It doesn't matter what the NYT and WaPo report anymore. Hardly anyone reads them. Most people under 40 don't read anything that doesn't pop up on their phone. MSM has earned their reputation as being irrelevant. It is maybe sad, but not surprising, that MSM is taken over by commies.

I'm far more concerned that the K-12 education system has been taken over by commies. The kids are subjected to that BS for hours every day and cannot easily opt out. Higher ed is co-opted too, but by that time most are able to make their own decisions. Problem is after 13 years in our Prussian school system (where do you think the word 'kindergarten' originates? Ain't English, McGee...) they are indoctrinated. That is the far more important problem to solve.

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The controlled opposition Republicans are going after Hunter Biden when they should be going after the Blackberrys. Bobulinsky showed one of these things during the presidential debates 4 years ago. Everyone in Congress knows about the DNC crime ring and the phones and the server used to coordinate the activities. Behind it all is the Clinton Foundation with their reputation for, ah, "disposing" of unwanted persons. Hunter Biden is just a distraction, Biden isn't going to be the nominee everyone knows it. It's Michelle and Hillary in '24! An all-female gender-correct team to complete the destruction of America.

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Don’t you mean….ATTEMPT to complete the destruction….?

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Yeah, from our POV. They think differently, but are on their way out even if they don't know it!

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🤣 Right! Let’s not tell them so they can enjoy the surprise

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You mean Michael 2 bitches for the good of the country. Hoping Michael does run and let’s discover

Who he/she is? HRC good I hope you’re right.

We still haven’t seen HRC server or emails?

Nor have we truly figured out Michael’s true biological sex. Which if you look close you might

Come to the same conclusion I did. My good she’s a man!!!

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The Primaries this year are largely symbolic - both major Parties knew their presumptive nominees long ago and in any case the results aren't binding- so what we saw in Michigan on Tuesday might mean nothing by November. But Biden Campaign Co-Chair Gov. Gretchen ("Big Wretch") Whitmer should feel some embarrassment for the very public public-relations disaster that will likely repeat elsewhere as disaffected Democrats see how effective the "uncommitted" tactic can be in grabbing national headlines.

I'll take that over "mostly peaceful" firebombings.

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I inner stand MSM saying the Primary this year are just symbolic (as way of dismissing the will of American People) but this very statement is completely unprecedented. NEVER in my life do I recall the normalization of dismissing the result of NON-COMMITTED winning a primary. It's 1 thing to dismiss the primaries when Ronald Reagan or Hussein were running for reelection and easily coasting to huge victories .... but Braden is getting crushed by NO ONE!

Don't buy MSM garbage about primaries being symbolic! That's their way of saying the will of US Ppl is meaningless!

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Good point!

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This has got to be the most hysterical statement I have read:

"Federal prosecutors charged Smirnov earlier this month with making false statements and creating a false and fictitious record. . . . They alleged in the indictment that he provided "false derogatory information to the FBI" about the Bidens, including promoting during an interview with FBI agents in September 2023 "a new false narrative after he said he met with Russian officials."

Please tell me where these "Federal Prosecutors" were after Christopher Steele sold them the "Steele Dossier." Begging their pardon, but was Christopher Steele ever charged with "making false statements and creating a false and fictitious record" to the FBI? to Comey directly? To Mueller?

Are these people that F--king STUPID!???! Or that F--king Corrupt?????!!

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Both, unfortunately!!

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Corrupt. As for Smirnov, my vote goes to him for truth…or vodka…for my herbs, you understand. Anyone heading to jail because of the government is who’s telling the truth.

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I have an honest question about Bitcoin. I know very little about it, and I don't understand the mining thing at all. It's all done online, right? So what would happen if the internet went down for a long period of time? How could you get access to your money to buy things or pay bills?

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Simon’s comment here demonstrates that the media leads the way, but this speaks volumes about the state of the entire war….that it isn’t only between good and evil, but also between delusion and common sense and each article today lives within these parameters, “Everyone who has ever argued that this is a war on objective reality has been deeply validated by what this article has compiled: decades of communist ideological subversion now manifest as a chorus of journalists all announcing that objectivity is dangerous.” — Simon Esler

Time for my husband to fire up his popcorn machine!🍿

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100,000+ voting NON-COMMITTED in Mich Dem Primary must terrify DNC & their Overlords. By far, this coordinated action by Mich Dem Voters is the BIGGEST STORY of 2024! Is a/t else even close? Imagine on Super Tuesday if NON-COMMITTED Sweeps the Dem Primaries! This is We the People's Insurrection coming from the Libtards! OMG!

How is possible that Mich Dem Machine allowed this result? Do White Hats control the Dominion Servers now? It seems to me this Michigan Result begs critically key questions. Does this Michigan marker signal the end for Deep State? I know my words sound overly dramatic. But am I wrong in placing inordinate importance on it? Has such a result EVER HAPPENED in a UNIPARTY PRIMARY? I can't imagine it has. Pls comment. Love to hear what others see here!

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It’s one thing to vote UNCOMMITTED in a primary and a completely different thing to do so in a General Election. Almost all those voters will return home to the Democrats in November…

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I agree Ashe: "Bitcoin is north of $62k as I write this, and earlier Wednesday it passed $64k. As G-money says, everyone gets BTC at the price they deserve.

But to be on the safe side, maybe avoid Coinbase.” — Ashe in America"

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Truthers swing wildly regarding BTC. Is it a vehicle to conduct Child Trafficking Commerce & washing $? I always laugh when BTC is called a CCP coin (as CCP sits atop the financial food chain ... ridiculous). 3 yrs ago I divested my BTC based on advise from Whiplast347 in lieu of ISO20022 tokens. This Zeroing-Out in BTC value looks like yet another marker. Buyer Beware!

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BTC best financial and sovereignty decision I ever made.

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Be blessed!

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Hunter Biden is a joke and I wouldn't believe a word he says. Glad to see old Mitch get out! Ashe, Coinbase should only be used as an exchange, not a storage place. That was a warning to get your crypto into your own wallet. Crypto rule #1 "not your keys, not your money". You have zero security when keeping your crypto in an exchange. Good luck!

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Hunter your dad was financially involved since he was your main star attraction. The big guy gets his cut. And your mincing words is just that. “I did not have sexual relations with that woman” bill clinton

Leads the way democrats and rhinos use words.

We know the play.

Bye McConnel… guess someone asked you to be part of the swamp drainage. Good riddance, for

A democrat to play the WEF game is expected for

A republican who plays the uni party inexcusable.

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