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Erik, Very well stated... I'm in total agreement with you!! She wasn't supposed to lose, and the shooter wasn't supposed to miss. And Joe Biden got 81 million lawful votes!!! The deep state relies on Lies to achieve their mission. I believe we will find several associated events that compromised security at the rally.

These will be shown to have been purposely staged with the intention of compromising security so they could get the shots off. I don't believe the "Lone Gunman" theory or that he was the actual shooter. Did anyone test his hands or body for nitrates, a compound from ammunition being fired? They tested Oswald and he turned up negative!!! Oswald never shot a firearm that day!!! But he was the lone gunman...

Everyone should study George Washington's Farewell Address!!! Washington made several critical statements in his address. One I think needs to be known by all!!! "Beware the Party System, for the Party will become more important than We The People." George Washington!!! I believe we have arrived at that time. Both the RNC and DNC are complicit in the destruction of our Constitutional Republic. We no longer live as our founding fathers intended.

We need to reclaim our sovereignty and institute the real Governance our Founding Fathers intended. The Constitution for the united States of America, (notice spelling and capitalization, its important) this is the original 1789 version. That document is a Governmental Services Contract, nothing more!!! We have Disregarded the document we are supposed to be following!!! The Declaration of Independence!!! You see part of the deep states subversion is getting We The People to disregard the important document and focus on a document that holds less value!!! I'm sure many at this point will argue with me!!!

Here is my evidence!!! How many people died for signing The Constitution for the united States of America? There were 53 signers of the Declaration of Independence, 19 died because they signed that document, 12 families of the signers were all killed or lost everything they owned!!! Which document do YOU think is more important??? I ask Law Enforcement all the time this easy question: "What Law does the Declaration of Independence require for We The People?" a very simple question and easily determined as it sits within the very first paragraph of the document. Yet I have yet to find anyone who can answer that question without looking it up!!! This is the Dumbing down of America we speak of!!!

For those too lazy to conduct actual research "The Laws of Nature, or of Nature's God!!!" We are indoctrinated to follow Codes and Statutes as if they come from God. Those are Color of Law and NOT law. They are laws of the Water Jurisdiction NOT the Land!!! The Constitution is the "Highest Law of the Land, yet we go to Courts of the Water Jurisdiction!!! The Land is Above the Water!!! Yet We the People are constantly treated like criminals for following God's laws!!!

We have a giant education problem if We The People are to reclaim the Governance our Founding Fathers created!!! WAKE UP AMERICA!!! You have been lied to at such a level nothing you know and think is true is actual truth!!! Our great great grandparents and everyone on down the family tree has been lied to at such a level you have to Question EVERYTHING and do the research to prove it to be True or False!!! I will end my diatribe with, we have a brief opportunity to make the significant changes required to allow We The People to be Free for real. It will require extensive work from all!!! Who's up for that challenge??? Peace...

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You're absolutely correct with this and the vast importance of comprehending the jurisdictional points raised. Almost no one knows these things and few ever discuss it.

The United States everyone knows today is federal corporation, defined right there in the US Code. sub section 3002 (don't recall the section off the top) The Articles of Confederation and Declaration of Independence must be read by all Americans. We have unconscionably contracted our natural rights away by signing their corporate forms entering corporate personhood, voluntarily leaving behind the protections the constitution owes men and women. All of this legal word salad is what the cabal hides behind and how they justify their egregious violation of the people.

Somehow, this needs to become common knowledge and the remedies to it such that the people are truly free one again. That said, it is my hope that this WWG1WGA plan will cast off all the Roman civil Admiralty legalese and banker magic chains we have borne so that EVERYONE can be free without needing to spend many tedious years of study to master this convoluted system of obvious deception.

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Thank You Sir, I'm in total agreement, I would shout it from the roof tops if I thought it would help. Like you said it takes so much research to really understand what is really going on through LAW and their word salad most won't do the research. I usually put the phrase "Prove me wrong Please" in my posts hoping someone will attempt to do such. For I know in doing so they will learn so much and realize I'm speaking truth... I so greatly appreciate your support and understanding of our compromised situation... Peace...

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