Thank you badlands!! It must be difficult trying to select the topics each day, so much is happening, do you each select a topic or are they assigned? Great coverage, I look forward to each morning! ☕️📰

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Thank you!

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Yes, Ryan: Brandon was chosen by the Patriots. It had to be this way.

Brandon, along with Lula, Sunak, Macron, Trudeau, et al, had to be 'in power' when the house of cards tumbles down, so the Normies will blame them.

At that point, the stage is set for the return of the Sovereigns.

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Regarding Justin D's take on docs that reveal spying on Zelensky, I just don't believe he's a white hat. If anything he was caught and forced to play. Either way, the US spying on Z is a given knowing that all those billions were and are being sent. I would not want to be in his shoes as he is easily a marked man for death or worse, torture before death.

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From Ryan: "It looks like he (Biden) will have the best campaign dark money can buy!" and "but when it comes to our friends on the left, absurdity is compulsory." and, finally, "Their hypocrisy knows no bounds." Having recently read Gen. Flynn and Sgt. Cutler's "Introduction to 5GW" and Christopher G. Adamo's "Rules for Defeating Radicals" I have been pondering history. Specifically how I, as a very singular character on a very large stage can make a difference. And then I read the account of Jesus the Nazarene, His betrayal by those closest to Him, and His conversation with the Roman Governor, Pilate. At one point Pilate, seemingly mystified by Jesus' unfathomable lack of understanding of the systems and order of the cosmos, says in response to Jesus' silence, "You do not speak to me?! Do you not know that have authority to release you, and I have authority to torture you to death?" This is the presumption of mankind - that somehow we have "real authority", that we actually control the levers. In Jesus' response was my necessary "true north" in this season: "You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above..."

Though I cannot understand all of the intrigue, corruption, ferocity, deviance, and pride that are clearly at work - I rest in the Truth that our Father in Heaven loves us; that to have us in His Family (not just His creation) He had to grant us free-will (which resulted in these millennia of conflict), that He solved the Problem before He made us in His Image and Likeness, and the He WINS!!!

As I read this brief - I know more clearly what conversation I need to have with Him - thank you again for all the effort and insight!

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Biden's Army of Influencers: This is just another "look over here, not over there" strategy that will fail as the Dems go down in flames.

As For Milley, he is so woke the only thing he can do is "choke"every time he attempts something. He is a nothing burger!

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An especially good Brief, Badlands…perhaps because, for my spiritual well-being, I cut way back on my focus for a couple days.

“ The idea that you should vote for somebody because your favorite Hollywood puppet says so is absurd, but when it comes to our friends on the left, absurdity is compulsory.”

Well stated!!

It is a bit of a mystery that Biden appears to be stepping up his game on running again. Yet, Biden himself has nothing to do with it, so the question becomes ‘who do his handlers (Obama et al) best think can keep running a cloak over full disclosure of the progressive Left Dem Party crimes against our country and the world AND against the satanic abuse of children / child sex trafficking? The latter hasn’t even made it into the mainstream consciousness yet. The most expensive drug on the planet (and the most evil), adrenochrome, connects the dots to the criminal syndicate who appears to be running the country these days. Biden’s cognitive challenges may be a convenient cover? If the elections can be made 100% fair, no Democratic will win. Is the Biden “system” in place now the best shot they have to cheat again?

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Neo Genesis...

J. Appleseed & The PM General


"...absurdity is compulsory."

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2023 continues its wild ride! Thank you ALL!

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lol Keyboard kowboys for Brandon? They do have word salads down pretty well, but things you cannot understand are really a waste of time. I'm afraid he bet on a loser.

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I hope everyone sees that the Left only has followers because of the abortion right, they see abortion as Freedom over their lives. This new war over the Morning After pill really shows the severity of the Religious right and if the world falls to Communism it will be because of women's sovernity over her own body and her right to govern herself.

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Thank you for your daily briefs, your Take comments and my free version. I do read the, Gratitude.

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Thank you!

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Is there something illegal about Biden hiring this army of influencers for his campaign while giving them access to the White House?

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As for the "Army of Influencers" check out this website --> https://represent.us/unbreaking-america-series/. Jovan calls it a Trojan Horse if you go to the homepage all the cartoon-like videos are the correct message but underneath is "Rank Choice Voting". Jennifer Lawrence is one of the spoke person so all of the young kids grew up with her. Biden and company are working on the younger generation via this website.

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