Feb 26Liked by Ryan DeLarme

Thank you, Ryan, for exposing the hypocrisy we Badlands’ readers have seen. Your words, “…A litany of establishment partisan hacks, and just about every major corporate media talking head, have extensively discussed this….” And your following analysis definitely shows that the 4 AM talking points were sent and have been received. The only winners are, as you note, are the military industrial complex. I’d add to that as it’s likely the cabal’s minions are trying to get their last ‘profits’ out of this proxy war in their proxy state. I’d venture the more the DS talks about this; the more our citizenry will balk, especially since the border invasion has moved to the top issue for this election cycle. God bless you.🙏🇺🇸

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Navalny's wife said there were no marks on his body.... did he get the vax? Sounds to me like a vax death, is there going to be a autopsy report?

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Really enjoyed reading your report on this, Ryan.

Navalny was just another sacrificial pawn in the Ukraine proxy war and you explained that perfectly.

Another commenter linked to an insight by

Gilbert Doctorow. In it he reminds us that Putin recently made a statement to the West: ‘You are pursuing proxy wars against us. Beware, we are also capable of pursuing proxy wars against you” which led to the speculation that the Houthis sank a British Navy Vessel in the Red Sea…armed with Russian weapons after the news of Vavalny’s death?

Was that Russia’s response to the Navalny death intended to renew US funding for Ukraine?

Thank you for your article!

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Both the Russian authorities and the Ukrainian Intelligence Service say Navalny died from a blood clot. The Russians are releasing Navalny's body to the family so they can do their own autopsy if they dispute the official story.

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Since Navalny’s wife met with Biden one week after his death, then I would be suspicious of any “official” account of what caused his death.

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Thanks Ryan.

We the People say:

1) Sorry, but we don't give a shit about Navalny.

2) No Uniparty and DS Rat Bastards you cannot have $60B dollars to grease each another's palms with.

3) So kiss our asses.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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You might be interested in this interview with Russian affairs expert Gilbert Doctorow claiming that the Brits killed Navalny, including who, why and how they would have done it, and Russian's response in using the Houtsis to sink a British ship in the Red Sea -- https://www.bitchute.com/video/ikwhIDmXaU8m/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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I watched that and the takeaway was: Who benefits from Navalny’s death? The credible answer was: the Brits (meaning the cabal elites running the MIC show in Britain). I thought the point he made about the Brits not hiding under the US umbrella so much these days, while they go about their dirty work, was very interesting.

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Yes, the Americans are rapidly losing international influence if both the Brits and Israelis ignore them and operate independently. Appears to be a clear end to the American empire.

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And perhaps part of the long-time plan. Disinvest in all things re US? Thanks. :)

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Now we now he died from a heart condition @ Ukraine Statement no murder just a stroke

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Just fund the US border and pay US debt period... no $ for other countries/wars, etc. No ifs, ands, or buts. These backroom deals have to stop... but unfortunately won't in the foreseeable future.

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That was well written. I know you spent your weekend writing this, it was great. Appreciate ALL that you do.

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The ultimate hypocrisy is that Permanent Washington is executing (no pun intended) the same play from the Left’s playbook—-accusing their opponents of doing exactly what they themselves have been doing. Time is running out.

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Great article, Ryan. You pierced and deflated this wind bag of a story pretty much in real time.

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Thank you. Ryan for taking the time to write & research this bizarre case. I also believe Navalny was a sacrificial lamb that our " dearly beloved CIA " used & then discarded in their usual murderous way. That's just the way it's going to be until God gets fed up with these scumbags who think they own the world

God bless you & please stay safe

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