These child gender dysphoria folks need to be prosecuted. That they were wrong in hindsight is not sufficient. Furthermore this woke ideology came down from on high politically. The aims and justifications were and continue to be deeply political and deeply totalitarian in their aims. There is no justification at all.

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If at all possible more information or articles on Dr. Bradley and any other doctors or therapists backtracking on gender reassignment. Right now our Kentucky legislators(some)are trying to push for bills to stop insane school districts from giving teachers the right to help students in transitioning without parental consent. We have bills stuck in committees now and Dems trying to attach ridiculous amendments. I know y’all are amazing researchers❤️

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Reworking nature to line the pockets of people is an affront before God. Gods creation is perfect in every way and if a person uses sexual relations without love and connection to heterosexual marriage sanctified by God then the child who is born from these unions suffers because the soul is born defective.

These evil demonic creatures on earth called scientists or lawyers or doctors or politicians then use these poor children for their own selfish reasons and we see the current state of our country and the world unfold. When evil goes unchecked by good people it results in a world that is filled with pain sorrow death and hate.

By killing infants through unmitigated abortions and allowing homosexual marriage sanctified by the country’s laws and then allowing homosexuals to have access to children in the name of freedom and rights we have literally opened the gates of hell and know full well now exactly what that feels like.

Shame on humanity for choosing death over life, evil over good, and the demonic over GOD

It’s time to overturn every single system that allows this path to proliferate. Destroy its followers and save the innocent. It’s a lot easier said than done but when we step into that path of Gods goodness as a collective He will help us do the right thing and put our country back on the right track: ONE COUNTRY UNDER GOD makes our covenant, established by our founding fathers, with God one of righteousness and justice ....and then we must work at keeping it that way.

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Those who choose Satan over God will pay the price. Many more have chosen God, but it seems that the majority have not chosen at all. There is still some hope for them, but their time is running short.

Freedom and virtue cannot happen without faith in God.

"Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.

Now the path we chart is not an easy one. It demands much of those chosen to govern, but also from those who did the choosing. And let there be no mistake about this. We have come to a crossroad, a time of decision, and the path we'll follow turns away from any idea that those in government, those who serve government are omnipotent. And this path is impossible to follow unless we have the collective wisdom and genius of all our people. Along this path government will lead and not rule, it will listen and not lecture. It is the path of a Creative Society.

Now, it is inconceivable to me that anyone could accept this delegated authority without asking God's help. And I pray, that we of the legislature and the administration can be granted the wisdom and the strength beyond our own limited powers. That with divine guidance we can avoid easy expedience. That we can work to build a state where liberty under law and justice can triumph, where compassion can govern and wherein the people can participate and prosper because of their government and not in spite of it."

-- Ronald Reagan, 1967 California Inaugural Address

(isn't it amazing how much that once-great State has changed in 55 years?)

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wild bill......hear hear....well said!

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Everything in the brief this morning is evidence of the drip, drip , drip in multiple areas previously controlled completely by the cabal’s puppets. Meanwhile, as our fearless tiger concluded, it’s getting harder to ignore. It’s a good time to be alive and moving toward justice for mankind. In God’s hands in His time.🙏

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Slowly at first, then all of a sudden...

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Absolute: Whitmer, no surprise there.

Credit Suisse et al, it's all coming down. Yay! rumor 1, DS wanted a collapse so they could "solve" the problem w/ CBDC, rumor 2, yes all banks "play chicken" w/ the unsound way they do business. They are greedy & corrupt & like Hillary will never lose b/c DS/KM will have their back b/c they are more powerful. Rumor 3, Trump & forget name probably knew, b/c White Hats can see everything just like DS, this bank, SVB, would be the best one to hit & get ball rolling. Hey, "The Plan" has a "plan". Anyway Trump & buddy pulled out a Bunch of $$, SVB was the target to create a run that would affect others & WAKE UP more normies.

Child Gender..the evil mind programming of parents + children through many types of media. Now that i'm older looking back, way back :), i was a tom boyish type BUT still liked girl stuff too, but some girls are more girlish, girl-y girl-y girls. Then i went through menopause boy oh boy when the estrogen supply dropped low and wasn't there to balance off w/ the testosterone... I could have bit off the head of a baby chick, done a drive by shooting if you made me mad..OMG! Yes I immediately went to doctor for a med to take when i felt that ugly aggressive feeling. SOOO, boys i don't know but , my opinion, at least 2 types of girls on opposite ends of scale w/ various levels of hormonal levels we are blessed w/ in between. STOP the programming, leave the children alone to play/act the way they want..don't encourage or discourage, just be neutral and accepting and they will work it out better w/o interference.

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Thanks for today's summary review.

Normies gotta start waking the fukk up. This shtz insane.

Keep up the great work!

God Bless!!!

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Gretchen Whitmer is one of the worst things to happen to Michigan since Jenny “From the Block” Granholm

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Yes, "one of the worst". Ex-mayor Gollum of Detroit is up there too.

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regardless of his money and gifts to nations.......the soros clan should be stopped....permanently .

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Burning Bright: Drone down, rumor, it was spying on Russian troops, equipment, etc, and they can do it at large distances...so take it out. What army wouldn't, hell we Finally shot down a balloon that wasn't way out in international water.

Biden family along ALL the rest of the corrupt people in and out of gov't ARE corrupt traitors. Only the sleepers/normies are blind, deaf and brainwashed. DS/KM has had YEARS to do a number on humanity/Americans. Going to have to scare the poo out of them to just get an eye blink. What "scare" tactic will work only GOD knows.

Enjoy all the posts on Badlands, i even save them on computer. i think it will be interesting to go back to earlier posts to compare posts/perceptions of the world in the future.

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Typo, just FYI..


Our Take: “As any familiar with my writing are aware, I’m often far more interested in the Narratives to spin our of these events than the Actuals


Our perception?

Interesting articles as always.

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