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For the first time in two years, our politicians and mainstream media are talking about the reality of January 6, 2021.
Better yet, because of the reporting of Tucker Carlson, Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola has filed a motion to have his charges dropped, with prejudice, given that we “now know” the federal government lied and suppressed the truth in support of their political narrative. This is a move that every single J6 hostage should follow, and every American citizen and official should support.
Whether supporting or attempting to discredit the reporting of Tucker Carlson on his primetime Tucker Carlson Tonight, the American normies are in shock and/or hysteria as they face never-before-seen footage that shatters their fake reality.
This is a reality that they’ve not only believed, but defended on their Facebook pages and with their family members as sacred truth – because the media said it was the truth. They are realizing that they were wrong, that they got deceived, and that they attacked others because of their deception and inability to see the truth.
In other words, the normies are having a rough week. We were all normies once and, if we’re honest, waking up is hard to do.
This is why I am surprised and disappointed in the reception of Carlson’s reporting by MAGA Nation this week. All of a sudden, verified, card carrying Truth Tellers have forgotten one very important and indisputable truth:
We are not Tucker Carlson’s audience.
Who is Tucker Carlson’s Audience?
Everyone in the freedom movement has broken up with Tucker Carlson at one point or another. Many then run back and leave again. It’s your traditional on-again, off-again relationship for many of the awake.
I left Tucker in late 2020 when he revealed his fear posture and refused to cover Sidney Powell’s claims and evidence of the stolen presidential election – claims and evidence that have since proven out and are supported by multiple independent investigations and government admissions.
Tucker died to me that day, and I haven’t tuned into Fox News since. I consume some clips on social media and, if something from a clip appears worth my time, I may check out a full segment on YouTube (on double speed). I never tune into their platforms when their shows are airing.
Tucker Carlson lost credibility for me – and damn near everyone I know — when he participated in the coverup of the stolen 2020 election. I’m not into boomerang relationships, and I won’t go back to people who lie to me.
I know the truth, so I fundamentally understand that I am not Tucker’s audience.
But he still has a pretty large audience for cable news.
Without me and my crew, Tucker Carlson’s nightly show still comfortably nets over 3M viewers each evening. He dominates his time slot, and his network, and those viewers have, until now, had the truth of January 6 hidden from them.
Does Anyone Still Watch the Mainstream Media? Yes.
On Monday, March 6, according to Ad Week, Fox’s Tucker Carlson had 3,695,000 viewers, compared to CNN’s Anderson Cooper with 582,000 and MSNBC’s Chris Hayes with 1,230,000.
The following night, Tuesday, March 7, Carlson gained 441K and had 4,136,000 viewers. Cooper lost viewers with 577,000, while Hayes gained 200K, coming in at 1,436,000. Tucker’s disclosures were on the agenda for both of those programs Tuesday.
That’s 6,149,000 people that learned, many for the first time, that there is a viable alternative to the government’s January 6 narrative.
That is powerful.
Given the reception and public buzz around Monday’s episode, Tucker’s team would expect to increase their viewership. They would prepare to recap Monday’s story on Tuesday for their new viewers. That’s how daily news programming works, and Carlson has been doing this a long time.
Tucker and his team are also likely getting an incredible amount of audience feedback and, again given how this process works, framing their content to reduce confusion and lack of clarity based on what their audience is telling them.
Remember: If you already know the truth about J6, you are not the target audience of this content.
Between Monday and Tuesday, 441,000 new people were exposed to the truth about Jacob Chansley, Brian Sicknick, and how “five police officers died during the violent insurrection.”
This is important.
The veracity, volume, and persistence of the government’s lies are foundational to understanding ANY of the J6 footage that Tucker has already released and may release in the future.
For example, on March 16, 2021, CNN reported that, “ of 'QAnon Shaman' at Capitol riot … angered the judge after Chansley lied in a 60 Minutes interview and said police waved rioters in on January 6th.”
That judge never saw the evidence that proved Jacob Chansley was, in fact, telling the truth. But millions of people watch 60 Minutes. No big deal, it’s a textbook violation of the Brady Rule, opening up all J6 defendants for credible calls for a mistrial.
In another example, the lies about Brian Sicknick are still being told, even this week, as the Attorney General of the United States doubled down on Wednesday and repeated the obvious and provably false lie that five police officers died during or as a result of the fake “insurrection.”
“I think all Americans saw what happened on January 6 and most saw it as it was happening; it was a violent attack on a fundamental tenet of American democracy—that power is peacefully transferred from one Administration to another. Over a hundred officers were assaulted on that day. Five officers died." — Attorney General Merrick Garland, March 8, 2023
Throughout the week, we’ve heard the cries of the establishment on all institutional fronts: ‘How dare Tucker Carlson suggest that January 6 wasn’t a very violent insurrection?!’
Tucker didn’t suggest anything. He showed video evidence that proved the government has lied about everything regarding January 6. They’ve lied for two years. They held hearings to engage in a coverup of the truth.
We all know this, of course.
But Tucker’s audience – which again is not those who already know the truth about J6 – is just now coming to terms with that reality.
At the time of writing, for three nights in a row, Tucker Carlson has hammered that reality into the minds of his normie viewers. That is YUGE.
I Get the Frustration, I Really Do.
I never hid the fact that I was at the US Capitol in Washington, D.C. on January 6. I actually went out of my way to make my story of the fake insurrection well known among my personal and professional contacts.
I’ve nothing to hide. I did nothing wrong.

Rather, I was gassed by the U.S. Capitol Police when I was nowhere near violence and without cause or warning. My vocal chords were damaged, according to my doctor and medical records.
People were trampled, babies and children were gassed, elderly men and women were harmed – again without any sort of warning or announcement or riot declaration – by the Capitol Police.
I and thousands of others have painful stories and real damages from the actions of the government on that day. Our stories haven’t been allowed to be told.
‘Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.’
‘You never should have been there in the first place.’
‘You’re a violent insurrectionist.’
We’ve been gaslit about our experiences for the past two years. Many of the persecuted J6 prisoners have been abandoned by their families who believe the government and media (but I repeat myself) narrative. Others’ family members have fought for them relentlessly, with very little support from the American institutions, and to the shocking apathy of the American normies.
I went to D.C. with hundreds of Coloradans and hundreds of thousands of Americans to protest the obvious fraud in the November 3, 2020 election. We all know it was stolen. Elections – all of them – have been stolen for years.
According to polling, the percentage of people who believed the election was stolen at that time was in the mid thirties. Following the 2022 midterm elections, that number is above 60%. The stolen election is important. Covering it up was the entire reason for the government’s fake “insurrection” narrative and actions.
As Tucker has shown, the official January 6 story isn’t a miscommunication, misunderstanding, or mistake. It is a massive, highly coordinated lie. That lie is (still) carried by all of the American institutions.
The reason for the lie is to cover for the November 3, 2020 Coup d'etat.
MAGA Nation should be elated at the progress Tucker helped us make towards righting this unprecedented crime in just three days.
Why is There No New Footage? ‘He’s Withholding Video!’
I see zero evidence that Tucker is finished releasing January 6 footage or reporting on this story. I see significant evidence that he is laying a foundation of knowledge for his audience.
Again, that audience is not MAGA Nation.
That foundation is critical to be able to receive and understand future releases in a more impactful way — a way that leads to action and real change.
In his first three shows, Tucker has proven that:
January 6, 2021 was not a violent insurrection.
Brian Sicknick did not die on January 6 at the hands of protesters.
Protesters in the Capitol believed they were allowed to be there.
Capitol Police were enabling Jacob Chansley and other protesters.
The January 6 Committee willfully lied and withheld evidence.
That’s a handful of pills for normies to swallow, and Tucker is laying the foundation so they don’t choke. He is reinforcing the explosiveness of those five points, which is what all good communicators do when they want their messaging to stick.
I’ve heard many people say that Tucker should have put out all the videos. To be fair, Tucker lacks the authority for such an action. He stated on his show:
“Those videos, which we did not retouch, which we brought to you after running every one by the Capitol Police to make certain that we didn't imperil anybody, and we told you that last night …”
That said, Speaker McCarthy does have that authority, and he has repeatedly vowed to do so as recently as Wednesday of this week in an interview with Breitbart News:
“‘Yeah,’ McCarthy said when asked if the tapes will be fully released to the public. ‘We just want to make sure we go through them all, and it takes time,’ he continued. ‘The first thing that Tucker said too, he didn’t want to show any exits to cause any problems. We asked the Capitol Police, ‘Were there any concerns?’ They came back with one, and we mitigated that, but it was interesting, that one that they had a problem with, Eric Swalwell had had up on the internet for the last two years showing that part.’”
I won’t be holding my breath because government promises are pie crust — easily made, easily broken. But I am more optimistic than ever that the government’s lies about the fake insurrection and the safest and most secure election in history will finally be revealed.
That’s because these recent disclosures reach outside the MAGA Nation echo chamber. That is a good thing.
If my theory of Tucker’s disclosure strategy is right, then additional disclosures are coming – both on his show and in the public sphere more broadly if/when McCarthy releases the footage.
Because of this week’s reporting, millions more people will have eyes to see and ears to hear any new footage when it is released.
Because millions more people will have eyes to see and ears to hear, the impact of additional disclosures will be exponentially greater compared to if Tucker had dumped three nights of J6 footage with little context or explanation onto an audience without the foundation to see the magnitude of this crime.
MAGA Nation needs to take a breath and remember that justice for January 6, 2021 – and November 3, 2020 – is the goal.
And it’s coming.
Rather than throwing stones at Tucker Carlson’s production strategy, how about we prepare to welcome a few more million brothers and sisters into the light?
Badlands Media articles and features represent the opinions of the contributing authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Badlands Media itself.
Ashe in America hosts Culture of Change on Badlands Media, Sundays at 6PM ET. If you enjoyed this contribution to Badlands Media, please consider checking out more of her work for free at Ashe in America.
This SO needed to be said!!! Thank you!!! I have viewed Tucker’s actions like you do, I know many maga truthers are happy to see the light shining on the truth, FINALLY!! You are so right, we are not the intended audience. I’ve been contemplating writing a substack “Progressive disclosure”. The Twitter files are being drip drip dropped much in the same fashion. The normies have much to chew on..let them savor the truth, don’t rush them, truth really does hurt, waking up is the most painful in the early stages. The Biden crime family, drip drip. Epstein client list, drip drip. Stolen election (where can we find Eric) drip drip. Fauci gain of function lies, drip drip. Died suddenly, drip drip. Vaccine profits vs. effectiveness, drip.
So much is being served up to the normies, the table is full, savor each bite. Those of us awake and rearing to go, we all need to sit down and pop a few CBD gummies and chill the heck out.
While following Patriots who were there
Footage of the (actual paid rioters) coming off buses, changing into MAGA gear, and even sharing on social that they indeed were PAID to create a problem. All videos and proof of these things were CENSORED! Which Twitter is so willingly sharing in the name of Freedom and Truth.