RE: RFK - Google, through its attorneys, maintains that they will "not help spread dangerous anti-vaxx propaganda".

So there you have it, a quasi-governmental agency is determining what is and is not a fact, and what YOU may not think about or believe.

Justifying censorship.

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Yep. That's life in Bizarro Amerika in 1984 - er, I mean 2023.

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I keep asking how they can have a vax when there is no virus. Dr. Simon Gold doesn't agree with them either. According to her no new corona virus has been found in twenty years.

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The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will conduct a massive nationwide test that will sound off an emergency alarm on every U.S. cellphone, TV, and radio.


Does this news remember anyone a specific Q Drop regarding the EBS (now Emergency Alert System) ??

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Yes, Q said Oct. 4 or was it Sept. 4?

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Hi Rob !

I don't remember and I'm not used to search in Q drops on the dedicated websites ...

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About when the EBS (I have no idea about FEMA) is? I got it from Roserambles.org, another substack.

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FEMA is actually a rogue agency now and was put on notice by the military that decimated them on Maui. We do have a parallel one.

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Q drops? Is that a urinary tract thing? Rectal incontinence, or fan mail from a gull overhead?

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So far you’ve only insulted everyone here 😤😤

Very IMmature !

From now, I think you'll be treated with our deep and silent scorn.

This is your own choice and it's the sole answer you deserve well !

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You’re feigning insult. Typical Tepugnican MAGGAT move when they don’t understand the nature of tbe insult

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I agree Ashe that the March to expose has taken a very positive direction. For years all these DS Rat Bastards have flaunted their bullshit right in our faces "knowing" they could not be touched. But Trump & team have accelerated the information flow of all their misdeeds to bring them all to the forefront of the collective mind, and I believe are now beginning to bring accountability via boomerangs. It is glorious to have eyes wide open and to sit prayerfully and watch the DS Rat Bastards being brought to justice.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Yes! "Prayerfully" is a key word. The Lord doesn't need our prayers, but He commands us to pray, so in some wonderful and mysterious way, He uses our prayers to accomplish His will and His plan. In His perfect timing, of course! Praise Jesus.

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1 hr of gripping information every American should watch and share.

Im so glad that resistance against the newest Election Rigging Plandemic Rehearsal for the 2024 Scamdemic thts sure to come, is underway. RESIST Self Imposed Prison AMERICA

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GOP had better step up to block this Scamdemic instead of collecting their pay offs to allow it! WE THE PEOPLE are ON TO YOU. Become your own doctors or use Americas Frontline Doctors website but STAY OUT OF HOSPITALS that presently are paid for your BOUNTY. In Ohio 80K per COVID death to Hospital for EVERY signed death cert. Each state varies. FYI BEWARE!

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Bravo! I lost friends to hospital murder, not Covid.

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Very sorry for your loss. I too have watched several friends die to cancers and it be called COVID death in the end. 9 have passed from Cancers that were already at stage 4 when detected. That Chemo junk was just another money maker for the hospitals and took them quickly. All were Boostered and went fast. Others I know developed heart problems but refuse to admit that it could be the Jab. A couple I know both suffered heart attacks within days of each other and after recieving their boosters but deny the boosters had anything to do with it since their Doctors TOLD THEM ITS NOT SO! They can no longer enjoy life and are in and out of the doctors offices and on mutiple meds. Its just a matter of time now.

I had a dream about people drink 5 cups of "Hawthorn Tea". I had never heard of this tea, so in the morning when I woke, I looked it up. To my surprise it is used for the heart, to heal it. Later I discovered that Hawthorn Bush was believed to be the "Burning Bush" in the Bible and that the Crown of thorns for Jesus Christ was believed to from the Hawthorn Bush. I ended up ordering the purest form of the flowers and leaves and now give it to friends who were jabbed. Also B17 found in Apricot raw bitter Kernals, you can order on line, chew up to 3 a day and let the B17 get absorbed through the mouth. B17 kills Cancer cells and the pill form was outlawed in the USA just before Chemo became the ONLY ACCEPTABLE TREATMENT. The pill form can be found in Mexico still. The USA forbid the REAL B-17 and made a synthetic kind that is very toxic to the body and pushed their research off to say LOOK HOW TOXIC IT IS. Dont take that form of it. Also L-Lysine for cold sores stops Cancer from Metastisizing according to natural health books. Just some info for anyone that may be helped by it. God Bless

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I too am an herbalist, a naturopath. Just made elderberry medicine; earlier this summer, wild lettuce extract. But I got goosebumps reading about your dream: that was spiritual, from the Creator Moshiach, because Hawthorne is the premier heart medicine (foxglove is also but different and narrower tx window). Eat the Hawthorne berries also, either as tea or just chew them. Strengthens heart. The Ruach told you this. 😇

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Just want to add that Mexico also has an injectable B17 for their Cancer Patients. NOTE: as for the Kernals, they bust be BITTER Kernals. 3 per day starting with 1 a day and working up to the 3. For diagnosed cancer the Health literature says 1 kernal for every 10 lbs of weight per day but it should be increased from the 1 kernal gradually. Im not a DR and am not giving Medical advice. Im just sharing the research and as a note to those suffering, there are many treatment options for Cancer. Vit C Intravenous has cured Cancer. Naturpathy is pretty much outlawed in the USA. Places like California still legally practice. Dr Larry Rawden, whom I met many yrs ago was a pharmacist who developed a compound that was healing children coming to them after they had been in places like St Jude where they were not cured. DR Larry Rawden was sued by the Powers that be for millions of dollars and put out of business because those in power dont want a cure. They want money. Unfortunately with Censoring, its harder to find these things on line where they once were. Let the word to the wise be expanded.

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Lord have mercy, those people (that don't want a cure) are evil. I've thought for years, and more so now that I'm older, if I ever get cancer, NO chemo or radiation for me. If it's my ticket to be with Jesus, that is far better than this world, so no loss to me.

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I feel the same way. Im doing the preventative and giving my doctor GOD all the rest. So far so good. 64 and on no meds. Feel 35 most days and 100 on rare days. Try not to focus on age and just keep on fighting back the Devil Government. Never give in and never give up. Everyday is a gift to be alive for the ones who need you.

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Heres the Dr Larry Rawdon I spoke of forced to pay over 6 million for saving lives. What they did to him is a SIN


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Panic is increasing at a noticeable rate. Today’s wide variety of ‘narratives’ ranging from ‘the MEME’ to Soros’ long career in destroying liberty via NGOs (he also installed Secretaries of State prior to the 2020 election in addition to the DAs) to the conflicting stories about the Wagner head and the now required oaths to the cover-up of the (likely intentional) death of Obama’s chef (42 police incidents???) to the poisoning via paper straws to the next plandemic to Ukraine and Belarus..... CDC admits masks don’t work and the latest revelations of smuggler’s illegal path into the US... Then the public is watching the intentional wildfires in the false name of climate crimes (sorry, change).🔥 The cabal keeps trying and failing in the public view of the world.

God bless these wonderful patriot journalists.🙏🙏

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Regarding Obama's chef:

If Campbell were wearing "all black" and that was a wetsuit, then they would not have needed sonar to find the body. Wetsuits make one very bouyant. Divers who where wetsuits and gear must add many pounds of weights (a weight belt) to stay underwater and reach an equilibrium with the water density.

Again, more questions than answers.

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And Obama had to bring the Coroner friend from Washington all the way to Marthas Vineyard to do the autopsi. Nothing suspicious about that tho

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Great observation!!

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Trying to FORCE you back into the TARGET STORES you are boycotting. Toilet paper 17 dollars will now cost double, gasoline 3.50 will jump to 5.50 and the Jabs will be delivered to your door in a different form probably or in person by your friendly BILL GATES FOUNDATION OWNED Pharmacy/Fema armed friends as was already passed in 2021 "Because Biden Cares" of course. Fauci is back (3 Mask or more this time) and the games are about to begin again.... signed.... Pissed off in Ohio

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I had to share this - Fani Willis said this the day after the 2020 election:

"Georgia could determine who is our next President. A TEAM of lawyers needs to watch them count every single VOTE. They can start in Fulton where we are having water leaks. What ballots are they throwing out? Georgia, let's give an honest accounting, no stunts."

Very strange. What did she actually mean? Ballots being thrown out? Whose? Obviously not Biden's. Surely she knew about the woman pulling ballots out from under a table and repeatedly running them through the counter.

But if Fani was calling for the election results to be changed, then isn't SHE the one who should be indicted? Will she be indicting herself?

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re Musk sues Soros about free speech in Ireland is a case of the pot calling the kettle black, as Musk installs Yaccarino, another fascist leftist, and her crew to monitor and suppress free speech on X. "Freedom of speech not reach" is just a fancy phrase for shadow banning "misinformation," which is what fascists and communists do to suppress dissenting voices.

However, I think we have to operate on the doctrine of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". When Elon does something that supports free speech we have to support that, and pillory him when he doesn't. Nuanced thinking is required, not a black and white demonizing of someone because he or she has positions we disagree with. It's not the person, it's the policy.

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If I worked at that place that is trying to force face diaper wearing, "except when alone in an office with the door closed, actively eating, actively drinking at their desk or workstation...", I would have a large bottle of water with a PLASTIC straw, and sip on it constantly all day long, with plenty of bathroom breaks, of course.

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Putin did not kill him. When our government DS and ‘intel’ says so, we know immediately it’s not so. Putin is too bright for that quick turn around…

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If Biden says it was Putin, it was probably the Clowns. Working out for an hour and a half? Was he putting his beach chair back on his car?

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Because I believe we are at a time when we need to be GRATEFUL,

Because giving THANKS to God is essential for believers,

Because I believe that FORGIVENESS is an essential thing to grant AND to receive in these difficult times,

Because some people express the feelings of many of us much better than I could ever do,

I invite you to go and read these 2 wonderful articles and their fantastic and sensitive comments, without forgetting to THANK their authors !

"Field of Dreams In a Land of Hope":


"He Hears Us - Even when all we do is complain":


Please take care to have a box of tissues close by, and to welcome with gratitude your very beautiful emotions which will emerge ...

NOTE for the Badlands team:

you'd be honoring yourself by inviting this author to be among you AND among ALL OF US here!

FORGIVENESS is a powerful God's tool to help UNITE US around HIM 🙏🏻✝️🕊️🇺🇲

🙏🏻✝️ God bless YOU ALL, President Trump and all of those who are fighting for the Truth alongside him throughout the World ! ✝️🙏🏻

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Wow. What an honor. Thank you!

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Hi Biernutz_71 ! 🙋‍♂️🇫🇷

I do hope you could join the Badlands Team, even if it seems some relations may have been difficult in past time.

But every talent is needed on deck nowadays and YOURS can't shine enough from your little corner of the Web ...

Every Christian lion-hearted people deserves FORGIVENESS and a NEW CHANCE to shine !

🙏🏻🕊️✝️ May God bless you and bring you His light on your own path ! ✝️🕊️🙏🏻

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I appreciate the kind words. Life goes on and I still do my thing and I am thankful in all things. I suspect soon all of us will be very happy with staying the course.

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Hello Biernutz_71! 🙋‍♂️🇫🇷

You weren't aboard when I asked for some spiritual help but I think our prayers have been heard an I just want to share this good news with the believer you're ... 🙏🏻✝️

I come back with a dramatic update about Zoe; I wrote it as a comment to Featherjourney here:



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Wow - Just read the link to the "Field of Dreams" article - it's wonderful! I haven't seen that film in years but I loved it, and I'm a woman who doesn't even like baseball. Thank you. I'll have to check out your other link later when I have time.

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I’m not triggered. I believe that you are lurking on a conservative article and calling everyone stupid turds. Lol You’re being ridiculous.

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