Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

A simple and easily understood dive into this stuff. Very well written Erik with a "K".

I remember seeing Lyndon LaRouche once in awhile on his paid TV ads, and thinking, this guy is a radical. I have come to realize he was just radically well informed.

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I have become the person I once thought was a little crazy. 😂

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

You aren’t the only one! I’d venture most answering here are, too.

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Add me to the list, please as I used to love John McCain and the Bush Family. I even wanted to meet George and Laura. Good grief what a knucklehead!!!!!!!

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The more rabbit holes you explore the more you realize the "narrative is the truth, not vise versa."

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

You thought he was a radical, in all likelihood, because [they] kept repeating the mantra that 'LaRouche is a radical conspiracy theorist.' But, eventually the truth comes out. The Internet and the resulting loss of [their] control over the Narrative has been the catalyst for a worldwide Awakening.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Yes, I’ve thought for a long time now the elites thought they had us enslaved with the internet. Boomerang! The anons used their tool, turned the tables and revealed(ing) the truth! It will be their downfall!

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For a while in the 1990’s the internet was the Wild West, the Cabal was losing control of the flow of information. That’s why we got Google and Facebook, to get back the control.

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Which works with the normies maybe... but not for everyone, at least so long as substack lives.

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The problem with the deep state is they use the same game plan over and over. They also aren't critical thinkers. They use fear based programming so when you see the fingerprints of fear based programming you see the signature of the deep state. Knowing this can help a lot of people see the next false flag event. Just look at them trying another Plandemic it's not working because too many woke up to the last one... Peace...

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Thanks to DARP/CIA. Expect their effectiveness to the cabal is finite, too.🙏

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Joe McCarthy was labeled a crazy who saw a Communist under every rock.

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A lot of similarities and connections between Joseph McCarthy and Trump. I wrote about it a few months back.

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Actually, the more I learn about Hitler and his "Germany for Germans" policy, the more I see parallels between him and Trump's America First policy. And of course, Hitler was a staunch anticommunist like Joe.

Three of many books that set the record straight on Hitler. The Myth of German Villainy by Benton Bradberry https://www.bitchute.com/video/90oolzgVFQuI/ and a new release The Holocaust Narrative by E. Michael Jones fidelitypress.org and Thomas Dalton's The Jewish Hands in the World Wars. https://archive.org/details/tjhtw

However, Trump had many Jews in his administration that I doubt would have been the case for Joe McCarthy had he become president. Perhaps Joe McCarthy was more like Hitler in that respect as Jews = Communists.

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Just a bit ahead of his time, ol' Joe.

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Yeah, I wrote him off as a complete kook, probably due to his opinion on bush the elder, who at onetime I thought was a kind of quiet hero. Boy did I get a lesson.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Erik you are spot on… I too have become the conspiracy theory guy I once ignored. Next to being irritated by all the villagers that still live in Normieville I am angry with myself for being blind for so long throughout my life.

All the same players continue to get connected to all the DS Rat Bastard cabal plans but the most aggravating for me is George H W Bush! What a total shitbag and what a legacy he created. Hell is too good for the likes of that scumbag.

It is amazing to see how the drug, alcohol, human trafficking and satanism connect across time and the world. Your articles are very enlightening.

Keep up the great work.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Sort of makes me wonder which of the Western institutions and 'heroes' will still be standing when the dust from all this clears. One after another, the 'heroes' are being shown to be DSRB's. Drip, drip, FLOOD! ✝🕊🙏

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I believe when the dust clears after We the People take back our country & our world that we will be correct on some of our heroes and shocked by others. This plan is such a psyop from both sides that nothing is settled... other than God Wins!

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I’m forwarding THIS to everyone I know, who said my following Mr LaRouche was insane and I was a conspiracy theorist since 1985. Then I’m gonna wait for apologies...

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I'd use the lol emoji if there were one 😄

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Haha, I love this! If you had just one apology I’d be stunned but I love your passion!

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You missed Helliwell and the Vatican Bank. Also, Operation Gladio used millions of the laundered dollars as terror/disruption cells worldwide. The money was used by Catholic Gladio and Operation Gladio to buy arms, comm equip and explosives and set up shell companies all over especially in Italy bc that’s where Luciano was deported to. Checkout P2 the mason lodge used in the scheme in and out of Catholic Church. Lucio Gelli, an atheist was knighted (Malta) by pope in support of this effort. Michele Sindona, Jocelyn Hambro and David Kennedy were all partners in the money laundering drug trade amd weapons dealing.

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There is definitely more to the story as you have pointed out.

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It's a huge topic. I recently discovered the Operation GLADIO while researching Nazism. It was originally called Werewolf units under SS Gen Wolfe (who worked for Gehlen). They changed the name around 1942 which coresponds to when the Vatican bank was created. Hitler was raised Catholic and used the church to ferret out Nazis using churches as safe houses and cleric robes to disguise them. It's fascinating history. The network was used as a bargaining chip with Allen Dulles for Gehlen to remain in his job under new chancellor Adenauer. They both used the network and CIA used it for drug trade to pay for the munitions used for their coups. It was quite the network.

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I’m going to read up on this! I do remember the name.

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What were you reading? It sounds interesting

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Initially The Third Way by Farrell but I’m now doing a Rumble series on Operation Gladio based on Paul Williams book titled Operation Gladio.

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Your Rumble account is? I want to follow you. Do you have a substack? Erik continues to remove my preconceived notions. Very humbling but I am grateful to the Substack writers.

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It's more than a shock to realise that not only is the best of what life offered being destroyed but that NOTHING I believed about Britain, its Royals, its Institutions was ever true. The entire Empire was voracious, unprincipled. Gandhi's response to 'What do you think of Western Civilization?' 'It's would be a good idea' was the understatement of all time! Thanks for this lucid resume.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Western Civ textbooks were written by the Cabal. "The victors write the history..."

There is a new sheriff in town, and a new history just waiting to be told. I don't think many of us will recognize it, though Badlands readers will be better prepared than most.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

That’s what our role will be as our neighbors come face to face with what we’ve learned over time. To calm, console and educate gently.🙏

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We will be the only ones not freaking out. 😂

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You're too nice. The loudest of them deserve to get a 2x4 upside the puss.

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I suppose that must console us! Better than nothing. Thanks.

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I believe that you will like how this turns out.

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Its very exciting! I'm thinking we may see the biggest, grandest work of the Lord since maybe the founding of our nation. We must pray much! To God be all the glory.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Mr Carlson, my gratitude and admiration for the article. Though I had known some elements from other investigations I have done over time, some were quite new to me and the book you make mention of is now on its way to my door. I thank you for the illuminating dots that had gotten by me up till now and as you say, the more you know, the more you see how things are connected.

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Awesome article Erik! Your writing is always so clear and well presented.

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Spot on, the only thing I see that you didn't include into the mix is our Legal system. All attorneys are BAR attorneys, Most people are not aware BAR stands for British Accreditation Registry. All attorneys have ESQ after their names. ESQ is an abbreviation for Esquire which is a Title of Nobility. The original 13th amendment to the Constitution was "The Titles of Nobility Act." (TONA) Which if ratified would have made it illegal for any attorney to hold any office and if you held a Title of Nobility you had to relinquish your US citizenship. Funny thing, TONA was passed by congress in May of 1810. It's ratification was not able to be determined. What I find highly interesting is in the War of 1812 Washington DC was burned and all Constitutional Ratification documents were destroyed. I find that Highly suspect. In 1811 The TONA was published in the Statutes at Large with notation that they couldn't confirm if it had been ratified or not. The Statutes at large were not republished until 1845. Many of the State Constitutions had TONA Language in them during that time. When you align this with the Law required for We The People in the Declaration of Independence, and the Codes and Statutes (Color of Law) most people follow cultishly, it will lead you to see how it all leads back to the same families with $$$$$. First rule of investigation follow the money, it tells you what is going on... Great post, Thanks... Peace...

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Bit by bit, Goliath is coming into focus. Gather up your stones, people.

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One other interesting caveat not to be overlooked, is that Lyndon LaRouche was an 7 time Presidential Candidate in the Democratic primaries, and was railroaded to a 15 year prison sentence in 1986, for “conspiracy to commit mail fraud”, by none other than the then Fed Attorney, Robert Mueller. LaRouche ran once again for President from a prison cell.

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whitney webb gets into this topic a little in “one nation under blackmail vols 1&2”. drug trade is interwoven with the mob and “intelligence” community “activities”. picks up clowns in action involvement from the get-go as the forerunner oss discovered opium as a commodity in cbi, particularly in the burmese hills where silver and sometimes gold were of little value for paying and buying tribal loyalty in the fight against the japanese.

french rapidly moved back in and renewed transit lines through corsica via indochinese colonies post-ww2. clowns in action picked up where oss and france left off post-dien bien phu leading into US “activities” in indochina and thailand.

jump ahead to our involvement in afghanistan with its never extinguishable supply of opium, in spite of the dea and fbi being active there for 20 years in “‘counter drug’ activities”.

smart business. commodities that only increase in value. not traceable. gained money laundered through legitimate businesses used as front companies for “the company” and its “five eye” associates.

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I came late to revelations but three years has been a long time. Just hope I live to see how it turns out!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Yes, Sir, Erik! You’re correct. There aren’t any coincidences, but there are connections just like the European royals (many other elite families) and many previous generations. Marriage is for loyalty and protection of the family wealth. Now I understand the McCain connection. I remember the Nixon time well and also the 60s when the drugging of American youth coincided with the dumbing down of those youth, with the destruction of the family and the removal of anything related to our Creator from all public life. Actually, it was plain Marxism without Karl mentioned. Years ago, when I still worked in the military, a relative explained the CIA’s role in drug running; although I questioned most things, it seemed a ‘conspiracy theory’ (before I knew the same CIA coined the term to discredit anyone telling the truth). You’ve done an excellent job researching and telling the truth about this part of history and how the connections are multigenerational in all aspects of world control; the trafficking in all things is evil and now we know the banking system between your digging and a lot of other research! God bless you, Erik.🙏

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

We're in trouble..

Let's make it they are in trouble ~ just say "NO"!

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The Chinese may consider Americans to be Englishmen living in America, and may have it in for us as a result.

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Sep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Centralization is the Petri Dish for growing ‘cultures’ of Corruption.

Central to almost everything, is the falsehood called “Hierarchy,” or it’s “Arbitrary” form. It is very well worth keeping our attention focused on this topic in this specific way. Study of the Enemy is the first step to defeating them.

Erik, this post is EPIC, you just laid it all out so nice and clear.

I was aware of the Bronfmans and the Lanskys because of researching the origin of the Mega Mafia Group, also compiled by Whitney Webb. But to get to know just WHO we are really dealing with in The City of London Corporation, we should also consider the centuries of organization and meticulous calculation that went into all this; It all leads to the Black Nobility, Dragon and Grail Families as well as the entire Order of the Garter. The Garter members were known to have helped Adolph Hitler rise to power in Germany.

Here are some of my posts on the Dragon Court:

Dragon Court 6


Dragon Court 7


Dragon Court 8


Dragon Court 9


Digging through all this history really is eye opening.

Thanks Erik, I'm recommending your posts

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