What kind of Animal won't allow a man to attend his Sons graduation? Judge must be a member of the pedotribe. They've got him by his saggy sacks! Expose the entire tribe of owned swine, in SWAMPVILLE USA! #TRUMP2024
What kind of Animal won't allow a man to attend his Sons graduation? Judge must be a member of the pedotribe. They've got him by his saggy sacks! Expose the entire tribe of owned swine, in SWAMPVILLE USA! #TRUMP2024
UPDATE: "Trump Claims Hush Money’ Judge Won’t Let Him Attend Son’s Graduation—But Judge Hasn’t Ruled Yet"
It is being reported that the Judge has not OFFICIALLY ruled on whether Trump can attend Sons graduation, so Trump has again beat the Judge at his own game by highlighting this and gathering parental outrage. I'm guessing that courthouse phone is ringing off the hook......lol......The judge is expected to now rule in MAY on whether Trump can attend Sons Graduation!! Great strategy by TRUMP! WINNING!!!!!
What kind of Animal won't allow a man to attend his Sons graduation? Judge must be a member of the pedotribe. They've got him by his saggy sacks! Expose the entire tribe of owned swine, in SWAMPVILLE USA! #TRUMP2024
2024Congratulations Barron TRUMP
Hope you’re zeroing in nearby me when it starts to rumble, girl…lol…
UPDATE: "Trump Claims Hush Money’ Judge Won’t Let Him Attend Son’s Graduation—But Judge Hasn’t Ruled Yet"
It is being reported that the Judge has not OFFICIALLY ruled on whether Trump can attend Sons graduation, so Trump has again beat the Judge at his own game by highlighting this and gathering parental outrage. I'm guessing that courthouse phone is ringing off the hook......lol......The judge is expected to now rule in MAY on whether Trump can attend Sons Graduation!! Great strategy by TRUMP! WINNING!!!!!