"How is the US going to assist Ukraine in ejecting 200k+ Russians from Ukraine when they can't even remove unarmed illegals here at home?


If there's one thing our government is good at, it is creating long wars."



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The physical evidence of the OBiden/DOD bio labs have been destroyed in Ukraine and damaging incriminating documents seized at the very onset by CIA, payoffs to the Oligarch. Mission accomplished. Zelenski's in his last days..tick tick tick. Problem for the Obiden Administration is that everyone with an operating brain is aware. You cannot hide all your crimes from Space Force either. All the effort to hide the crimes has only dug them a deeper hole. On the upside...those labs are gone!

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UKR War funding + supplying Military hardware + mercenaries = Collapse Fiat USD & Euro + Meat & Machine Grinder (Eliminate KM Armies & Global Mil Ind Complex)+ Destroy KM BioLabs + Destroy KM Child/Human Trafficking EU Hub. Have Chinese White Hats already quietly done the same in Taiwan? Are these Operations near completion?

NESARA/GESARA (did E/o watch Phil G's Amazing MUST-SEE Stream last night? Proof of $21T money transfer from HSBC Acct to US OMS (Office of Military Settlements) & onto to US Treasury to pay off entire US Govt Debt back in 2017 shortly after DJT became 45 & proof of $300T transfer to US OMS. Phil G speculated it was to pay off Entire Global Debt. Can anyone say: NESARA & GESARA are Real? Narrative about $33T national debt = false flag. Let's get Full Discloure Going. The fact that Phil G was given Green Light to show the proof to Sovereign Patriots is sign White Hats are about to Go Live for Disclosure. Let's Party Like It's 1999!

Go onto to Rumble to Watch & Share Phil G's stream. Most Important Intel along with Nick Alvear's The Greatest Show on Earth Documentary. Together these 2 videos explain and prove White Hats are Real & WINNING for We the People Worldwide! Iraq PM Al-Sudani's appearance this week @ UN Gen Assembly in NYC is the other HUGE tell that e/t is about to go Kinetic. Break out the Prosecco!

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That was fascinating! I ended up skimming thru the documents after awhile and caught his summary of it all, last 10-12 min…❤️🍿🇺🇸🕊🦅🍿🍿🍿🍿

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Croatian MEP, Mislav Kolakušić, doesn't mince his words to the 🇪🇺 EU Parliament: "It would be healthier and safer for humanity to sign an agreement with the Colombian drug cartel [than to sign an agreement with the World Health Organisation]."

"[The WHO] should be declared a terrorist organisation... [It] is more dangerous for humanity than the WEF."

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“…the profane citizen…” [who buys the lies] omg, delicious.

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I never waiver : Zelensky - dead man walking - only a matter of when and which side!

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Thanx alot for The Share.

Very Interesting.

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