Regarding my PS above - I meant to insert: everything I know (and, I believe, that can be known) about the historic covenants between our Creator and any and all of mankind - from Noah on - must be viewed through the finished work of Jesus - who did not abolish a line or serif of any letter - but fulfilled it all on our behalf. As far as…
Regarding my PS above - I meant to insert: everything I know (and, I believe, that can be known) about the historic covenants between our Creator and any and all of mankind - from Noah on - must be viewed through the finished work of Jesus - who did not abolish a line or serif of any letter - but fulfilled it all on our behalf. As far as God is concerned (we are told), ancestry and social status and gender do not divide us. History helps to encourage and edify, but it should not be used by anyone to facilitate prejudice or animosity. God, for His part, loves all of His creation!
Regarding my PS above - I meant to insert: everything I know (and, I believe, that can be known) about the historic covenants between our Creator and any and all of mankind - from Noah on - must be viewed through the finished work of Jesus - who did not abolish a line or serif of any letter - but fulfilled it all on our behalf. As far as God is concerned (we are told), ancestry and social status and gender do not divide us. History helps to encourage and edify, but it should not be used by anyone to facilitate prejudice or animosity. God, for His part, loves all of His creation!