Thanks for shedding light on this subject. It is something that we all need to “digest” and understand. This is, imho, the driver behind most all of the evil that we are seeing in the world today.

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This article ties in real good with a discussion titled, "Are We Under Satanic Attack": https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/are-we-under-satanic-attack#details

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I agree💯

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They kill and maim and sexually abuse and poison and brainwash the IMAGE of GOD every day in this world. The Devils playground is children. When he destroys the parents, he destroys the kids. Parents need to get off the drugs/alcohol and wise up. Kids are bartered off every day in the drug houses of America. I grew up in Detroit where this happened all the time and the cops were either in on it or turned a blind eye to it. The foster care system is a child abuse system. Most kids in foster care are housed in Juvenile prisons and now WALMART WAREHOUSES. Its not just the Pedos who rule our world. Every parent has a responsibility to protect their child. Its so bad today and HHS is only making it worse under Obama and OBiden. How will we rehabilitate all of these damaged children in the world? We can never undo the damage.



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Wow. Outstanding article! KEEP GOING.

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Simon, what you have covered here is critical for the ‘current civilization’ to uncover, to identify participants and expose those who cover up this ancient evil. The Israelites were harshly judged by God for their habitual turning to the gods of the high places, and the worship of Ba’al is the one referenced. Most of the ancient civilizations had gods that required human sacrifice and particularly children. Today this practice is gradually being introduced to the public eye a little bit at a time. Saville, Epstein, Weinstein and P. Diddy are just the few to surface and immediately the coverups begin. I’ve always believed that MKULTRA was never stopped, just disappeared from the public eye. It IS evident that the move to normalize this evil is being noticed in all of public life today. We instinctively know something evil prowls in the darkness. Those of us who love our children cannot grasp that those who society has programmed us to admire are knowingly or unknowingly supporting this to maintain their power…. It’s unthinkable in the normal sense, but unfortunately it is what, once revealed, will unite the world’s parents together. You summed it up perfectly, “A culture that accepts literal child sacrifice is downstream from a culture that accepts the sacrifice of childhood innocence. To win, we must stop the problem at its source.” Thank you and God bless you.🙏🙏

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I’ll be impressed if you follow this elephant-in-the-room all the way down the rabbit hole to the adrenochrome labs strung across Ukraine, the destruction of which is one of Putin’s main goals, and the reason for the Western Elites’ desperation in trying to keep Ukraine’s present infrastructure intact. This is their elixir of life - ‘the Spice must flow’!

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“ perhaps in getting caught up in a struggle to prove to a mind-controlled public that Satanic elites are sacrificing children, we are taking bait designed to undermine our credibility, instead of simply showing people the widespread cultural changes that logically reveal forms of child sacrifice at work all around us. ”

A very astute observation, Simon!

We use the term Information War but really it is a War of Ideas. Ultimately, “satan” is an idea, a symbol, in minds gone rogue from a singular Oneness and the ensuing centuries of effort to attack the Idea of Innocence (represented, symbolized by children) created by a Loving Joyful Creator. Satanists claim a “reality” to the Idea of evil by the minds who create the very evil itself.

It’s the game of psychopaths and weaker minds who are drawn to the Idea of usurping God’s position of Prime Creator.

The Great Awakening is throwing off the yoke of mind control in the myriad ways it is manifesting in our world.

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Thank you for being willing to speak these truths! I am an SRA survivor from the Jehovah’s Witnesses. I know many survivors; some JW, LDS, Catholic and more. Now I advocate for legislation reform that would require clergy to report any issues of child safety. Under Mark Rozzi Pennsylvania will carry this legislation this spring. This reform parallels legislation, now being introduced in Utah, which specifically targets SRA, including child sacrifice. The Bill is Utah H.B. 196. Please look it up, and keep an eye out in Pennsylvania for my legislation called Clergy Penitent Privilege Exemption. (I don’t yet have a Bill #)

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Great article, The research is always fantastic with the posts here on Badlands.

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Two trains of thought here...excellent piece so precise in its delivery! And omg I'm cringing at the subject matter! It's so hard to wrap our minds around such truths about this heinous and primitive type of ritual for evil gains. But we NEED to face this and we NEED to protect our children. Interestingly I saw a prophetic leader yesterday talk about the lost book of Enoch. And it's significance is that it was pulled because it says right in it that evil will be judged and dealt with after its exposed. When I see so many crying out against injustice I think God may have threw us a bone...excellent work Simon!!

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Thanks for a very thought-provoking article. The topic of ritual child sacrifice is anathema to me and my first impulse was to avoid the article. We need to know! It's hard to believe in it's reality, yet I know deep down it is a practice that has continued since the fall of Adam and Eve. It's talked about in the Bible and couched in such a way that most who read it, skim past it as though it only happened then and is not a continued practice. Jesus' parents bought two doves to sacrifice in the temple after he was born. The idea of sacrifice was watered down by edits over the centuries and normalized in that revered tome. It's ingrained in our religions. I am a Christian and believe in God, yet sacrifice is an aspect that I struggle with. Why is it deemed necessary? I don't think people realize how prevalent the idea of sacrifice is in our society.

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I doubt that there are too many people/families who haven't been affected by this abuse. A cursory look at my paternal grandfather (who died in 1955, 3 yrs before I was born) opened an entire Pandoras Box. A ton of mental illness on that side of the family, almost certainly due to early abuse.

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Excellent article, thank you! I took a tumble down the rabbit hole right before the 'vid struck and haven't looked back since! Please everyone...SHARE THIS ARTICLE. Maybe we can wake some folks up out there by spreading this around a bit.

Stay safe and In Him all!

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Thank you for writing such a brilliant historical perspective on ritual sacrifice. Nothing positive comes from sacrificing other beings..

Sacrificing we do of ourself by giving to others is the only positive form of sacrifice.

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Amen. We the People must share the Truth at every opportunity.

Tough subject matter, thanks for your hard work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thank you very much for this article, Simon. I hope it will be widely read.

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Insightful research that I both appreciate you doing and fully agree with. The issue however, is getting a Normie to even pause for a moment and wonder if this is true. Its a monumental task that I've had precious little success at for several years now.

The movie "The Matrix" did a wonderful example of showing why this is, they are part of the system, and though enslaved by it, they will defend it to their last breath. It is a exceptionally rare encounter where I can get someone to even *briefly* consider if Pizzagate was real. And when I point them at the Wikileaks emails, at the bare minimum I get a disdain for the effort of reading them. In fact, no amount of evidence that is anything less than gory shock videos on the very networks that lie and cover up for the elites will do, as one is labeled a "crazy conspiracy theorist" and promptly ignored. It is the Intel Agency's greatest, and most effective label, as it preys on the fear of ridicule and confirmation bias.

So while I agree that yes, the culture has to be educated and made aware, this begins by breaking the grip on the media, everything is downstream from this. The very tool of the Deep State has to be taken away from them, figuring out how to do that is the real fight. Considering their immense resources and the direction our gov't has gone, its even more difficult than convincing a Normie that they're not in the Matrix.

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