Thank God for BB, Ashe, and GhostofBPH and the Briefs and Takes ❤️❤️❤️🙏🇺🇸

AND this community of commenters ❤️

I ended up on a runaway emotional tangle over my disappointment with Trump’s VP pick, J D Vance. While I can forgive Vance for his public hatred of Trump back in the 2016 days - it was pretty intense, calling Trump “America’s Hitler” and an “idiot” and that he nearly voted for Hillary because if it!! - and I respect that he has changed his tune 180 degrees (hopefully that is truly genuine) it just seems to me that, okay, give him a position in the new Administration and test the depth of his devotion to the cause, but VP?? Plus he’s a lawyer, and a Yale Lawyer at that…has taken money from the Israel lobby machine. So, I’m hoping some of you can give me positive reasons why Vance is a true MAGA solid pick. I would be grateful because I respect this community of thinkers 🙏❤️

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I feel the exact same way, couldn’t have said it any better, we will just have to see, will be voting MAGA anyway.

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Thank you, Stephanie 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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The only reason I need is Trump picked him so he must’ve had his reasons. Also, Vance has said in interviews and in the Senate debate that he was wrong about Trump. That Trump proved to be a great president.

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That is the saving grace- he is Trump’s pick and we will just trust the “stable genius’ strategy ❤️

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Trump's are too forgiving. Calling a man you never met Hitler and an Ahole I would have told him to hit the road. And everyone fawning over him because he was poor at one time fine...but how do you graduate from Yale when you're dirt poor? Fingers crossed he doesn't turn on Trump.

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The only way I can spin it is: he's a candidate Democrats could trust. Otherwise this wasn't what I hoped for either.

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Good point…it might help the never-Trumpers who are growing increasingly uncomfortable with the Biden show. 👍❤️🇺🇸

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Jury is still out for me on JDV. I want to see more on his positions regarding the FED, trade, and foreign policy, specifically Israel (hoping neutral). I have wondered if he was inserted in Ohio to get the dirt on our overlords, and I saw another comment with similar thought. He might not be a neo-con warhawk (praise God) as he is in fact the first millennial to be on the ticket.

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Thanks, Kelly…

I read that he accepted money from the Israel lobby that buys favor from Congress. I guess most of them do!

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When I heard he went to Yale Law, my first question was 'is he a Bonesman?' (Not sure if law students can join, or only underclassmen.)

Catherine, frequent poster here, said in a recent comment (she lives in Northern Ohio, not too far from Toledo) that she had met JD Vance and did not like him. She used fairly strong language in the statement.

I was hoping for Ben Carson, who if Trump is trying to unify the country, would have been a far wiser choice than any of the 'top 3.' Carson has the sort of persona that just about anyone finds reassuring and steady -- exactly what I believe the country needs right now, especially after the events in Western Pennsylvania. But it appears Trump chose a fighter, and one who he might like to succeed him after 2028.

I greatly respect Trump's judgment, especially after he was burned in 2017 and presumably has learned how better to vet his people. So I take comfort in that, and expect that Trump's reasons will become clear and his choice of JD validated.

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Completely disappointed in his pick JD. I would have picked his Son Don Jr, that way if they succeed in the next assassination, Younger Donald could continue to torture the UNIPARTY and fulfill America First MAGA agenda. Would have been a perfect reason to pick him but the RNC probably decided on JD, not trump. Just like they picked Pence. Such a shame!

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I wonder how much Don Jr, who is pretty good friends with J.D., influenced his father’s pick? Vance was definitely Don Jr ‘s pick. I’ve seen some buzz on the 2028 ticket: Vance / Don Jr

Thanks, Catherine, for weighing in 🙏❤️

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Maybe TRUMP packs it in early like a yr, and JD picks Trump Jr for his VP. This has crossed my mind, but still doesn't make good sense to me. Vance was probably brown nosing 👃🏾👃🏾👃🏾 the entire family to get the VP. 👃🏾👃🏾👃🏾👃🏾. The 'JD' is so 'car salesman'.

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Thank you, WildBill!!! ❤️

I favored Ben Carson and for the very reasons you articulated.

Also, Yale and Skull and Bones is an automatic association in my mind too. All the Ivy League schools don’t rank high on my list these days.

Your comment and others today are helping me get back to a more balanced open-mind wait-and see perspective. And like you say, Trump’s judgement counts for a lot.

Appreciate your thoughts on Vance! ❤️🇺🇸

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Sure, Feather, glad to help. Always remember that for everyone who asks a question, there are ten or a hundred more who have the same question, but lack the confidence to ask.

Somebody once said 'there's no such thing as a stupid question,' and after hearing many stupid questions, I don't actually agree with that -- but there is a gem of wisdom in there, which is that many people don't ask questions they should, for fear of being thought stupid. I err in the opposite direction -- I'd rather ask a sincere question and find out in hindsight it was stupid, than not ask a question I should have asked.

And yes, regarding many things we must wait and see. Joining a group like this is teaching all of us patience -- and hopefully a bit of wisdom. 💖🍿

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JD Vance is another Pilgrims Society pick.

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Had to look Pilgrims Society up. Not sure if that’s a plus or minus!?

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A Big negative…

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Henry Kissinger was a member…a clue on the negative.

Thank You!

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He has been placed at a number of venture capital firms where he was considered a lightweight.

Those firms are run by notorious British Pilgrims Society, The City of London leftists including Eric Schmidt, Darren Blanton, Peter Thiel, James Breyer Marc Andreessen, Steve Case, John Kasich, Mark Kvamme, Battelle Memorial Institute (Columbus, Ohio), Robert Mercer—all bandits of Facebook and Paypal.

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Maybe Trump will use him as his attack dog while Trump is being the peace, unity and American First President.

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I did read that Peter Thiel was kindof a Vance mentor. Thiel funded his Senate campaign and has now pledged something like 45million a month to Trump/Vance campaign.

Not real comfortable with this VP pick so far!

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I must confess - in the somewhat subconscious guessing game of "who authored the Take" I was undecided about the first article. (Maybe not enough coffee.) But I want to note that there was something about the tone of BB's response that was extremely encouraging to me. I had (somehow) expected JD to be the pick since about three months ago and had already processed that selection - meaning that I believe President Trump has known how important the next four years are and would not knowingly interfere with the work ahead of him by not choosing the right running mate.

The story of conversion (or maybe it is redemption) that Vance demonstrates, I believe, will add a balm to President Trump's next term and will allow people to confess their ignorance and their hardened opinions - and then move forward with vision and compassion (kind of like Amber Rose's "prove it" speech last night).

Also - USA Today's and Newsweek's "only minor injury" ignores the deeper implications of a near death experience that even the strong have to go through - shame on them!

"Trump is the Peacemaker. And the Unifier. Just as he is our Champion, we are his." — Burning Bright

Thank you to this community for your honesty and vitality!

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I have since his name was put in the mix felt JD Vance would be DJ Trump pick . I think it was because like his first reactions to Trump as a POTUS was as many Americans “ hell to the No he everything I didn’t want in my POTUS, then forced to really hear his plans ( because of my husband) I listen to his plans & the path he wanted for all Americans and not totally convinced but at least he had we common American’s dead in the eye of his path, coy or sincerity he began to appeal to me as an suburban woman. And then came his results and his SOTUA a boy did he bring it , I personally saw the changed minds of many southern hardcore democrats at that very point our POTUS won them over. IMO JDVance followed that same scenario or purity of logic. And if you had read the book he authored you could see how he also came to his first impression just like many MAGA ppl that aren’t afraid to say they too were a non believers in the beginning of a Trump presidency. I can see JD Vance being a very well suited VP and future POTUS when Trump is satisfied he can truly continue to lead the American ppl as our forefathers had intended it be done . Debbie of IHNTWBD56

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In his book, Hillbilly Elegy, does he write about his 2016 reactions to Trump and how and why he changed his mind?

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Appreciate your thoughts!

Keeping an open mind 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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Great comment and I appreciate your thoughts on Vance! 👍🙏❤️🇺🇸🕊

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Thanks so much for The Brief! It had been even more important to me this month as we have our hands full with grandchildren. At ages 7 and 10, they are more interested than their own parents in the political “zeitgeist” and also far more suspicious of the narrative. That’s what happens when you spend every summer with your conspiracy theory grandmother….. somehow our granddaughter showed up this summer questioning the moon landing and the existence of dinosaurs and I have never even discussed those topics. She was relieved to hear that it is fine to question EVERYTHING.

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While they're visiting, make sure they get to see 'The Matrix' with you, if they have not already done so. That film, especially to 'newbies,' should really open their eyes to the possibility that we are living in a movie and many things may not be as they seem.

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Delightful comment ❤️

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Lots of good stuff to digest here…the one thing that came to mind is this comparison people are making regarding Vance to former VP Pence. They are very different people politically speaking. IMO, Pence was to show people the truth about fake Christian politicians. He was a Judas. JD Vance is very articulate, well-educated & has a down to earth approachable quality. All good things for the ticket. He won’t back down from a fight. We’ll have to wait & see on his loyalty. We all should pray for Him & his family. Pray God gives him strength & keeps him safe. We must pray for our new leaders. Very important thing to do daily. Thanks for the good food for thought.

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Words of wisdom 🙏❤️🇺🇸

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It’s really just beginning. The chaos, violence and insanity is [their] only weapon. I know the informational war is a huge part of this, but they plan to burn the whole thing down! Buckle up Buttercups!

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a wild animal, backed into a corner facing literal life or death is dangerous. We're going to test just how much control white hats actually have.

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I think they are planning on a re-do of the Summer of Love, at least in some ways. It will give them the mandate to carry out their final operation -- reveal all the corruption that has been going on for decades if not longer. Exposure, disclosure, justice.

That can't happen until people are ready, at least a critical mass of them. That was basically what Trump meant when he said 'We caught them all' but 'if I told you everything we know, it would cause a civil war.' The country -- the world, probably; this is a global operation -- had to 'see how bad it could get.' Only then can they move.

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Maybe Trump will use his VP as his attack dog while Trump is being the peace, unity and American First President?

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Very possible. He has a reason, even if we don't yet know what it is.

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I do wonder how they judged what critical mass actually is in this case. I beleive scientifically it's only 13% of the population (don't recall where I read that now) but they seem to be going for a much higher target for the final reveal (which makes sense since the evil is so truly unthinkable for most).

I wonder how many of the Lunatic Left crowd are plants because some of the things they're screaming about "HOW DID YOU MISS??!!" and the followup sneering and gnashing of teeth is deeply psychotic... I'm hoping they're acting that evil to wake up more die hard normies? idk...

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Many things we do not know today will be revealed; until then we must wait. But one thing you said is absolutely true: this evil is so truly unthinkable. Even for most of us.

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Oh yea... the actual horror begins at frazzle drip and just gets far worse from there. Sparing the readers in this case...

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Yes. Trillions of $ and power dominance are at stake. I think power elitist ( Money Crowd ) can/will adjust their actions, they'll still be able to make money and have power. News media is already backing down and seeking cover and forgiveness, as are some pols, they're running scared. But the criminal intelligence agency and their close conspirators ( money, pols, news, and operators )know they are facing criminal prosecution action ( retribution ) or possible severe penalty ( military tribunals?).

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Exactly, those in the know actively committed treason against all their host nations, and the cost of treason is??

And to add this too - the thing about the ( Money Crowd ) is they hooked their wagons to the wrong horse. All money we use is fake. We know this.

What needs to happen is we need to recapture the real assets they stole from us using their fake money (real estate, precious metals, business IP, etc) for over 400 years at least now (considering the Rothschild bankers). Those assets they have acquired were in fact purchase using our collective labors which they leveraged without consideration. Consideration in a contract is an exchange of value. We were given debt notes in payment ofr our collective labor, services, products, etc. They used their debt notes to collect property (depriving all of us of it).

I'm truly hoping this purge goes ALL the way. TRUE justice.

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Yes. Trillions of $ and power dominance are at stake. I think power elitist ( Money Crowd ) can/will adjust their actions, they'll still be able to make money and have power. News media is already backing down and seeking cover and forgiveness, as are some pols, they're running scared. But the criminal intelligence agency and their close conspirators ( money, pols, news, and operators )know they are facing criminal prosecution action ( retribution ) or possible severe penalty ( military tribunals?).

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Yes. Trillions of $ and power dominance at the stake. I think power elitist ( Money Crowd ) can/will adjust their actions, they'll still be able to make money and have power. News media is already backing down and seeking cover and forgiveness, as are some pols, they're running scared. But the criminal intelligence agency and their close conspirators ( money, pols, news, and operators )know they are facing criminal prosecution action ( retribution ) or possible severe penalty ( military tribunals?).

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I'm NOT tired of 45 winning BIGLY. RU? MAGA in Overdrive! When does narrative shift from 45 turning 46 ... to ... 45 turning 19? When is it time to bury US F-ing Corp? Trump is playing his hand super-close to vest. The out-in-open Vincent Fusco character is curious. If Vincent = Jr, the only way White Hats leave him so fully exposed is if the entire Butler, PA Event was a highly controlled military operation. If Vincent = John Denver-bridge-to-Jr, the character just got a lot more global exposure among normies. The Marilyn Monroe Character is another curiosity. Any thoughts on how these characters play into Butler PA?

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It's funny, when I first saw the video of what went down, the first thing I noticed was Vincent in the background (right before shots were fired). And once the chaos began, he didn't seem too...concerned? When DJT got up and started fist pumping, he was there cheering with the crowd. But when the USSS was on top of DJT, compared to others around him, he appeared somewhat relaxed. It could have been shock or confusion as to what was going on but it was odd.

Trump walking into the arena at the RNC last night, though was a changed man - you could see it in his eyes.

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I agree. This Vincent character is a strange thing.

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He also had a much stronger SS detail. All men. All very tall. And after he put out on TS that RFK Jr should immediately get SS protection, it happened within hours. Interesting. 😏

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There are many things happening now, out of our sight, behind the mists over the lake. When the time is right, the mist will clear and we will see and understand what has been going on. Hint: I think it's a heck of a lot more complex than any of us -- even Burning Bright and Ashe and Ghost -- suspect. The revelation of the operation in all of its breadth and glory will leave us all gobsmacked. Imagine the effect it will have on the Normies.

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As Breitbart said, politics is downstream from culture. Vance is from Scots-Irish culture, the virtual opposite of left-wing elite culture, and is an ex-marine who went to Yale. He may be like a cultural immunization vaccind who sees through the cultural BS.

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Thanks, Ghost, on your post re Africa free of global corporate greed. It is a beautiful thing to behold, not only for Africa but for the world to be free of the burdensome yoke of stealing natural resources for mega corporate greedy profit ❤️🕊🌎

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The Sovereign Alliance is on the move. Africa was most corrupted/victimized by the Cabal, so they were most receptive to the Alliance message. As Trump said in Detroit in 2020, "What the hell do you have to lose?"

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I read somewhere that Vance did have quite a culture shock going to Yale. All these elitists and he came from a poor background. I think he is still quite "malleable." I know my thoughts and beliefs changed quite a bit after turning 40. I think Trump will evaluate him early on. He has insight into being poor that Trump does not have.

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"Just make sure they secure the perimeter."

Were they merely incompetent (certainly possible, with USSS's recent hiring emphasis), or in cahoots? It will come out, but [they] will drag their feet on it, as they always do. I just don't feel that they will get away with it as easily this time -- there are too many 'awake,' and now apparently a resurgent MSM trying to make themselves relevant again.

So we shall see -- but the winds of change are blowing. 'You cannot change the laws of physics, Captain.'

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Seen any UFOs out there lately?

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Just because we don't (yet) understand those laws of physics, does not mean they do not exist. Nikola Tesla knew, and JP Morgan knew that if the masses found out what Tesla's knowledge meant for them and their future, it would all be over for him and his evil friends. So Morgan bought the rights to Tesla's work and kept him bottled up the rest of his life. Tesla died penniless and heartbroken. Exactly as Morgan intended.

Elon Musk knows, at least some of it. He named his EV company after Tesla as an homage to the man. I'm not sure, but I'll bet Trump knows at least some of it too, his uncle John the MIT prof (back when the Ivies were not quite as evil) got some of Tesla's papers after he died.

I have a feeling that these things will be among those revealed, when this is all over. And no, I've not personally seen any UFOs recently, but they apparently run into them all the time up at Skinwalker Ranch -- but you know all about that already 😉

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Love it!

I am familiar with Tesla’s history….

“The desire that guides me in all I do is the desire to harness the forces of nature to the service of mankind.” Nikola Tesla

Quite the opposite of the cabal elites who harness power for destruction and control and coveted wealth!

On the last season of Skinwalker Ranch 😉

Have thoroughly enjoyed it

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Somewhere in the news, I missed where did the 24 foot ladder come from that the lone shooter used to climb on the roof?

I am sure the department of FIB will explain it to us peons.

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They said today that he bought it the day of the Rally. How come his father didn't know there was a bomb in his bedroom?

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So many questions... the more you think, the more questions you have.

We shall see how easily the answers come. I have a feeling that there is a huge iceberg of BS waiting to be exposed. Only the top little bit is visible now, but that will change. This is going to be too big, and it was too poorly executed, to hide in these days of citizen journalists (and even seemingly the MSM now) asking, asking, asking.

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Let the cascade of Exposure begin…on a scale that will impact even the sleepy normies !

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They will be gobsmacked. It could not happen, though, until the normies were of a frame of mind to start believing things they never thought could happen. Day by day, we're getting closer. Onward! 💖

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Nice!! Onwards ❤️🕊

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I knew it was only a matter of (much shortened) time for the ‘rest of the story’ of the attempted assassination to come out. BB: you are so right, ‘Game Theory's a bitch ... if you're on the wrong side of it.’ I’m with your assessment of Vance. Trump makes no decisions without ensuring they fulfill the plan’s goals.

Ashe is also correct in her observation of DHS, ‘Unless the lone gunman story is true, which it never is, the cabal wanted to explode 45’s head on live TV and traumatize the nation to neutralize the rising populism.’ So, who gave the order the left has been playing up for months? Obama? Or, likely the order came from a couple of steps up on the criminal organizational pyramid.

Ghost, too….’Accelerate.’ Yes, indeed.

I’ve said Trump is the catalyst. BB’s assessment seems to agree that change is coming, ‘Trump is the Peacemaker. And the Unifier. Just as he is our Champion, we are his.’ Change either ‘we the people’s mandate.🇺🇸

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I enjoy your articles very much

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The Trump's are too forgiving. If someone wrote an article calling my father Hitler and an AHole before ever meeting him and he came to me a changed man I'd tell him to hit the road. I just hope he doesn't turn on Trump. And can someone explain to me how a man poor as dirt , according to his book, can graduate from Yale. I want that secret. And if one more person salivates over how poor he was and how far he's come I'll scream. I was hoping it would be Ben Carson then Trump wouldn't have to look over his shoulder. Ben will always have Trump's back. And the dumb statement Vance will get him the working class. Trump's base , that he's had since 2015 have been the working class. And he has Ohio in the bag so I don't know what he brings to the table. Maybe someone can explain I'm a slow learner.

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