"๐™„๐™› ๐™ฌ๐™š ๐™๐™–๐™™ ๐™– ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™ช๐™ก๐™ฎ ๐™›๐™ง๐™š๐™š ๐™ข๐™–๐™ง๐™ ๐™š๐™ฉ ๐™™๐™ž๐™ซ๐™ค๐™ง๐™˜๐™š๐™™ ๐™›๐™ง๐™ค๐™ข ๐™–๐™™๐™ข๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™ž๐™จ๐™ฉ๐™ง๐™–๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ซ๐™š ๐™ค๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ๐™ž๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ ... ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š๐™จ๐™š ๐™ž๐™จ๐™จ๐™ช๐™š๐™จ ๐™ฌ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ก๐™™ ๐™˜๐™ค๐™ง๐™ง๐™š๐™˜๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š๐™ข๐™จ๐™š๐™ก๐™ซ๐™š๐™จ.โ€ -- BOOM! Stalin famously picked up a chicken in front of journalists and began plucking its feathers, causing it great pain. He then released the chicken and began dropping kernels of corn and the chicken followed him for those few morsels rather than fleeing its tormentor. We're the chicken, and tiny (probably temporary) relaxations of the oppressive rules are those bits of corn. Will Americans bravely flee the tormentor, or debase themselves for bits of corn? Stalin demonstrated what tyrants expect. The Founders had higher expectations.

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I have been heartsick over Kanye and the direction his life is going. Thanks for the update.

A friend and I had a conversation about him breaking free from his handlers a few years ago.


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From Simon Esler - "I even had one of the profs email me directly to explain that he feels โ€˜something bigger is going on.โ€™"

It's never failed to blow my mind how some of the most intelligent and best educated people in this county remain absolutely clueless about (what I thought was) obvious subversions to our culture BY DESIGN.

Everyone here knows this now, but my God this has been going on since the 90s in college campuses. And, if you brought it up you were considered a cooky conspiracy theorist. I just do not comprehend how on Earth they didn't see this for what it is at LEAST 10 years ago. How many professors quit because they were sick of the nonsensical directives and illogical leadership (which was always rewarded).

When this is all said and done, we absolutely need to construct some means of education for children in the various arts of manipulation and deception so they need only observe a trend to understand something nefarious is happening so they can at least feel empowered to not participate.

Grades, money, sex, drinking, drugs, etc - these are tools of manipulation, nothing else. The only thing I've found that works is organized religion, but of course that is also subverted.

SOME means of organization is needed to PREVENT "evil" from gaining traction again. To this day, humanity is too childlike in its naivetรฉ and ignorance. Even among those who have awakened, still ridiculous ideas advance unchecked (Flat Earth for example). The fact is, any advanced intelligence will easily infiltrate and subvert us if we do not develop some kind of resistence training/schooling.

And fundamentally, why are some of us so resistant to such attacks while others are so easily converted? For me personally, I've never taken authority at its word from as early as I can remember - I didn't even take my mother's word, I had to know for myself. But why? Are we just born with it? Are we actually meant to be "guardians" of humanity? How do we identify such people whiles till young and how do we ensure those with this gift aren't converted to psychopaths bent on control for themselves?

We have to address this because all of this insanity will be repeated in the future and without safe guards in place, the same tragedies will befall us because even they who should be able to see remain blinded for their entire lifetimes leaving society unprotected and exposed to psychological predation.

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Ashe, thank you for directing our attention to this Tasmanian Devil. Social conscience... is there such a thing? Perhaps she meant, Societal Con of Science. I am a former teacher. In Vermont. I spoke up, and risked being labeled a heretic, when I saw colleagues elevating themselves to positions they had no right to... like thinking they were more important to little preschoolers than mommy and daddy, just because they were "smarter". Or, they would mischaracterize the ways boys interact with playful taps and thumps, totally different from the way girls interact, as "violent". I could see all the efforts to elevate "female ways" to some superior art form. Then they forced "teaching tolerance" as their religion, but in the same breath ridiculed an opposite political view with high-pitched chuckles of derision. (Those opposite views were mine.) I made an effort to love and respect to my colleagues, because I realized (not without some kicking and screaming prayers) that God put me there and that this very environment was my mission field. I was a conundrum to them, because I was a conservative, a Jesus follower, refused to gossip, oh, and they came to realize that I wasn't a dummy, thanks to the last best public school education, my intelligent teachers, and paying attention in class. I graduated in 1974. Simon's post about higher education raised the hackles on my neck. Chilling. Keep it all coming, Badlanders. You all have my love and respect! God speed.

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Peaceful noncompliance.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thank you Simon! I appreciate your review of the Three Great Untruths and the Heterodox Academy. The battle for the minds of our children...and of each of us is not just a cliche. In whatever camp it incubates, and whatever form it takes, the devaluation of the Human Spirit and the Gift of Life are dangerous. Without a Truth that can supersede our emotions and even our Reason (since that too can be manipulated), we are all susceptible to the Doubt, Deny, Deceive dialectic that first caused our descent from Glory!

BB - "the Trojan Horse" of anything that enlarges the administrative authority of government agencies over private enterprise and TRULY free markets. Milton Friedman ("Capitalism and Freedom"), Friedrich Hayek ("Road to Serfdom") and Adam Smith ("The Wealth of Nations") should be must reads on everyone's summer reading list!

And speaking of porn: naked short selling should not be tolerated and every brokerage firm should enforce the rules against the practice...but I won't hold my breath. For long-term investors they are a nuisance; for young companies whose growth opportunities offer attractive consideration by long-term investors they are counter to honest, free-market competition.

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"Trump and company have the lawfare department in a bit of a Kobayashi Maru"

Too bad, [they] have nobody anywhere as clever as Cadet James T. Kirk on their side ๐Ÿ˜

Also unfortunately for them, they do not even understand the 'test,' much less whether it might be re-programmed or how. Clueless, they are; that's the only reason we are here. They are clueless idiots, following an invisible 'leader' off the cliff like lemmings. Serves 'em right. ๐Ÿฟ

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Alvin Bragg = Fat Alvin, Hey Hey Hey

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What are regions of responsibility? How are they created and how are they controlled?

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Apr 26ยทedited Apr 26

Corruption in the TRUMP Court by Bidens 3rd in line at the justice department. A Demonic onslaught!! Keep Praying


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