This SO needed to be said!!! Thank you!!! I have viewed Tucker’s actions like you do, I know many maga truthers are happy to see the light shining on the truth, FINALLY!! You are so right, we are not the intended audience. I’ve been contemplating writing a substack “Progressive disclosure”. The Twitter files are being drip drip dropped much in the same fashion. The normies have much to chew on..let them savor the truth, don’t rush them, truth really does hurt, waking up is the most painful in the early stages. The Biden crime family, drip drip. Epstein client list, drip drip. Stolen election (where can we find Eric) drip drip. Fauci gain of function lies, drip drip. Died suddenly, drip drip. Vaccine profits vs. effectiveness, drip.

So much is being served up to the normies, the table is full, savor each bite. Those of us awake and rearing to go, we all need to sit down and pop a few CBD gummies and chill the heck out.

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All true 💯

The dilemma is that while so many of these Fauci faucets drip drip billions are infected with toxic LNPs, millions of excess dead, SADS and dying more each day, with more weapons locked and loaded aimed at another generation of infants and preschoolers to begin in a few months... drip drip

How many of these drips and delays are directly related to our leaderships' limited capacity to acknowledge millions of needless deaths and damages while still roaring 'safe and effective'?🫣🤔🤔🫣

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Daniel, yes damage is being done each day. However the risk of waking up the masses too fast is very high, mentally people can’t accept it too fast. If the wake up happens to fast we can have civil unrest in the streets, people jumping off of buildings, bank runs, theft, killing, society is fragile right now!! What I know, I’ve learned over the last three years. Many tears and sleepless nights as I dig deeper and deeper into the dark truth. If I had to consume it faster than the pace I followed, I’d be a mess right now and not much help to others.

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I agree with your reasons and more. My perspective is, if it was me, I would much rather you waken me rudely even violently, then tell me when I gather my faculties, "I had to be cold-hearted in order to help protect a few million or billion innocents." Any neurotypical and even a few not so neurotypical will be grateful you did so and fully understand your dilemma. In short, suck it up! Just sayin'

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I was just thinking, if you were presented with two doors, each leading to a new world. One door, if you enter it, would expose you to every deception you’ve ever endured, you will learn the truth. Deception in your life will still exist, but you’re awake and much harder to fool. The second door, leads you to a world where you will never ever be deceived, but you also will never know how you’ve been deceived in the past. Deception shapes you, learning from the deception arms you with lessons learned. Not knowing how you’ve been deceived is easier for sure, but without learning from previous deception, how will you trust this new world is free of deception? Which door will you enter? Many would rather not know, many will take their chances and enter the door leading to a world free of deception. Me, I can only enter the door where I will uncomfortably learn how I’ve been deceived. Our enemies have created many which will take the easier and more comfortable door to the world free of deception. In which case, they will be forever deceived. We have been programmed to avoid the truth.

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Frank Zappa famously said, “The illusion of freedom [in America] will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion”. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you’ll see the brick wall at the back of the theater”.

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Exactly!!! 😂

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I'm with you.

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I vote with you Lisa. I have spent many hours researching many rabbit holes, verifying, then trying to tell every liberal that surrounds me BUT they just laugh or ignore. I have given up. I like being the conspiracy person whom in 6 months to a year proves to be correct, but wishes she weren't.

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I have been attempting to awaken people since I published Qanon: An Invitation to the Great Awakening in 2019. The result was not the gratitude you suggest, but rather ridicule, insults, repeated censorship, the loss of friendships and family members who no longer speak to me. There was even an attempt on my life. I pray my efforts saved lives, but in true I will never know. To this day no one previously asleep has thanked me for my efforts. However, I am well aware of the price I personally paid including a huge investment in time and effort having tried everything I could think of. It is hardly surprising that this breakthrough was on the mainstream media.

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Please allow me to thank you for all of your efforts. In 2019 to early 2020, I was quite conflicted and confused. If not for those like you who persevered, pushing through the overwhelming true disinformation, misinformation, blatant falsehoods and gaslighting, I would not have been able to find accurate uninfected information. I needed to also trust my own instincts and intuition, though without the unbiased truth from all of you, I may have succumbed to bogus 'medicine and science' like too many others.

Please read at your leisure, Jeffrey Tucker of BI is talking about you (¶ 21):


Thank you very much for all that you have done -- you have saved many from insufferable harm and death.🙏

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Not a "breakthrough" until people want to believe that the "truth" is not what they think . The "previously asleep" are pretty much still napping, I would suggest

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You got ridiculed because Q and Trump are the spearhead for the biggest psyop ever pulled off by the deep state.

Alot of people won't see this until the blade of the guillotine is about to drop on their necks.

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Trump is a distraction to keep people calm, while the deep state executes its plan to ignite a war with Russia, China, and North Korea. One, we will not win. This will, in turn, destroy the constitution.

For awhile now, many years, they've been collecting data. About 15 years ago, they got worried because they realized the truth was slowly getting out through the internet. It was increasing every year. Something had to be done. They tried censoring, but that didn't work and was too obvious. They decided instead to start collecting a database of people who were anarchists or patriots. Basically, anyone that disagreed with their woke agenda. Thats the ones they want gone. The boot lickers are the ones they will let live. As slaves, but alive.

After a war, all the data they're collected will be used to go after who's left of the patriots. Who are these patriots? You. The same people who believe Trump will save them. Those who read these articles. Those who watch the podcasts. Those who post the comments. They're the ones they want gone. You're the ones going in the database. When the blackouts come, that's when they'll strike, taking out the patriots in the first wave.

They're not bull shitting when they say this is a movie. Everyone has a roll. It's all being performed to perfection. They're setting everyone up for the coup d'etat. Just stay calm, Trump is going to save you because it's a "fake" war. But it won't be a fake war. It'll be a slaughter. All three will decimate our military. It'll be so quick that it'll leave Americans in utter shock how fast it happened.

This is why nobody had been arrested or prosecuted. People say "well things are being exposed." Yeah, sure, what difference does it make if we find out all their dirty secrets? What is the population total on the Georgia guidestones? Five hundred million? The people that remain will literally be bootlicking slaves. Everyone else will die. The real red pill is coming. Its all for you. As soon as our military is utterly destroyed, the deep state will have their NWO. It will be swift and clean just like Q told you. So fast you will not have time to even think about it. Everyone will be in shock while the government capitulate to the foreign countries.

Is this really off the wall what I'm saying? They're keeping you complacent while they dismantle this country. The economy crashed long ago. They have no choice but to do this. They milked the golden cow dry. Now it's time to pay the piper. Soon, if you dont wake up, we'll be a third-world country soon. They have people mainlined into hopium. Trump isn't going to save you folks. They can start a war with all three countries and everyone here will be ho hum about it. You believe the war is going to be "fake" because that's the narrative theyre pushing. Just sit there on your hands because "Trump is going to save us all."

"When they need a hero, we'll manufacture one."

Every bit of this plan is right out of the Illuminati, NWO, deep state playbook. Why is what im saying so crazy? People believe Q as gospel. Q, a complete stranger they never met. Here i am, a complete stranger you've never met telling you this is all a lie and all i do is get ridiculed. Its more herd mentality. Nobody wants to be an outsider, like me. I'm an idiot and I don't know anything yet everything I'm telling you matches up with the deep state agenda. Amazing coincidence? In this game there are no coincidences.

Why do you think there hasnt been any arrests? No prosecutions? How long ago did Fauci lie to Congress? Why is he a free man still? If you or i lied to congress do you think we'd be walking free? Clear indicator nobody is going to be arrested.

They're using these eternal investigations to make you believe they're doing something. This is a cruel joke by the deep state to the people of the world. Let most of us die knowing the fact that everything the conspiracy theorists said all along was true.

They don't care if you know they're pedophiles. They want to be out in the open with all their sickness. Like I said, what do they care anyhow? Most of us will be dead. This is why they "can't find anything" on Trump. They don't want to. He's not squeaky clean. Far from it, but they sure have convinced you he's one of us, haven't they? What's it going to take to get through to people? Nothing I'm saying here is not far-fetched. It matches up with what Q has said and the NWO playbook. You all know war was always their plan to take out the U.S. THIS IS FORMULATING RIGHT NOW! What will it take to wake you up? It's now or never. This isn't a damn game, and I sure as hell am not playing a game. You can call me all the names in the world, but if you think with logic and not emotion, you'll realize what I'm saying is true. We are never going to win unless we stand now! Go ahead, bash me. It doesn't matter, just the facts. Dig deep. You will know it to be true.

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Trump is a distraction to keep people calm, while the deep state executes its plan to ignite a war with Russia, China, and North Korea. One, we will not win. This will, in turn, destroy the constitution.

For awhile now, many years, they've been collecting data. About 15 years ago, they got worried because they realized the truth was slowly getting out through the internet. It was increasing every year. Something had to be done. They tried censoring, but that didn't work and was too obvious. They decided instead to start collecting a database of people who were anarchists or patriots. Basically, anyone that disagreed with their woke agenda. Thats the ones they want gone. The boot lickers are the ones they will let live. As slaves, but alive.

After a war, all the data they're collected will be used to go after who's left of the patriots. Who are these patriots? You. The same people who believe Trump will save them. Those who read these articles. Those who watch the podcasts. Those who post the comments. They're the ones they want gone. You're the ones going in the database. When the blackouts come, that's when they'll strike, taking out the patriots in the first wave.

They're not bull shitting when they say this is a movie. Everyone has a roll. It's all being performed to perfection. They're setting everyone up for the coup d'etat. Just stay calm, Trump is going to save you because it's a "fake" war. But it won't be a fake war. It'll be a slaughter. All three will decimate our military. It'll be so quick that it'll leave Americans in utter shock how fast it happened.

This is why nobody had been arrested or prosecuted. People say "well things are being exposed." Yeah, sure, what difference does it make if we find out all their dirty secrets? What is the population total on the Georgia guidestones? Five hundred million? The people that remain will literally be bootlicking slaves. Everyone else will die. The real red pill is coming. Its all for you. As soon as our military is utterly destroyed, the deep state will have their NWO. It will be swift and clean just like Q told you. So fast you will not have time to even think about it. Everyone will be in shock while the government capitulate to the foreign countries.

Is this really off the wall what I'm saying? They're keeping you complacent while they dismantle this country. The economy crashed long ago. They have no choice but to do this. They milked the golden cow dry. Now it's time to pay the piper. Soon, if you dont wake up, we'll be a third-world country soon. They have people mainlined into hopium. Trump isn't going to save you folks. They can start a war with all three countries and everyone here will be ho hum about it. You believe the war is going to be "fake" because that's the narrative theyre pushing. Just sit there on your hands because "Trump is going to save us all."

"When they need a hero, we'll manufacture one."

Every bit of this plan is right out of the Illuminati, NWO, deep state playbook. Why is what im saying so crazy? People believe Q as gospel. Q, a complete stranger they never met. Here i am, a complete stranger you've never met telling you this is all a lie and all i do is get ridiculed. Its more herd mentality. Nobody wants to be an outsider, like me. I'm an idiot and I don't know anything yet everything I'm telling you matches up with the deep state agenda. Amazing coincidence? In this game there are no coincidences.

Why do you think there hasnt been any arrests? No prosecutions? How long ago did Fauci lie to Congress? Why is he a free man still? If you or i lied to congress do you think we'd be walking free? Clear indicator nobody is going to be arrested.

They're using these eternal investigations to make you believe they're doing something. This is a cruel joke by the deep state to the people of the world. Let most of us die knowing the fact that everything the conspiracy theorists said all along was true.

They don't care if you know they're pedophiles. They want to be out in the open with all their sickness. Like I said, what do they care anyhow? Most of us will be dead. This is why they "can't find anything" on Trump. They don't want to. He's not squeaky clean. Far from it, but they sure have convinced you he's one of us, haven't they? What's it going to take to get through to people? Nothing I'm saying here is not far-fetched. It matches up with what Q has said and the NWO playbook. You all know war was always their plan to take out the U.S. THIS IS FORMULATING RIGHT NOW! What will it take to wake you up? It's now or never. This isn't a damn game, and I sure as hell am not playing a game. You can call me all the names in the world, but if you think with logic and not emotion, you'll realize what I'm saying is true. We are never going to win unless we stand now! Go ahead, bash me. It doesn't matter, just the facts. Dig deep. You will know it to be true.

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Trump is a distraction to keep people calm, while the deep state executes its plan to ignite a war with Russia, China, and North Korea. One, we will not win. This will, in turn, destroy the constitution.

For awhile now, many years, they've been collecting data. About 15 years ago, they got worried because they realized the truth was slowly getting out through the internet. It was increasing every year. Something had to be done. They tried censoring, but that didn't work and was too obvious. They decided instead to start collecting a database of people who were anarchists or patriots. Basically, anyone that disagreed with their woke agenda. Thats the ones they want gone. The boot lickers are the ones they will let live. As slaves, but alive.

After a war, all the data they're collected will be used to go after who's left of the patriots. Who are these patriots? You. The same people who believe Trump will save them. Those who read these articles. Those who watch the podcasts. Those who post the comments. They're the ones they want gone. You're the ones going in the database. When the blackouts come, that's when they'll strike, taking out the patriots in the first wave.

They're not bull shitting when they say this is a movie. Everyone has a roll. It's all being performed to perfection. They're setting everyone up for the coup d'etat. Just stay calm, Trump is going to save you because it's a "fake" war. But it won't be a fake war. It'll be a slaughter. All three will decimate our military. It'll be so quick that it'll leave Americans in utter shock how fast it happened.

This is why nobody had been arrested or prosecuted. People say "well things are being exposed." Yeah, sure, what difference does it make if we find out all their dirty secrets? What is the population total on the Georgia guidestones? Five hundred million? The people that remain will literally be bootlicking slaves. Everyone else will die. The real red pill is coming. Its all for you. As soon as our military is utterly destroyed, the deep state will have their NWO. It will be swift and clean just like Q told you. So fast you will not have time to even think about it. Everyone will be in shock while the government capitulate to the foreign countries.

Is this really off the wall what I'm saying? They're keeping you complacent while they dismantle this country. The economy crashed long ago. They have no choice but to do this. They milked the golden cow dry. Now it's time to pay the piper. Soon, if you dont wake up, we'll be a third-world country soon. They have people mainlined into hopium. Trump isn't going to save you folks. They can start a war with all three countries and everyone here will be ho hum about it. You believe the war is going to be "fake" because that's the narrative theyre pushing. Just sit there on your hands because "Trump is going to save us all."

"When they need a hero, we'll manufacture one."

Every bit of this plan is right out of the Illuminati, NWO, deep state playbook. Why is what im saying so crazy? People believe Q as gospel. Q, a complete stranger they never met. Here i am, a complete stranger you've never met telling you this is all a lie and all i do is get ridiculed. Its more herd mentality. Nobody wants to be an outsider, like me. I'm an idiot and I don't know anything yet everything I'm telling you matches up with the deep state agenda. Amazing coincidence? In this game there are no coincidences.

Why do you think there hasnt been any arrests? No prosecutions? How long ago did Fauci lie to Congress? Why is he a free man still? If you or i lied to congress do you think we'd be walking free? Clear indicator nobody is going to be arrested.

They're using these eternal investigations to make you believe they're doing something. This is a cruel joke by the deep state to the people of the world. Let most of us die knowing the fact that everything the conspiracy theorists said all along was true.

They don't care if you know they're pedophiles. They want to be out in the open with all their sickness. Like I said, what do they care anyhow? Most of us will be dead. This is why they "can't find anything" on Trump. They don't want to. He's not squeaky clean. Far from it, but they sure have convinced you he's one of us, haven't they? What's it going to take to get through to people? Nothing I'm saying here is not far-fetched. It matches up with what Q has said and the NWO playbook. You all know war was always their plan to take out the U.S. THIS IS FORMULATING RIGHT NOW! What will it take to wake you up? It's now or never. This isn't a damn game, and I sure as hell am not playing a game. You can call me all the names in the world, but if you think with logic and not emotion, you'll realize what I'm saying is true. We are never going to win unless we stand now! Go ahead, bash me. It doesn't matter, just the facts. Dig deep. You will know it to be true.

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Trump is a distraction to keep people calm, while the deep state executes its plan to ignite a war with Russia, China, and North Korea. One, we will not win. This will, in turn, destroy the constitution.

For awhile now, many years, they've been collecting data. About 15 years ago, they got worried because they realized the truth was slowly getting out through the internet. It was increasing every year. Something had to be done. They tried censoring, but that didn't work and was too obvious. They decided instead to start collecting a database of people who were anarchists or patriots. Basically, anyone that disagreed with their woke agenda. Thats the ones they want gone. The boot lickers are the ones they will let live. As slaves, but alive.

After a war, all the data they're collected will be used to go after who's left of the patriots. Who are these patriots? You. The same people who believe Trump will save them. Those who read these articles. Those who watch the podcasts. Those who post the comments. They're the ones they want gone. You're the ones going in the database. When the blackouts come, that's when they'll strike, taking out the patriots in the first wave.

They're not bull shitting when they say this is a movie. Everyone has a roll. It's all being performed to perfection. They're setting everyone up for the coup d'etat. Just stay calm, Trump is going to save you because it's a "fake" war. But it won't be a fake war. It'll be a slaughter. All three will decimate our military. It'll be so quick that it'll leave Americans in utter shock how fast it happened.

This is why nobody had been arrested or prosecuted. People say "well things are being exposed." Yeah, sure, what difference does it make if we find out all their dirty secrets? What is the population total on the Georgia guidestones? Five hundred million? The people that remain will literally be bootlicking slaves. Everyone else will die. The real red pill is coming. Its all for you. As soon as our military is utterly destroyed, the deep state will have their NWO. It will be swift and clean just like Q told you. So fast you will not have time to even think about it. Everyone will be in shock while the government capitulate to the foreign countries.

Is this really off the wall what I'm saying? They're keeping you complacent while they dismantle this country. The economy crashed long ago. They have no choice but to do this. They milked the golden cow dry. Now it's time to pay the piper. Soon, if you dont wake up, we'll be a third-world country soon. They have people mainlined into hopium. Trump isn't going to save you folks. They can start a war with all three countries and everyone here will be ho hum about it. You believe the war is going to be "fake" because that's the narrative theyre pushing. Just sit there on your hands because "Trump is going to save us all."

"When they need a hero, we'll manufacture one."

Every bit of this plan is right out of the Illuminati, NWO, deep state playbook. Why is what im saying so crazy? People believe Q as gospel. Q, a complete stranger they never met. Here i am, a complete stranger you've never met telling you this is all a lie and all i do is get ridiculed. Its more herd mentality. Nobody wants to be an outsider, like me. I'm an idiot and I don't know anything yet everything I'm telling you matches up with the deep state agenda. Amazing coincidence? In this game there are no coincidences.

Why do you think there hasnt been any arrests? No prosecutions? How long ago did Fauci lie to Congress? Why is he a free man still? If you or i lied to congress do you think we'd be walking free? Clear indicator nobody is going to be arrested.

They're using these eternal investigations to make you believe they're doing something. This is a cruel joke by the deep state to the people of the world. Let most of us die knowing the fact that everything the conspiracy theorists said all along was true.

They don't care if you know they're pedophiles. They want to be out in the open with all their sickness. Like I said, what do they care anyhow? Most of us will be dead. This is why they "can't find anything" on Trump. They don't want to. He's not squeaky clean. Far from it, but they sure have convinced you he's one of us, haven't they? What's it going to take to get through to people? Nothing I'm saying here is not far-fetched. It matches up with what Q has said and the NWO playbook. You all know war was always their plan to take out the U.S. THIS IS FORMULATING RIGHT NOW! What will it take to wake you up? It's now or never. This isn't a damn game, and I sure as hell am not playing a game. You can call me all the names in the world, but if you think with logic and not emotion, you'll realize what I'm saying is true. We are never going to win unless we stand now! Go ahead, bash me. It doesn't matter, just the facts. Dig deep. You will know it to be true.

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And how do they intend to kill all of us patriots off?

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Do you ever think for yourself?

How many people took the death jab?

All they need to do is activate the nano tech in peoples bodies and there's your body count.

The rest?

The military will take them out.

Oh people have guns?

They have drones and tanks.

Who do you think will win?

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Omg, that’s all you have? Nano tech doesn’t exist in the unvaccinated patriots. I think for myself, sorry.

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Good God you're dense.

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Sadley there will be casualties in this non conventional war. We can and will MAGA!

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Here's an example of a pretty much self-admitted Normie, and a significant 'influencer' at that, who was awakened by Tucker's J6 exposures:


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Pure propaganda piece.

But hey, hopium is hopium, right?

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Propaganda that has enough normie sources that stupid people would be able to validate? I think you are a bot, or an npc.

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Trump is a distraction to keep people calm, while the deep state executes its plan to ignite a war with Russia, China, and North Korea. One, we will not win. This will, in turn, destroy the constitution.

For awhile now, many years, they've been collecting data. About 15 years ago, they got worried because they realized the truth was slowly getting out through the internet. It was increasing every year. Something had to be done. They tried censoring, but that didn't work and was too obvious. They decided instead to start collecting a database of people who were anarchists or patriots. Basically, anyone that disagreed with their woke agenda. Thats the ones they want gone. The boot lickers are the ones they will let live. As slaves, but alive.

After a war, all the data they're collected will be used to go after who's left of the patriots. Who are these patriots? You. The same people who believe Trump will save them. Those who read these articles. Those who watch the podcasts. Those who post the comments. They're the ones they want gone. You're the ones going in the database. When the blackouts come, that's when they'll strike, taking out the patriots in the first wave.

They're not bull shitting when they say this is a movie. Everyone has a roll. It's all being performed to perfection. They're setting everyone up for the coup d'etat. Just stay calm, Trump is going to save you because it's a "fake" war. But it won't be a fake war. It'll be a slaughter. All three will decimate our military. It'll be so quick that it'll leave Americans in utter shock how fast it happened.

This is why nobody had been arrested or prosecuted. People say "well things are being exposed." Yeah, sure, what difference does it make if we find out all their dirty secrets? What is the population total on the Georgia guidestones? Five hundred million? The people that remain will literally be bootlicking slaves. Everyone else will die. The real red pill is coming. Its all for you. As soon as our military is utterly destroyed, the deep state will have their NWO. It will be swift and clean just like Q told you. So fast you will not have time to even think about it. Everyone will be in shock while the government capitulate to the foreign countries.

Is this really off the wall what I'm saying? They're keeping you complacent while they dismantle this country. The economy crashed long ago. They have no choice but to do this. They milked the golden cow dry. Now it's time to pay the piper. Soon, if you dont wake up, we'll be a third-world country soon. They have people mainlined into hopium. Trump isn't going to save you folks. They can start a war with all three countries and everyone here will be ho hum about it. You believe the war is going to be "fake" because that's the narrative theyre pushing. Just sit there on your hands because "Trump is going to save us all."

"When they need a hero, we'll manufacture one."

Every bit of this plan is right out of the Illuminati, NWO, deep state playbook. Why is what im saying so crazy? People believe Q as gospel. Q, a complete stranger they never met. Here i am, a complete stranger you've never met telling you this is all a lie and all i do is get ridiculed. Its more herd mentality. Nobody wants to be an outsider, like me. I'm an idiot and I don't know anything yet everything I'm telling you matches up with the deep state agenda. Amazing coincidence? In this game there are no coincidences.

Why do you think there hasnt been any arrests? No prosecutions? How long ago did Fauci lie to Congress? Why is he a free man still? If you or i lied to congress do you think we'd be walking free? Clear indicator nobody is going to be arrested.

They're using these eternal investigations to make you believe they're doing something. This is a cruel joke by the deep state to the people of the world. Let most of us die knowing the fact that everything the conspiracy theorists said all along was true.

They don't care if you know they're pedophiles. They want to be out in the open with all their sickness. Like I said, what do they care anyhow? Most of us will be dead. This is why they "can't find anything" on Trump. They don't want to. He's not squeaky clean. Far from it, but they sure have convinced you he's one of us, haven't they? What's it going to take to get through to people? Nothing I'm saying here is not far-fetched. It matches up with what Q has said and the NWO playbook. You all know war was always their plan to take out the U.S. THIS IS FORMULATING RIGHT NOW! What will it take to wake you up? It's now or never. This isn't a damn game, and I sure as hell am not playing a game. You can call me all the names in the world, but if you think with logic and not emotion, you'll realize what I'm saying is true. We are never going to win unless we stand now! Go ahead, bash me. It doesn't matter, just the facts. Dig deep. You will know it to be true.

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Trump is a distraction to keep people calm, while the deep state executes its plan to ignite a war with Russia, China, and North Korea. One, we will not win. This will, in turn, destroy the constitution.

For awhile now, many years, they've been collecting data. About 15 years ago, they got worried because they realized the truth was slowly getting out through the internet. It was increasing every year. Something had to be done. They tried censoring, but that didn't work and was too obvious. They decided instead to start collecting a database of people who were anarchists or patriots. Basically, anyone that disagreed with their woke agenda. Thats the ones they want gone. The boot lickers are the ones they will let live. As slaves, but alive.

After a war, all the data they're collected will be used to go after who's left of the patriots. Who are these patriots? You. The same people who believe Trump will save them. Those who read these articles. Those who watch the podcasts. Those who post the comments. They're the ones they want gone. You're the ones going in the database. When the blackouts come, that's when they'll strike, taking out the patriots in the first wave.

They're not bull shitting when they say this is a movie. Everyone has a roll. It's all being performed to perfection. They're setting everyone up for the coup d'etat. Just stay calm, Trump is going to save you because it's a "fake" war. But it won't be a fake war. It'll be a slaughter. All three will decimate our military. It'll be so quick that it'll leave Americans in utter shock how fast it happened.

This is why nobody had been arrested or prosecuted. People say "well things are being exposed." Yeah, sure, what difference does it make if we find out all their dirty secrets? What is the population total on the Georgia guidestones? Five hundred million? The people that remain will literally be bootlicking slaves. Everyone else will die. The real red pill is coming. Its all for you. As soon as our military is utterly destroyed, the deep state will have their NWO. It will be swift and clean just like Q told you. So fast you will not have time to even think about it. Everyone will be in shock while the government capitulate to the foreign countries.

Is this really off the wall what I'm saying? They're keeping you complacent while they dismantle this country. The economy crashed long ago. They have no choice but to do this. They milked the golden cow dry. Now it's time to pay the piper. Soon, if you dont wake up, we'll be a third-world country soon. They have people mainlined into hopium. Trump isn't going to save you folks. They can start a war with all three countries and everyone here will be ho hum about it. You believe the war is going to be "fake" because that's the narrative theyre pushing. Just sit there on your hands because "Trump is going to save us all."

"When they need a hero, we'll manufacture one."

Every bit of this plan is right out of the Illuminati, NWO, deep state playbook. Why is what im saying so crazy? People believe Q as gospel. Q, a complete stranger they never met. Here i am, a complete stranger you've never met telling you this is all a lie and all i do is get ridiculed. Its more herd mentality. Nobody wants to be an outsider, like me. I'm an idiot and I don't know anything yet everything I'm telling you matches up with the deep state agenda. Amazing coincidence? In this game there are no coincidences.

Why do you think there hasnt been any arrests? No prosecutions? How long ago did Fauci lie to Congress? Why is he a free man still? If you or i lied to congress do you think we'd be walking free? Clear indicator nobody is going to be arrested.

They're using these eternal investigations to make you believe they're doing something. This is a cruel joke by the deep state to the people of the world. Let most of us die knowing the fact that everything the conspiracy theorists said all along was true.

They don't care if you know they're pedophiles. They want to be out in the open with all their sickness. Like I said, what do they care anyhow? Most of us will be dead. This is why they "can't find anything" on Trump. They don't want to. He's not squeaky clean. Far from it, but they sure have convinced you he's one of us, haven't they? What's it going to take to get through to people? Nothing I'm saying here is not far-fetched. It matches up with what Q has said and the NWO playbook. You all know war was always their plan to take out the U.S. THIS IS FORMULATING RIGHT NOW! What will it take to wake you up? It's now or never. This isn't a damn game, and I sure as hell am not playing a game. You can call me all the names in the world, but if you think with logic and not emotion, you'll realize what I'm saying is true. We are never going to win unless we stand now! Go ahead, bash me. It doesn't matter, just the facts. Dig deep. You will know it to be true.

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Trump is a distraction to keep people calm, while the deep state executes its plan to ignite a war with Russia, China, and North Korea. One, we will not win. This will, in turn, destroy the constitution.

For awhile now, many years, they've been collecting data. About 15 years ago, they got worried because they realized the truth was slowly getting out through the internet. It was increasing every year. Something had to be done. They tried censoring, but that didn't work and was too obvious. They decided instead to start collecting a database of people who were anarchists or patriots. Basically, anyone that disagreed with their woke agenda. Thats the ones they want gone. The boot lickers are the ones they will let live. As slaves, but alive.

After a war, all the data they're collected will be used to go after who's left of the patriots. Who are these patriots? You. The same people who believe Trump will save them. Those who read these articles. Those who watch the podcasts. Those who post the comments. They're the ones they want gone. You're the ones going in the database. When the blackouts come, that's when they'll strike, taking out the patriots in the first wave.

They're not bull shitting when they say this is a movie. Everyone has a roll. It's all being performed to perfection. They're setting everyone up for the coup d'etat. Just stay calm, Trump is going to save you because it's a "fake" war. But it won't be a fake war. It'll be a slaughter. All three will decimate our military. It'll be so quick that it'll leave Americans in utter shock how fast it happened.

This is why nobody had been arrested or prosecuted. People say "well things are being exposed." Yeah, sure, what difference does it make if we find out all their dirty secrets? What is the population total on the Georgia guidestones? Five hundred million? The people that remain will literally be bootlicking slaves. Everyone else will die. The real red pill is coming. Its all for you. As soon as our military is utterly destroyed, the deep state will have their NWO. It will be swift and clean just like Q told you. So fast you will not have time to even think about it. Everyone will be in shock while the government capitulate to the foreign countries.

Is this really off the wall what I'm saying? They're keeping you complacent while they dismantle this country. The economy crashed long ago. They have no choice but to do this. They milked the golden cow dry. Now it's time to pay the piper. Soon, if you dont wake up, we'll be a third-world country soon. They have people mainlined into hopium. Trump isn't going to save you folks. They can start a war with all three countries and everyone here will be ho hum about it. You believe the war is going to be "fake" because that's the narrative theyre pushing. Just sit there on your hands because "Trump is going to save us all."

"When they need a hero, we'll manufacture one."

Every bit of this plan is right out of the Illuminati, NWO, deep state playbook. Why is what im saying so crazy? People believe Q as gospel. Q, a complete stranger they never met. Here i am, a complete stranger you've never met telling you this is all a lie and all i do is get ridiculed. Its more herd mentality. Nobody wants to be an outsider, like me. I'm an idiot and I don't know anything yet everything I'm telling you matches up with the deep state agenda. Amazing coincidence? In this game there are no coincidences.

Why do you think there hasnt been any arrests? No prosecutions? How long ago did Fauci lie to Congress? Why is he a free man still? If you or i lied to congress do you think we'd be walking free? Clear indicator nobody is going to be arrested.

They're using these eternal investigations to make you believe they're doing something. This is a cruel joke by the deep state to the people of the world. Let most of us die knowing the fact that everything the conspiracy theorists said all along was true.

They don't care if you know they're pedophiles. They want to be out in the open with all their sickness. Like I said, what do they care anyhow? Most of us will be dead. This is why they "can't find anything" on Trump. They don't want to. He's not squeaky clean. Far from it, but they sure have convinced you he's one of us, haven't they? What's it going to take to get through to people? Nothing I'm saying here is not far-fetched. It matches up with what Q has said and the NWO playbook. You all know war was always their plan to take out the U.S. THIS IS FORMULATING RIGHT NOW! What will it take to wake you up? It's now or never. This isn't a damn game, and I sure as hell am not playing a game. You can call me all the names in the world, but if you think with logic and not emotion, you'll realize what I'm saying is true. We are never going to win unless we stand now! Go ahead, bash me. It doesn't matter, just the facts. Dig deep. You will know it to be true.

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If you actually interacted with people in daily life you'd know nobody cares about Tucker or J6. The people that do talk about it (very small percentage) predominantly believe if a crime was committed on J6 then why hasn't anything been done about it? Like why has 7 years elapsed and not one person has been arrested or tried.

I understand you're high on hopium so you can't see the reality. That's what hopium dies to you. Last summer several friends of mine and myself went out for 6 hours a day for two weeks and asked people about stuff like this. One question we asked was Do you believe there is/was voter fraud. 82% answered with about the same response which went something like this "if there really is election fraud why hasn't anyone been arrested?" Indeed. Why hasn't anyone been arrested? Most of the people of this country know the reality. They believe in action not words. Meaning they don't get addicted to hopium. I guess it's because they're too busy trying to make ends meet and take care of their families. They don't believe in coincidence and happenstance.

How long ago did Fauci lie to Congress? Why is he still a free man? Because this is all fake. To keep you complacent until they strike.

What you really need to do is break your addiction to hopium and start seeing reality for what it is.

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Great comment - thank you!

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My comment was up for 4.5 seconds before you "commented"

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While following Patriots who were there

Footage of the (actual paid rioters) coming off buses, changing into MAGA gear, and even sharing on social that they indeed were PAID to create a problem. All videos and proof of these things were CENSORED! Which Twitter is so willingly sharing in the name of Freedom and Truth.

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💯💯💯You should see this


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I find it so interesting... instead of being angry they were lied to, they get mad at the one telling the truth.

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A classic symptom of mass formation psychosis. Problem is they can't admit they were lied to.

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...or hate to admit they were “duped”?

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Yes, it's bad enough to be lied to and know it; worse to not know and fall for it. Cases of mass formation psychosis are where they all fell for it.

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It is so painful to admit you were lied to. I can understand that as I’ve watched my medical partners make a fool of themselves these last couple years.

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There's an old saying "It is easier to fool people, than to convince them they've been fooled." Often attributed to Mark Twain, but there is no record of him saying that though he expressed similar thoughts from time to time.

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Pride cometh before a fall.

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Don't they always shoot the messenger?

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Yeah... they do, but it seems so much more blatant and obvious now.

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I wanted to go to DC on Jan 6, but could not afford it. I did watch many live streams from patriots that day - RedPill78, Craig Mason, Tracy Beanz, and others, and kept informed of events the entire day. Much of the staged events by the FBI and antifa operatives was exposed that very day, and I saw a lot of videos posted by regular people on Twitter. I and many others knew from the git go that the J6 Committee was a sham and coverup. THEY are the real insurrectionists. It's been maddening to sit through the massive coverup and lies and propaganda. Send THEM to prison now.

And I was so enraged at that statement by Merrick Garland that was full of LIES, that I called the DOJ in DC today, and left a message for him. Polite, no threats, but told him we know who the traitors are, and he is one of them, and needs to resign. 202-514-2000, press "4" to leave a message.

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A few days AFTER the Democrats declared their STOLEN victory, and another time just at the end of January 6, I had the exact same vision of this psalm, in a twisted, pain-warped scripture:

Psalm 121-2:

My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. [The MOST IMPORTANT MESSAGE !]

The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.

The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

(Source: King James Bible)

✝️ ✝️ God bless you all,

God bless Donald Trump and The USA ! ✝️ ✝️

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Thank you.

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Brilliant with like minds thinking alike. Most of what is being broadcast on Fox, at least that which supports the truth about all the MAGA associated events, is NOT FOR US! We already know about most of the truth which is why we're reading this article. It's all about the current phase of The Great Awakening Plan which has to achieve a certain mass that I'm sure Our President is tracking extremely closely because that will trigger the next phase. And based on his comments at CPAC, maybe we're already in it....

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Yes! Well said! And my last day of ANY Mainstream news including FOX, was November 4, 2020!! So grateful for Badlands!

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Superb article. Superb clarity.

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I know a whole lot of folks that need to read this - woke and awake, redpilled or not. Thank you for this stack.

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The only thing I would say about not going back to people who lie is that we should pray for those people, like Tucker Carlson, whom God can change the hearts of! It is possible that he didn't believe any of it that maybe he's coming to an understanding himself of what is true and what are lies. I'm praying for him to come to know Jesus Christ as his personal Savior! ❤️✝️

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Excellently stated. Completely spot on IMO. Thank you for writing 🇺🇸

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I’m with you. Haven’t watched FOX since the summer prior to the election. Walked away from Levin, Bongino and Carlson...cowards one and all at it relates to the stolen election. I hope your thesis is right, for all our sakes.

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So well said! Thank you, Ashe!

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Excellent! We get frustrated when what we have known for months or years finally comes out in the MSM as though it's breaking news, but it's important for us to remember that the roll out isn't for us. It's for the normies that we don't want to leave behind if at all possible. The choice to know was ours and now the choice to know will be theirs too.

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Good point! I am glad the normies are getting to see some of this. Truth does have to be doled out slowly. I remember waking up, and the harder truths took me a while to believe people are capable of that kind of evil and I’m sure I haven’t hit bottom yet (not sure I want to)

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Well said!!!! FINALLY we can see the Covid, j 6

Narratives unravel. Let’s just keep moving forward. Just give us the Truth that we have known for the last 3 years. Awake the dead and the woke!!

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Great article. I was there too and I call it a Love Fest.

I have not turned and MSM on since Fox News called AZ Nov 3, 2020. Best thing I ever did for my peace of mind.

This Awakening process has been amazing and the front row seat it provides you once your eyes are open is stunning. There are many people who seem to flip WH to BH to WH... but like I always say if we could decipher The Plan it would be a pretty shitty plan.

I look forward to reading your future work.

God Bless!!!

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