere" so we are on our own...

Suffering Christians cried out "How long oh Lord" and the deep church, not liking His answer, insisted that He could not hear or did not care!

Rev.10:5-7 gives the promise of a day when the "delay will be no longer". In the meantime we are encouraged to "persevere" (the Greek word means "to stay behind and endure patiently") see Rev.2:2,5 and 2Pet.1:5-7.

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There’s too much here to think about about right now, but my heart is persevering. Being a child of the Reformation, I can know and be grateful to God that He is the one who has persevered me — and will. But THANK YOU, once again for your deeply thoughtful, learned and faithful writing, HGV.


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What a great comment, HGV!!👏👏

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"The Supreme Court, which now has a 6-3 conservative majority."

I know its "Newsweek", but I hear this thrown around a lot by content creators on the right. In my humble but accurate opinion, the 3 leftists are so far left, "what is the definition of a woman" left, that the other 4 moderates at best only seem "conservative."


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Mockingbirds. One thing [they] know how to do is stay on message.

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From what I have been tracking, there is some reason to believe that Guam will operate the GITMO of the Pacific. 5000 marines will be on duty, if they aren’t already. Officially opened almost exactly two years ago, Marine Corps Base Camp Blaz was activated on October 1, 2020, becoming the first new Marine Corps facility since the predecessor of Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany was commissioned on March 1, 1952.[1] The base will house Marines relocated from installations in Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, with the final relocation planned for 2025. Eyes on.

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Ashe while all normal people DO care about kids. We all know It’s not as if the establishment cares about the quality of the education these kids are getting. It’s more about the fed $ check stapled to each one’s name.

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Simple answer: vouchers. Trump supports it. Teachers' unions (who care more about power and money than teachers or kids) hate it.

That's all you need to know.

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Yes! What a difference it will make in education…competition will raise all schools to some extent.

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Yep. Music to the ears!

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Data Center cooling is a massive problem. Best to build them in Northern Canada or Greenland...

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Hi Philip !


You're 💯/💯 right and it could explain why President Trump such pushes his views about Canada and Greenland (seen as possible Sovereign Nations ?)

Concerning the Panama Canal, it's much more a powerful strategic and economical asset for the USA and maybe it's cession by Carter lay on wrongful terms ...

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I carried out a technical review of a company based in Norway, who use a data centre located in a mountain, in an old NATO bunker. Power and cooling is provided by hydro. Ecologically speaking, it's a great solution. We need to get smart with data centres, esp with AI around the corner. They need to be located either up north, in mountains, with a plentiful water supply and natural cooling, or else beneath our cities, to provide heating through excess energy. The city option is far more risky than up north, in the mountains. Northern Canada and Greenland are both a perfect fit.

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I also forgot to thank you for your posts. Unable to “like” for some reason, so here it is.

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Hmmm…. I was thinking about the proximity to the Arctic Circle….space access easier?

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I hadn’t yet seen this when I wrote my other comment. I’d suggested underground data centers. Meant to mention Geothermal cooling.

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I was meaning to comment on this. They have exploded in the last several years and a great many more are rolling out.

Northern Oregon fertile farmlands and forested plains have been covered over with them — quickly rezoned into the Urban Growth Boundary (big bucks will move mountains). The little communities have been broadsided. The same thing is happening all over the country. Virginia is covered with them.

I can’t speak to their necessity (another topic) but it’s shameful and sad that they’ve gone the quick & dirty route. And they don’t even provide more than a few jobs once construction is finished.

I wonder why these geniuses couldn’t have built them below ground, provided them with emf abatement and advanced drainage systems and functionally integrated (ie, heating, cooling, water & power) with above-ground farms, woodlands and homes left intact? It would be mutually beneficial and not the monstrously destructive behemoths we’re now stuck with.

The whole thing ticks me off. Breaks my heart, too.

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All good information. The defamation suits by the left seem ridiculous to me. Carol was defamed by Trump, when she didn't remember when or where he "assaulted" her? And Guliani has to pay a huge amount to two poll workers? And millions to Dominion, who were all dont trust. And Alex Jones harmed the parents, not the shooter or the cops who did nothing? I mean, seriously?? Every patriot, conservative should receive a huge check from all the polit, media etc. They have slandered and defamed us repeatedly and created enough damage to last for years.

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Yes they factually have and it's absolutely ruined many good personal relationships. Hell, going back to 9/11 now!

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It is always darkest before the dawn.

There's a new sheriff in town, and the sun's about to rise on a New America.

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I appreciate your calm perspective on an emotional topic re: the deportations of students in NYC, and elsewhere, Ashe.

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“The woman's wisdom stands partly, not only for a wholesome hesitation about punishment, but even for a wholesome hesitation about absolute rules… she stands for Anarchy; a very ancient and arguable philosophy; not anarchy in the sense of having no customs in one's life (which is inconceivable), but anarchy in the sense of having no rules for one's mind.”

Ashe, I love this! I've often thought of myself as an anarchist, not in the pejorative sense, but exactly as you expressed it. 😍❤️🙏

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Those are Chesterton’s words but I wholeheartedly agree with them!

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Glad you shared them, and put me straight on the source! 😊

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also something not often broken down is the word itself.

mon archy = one ruler

oli g archy = many rulers

an archy = no ruler

Doesn't mean no rules, just means no wo/man is better than any other wo/man.

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Thank you!

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Brilliant hypothetical, Ghost, as it teaches the Golden Rule…underlying message (imo) of what Trump’s Golden Age is founded upon.

“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)

What will it profit a nation if it wins a war of greed of its own making but looses its soul? Netanyahu has put Israel on a path of destroying its soul. When Trump says he is Israel’s best friend, it has nothing to do with helping Netanyahu and everything to do with rescuing the soul of a nation state.

The Golden Age is like the rising sea that lifts all ships.

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Remember much of this is about deflecting lawsuits against Bibi himself -- war is a convenient way of creating an existential emergency justifying suspension of normal rules and procedures.

But reality will eventually come back and bite Bibi in the arse. Maybe he's hoping to delay until he dies of natural causes.

Though Bibi and Trump do I think respect each other, it is not the sort of respect that comes from deeply held, shared values. More the respect that two gunfighters about to walk into a duel have. Regardless of the color of their hats.

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Great point, WildBill! ❤️

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So true, and what a glorious life that would be. Who knows, maybe the Age of Aquarius is a real thing and there will be 1300 years of enlightenment. :)

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Excellent Feather!!

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Yet another informative and insightful substack. My favorite comment today: "...They still have to go..." Yup, they have to go. Goodbye, and good riddance.

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Trump has made his position on the hostage situation clear to the world. If the hostages are not released by the time he takes office all hell will break loose in the Middle East. I have absolutely no idea what that means, but it did provoke some out of the box thinking. One of the things that came to mind was, why haven’t they been released and who benefits the most by them remaining as hostages. I didn’t care much for the answer, and was hoping Trump can smell a RAT.

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He's likely trying to force Hamas to admit the truth: most of the remaining hostages are dead.

Hostages have long-standing value as pawns to be traded. Bought, sold, exchanged for your own brothers-in-arms, whatever. Property, nothing more. Oh, and you can play around with them in the meanwhile -- rape, torture, whatever.

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Your last sentence so clearly shows the evil wickedness of these people.

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Very interesting Take today y'all.

Ashe I loved your Take on the Healthier Americans.

GBPH I laughed out loud when I read: "Just invite Dennis and give him a plus-one. (That's all the plausible deniability you need, Scavino.) – GhostofBasedPatrickHenry"... Trumpamania is going to be soo much fun... and will be televised!

Keep it up.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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As for schools preparing to deal with ICE agents…it is a heartstring conundrum and we must ensure that the process of deportation is done with respect, after all it isn’t their fault they took advantage of Biden’s open borders welcome sign. But also, what kind of education are these kids getting in liberal progressive Marxist indoctrination woke ideology schools? To spare them the indoctrination may be doing many of them a favor. And with our educational system so captured by the Marxist agenda, removing these kids now may be sparing our society from the consequences of more “liberal” captured minds down the road.

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And also, is it actually and sincerely ICEs plan to go into schools to target children, or will it be done at 4am at home with the "mom and dad" with "their" children in the house? You pick them all up at once usually.

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ICE (Tom Homan) has said that they are going after the baddest of the baddest first. But eventually, everyone here illegally is going home. And most will likely go home voluntarily, of their own free will and on their own terms, rather than be deported to who knows where, perhaps hundreds of km from their origins.

And he answered that reporter that said "Can you deport people without breaking up families?" Homan: "Of course you can. (pause) Families can be deported together."

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Why do people call it genocide when the Israelis are only defending themselves from people who openly declare they want to annihilate the nation of Israel? Muslims in Israel are cared for as much as Jews. They let people from Gaza work in Israel and they have offered them to live peacefully side by side. Palestine refuses.

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Because when the Steelers have the ball 1st down at the Patriots 5 yard line, it's the Patriots on defense, not the Steelers. THAT'S what Israel has done with Palestine for 70 years. Israel are the Steelers in this analogy, just to be clear.

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GregoryPravda, You're probably engaging with a dumb AI bot or a deeply brainwashed "Zionist Christian" who is completely clueless what the Zionist terrorist state of Israel is.

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Totally misinterpreted your comment at first, but yes - very likely true. I've been "managing" comments like this going back to 2010 so I don't mind. It's my service to the internet record of events. 😉

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Why do you have to be nasty? Am I?

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No, just your uninformed opinions about the Zionist terrorist state of Israel are nasty. Sorry for offending you, cupcakel, but I have a thick skin so you can call me anything you want and it makes less than zero difference to me. I grew out of childhood a long time ago.

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Jan 9Edited

Apologies, Judy. I threw some innuendo in a post that as Margo pointed out was unnecessary and unkind. I was also dismissive of your sincere and heartfelt (and brave, I might add) posts. For that, I’m truly sorry.

The guy’s comment above was a result, I think, of encountering some frequent very nasty trolls here who were purposely disruptive, intending to provoke and engage. Yours was wrongly assumed to be that.

Because of the widely accepted framing of this multifaceted & loaded issue, there comes a set of built-in accusations that you (I am certain) did not intend as such. For instance, that to oppose Israeli conduct, and to see as false that government’s projected noble intentions, is tantamount to hating Israelis and defending the actions of Hamas. The framing is wrong, but that’s precisely what effectively quashes dissent, discussion and understanding. And also, tragically, has resulted in many good people’s sentiments and money supporting evil.

People here have taken a deep dive over many months into histories (both ancient and modern — ongoing) & backstories. Much of it can be found here in the Brief, going back to about June or earlier and up to the present. The evidence and receipts are presented. And I’ve corroborated them through my own research. (Although there are some folks who do take it further into personal theories and biases — which I do not agree with.)

A deeper and more thorough history and revelation can be found in the Matt Ehret & Gordon (GBPH) show “Breaking History”. When I say many hours of time investment, that’s an understatement bc you’d need to go back to earlier episodes, & up through current ones, to get the full picture. (If you’d like, I can find & post for you some links)

At any rate, there is so much more to learn about this — what we’re told and shown, combined what you observe, gives a distorted picture and the thing to keep in mind is that this is by deliberate design. Once this becomes apparent, it thus begs the question: why and by whom? This is important because we want to see and do what’s truly good and right. I know that that’s your desire as well.

Again, I’m truly sorry for my unkind and careless words.

God Bless you, Judy.


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Genocide is the systematic extermination of people. They aren’t doing that. They are fighting the Hamas terrorists who are controlling and hiding behind the Palestinian people. They try to protect the Palestinians but Hamas won’t let them be protected. It’s Hamas who they are fighting. Have you seen the videos of Palestinian children being taught to kill Jews. They teach them “cute” little songs etc to train them to hate Jews/ Israelis and kill them.

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Have you seen the videos of young Jewish children being taught to dehumanize Palestinians? Goes both ways.

And if you think the October attack wasn't straight from the playbook that brought us war-excuses like Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11 then I don't know what to tell you...

Just wait a few weeks. The truth will come out very quickly once President Trump is sworn in and acts on his promise to hold "the hostage takers" to justice. You're in for a rude Awakening...

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Many are going to be in denial for a while over this. Enter the 5 stages of grief for millions soon. It's going to be.... interesting.

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I'm telling you, impartially, that you are only considering half of this equation and it's the half the "deep state" promotes for your eyes and ears.

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Jan 8Edited

Judy — The real history and Israel’s leaders’ own words belie this. It goes back generations and is very recent too. You will not get it presented to you on a silver media platter. You must search it out.

My methodology for settling on what I take to be Truth is to do everything in my power to critique my assumptions, my givens, be the adversary and turn over every stone to attempt to knock it down. If it still stands, then on it too I will stand.

Question your assumptions, don’t settle for easy answers and consider your sources. Dig. As a Christian, I hold Truth in the highest esteem and while we may not be able to ascertain the whole truth, we can get a good idea about the lies. And that’s a good thing.

God bless you.

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This is a set up by the deep state to promote a forever war

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The play [they] always run, when their backs are to the wall.

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You are seriously misled. Israel is nothing more than a bully, destroying innocent lives in Gaza.

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There is much more to this and when the evil there is fully revealed, many of us will have to rethink our perceptions.

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There used to be a very detailed map focused ONLY on Israel since its forming to depict the drama of turf wars in the region, but it appears to have been scrubbed from YouTube. However, this spanning of multiple centuries puts in perspective just how fluid states and boundaries actually are.


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Do you mean the Muslims that the Zionist state of Israel founded by nonSemitic, socio-psychopathic, Ashkenazim Zionist terrorists raped, pillaged, and plundered when the Zionist terrorist state of Israel was founded, or do you mean the Muslims in the illegally, militarily occupied territories that live in the world's largest outdoor prison who are routinely gunned down, brutalized, and humiliated? Or do you mean all the Palestinians who have been genocide after the Zionist terrorist state ran the Oct. 6th false flag by allowing the Zionist terrorist state to not only murder some of its own citizens, but then murder tens of thousands of innocent women, and children? I'm very confused as to which Muslims you are referring who are treated so well by the Zionist terrorist state of Israel. Do you believe the Americans who were murdered in a terrorist attack by the Zionist terrorist state of Israel on the USS Liberty were treated well when many were doused with napalm? Are you a moron AI bot or a brainwashed "ZIonist Christian?"

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Not to mention, dare I say.... 9/11 World Trade, Pentagon, etc.

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What do you call it when Netanyahu/ Israel has a vision of “Greater Israel” that involves taking by any means necessary territory that belongs to other nation states? I have no doubt that many of the people of Israel - of any denomination - are capable and willing to live peacefully side by side. That is not what Netanyahu wants; it is not the Zionist vision.

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Correct. But Bibi is not going to get what he wants.

Remember Q: https://qalerts.app/?q=saving+israel+for+last


Very specific reason not mentioned a single time."

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Not yet, anyway.

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It will be interesting to see if Q returns.

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Nope. Nope. Nope. False. Learn to read between the lines in your information gathering, look a little deeper, & check your systematically husbanded (hence understandable) biases at the door. Sorry. You’ve been had, Judy.

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Y’all are brainwashed. You just believe everything progressives have been putting out there to build up more hatred.

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Judy. I believe that you sincerely believe your statement: “Y’all are brainwashed. You just believe everything progressives have been putting out there to build up more hatred.”

But that stands as a prime indicator as to who it is that is “brainwashed” since that is what the brainwashers have been telling you about critics of Zionism and the State of Israel. Can you not see this? Btw, these commenters are conservative believers in Christ and follow His teachings as we know from the Bible. There is nothing “progressive” about their thinking or beliefs.

Once again I will say, Judy, you have been duped.

Physician, heal thyself.

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It's an impossible thing to accept in the beginning, when your beliefs are first challenged. The automatic response from all of us is to reject the new information to preserve our internal belief.

However, once we get over that reflexive defense (it's an important defense actually as it preserves sanity) and start challenging our beliefs with actual data, THAT'S when interesting things start to happen.

That day is not today for Judy, but hopefully one day she'll understand that we did not treat her with hate or disrespect. The unfortunate fact is: there's no way to speak an offensive truth without it offending the audience who doesn't already know it.

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We were all -- mostly -- where Judy is today, one day not so long ago. Getting where we are has not been an easy journey, as we've been forced to realize that much of what we've been taught, what we believed, was wrong.

Truth can be a harsh mistress (apologies to Heinlein). But Truth always wins in the end -- and we're about to start winning bigly! As tough as that will be for the Normies who are still aboard the MSM/deep state train.

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Amen. Truth!

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Excellent response, GregoryPravda!

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"we did not treat her with hate or disrespect" umm, really? A couple of the replies were pretty rude. (Dennis for one) I'm trying to look at both sides of this because I don't know what the truth is at this point.

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Hi Margot !

Re:"I'm trying to look at both sides of this because I don't know what the truth is at this point"

I fully share the same approach because nobody can know where stands the truth, if any...


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Jan 8Edited

Yes — or, as you said, doesn’t want to know it. It can turn our world upside down. You spoke well, Gregory. I’ve learned I must employ humble self doubt, hold my cherished worldly wisdom loosely and carry the First Truths deep in my heart, soul and mind — those are God’s measure and guide through the minefield that is this world.

God Bless us all


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Sorry to trigger you.

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I think you were the one who was triggered, Judy. You shot back after reading today’s takes, & because you didn’t like the return volleys, say we were triggered (which implies some kneejerk emotional reflexive response. And this you take to be brainwashing.

Fact is, there’s simply volumes of facts which they know and you do not. It would take a book to relate it to you now, and a great deal of time invested on your part. But, since you’ve settled on the easy mindset infused into you, I don’t expect that will be an investment you’ll choose to make. But here’s one place you can start:


You are watching the situation as it is filtered & delivered to you & there’s no way we can absolutely know anything — which is why a visit to another viewpoint with other information is valuable. It allows us to think critically, become our own filter and speak with a bit more knowledge. We may still disagree, but you’ll find out just how much more to this there is and you will have to actually defend dogged certainties with more than assertions and accusations.

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Good points, Dick, but remarks like this don't help anything: "But, since you’ve settled on the easy mindset infused into you, I don’t expect that will be an investment you’ll choose to make." Why would you assume that you know this about her thinking, or what she might do after reading all these comments? You could have left that part out. The rest of what you said was very good.

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Thank you for the gentle reprimand, Margot. You are quite right, I should not have presumed that about her nor attacked her integrity like that. I suppose it comes from being weary of the consequences to innocents of this thinking — and anticipating the perception of any contrary view to be antisemitic or, to paraphrase her, “progressive brainwashing”.

Anyway, it’s so like you to give a right-minded answer and It’s appreciated.

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Thank you, Dick, that is very kind. I feel like those of us who comment regularly are like a little online family! It's not easy to receive criticism, and I'm preaching that to myself also. I think most of us just want the truth.

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Judy, this will be a long reply, and I don’t know if there’s a limit on how many characters you can place in a post so I plan to break this down to probably three pieces. If you know your Bible, you will know that God chose Abraham to be the father of many nations, and made a covenant with him concerning his seed. That covenant was passed from Abraham to Isaac, which is confirmed in the scriptures, and from Isaac to Jacob, which is also confirmed in the scripture and God changed his name to Israel. He also informed Abraham that his people would go into bondage for four generations, or 400 years in Egypt. You should know the story of Joseph how he was sold by his brothers to the Ishmaelites, who sold him into Egypt, he became a ruler in Egypt second only to the pharaoh himself. He brought his family, Jacob, his father, his 11 brothers and their children into Egypt during a seven year famine a total of 70 people plus Joseph who was already in Egypt and his two sons for a total of 73 people.

No fast forward to the time of Jesus and in the eighth chapter of John you will find him talking to the scribes and the the Pharisees. For more context, read the entire chapter.

28 Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught me, I speak these things.

29 And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.

30 As he spake these words, many believed on him.

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

[Notice in verse 31 that Jesus makes it clear who his disciples are.]

32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

33 They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

[In verse 33 they betrayed their selves. They weren’t lying, they had never been in bondage, because they weren’t the children of Jacob. and naturally Jesus already knew this.]

34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.

35 And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.

36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.

37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.[Even though they were of Abraham seed, they were not the seed of promise, which was through Jacob. Remember, Ishmael was Abraham’s first born.]

38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.

39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Jesus makes it clear who these scribes and Pharisees served. Even though they were the children of Abraham, they were not of the children of promise or God‘s chosen people.

Wow, looks like it all came out in one post

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So what’s your point? They were escaping true genocide. Whether or

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Whether or not you believe they are God’s chosen people. They needed a place to escape to.

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What I believe is not important here Judy what Jesus said to the scribes and Pharisees is what’s important. Maybe when you get over your anger you can reread the post. You will discover that Jesus is actually the one making the point, not me.

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You said the IDF doesn’t rape. perhaps you meant they don’t rape women. You might be right, maybe they are so into raping men they don’t care for women.


The other soldiers detained on Monday are accused of raping and attacking a Palestinian prisoner at the Sde Teiman detention centre so violently that he was taken to hospital in critical condition, Israeli media reported.

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It seems like everyone is very angry. Not me. But old historical situations don’t define today. A democratic nation where people have a great quality of life and try to protect their citizens is targeted for annihilation and that is sad. I can’t account for individuals who do awful things to Palestinians. But I would say poop slinging and bullying don’t compare to rape, torture, murder, burning people alive, etc, even if those things actually happened. If you even believe in the holocaust, where else could the Jews go? Even the US refused them entry. So there they went. It was actually quite a miracle. The middle eastern people in the area were nomadic and didn’t have a country if their own. For some reason other middle eastern nations didn’t want them. But I know there were wars and battles and some war crimes were committed by the

Jewish soldiers at that time. But they were fighting for existence and made mistakes due to the gravity of the situation. No excuse but there it is. And they have not done that again. But they have taken a poor, barren land and turned it into a great country

Palestinians were given the option of living in Israel and some did but those who refused were and are used as pawns by terrorists.

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No I’m watching the situation. The Israelis don’t kidnap, rape, torture and murder. They just protect their people.

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True, they don't kidnap - they just drop leaflets telling you to move, and if you don't, they spray excrement on your house until you do, and if you still don't, they send in IDF thugs to force you out, and if you resist, they murder you and call it self defense.

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Because Israel is NOT "only defending themselves." The Oct 7 attack could not possibly have occurred without Israeli gov foreknowledge, and half those who died that day were killed by the IDF.

And I suspect you have no clue that 30% of Gaza are CHRISTIANS. A lot of this is anti-Christian hate.

But I have a solution to the whole thing. See my substack.

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I certainly don’t hate anyone just because I disagree with them. I am very amazed though that so many people are pro terrorist.

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You are much mistaken about that, Judy. I want to clarify something, without going into the historical narrative that you expound — it’s too vast a topic. I’ll just say again that it’s much misinformed.

But now, I want to simply tell you that no-one here is pro-terrorist. Quite the opposite. If acceptance of that presents to you a conundrum it is because it doesn’t fit into the narrative which you assume to be true. Yet there it is, because your narrative is flawed. I have concluded, as have others. that Israel’s leaders (and not only them) have acted and continue to act in bad faith and are not as they project.

I can further vouch that it’s the leaders, not the people we’re opposed to. And decent life with peace for all of them is the goal.

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Some Jews are pro-Jewish-terrorism against "Arabs" in reaction to their own agonizing losses from Arab terrorism. Some Jewish fanatics have committed unprovoked atrocities and celebrated them. Similarly, I have a book titled "The Second Palestinian Intifada" by Ramzy Barood about how justified all the Arab self-defense is. The Arabs have never done anything wrong, in that book.

Terrorism has been tried and tried by both sides. It just leads to more trouble, and when the Arabs give up, there is peace, sort of, for a while.

Sadly, anti-terrorism does not work either. One-state solution, two state solution, land for peace, etc. have been tried and tried and failed and failed. There is too much hate simmering beneath the surface, and it comes out in more terrorism. Something completely new is needed.

In December 2016, I found out what the angel REALLY told Hagar about her son Ishmael, and I went into absolute ecstasy. Mohammed is Ishmael's descendant, and Muslims are spiritual Ishmaelites. Ishmael's true destiny from God will solve all this!

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