Gmail notwithstanding, I have sought to avoid “google” as much as possible, keeping a BellSouth.net address until it locked me out 2 years ago. Promisingly and adorably, our grandchildren use the phrase “search it up.” As in “I searched it up and found out there is a sequel…” I have never heard them say google 😊 Love to all my briefers. So much to digest. Thank you.

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This whole twisted knot covered with blood(Israel/Ukraine/Russia/mafia(s)---Middle East and beyond) certainly seems tricky, which is the understatement of what?, probably our whole lives and all the lives before us!?! Maybe why this is taking awhile(another understatement)! More than appreciate the cliff notes! God Bless!!!

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Once you peel back the layers of the onion, it makes more sense. But first you have to accept:

1. Many things are not only not as they appear, but also not as you thought they were;

2. Nobody can be 100% sure of anything, but with understanding comes a sense that at least there is some sort of underlying structure, built for a reason, on all sides.

All of the evil has been going on for centuries and perhaps millennia (some claim the real reason Jesus was crucified was that He tossed the money-changers -- ancestors of today's Cabal -- out of the Temple), and the 'good guys' have been making plans against [them] -- the evil ones -- for decades and perhaps centuries.

And as Ghost was describing ('who now are the terrorists?'), many are not on the side you expect, and repeated revelations are showing that to be true every day. I thought that Maduro and Chavez before him were on the side of evil (and I'm still not convinced they are good guys) but recently who came out in support of him? Russia and Hungary, representing the Sovereign Alliance. Against him? Lula's Brazil and the US State Department (Cabal). Surprised the heck out of me. Still much to learn. And here is a great place to find not just important information, but enlightening interpretations by experienced political observers.

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Yes, just think of the role that Reuters has played. The Rothschilds. Maybe this literally does go all the way back to Jesus of Nazareth. To Canaanites?

Everyone is divided and lost connection to their bloodline history, but not the ones playing the big game. It is by definition, Biblical.

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Escalation in progress to the scare event; Ghost’s on top of the progress, ‘… it will be the bros from the Sovereign Alliance that keep the world from tipping over the precipice, and into the abyss.’ It looks like England’s in the throes of its own civil war. ‘What Britain needs is Nigel Farage; just like America needs President Donald Trump.’

Yes, lawsuits can be very effective indeed!

George Soros not only is personally evil, but he has spread it around the globe! He must be one to face a tribunal, please!

Ashe reminds us of the ‘cackler’s’ role in everything involved with border fraud via the illegal invasion of aliens from….everywhere! Now, the goals are being revealed, finally!

BB notes, ‘So, tell me again … which side is in control, here? He also stated the absolute bottom line: ‘The System is dying. Do not mourn its death throes.’

God bless the truth-seekers!🙏. What a time to be alive, knowing God is in control.

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Absolutely amazing time to be alive !!

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Yesterday’s huge market drop is not a good place for Trump to place blame on Kamala. The stock market may have fallen due to fears of recession but it is not going to crash for that reason. In fact, it has no real reasons to crash at all.

What happened yesterday is precisely what market timers do to take advantage of any bad news. They hype up the negative to drive the market down so they can buy stocks at lower levels. But, long term it takes something much more severe to create a depression. We are not even close right now.

Here is the problem as I see it. Business in America is doing quite well when it comes to corporations. They know how to deal with adversity and act accordingly. That is how they stay in business regardless of how stupidly our government behaves.

That brings me to the real problem, a government acting stupidly. This is exactly why Trump is sitting out the proof of stupidity. He is allowing the stupid leaders to show us how smart they are in bailing out their stupidity. I find this to be very entertaining knowing how this will end. You see, we have two completely different economies at work. The Ponzi scheme government economy is failing at a rapid rate because their ability to prop up the game has ended. The collapse is inevitable.

Meanwhile, people are getting up, getting dressed and going to work. Business is still doing OK. It could be doing far better than OK if the government wasn’t sucking so much money out of it. So, the solution to the Ponzi scheme is the Free Enterprise Capitalist scheme.

Now, if we apply simple math we find the answer. Our Socialist leaders have been picking the pockets of the Capitalists for well over a hundred years and we have allowed it to happen. But now it has been exposed for what it has always been by a Capitalist who has had enough! He has laid a trap for the Socialists by making them speed up their evil game to a rate that is bringing it to it’s knees. It is a beautiful thing to witness if we have the proper perspective.

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Except that business in America is not doing that well, and Google is going down, Buffet is dropping Apple like a hot potato , and banks are on the edge of a knife. I think this is gonna be a helluva an entertaining ride from here on. The market tanking and the economy dumping into a deep recession for 4-8 months will be the perfect WAKE TF UP call to anyone who dares remain asleep. And they are still out there. There's still to much sympathy for the Left right now. #FullCourtPress

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GBPH: Thank you for your boldness! 🙏🏼

BB: "One of the great lies of the False Reality is that a system built on leverage and usury is not only entirely sensible, but vital for the survival of the many." Amen. (Lev.26 provides proof.)

That said - terms like "System" and "Decentralized" and "Sovereignty" lack rigor. They are merely ideas that are likely to have as many shades of meaning as there are readers of these Takes.

For me, for example, currency of any kind is a convenience. It allows for the trading of goods, services, expertise and risks between two or more persons (Adam Smith). The more persons who accept a currency, the more the convenience variable impacts its total value. Crudely put, if I need a pair of shoes and I have a side of beef to barter for them - I will expend a lot of time and energy trying to actuate that trade. If I can trade the side of beef for a commonly accepted currency, to an individual known by the community as a good source of beef, I can use that commonly accepted currency to buy the shoes I need (hopefully with some currency (or beef) left over). The issue is - the more convenience value accumulated by the increased commonality, the more likely the currency will become prone to control and/or manipulation (our humanity is predictable). Rarity, whether of rocks or beads or metals or digital entries on a blockchain, reduces the convenience factor and therefore indirectly limits the persons and/or influences the intrinsic value (though currently our "value system" is not calculated by beef or shoes but by another currency).

My point - the issue is not one of currency! It is one of Truth and Justice as defined by our Father and Creator - Who also happens to Love us enough to die for us.

PS - For those who were interested: https://hisgloriousvictory.substack.com/p/a-laymens-guide-to-the-last-things-e15?r=q0fod - third in the series.

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You are 100% correct concerning the need for a reliable currency. What is evil is using that currency to legally rob the people who rely on it. That is what our government does, by design, with inflation.

We have been sold the idea that a 1% to 2% controlled inflation of the dollar makes our currency more stable and resists recessions. But, in fact it guarantees our currency is becoming less valuable every year. A dollar today will buy what several Pennies bought in 1900. The trick is, they pick our pocket so slowly that we don’t miss the few Pennie’s they take each year.

The even more evil they invented is the Federal Reserve. This is a credit card for the Congress with no credit limit. The combination of inflation and the Fed has created the fiasco we have today with a national debt of $35 Trillion with debt payments of a Trillion per year.

Our currency is fast approaching worthless levels. The solution is to face facts and stop fooling ourselves. That is exactly what Trump is showing us by letting the old system implode on itself. But, that is far better than letting the corruption continue. The fix is not getting easier with time. Ponzi schemes never do. And, what we have here is just an elaborate Ponzi scheme.

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Interesting take on inflation here, St Louis Fed:


I searched this out because most so-called 'inflation calculators' use the US CPI which apparently started in 1913, thus that is as far back as one can easily calculate inflation. But the interesting take from this article (which of course attempts to justify the Fed's management of the economy) is that they have created a new statistical approach to justify the 'new' system which replaced the gold standard.

This statistic is called: 'coefficient of variation. This measure is defined as the ratio between the standard deviation and the mean of a given variable.'

The theory is that more stability (low COV) is better than instability. OK, sounds good -- until you back out the actual data by going back to the mean and standard deviation, which are what most 'normal' statisticians use. Here's the data including mean, COV and SD for the intervals the StL Fed quotes:

pre-Fed period (1790-1913): mean inflation 0.4%, COV 13.2, thus SD = 5.3%

1941-2016: mean 3.5%, COV 0.8, thus SD = 2.8%

post-Volcker era (1988-2016): mean 2.2%, COV 0.4, thus SD = 0.9%.

StL Fed says:

'In other words, with the joint creation of the Fed and the abandonment of metal convertibility of the currency, the economy traded off higher inflation for more stable inflation. Higher inflation is generally bad, as it taxes nominal asset holdings and cash transactions. More-stable inflation is generally good, as it makes the future easier to predict, resulting in more-efficient economic decisions, lower costs of long-term (nominal) contracts and increased stability of the financial system.'

Sorry, but I don't buy that inflation (including occasional deflation) varying by 5% up and down, year-to-year, while maintaining a more or less steady long-term average value (+0.4% p/a), is necessarily worse than 2.8% variations with an average of +3.5%. The Fed twists and turns with its interpretive stance, but I just can't squint my eyeballs enough to see it the way they want.

I'll take the gold standard back and trust the (less managed) economy to take care of the rest -- which it apparently did just fine from 1790 until 1913. Which was (coincidentally? don't think so) when the DS Rat Bastards (h/t Joe Kronner) inaugurated not only the Fed but the (never actually legally approved) income tax.

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That is a very interesting article. It is fun to see the Fed justify itself based on statistics they choose to use.

What I tend to do is to base my opinion on my personal experiences and my observation of what I witness with our system.

What the Fed says could be true but there is one fact that no one ever seems to take into account. Inflation is a good thing for the stock market if bad for the individual. A business will increase selling prices if they find inflation is eating into profits. Marking up higher purchase prices actually increases margins. Then, the fact that inflation makes it necessary to spend more dollars for the same asset, the share price of the stock jumps accordingly while the net net of this entire scenario is zero! No one actually won but the shareholder at least broke even or made some profit…on paper.

So, yesterday was a net zero even though it hurt to see a thousand points evaporate into thin air. Ultimately the market will be forced to make back that thou to get back on it’s 200 year growth curve. The Fed has no way to control what they do not understand profit and loss. That is not their expertise, and I see that as a real problem because they have no product to sell. They just print money with little to no backing. That needs to stop.

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Another fact about inflation, is that it turns equity (basis) into income (capital gains). As in, you buy 100 shares of XYZ at $10 a share and 5 years later you sell at $15 a share. But, inflation in those years accounts for say $3 of the gain -- so you pay tax on all $5 when only $2 of it is actual gain in value.

Thus, inflation is a way for the government to take everything from us, over time, a little at a time so we won't really see it. Death by a thousand cuts...

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In this case, not government, but bankers. Bankers use governments this side of the millennium.

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Net return after taxes and inflation...the correct way to measure investing.

Most large cap companies' gains can be accounted for by inflation (or said the other way, their paper gains are not performance driven but economy driven) making their dividends their primary attraction.

I think I get your point WB but your are using a model that still suggests a 10% net return in a 5+% average annual inflation model (assuming a 20% cap gains tax)...sorry if I am missing the point...

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No, you're right on HGV -- this hypothetical investment still does OK, the point is that it would have done better without inflation and the resulting effect on income tax.

These sort of numbers are so arbitrary, hypothetical if you like, that you shouldn't conclude anything from them than relative observations.

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That’s their game in a nutshell!

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I agree that inflation is neither necessary nor helpful...period, hard stop!

What does add a bit of a twist to it all is the comparison of inflation to pay (earned income). I admit it has been a while since I built that calculus out but, at the time, average wage gains were actually slightly higher than average CPI (inflation) about 0.5% per year). Where the slighting (costs over wages) occurred were in medical expenses, education costs, and government spending - meaning they grew significantly faster than average CPI AND average DOL wage gains. SO even as our wages grew a bit faster than "inflation" overall, middle income families and seniors were disproportionately disadvantaged.

I believe that was/is intentional and has been a strategy for millennia. I also believe there is an answer to all of these issues if we are willing to treat one another justly...

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Ghost: "...many of whom have assimilated to British culture..."

Assimilated is, perhaps, the wrong word. To "assimilate to" means "come to resemble". Is that what you intended? Or did you mean "adapted to British culture"? Or integrated?

Anyway, thanks to all for another excellent brief!

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Perhaps colonization. But really... it's ethnocide.

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Billboard in Tehran: 'Indeed, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Son of Mary, is a messenger of God.'

Close, but significant miss.

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Apparently as close as Muslims in Tehran can get to the Truth.

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The people who've been in power and who have projected that power everywhere in the world are Legion. Make room for their loss of power brother.

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More simply put Ghost, it’s Muslims that the British are pushing back against

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But not exclusively. There are other immigrants, such as some from certain regions of Africa, who create a culture clash.

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"General Flynn responded to Elon Musk over the weekend, saying that civil war in Britain was already underway."

This is exactly what they want. That's the end game. They've been dying to get this reaction from the American people for the past 8 years. They thought the lockdowns would work.

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Hmmmm...you're a bit of a loon with poor judgment about people, as evidenced by your childish "handle update", but at least you're consistent with your ass-backward takes, eh coward?

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Don't waste your time, CT.

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If you really wanna rattle his cage, get me unblocked too and we'll troll him into obscurity. Lol!

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This guy is pure entertainment from the Dumbass Region. And, he blocks everyone proving he's the coward. HAHaaa!! Can't make this stuff up. 🤣🤣

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It's been a long time now since I blocked you. So why is it you can still see my posts?

Matter of fact if I'm so far off base why do you even bother commenting?

You have to because it's your job.

You shouldn't be able to see anything of mine anymore. Yet here you are. Comment section creeper.

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I don’t think Americans will go down the civil war path, however, likely some of Soros/Obama thugs may try to riot us into civil war….

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Sure F.L.D.

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We see it all around us BB: "The System is dying. Do not mourn its death throes. — Burning Bright"

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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GBPH - I've been cruising over the top of this stuff at 30,000 ft for some time. The details you are finding are excellent..This is what makes entertainment in Hollywood, so once all of this crap is cleaned up, that's going to be a major asset in softening the blow of all this to the public psyche over the next few years...

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