
Another home run Erik! I agree with you on the forgiveness aspect of this war.

There is a clear difference between powerful people who are behind the slaughter, trafficking and global financial control and those that are rich and powerful puppets forced to do their bidding.

Let’s not forget, that before Trump came along, everyone was under the threat of a two tier justice system and the government going after you.

If your family and friends were threatened with murder, prison and you had no way to prevent it, would you give in?

Trump now gives us a choice, but before him, during Obama’s reign, there was no protection.

Q told us that many were forced to do the puppet masters bidding because of threats.

Guess who was one of them, speaking of tech companies.

Jack Dorsey.

Jack Dorsey is aligned with Elon and was forced to do what happened at Twitter.

I will definitely get into that in one of my coming articles.

Dorsey is an example of what you are writing about, a very smart guy, who will help the country stay at the cutting edge of future technology, but a guy who did not have control of his own company and took a lot of blame for what happened with censorship.

Great subject my friend!


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Thank you Joe, your knowledge on what seems like everything is astounding.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23Liked by Joe Lange

Forgiveness has it's place and yes forgiveness is in fact a form of freedom, for both the forgiven and those who choose to forgive.

However, I would be extremely careful about Big Tech and the people inhabiting that world.

Yes there are the Elon Musks and Jack Dorseys who may or may not have been coerced into going along with the Cabal mafioso's and to do their bidding.

Mark Zuckerberg is a borderline case, I think he's repented recently only because it looks like the game maybe up for him.

Then there are those who are completely unrepentant Satanists, who show through their actions every day they are completely beyond forgiveness in any form.

One such name everyone can recognize is Bill Gates, a creature (can't even think of him as being human) who exemplifies everything the Cabal stands for and for whom forgiveness doesn't apply. In fact anyone who frequented Epstein island as much as Gates did should be on an automatic hit list of those who get a one way ticket to Gitmo and then off this planet(if you know what I mean).

Another one (had he lived) was Steve Jobs, a well documented sociopath who lifted Apple to the heights of being one of the most ruthless exploiters of it's customer base and who literally treats their customers like braindead zombies, of whom most are.

But It's not just the billionaire owners and shareholders in Tech companies who are dangerous.

As was seen during Musk's takeover of Twitter, the rank and file employees and the very fabric of these companies have been tainted to the point of being unsalvageable.

Musk initially only fired the C suite and board of Twitter, he didn't want to fire everyone, but when he discovered Alphabet agencies and their agents all throughout the organization he had no other choice. They were in the process of sabotaging Twitter so that Musk couldn't use it to oppose their agenda.

Anyone who want a good view of what they typical Cabal owned Big Tech CEO thinks and acts like, have a look at this interview.

Ex Google CEO Eric Schmidt Most Controversial BANNED Interview


BTW, here is Schmidt's "country club" membership: https://www.weforum.org/people/eric-schmidt/

Side Note: He's also now a licensed arms dealer.


Google is an example of a Tech company which will need to be razed to the ground as their woke culture is completely ingrained to all employees of that company.

As an example, their AI models are so tainted and indoctrinated with the Satanic woke doctrine that even the MSM couldn't cover for them.




As for the other major items discussed here, AI is a double-edged sword, there are uses for it but it's also a honeytrap.

I don't buy into the miraculous abilities of AI being promised by used car salesmen like Sam Altman, whom Elon Musk warned us about.


I do believe AI is a trap set by the white hats, it's an irresistible piece of cheese for the Cabal because it can promise push button totalitarian control over the population with very few people needing to manage it and the Cabal having sole control over it.

Ask yourself this question: the Cabal still has hundreds of billions of dollars hidden away for use in their black projects through their money laundering operations.

That money supply is diminishing now that Ukraine is no longer a popular funding target and because the DS lost access to Ukraine as a country they could operate from and money launder through.

So what do can they use that money they are sitting on for? their traditional system of bribery and control is breaking down and that cash they're sitting has an expiry date which will soon be worthless when the fiat Dollar dies.

Two things which suddenly popped up in the past 8 years and which are very tempting for them to go after and try and control.

1) Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies which allows then to try and transfer out their increasingly worthless funds into a form which is not easily traced and is anonymous.

2) AI, which as I said above gives every technocrat (Klaus Schwab) wet dreams of push button control over all of humanity. BTW, It also helps to fulfill some Satanic prophecies of the cult building their own "AI God" which will give them immortality and unlimited power over the natural world.


We now see projects being announced by the Big Tech players that are worth in the $100 billion dollar range to build AI supercomputers to train AGI (human level intelligence) and eventually ASI (Superintelligence, an AI God).

Financially there is currently no real justification for that kind of expenditure, the ROI is so long it doesn't make any sense.


But AI is a piece of irresistible cheese specifically tailored to appeal to the Cabal and it's mentality.

BTW, there is a reason why Trump dropped positive comments on Bitcoin.


I believe Trump knows the Cabal are trying to corner the market on AI for their 2030 Great Reset agenda, I also believe he knows they're desperately trying to extricate themselves from their own fiat currency, now that the Petro-dollar is dead and move into Bitcoin.

There are two ways this is a trap,

1) the white hats egg on the Cabal to pour billions into AI infrastructure and tie up their resources in the hope of them "taking over the world" with this superior AI models which they can use to monitor and track all citizens.

What if in fact AI isn't going to be what they expect? What if it's limitations are such than it's not possible to implement their digital utopia(for them).

I won't delve into the technical aspects of the future of AI, for those with the technical knowledge and stamina to read such reports here's an overview of the challenges which lay ahead.


2) Now as for BTC, it's not going to replace the everyday dollar, it can't be used for normal transactions on the consumer level because of the energy costs involved.


In fact BTC will be more like Gold, you can use gold to by a candy bar, but why would you considering it's rarity and expense.

Now Trump wants to stockpile BTC, and Russia along with BRICS has in principle agreed on using it like a reserve currency.

What if Trump is convincing the Cabal to investing and build AI supercomputers which turns out to be less than useful?

What do you do with a Cabal owned AI supercomputers worth $100 billion each(Amazon and Google are looking into building their own as well) and uses 150 megawatts of electricity?

You can enact EO 13818


And can take over those computers if they're used by a criminal organization (I think Microsoft and Bill Gates will be found to fit this description).

You can then repurpose that infrastructure to mine Bitcoin on a scale no other nation would be able to match.

Yes you can even use those AI servers on more beneficial research other than building an AI God and enslaving every person on the planet.

The shadow chess game in Big Tech has many levels and many possibilities, the sector is useful however the players many not be and should not generally be considered as morally redeemable, every case is unique and needs to be examined that way.

Time to end it here this thesis is getting a bit long.

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That's a lot of fascinating information! Much food for thought - and prayer. I clicked on this link "https://digiconomist.net/bitcoin-energy-consumption" and read some of it, because I don't understand what bitcoin is, and the article actually helped somewhat with that. Although I did have to bail out with an "I'm blonde! I'm old! This is way over my head" feeling. The part you talked about last (taking over the bad guys' stuff) is so encouraging and exciting!

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

What a thought provoking article! I only wish I had a quarter of the understanding of bitcoin and block chain that most Badlanders have. Thank you, Eric at least now I'm beginning to understand the impact they will have on the world. I also believe that President Trump is one of the most intelligent & savvy people on this earth. I also think our beautiful First Lady, Melania is more involved in this venture than people will ever know. Remember the bitcoin dress she worn on the day they left DC and she did post a "Happy Birthday" to bitcoin. Just food for thought

Thank you for always writing such an informative articles.

God bless and God wins

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

Like you, I know little about Bitcoin. But it all ties in with funding the government with tariffs and ending the FED.

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Melania is smart and gorgeous! Wasn't that the most fabulous red Dior (I think) suit she wore at the Republican convention?? Wowza.

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

This reminds me of Reagan. He did not want an ARMS RACE, But he looked at it as if there is going to be one we were not going to loose it

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

Many currents and counter-currents, in the waves under the mist over the lake...

(h/t Burning Bright, Righteous Russia #8)

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

Our Fearless Tiger was hitting on all cylinders with his Righteous Russia series….👏. What gifts God has given this young man. So many other young folks are engaged 100% and this gives me peace regarding our future!🙏🙏

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We are indeed thankful to have him, and all of his Badlands comrades-in-arms! 💖🙏🕊

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

I am not familiar with how Bitcoin works and haven't found a lot of people I know, even one of my grandsons, that knows how it works but has invested in some! All that to say, with Bitcoin is it all digital as far as money goes or will there be something you can handle such as cash? I know that may sound ignorant to some people and I admit it, but I am sure a lot of people my age will wonder about this. By the way I am 77 years young!

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I don’t think it’s necessary to fully understand bitcoin. It basically doesn’t allow people to print money out of thin air creating inflation. I think bitcoin will be used to protect the US dollar.

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

Thank you Erik for sharing your understanding of bitcoin. "I think bitcoin will be used to protect the US dollar", this quote makes sense given that Trump and MAGA are the patriots of "common sense"! God bless you Erik and may the Lord bless you with wisdom and discernment!

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That's good enough for me! Trusting God in all things.

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

Same on the age thing! Same on the everything else too except Grandsons (lucky you!). I'm still caring for my almost 41-year-old intellectually disabled son. (People who talk of oppression and prejudice should have to deal with raising a human being in this: the REAL minority population in our country!! Living in the State that is ranked 49th out of services for the disabled certainly doesn't make it easier. (Georgia - Talking to you Kemp). I certainly hope this brighter future for our country treats this part of the population better in the future than I've seen for the last 40 years. Sorry.... off the soap box now. Been advocating so long, don't know how to stop.

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So sorry Emily that you are carrying this burden of caring for your son in the times we now live in, which makes it even more difficult! I pray you will be able to get the assistance you need to care for your son. Praying for the Lord to pour out His grace on you and give you wisdom and strength as you care for your son.

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Your prayers and caring are so much appreciated. Raising a disabled child takes a lot of faith and mine holds steady. Because I know that there are people God placed in my path over the years so I could discover things I didn't even know I needed to know to in order to obtain services for my son and to plan for his future without me. Now I try to make sure other parents understand and know about waivers, guardianship, Special Needs Trust and limitations on assets for our children that can deny them any financial help like SSI and so much more. Plus the fact that advocating for our children is a never ending goal. Prayers are mighty, especially when we live in times like this. I'm grateful for all I receive and can return.

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Praying for you and your son, Emily! Thank you for sharing that.

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Thank you Margot! I've experienced the power of prayer when people come together. I think we're seeing that now with our country, the more the better! ❤️ I'd post of a photo my very patriotic little man but don't see a way. His name is Dwight, he turns 41 in a couple of weeks, he's missing a major part of his brain, but has accomplished far more than predicted when born. His called "the little patriotic dude" by our local American Legion as he partcipates in Wreaths across America at our National Veterans Cemetery. He can't write or read but knows he's named for Eisenhower, has an extensive collection of military caps from all branches except Coast Guard and Space X. Loves and knows WWII history, or military history in general and never passes up an opportunity to go up to any veteran he sees, and offer a handshake and a salute with a thank you. This is one way he's acquired so many different caps. 🥰 He's especially proud that a cousin was in a motorcade for Trump and was given a US President cap. We are now required to call him Mr. President when he picks that one to wear. He wears his hat collection proudly and his room looks like a military museum (according to his Uncle, my brother, a Viet Nam Veteran.

TMI!! Can't tell I love him at all, can you? ❤️

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Oh my goodness, Emily - that is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing! I come from a military family (U.S. Army). My dad was one of the guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington when he was young. He served in WW2 combat on various Pacific islands. Sadly, when he retired after 23 years and we moved, most of his military records and memorabilia were lost by the movers. He never talked about details of the war. We lost him to ALS at the age of 53 (I was 23; I’m 69 now and still miss him) Your son sounds like a wonderful guy! And you sound pretty wonderful too. Prayers continuing for your family!!! Have a blessed weekend.

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Happy you enjoyed it. Blessings to you and thank you for your father's service. What an honor to be a guard at the Tomb of the Uknown and can be a grueling duty also. So sorry he passed away so young.

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The mining aspect of Bitcoin confused a lot of people. It uses a huge amount of electricity and there are not a lot of coins left to mine which limits it and makes it more valuable. On the other hand nothing physical exists which is why a good friend steered his fiance away from buying a few thousand dollars worth early. He regrets it now because she would now have over 120 million dollars of Bitcoin value today.

Enter Kamala wanting to tax capital gains not yet in your hand here. Will she tax that ,not in your wallet, Bitcoin gain at 25%?

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If people are taxed they will be forced to to sell Bitcoin, stocks, homes, to pay the tax. That will destroy the price of everything.

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All taxes are theft... Prove me wrong please...

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Carolyn, Instead of thinking of Bitcoin as money, think of it as energy. It takes a lot of energy to mine bitcoin. The energy creates an open source ledger that anyone can see what bitcoin is moving to what account. We don't always know what account goes to what account holder. But anyone can see the transaction. I want to buy your old fishing pole for .025 bitcoin. Anyone can see the account of mine, just the numer not me. and see that .025 bitcoin moved from my account to another account. Your account but they can't necessiarly see that account as yours. But everyone can see the movement of the coin. So it's open source, anyone can see it. It's a public open source ledger that updates every so often and all transactions are visible on the ledger. Hope this helps... BitCoin The peaceful weapon!!!

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Fascinating. I still don't really grok it, but maybe someday!

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I feel the same, and I don't have any kids or grands to help me!

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

Thanks Erik for another very interesting read.

I believe the tide began to turn the day Trump was elected in 2016 and since then everything has been about the take down and the Awakening. So the Big Tech movement towards MAGA is part of the show and would seem to indicate at least some chose wisely.

2024 has been nothing short of amazing. I wake up everyday with a big smile on my face... we are winning BIGGLY. I am sure there will be many twists and turns as we head into these last 75 days before Nov 5, but what a ride:-)

Softwar is deep but a great read... talking about what more Bitcoin is besides money...

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

I like cash money, not this stock market Bit Coin that has been hacked more than once. Never liked the auto deposit. I sure as H hate these voice calls I can't understand. SELF CHECK OUT is the top of my list. If I have to use them, lower prices 30%, the cost of a checker/bagger, or if I need help with heavy items. I'm 76 years old, no spring chicken, currently nursing a broken wrist. No one notices the long black splint on a very white arm and offer to help. My house hasn't been cleaned in 3 weeks, and won't be for 2 or more months. Can't even watch TV for the filth on it. If you need a month to sell the crappy stuff, at least pick good people who overcome. Men of Honor Carl Brashear needs promoted. Add in real Christian, Patritotism, and law and order where justice is carried out swiftly.

Bad enough my husband watches these idiot over paid sports players who hate America. I turn my hearing aids down. Get out is you love communisim so well.

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I wish you lived near me. I’d bring in a team from our church to help! (Probably can’t do anything about your husband’s choice in TV programs, though!🤣

God bless you as you heal and may He give you hope and peace!🙏🙏

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I will pray for you, Abigail. Find a good church that teaches and preaches the Bible, which will also have people who love the Lord who would love to help you.

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

Nice job, Eric. While you’re at it, check out News Treason on Rumble.

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Great work. The British Cabal is the Khazarian Kabal. Kabbalah blah blah blah. Commerce is ancient, pre Moses, it is Satan’s dominion. Income tax is one hair on satan furry body, he isn’t going to miss that one hair. On the upside, systems of control have gotten so complex Satan has lost control of them entirely. The beast is chained to a billion tapping fingers and selfies posted from God’s Earth.

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

I’m not as cynical as you seem to be re the income tax removal. It may be one hair on a vicious, hairy dog, but it is an important start. Government claws into the backs of the working/paycheck people is nothing but evil at its core. Money or gain from honest labor (physical, mental, artistic, agricultural etc) belongs in the hands of the earner, to be spent at “his” sole discretion.

When we really take a thorough look at how much an earned dollar is sucked back into govt coffers (to whom, really, and for what, exactly, and why)… we realize that purchase of, say, a frying pan… includes the cost of bringing that frying pan to my hands to buy… look at ALL the layers and components that build that cost. You’ll find the store pays many taxes (cap gains, property, soc-sec employer share, accounting dept staff etc to track numbers for all this… then the employees…social security/medicare, income tax… then the manufacturer (and their employees) and delivery system… trucks and trucking companies pay ridiculous taxes including highway maintenance —- all these and more extract wealth from “we the people” all down the line.

Now, consider the many ways this monster uses these funds to extract more - like, say, using tax dollars or govt tax-driven opportunity to incur debt, to build a great park, which then charges people to pay for using it…

If wisdom were employed to shrink and ravel the govt stranglehold, it would take much less to accomplish much more, creatively and in freedom.

But for THIS to work, we need cultural, moral, historical education - at all levels, to play catch-up… to undo, carefully, the knotted and twisted perverted systems that now threaten to wipe out civilization and a large segment of the human race.

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

Yes indeed we do….and that’s where those whom God has prepared for this time come into the picture. Blessings 🙏

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Very well said!

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

Have you never had a thread come loose on a garment or knitted throw, only to pull on it, to break it off or knot it back in, somehow? The income tax is perhaps that innocent-looking thread that actually undoes the whole garment/hem/throw… let’s start with this👍🏽😉🗝

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Yes, and I suspect there are MANY who still don’t associate the evil one with current events…

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

You always post articles that reveal your excellence in discernment! ‘Without DARPA and the CIA….’ This is demonstrably true and extends way beyond the tech world into big pharma and the medical industry, at the very least. The Q posts said that many would (essentially) be let off the hook for their crimes in the furtherance of our destruction to fulfill the cabal’s agenda. Like you, I have had a change of thought regarding justice phase - enough that I believe I understand the post now. There are many of us who were never fully asleep and questioned most things along the way and this has been a blessing. If in the space of 24 hours we learned what many of us have known for years (especially the darkest parts), we would become unhinged by the shock….

You are also correct about the forgiveness factor in order to return to our constitutional republic. None of us can throw the first rock and each of us understands our core to some extent. Your reference to Paul reminds me that forgiveness WILL be one of the key elements to that return. The same brilliant minds will be needed still. We also need to remember that the most ‘awake’ of us likely was asleep about some element of the psychological reality we lived under. We each have been awakening at different stages and we must remember our first disbelief when we first realized it was a ‘movie’ and offer our support for the newbies just as others supported us.

AI and Bitcoin and who knows what else will finally see the light and be needed for the future, but it does behoove us to be generous in support and forgiveness. God tells us that vengeance is His.

Of course, crimes against humanity and children, as well as treason (often connected) are punishable by death. We will need to publicly prosecute and impose sentences on these for many reasons, but primarily to ensure mankind gets the message this will not be allowed again. Otherwise, it will be perceived as ‘business as usual’ and we must not allow that.

God’s will be done in His time and unlike some, I believe He has specifically gifted many, many individuals for this ancient battle who will prevail. Thank you for being one of the gifted who is using that talent and sharing it with us! God bless you, Erik.🙏🙏

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

Show the PEOPLE the MONEY...

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

I can forgive the guilty after justice has been served. In many (not all) cases, this will involve crimes against humanity, treason, sedition, murder, and/or child rape. In these cases, justice may involve the maximum punishment-- nothing else will properly suffice. There is a time to forgive but we are not there yet.

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Aug 22Liked by Erik Carlson

The guy next to Trump doesn't look all that happy.

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Badlands ~ May I make a suggestion? If U put a button at bottom of articles where I can donate ONE TIME, I'd probably donate $20 1 out of 5 articles. just a guess. I HATE subscriptions cuz I forget about them & it's a pain to unsubscribe. You guys are really good at what I do. Maybe the button is already there & I'm missing it.

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You've given us a lot to think about, Erik. You always do.

I am not sure I can forgive some entities/people, but there are certainly some that I can and will forgive. There are whole groups of people that I forgive. I forgive our fellow citizens who shunned the unvaccinated (myself and others), because I believe they were horribly manipulated into doing so. I forgive celebrities that have been outspoken and berated conservatives for decades, because even they likely have no clue what is really happening right now. I don't have to like them or remotely have them in my life to forgive them for being used by evil sociopathic people.

I do not honestly think, however, that I will ever be able to forgive (and I know it would be much more Christ-like to do so) those who have knowingly hurt large swaths of their fellow human beings. This includes mentally, financially, emotionally, and spiritually - not just physically, though that is the worst offense. Zuckerberg knowingly did more to hurt half our country's population than most, and in so many ways, so forgiving him is a tall order. He would have to work very hard for a very long time to proactively earn any forgiveness from me. In any case, those who actively facilitated the largest crimes against humanity, just as you mentioned in the opening of this excellent essay, will be the ones I may never forgive. And there are too many to name. They have stolen so much of what makes up our humanity, robbed us of peace, stolen our lives that we had prior to 2020, shattered our relationships with people we once loved, forced and coerced millions to submit to being grievously harmed or killed. Sterilized a whole generation, tainted the human gene pool, turned neighbor against neighbor, plundered our savings in the largest transfer of wealth in history. I could go on. I know you excluded these tyrants and their henchmen from those to forgive. Forgiveness for them may come from those who are better equipped than me. Forgiveness to me has to be earned, and I truly do not think that those monsters are capable of repairing their immense damage or of contrition.

In any case, you have given us all food for thought yet again. Thank you!

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Aug 23Liked by Erik Carlson

Forgiveness is one thing. However, exposure of crimes is essential so they can be tried in The court of public opinion. let their reputations be ruined. It will be hard for the “elite” to live with that. Also, what about monetary compensation? Can their money be used to pay back the massive federal debt ? And what is to keep them from committing these crimes again?

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