Excellent as always. I’m praying for your family with the loss of your father-in-law. God bless all of you.

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Thank you Erik. I really appreciate that more than you know.

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So much corruption, so little time. Thank you Joe for enduring your research and bringing it to us. I imagine this impacts your soul but God wouldn’t give you an assignment you couldn’t handle. Keep up the good, great actually, work.

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Thank you very much Lisa! Always appreciate you!

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Epstein’s biggest contribution to the CIA was his money laundering. The Mexican drug cartels are likely funding CIA off the books, which is why the border is open. Likely most major executives at tech and media companies large and small are compromised by the CIA vis either bribery or coercion likely due to Epstein-style compromat.

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I think you’re exactly right my friend!

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El ex presidente López Portillo tuvo un vínculo con la CIA, según un documento desclasificado


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Thank you for this my friend! My next article is focused on Mexico and you just helped me connect another dot to all the info I’ve dug up.

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This topic has ALWAYS pissed me off. I managed money for a living for 35 years. The number 1 panic from our compliance officers was always the need to protect the company from money laundering. Every year we had to dredge through continuing Education about...MONEY LAUNDERING. What a puke of crap. They just were concerned that NO ONE ELSE could do it!!! Corrupt to the core.

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You’re exactly right! They put all kinds of laws on the books and demand compliance from every financial institution but then refuse to prosecute or give a slap on the wrist to any of the people or institutions laundering money that are in the favored class.

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This rabbit hole is getting longer, darker, and more revealing by, what was once a month, now seems almost daily---time to light another candle in my brain. Unfortunately or fortunately, you’ve allowed me to get way ahead of the sleeping pack behind me. Your current reporting timeline spans my life----and the deep state let me think I was having a good life, go figure. God Bless!!!

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“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

-- Frank Zappa

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Great quote!

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I love that Zappa quote! I don’t think God is going to allow them to succeed, though. Praying for a great work of the Spirit in our nation and the whole world. I’m starting to see the case for the Christian postmil view.

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Thank you my friend. It’s a very deep and dark rabbit hole and I have a long way to go till I’m done.

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Wow! Your research just gets better and better! I remember much of what you covered in this post as we still watched the ‘news’ and many of the documentaries you mentioned. I came to the (theoretical) conclusion a few years ago that the end of WWII was the baseline timeframe for the serious goals of the globalists and each of your well-researched posts has definitely supported my theory as too many people, entities, 3-letter agencies, cartels and banks are started at that time. I also always wondered why, after ‘winning’ WWII, did our government no longer fight to win wars. Now, of course, I understand that winning was never the goal and all of what you’ve described in the last several articles has connected the dots. Every single event and connection mentioned is another segment of the plan to depopulate most of mankind after taking ALL resources, then enslaving the remainder under a brutal regime. Dear Lord, what the evil one has done to God’s creation. Thank you for continuing your work and sharing with us! God bless you and I pray for comfort and peace for your family as you adjust to your loss.🙏🙏. Memories are wonderful ways to heal, from my perspective after losing my Mother a couple of years ago.🙏🙏

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Thank you for all of that my friend!


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“ Every single event and connection mentioned is another segment of the plan to depopulate most of mankind after taking ALL resources, then enslaving the remainder under a brutal regime.”

Thank you for writing that, ALtab.

It’s the only possible lense through which to understand the Why of it!

Through each excellent chapter in Joe’s series…in the back of my mind…Why? For what gain or purpose? You are right 🙏❤️

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You have such a great grasp of all this, ALtab! ❤️🙏

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Thanks for the confidence boost!! I’m not always that confident but my husband has observed that connecting disparate parts is something I can do…. Time will tell.😊🙏

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A valuable skill of Light!

Obscuring the connections is something [they] have been clever at doing but [their] cleverness is no match for The Great Awakening ❤️🙏🕊

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True!! They are finding that out, too!🙏❤️

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I'm goi g

To take slight issue with the enslavement of humanity. It almost appears that we are pretty much already enslaved to a point, and there is no benefit to eliminating most

Of the population of the world which honestly is minute. No, I'm pretty sure they are fat and happy with the status quo, and would like nothing more than to see things continue as they have since the 50's. They win, we lose, and nothing ever changes. They may have gotten rather greedy and shat themselves when pdt was elected, but they've fixed that little hiccup. Now the world will be at war for ever like the good book says, until the rapture or we all kill each other. We are literally right back in the 60's as we speak. If you lived through it, you know.

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I think the enemy’s days are numbered and they already know it. We aren’t seeing most of what’s happening behind the scenes. That’s just my opinion though.

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I did live through it, but I believe different conclusions. However, only God knows and I could be completely wrong. God does win against the evil one as God is infinite.🙏🙏

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You know that quip, if you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plans? Well, the idea that he is going to bail us out of this mess, without a herculean ef fort on our part, or huge sacrifice on our part with guns and war, right here once again on our soil, is a pipe dream. Evil needs to be killed dead. Floating around the edges of this conversation is the fact that mist can't stomach the idea.

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Actually, I concur with you completely! That’s why God has gifted so many for this specific time. Most WILL stomach the idea when they find out all the truth about the children.

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Great Story about the shenanigans of money laundering The root of it all is the bankster in Switzerland and London spewing into America since the Civil War and Abe's assassination, and I think the CIA assassinated JFK for much of the same reason. It began after the infamous FRIDAY 13th by the King of France and the Pope's visit to France. They had the leaders of the Knights of Malta just back from the Crusades arrest and thrown in prison. One reason was to prove they actually worshiped the devil satan and the occult. That way the Jealous King of France could confiscate their land in the name of France and steal their bags of loot from the Holy Land as well as their vast shipping empire that took Pilgrims to and from the Holy Land Homage trips. They actually started the Banks in the Holy Land with the Pilgrims. They would hold their funds in security until they arrived safely at their destination round trip for a fee. They would deposit their funds as we do to today.

During the arrests the next men in charge were professionals and men of learning. They took all the funds they could carry to Switzerland and set up Banks in that nation that are there to this day. The shipping Industry became the West India trading company out of the Netherlands and the relics and manuscript went to Scotland for safe holding secretively I might add. Hard to hide a ship or a bank but not relics and manuscripts.

The land was seized but that is about all the King of France got. Centuries later this is what we have a corrupt Jesuit Vatican, a mal-aligned CIA and FBI assassinations of important people that will not follow their orders and that also uses our USAF for their nefarious and clandestine affairs all over the Globe. Corruption at the highest level for power and money.

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Thank you for that information my friend!

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In the largest sense, all of the financial subsystems of the US government comprise a vast money laundering system. It hides from the public how much the government regulators are stealing from productive people and what the government regulators are doing with that money (i.e. keeping it for themselves or transferring it to leftist political organizations).

Meanwhile, you the citizen can be charged with the money laundering crime of "Structuring Withdrawals" and be imprisoned for taking your money out of your own savings account.

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That is very true!!

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Been there, done that - here in Sweden.

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Thank you, Joe Lange. Excellent reportage!

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Thank you Sonia! I appreciate you my friend!

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Wow Joe. Such excellent reporting. Thank you!

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Thank you Michele!

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Thanks Joe. I remember these interviews as a kid. I was also at the Watergate when the break in happened. My grandparents could not leave DC because my grandfather got very sick. I was flown back home in the care of Sen Al Gore, Sr.

I never thought I ever belonged in this world.

Thank you for your research. God bless you.

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Wow! That sounds like an interesting experience!

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Excellent work, thank you

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Thank you Geo!!

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Thank You, Joe….talk about in depth reporting!! Your whole series has been excellent!

So disturbing to learn and yet we must get our bearings on this evil corrupt power structure if we are ever going to end it. Is it possible to end it? Has the ‘Criminals In Action’ been a proxy system for the global power elite to gain control over the whole world? Every chapter of your brilliant series has left me wondering WHY?

It can’t just be because GHW Bush had the soul of a criminal and simply enjoyed the power and wealth? What motivates such evil? I understand the global power elite wanting to weaken the greatest nation on earth from within…but I will never truly understand the minds driven by such ambition against all the goodness in humanity.

I like your writing style…edge of my seat!

Blessings of Peace to you and your family, Joe….❤️🙏🕊

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Thank you Feather!

I think it’s hard for most people to understand what truly evil people do and why they do it because we don’t think like them in any way.

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I think it is hard, almost impossible, for 'regular folk' like us to understand just how intoxicating and addicting the power that [these] criminals have, can be.

Lord Acton said "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Truer words were never spoken.

It is much more than just enjoyable. Like with an addict, at first they are hooked on the rush. But then the drug takes them over -- they are no longer the same person they once were. They believe that they are entitled -- they are the elite, the enlightened.

Thomas Sowell said it this way in 'The Vision of the Anointed': "What a vision may offer, and what the prevailing vision emphatically does offer, is a special state of grace for those who believe in it. Those who accept this vision are deemed to be not merely factually correct but morally on a higher plane. Put differently, those who disagree with the prevailing vision are seen as not merely in error, but in sin."

It is almost incomprehensible that evil criminals such as these actually see themselves as being on a higher plane -- but they do. 'The goodness of humanity' has never been of their concern; indeed they hold it, and those who believe in it, in utter and complete contempt.

Until we understand this, we cannot hope to understand the how and why by which they operate.

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Thank you very much, WildBill.

Your reply is insightful (as always!) and comforting. I really appreciate it ❤️🙏🕊

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Pure EVIL has been hiding in plain sight and is now finally being exposed.

The devil convincing us he did not exist was the darkest trick ever pulled over our collective eyes.

A new day has dawned fortunately and We the People will take it no more.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thank you, Joe K!

God’s Blessings to you also ❤️

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Read a book called "The Sociopath Next Door" by Martha Stout, PhD (2005). It opened my eyes to a LOT of things, and I finally started understanding why some things are the way they are.

4 out of every 100 people are sociopaths, by her estimate. If you break down the fraction, that's 1 kid in every classroom of 25 ...


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Proverbs says Good People never can understand Bad ones, and Evil People can never understand Good ones.

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$64 Billion question, with all that is known of the resources available to and capabilities of the CIA and other corrupt intel agencies.

How are they going to be eliminated?, simply issuing a decree and signing an executive order officially dissolving them would do little to nothing.

This isn't simply a problem you can vote away, anyone who has tried challenging the CIA ends up dead or worse.

Q: "The military is the only way".

I've raised this point before but clearing out this level of not only corruption but outright evil is going to be akin to waging a guerilla war against trained insurgents.

The Maine shootings are what the CIA has as part of their MK-Ultraed walking time bombs.

I get a feeling that long after Trump is off the world stage we will still be fighting the CIA and similar organizations operating in the shadows.

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You make a great point. It’s war. Trump and the military have been waging war behind the scenes on these CIA proxy forces but I think there is a time coming when all their evil is fully exposed and then their will be nowhere to hide as we hunt them down.

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Yes it's a covert war that has been going on since Trump got in and even before.

I do not think the civilian population is prepared for the kind of revelations which will come out about the CIA and their allies.

When it is revealed about all their activities the term Intelligence Agency and Intelligence agent will become a pejorative.

There will always be places to hide because there will always be those who don't bother themselves with things like morality (or conscience) as long as the money is good.

What I'm afraid of is when the "war" is declared over and apparent victory is declared against the Cabal is when we'll be most vulnerable to defeat.

Too often people immediately drop their guard and refuse to keep their eye on the ball.

There is a concept in the technology of armored warfare called sacrificial armor, developed during the 1970s, the term reactive armor is also used.

It's a piece of defensive armor which is designed to take an incoming round and literally explode outwards in a counter explosion, thereby preventing the incoming round from penetrating further into a vehicle.

I believe the CIA will employ such a strategy when the time comes, the CIA are masters of deception, info warfare, misdirection, they also use military style tactics in their operational planning.

I very much believe that when the CIA is actually and fully exposed, they already have a plan in place to "sacrifice" the "shell" of their organization to stop any further incursions into their organization.

Some of their people will be setup as apparent fall guys and the blame placed on them, very much like the whole Epstein episode was setup to make it look like Epstein was operating alone. Note once he was arrested ALL attention was directed his way instead of being focused on his other ties to the intel agencies.

So I believe the main backers of the CIA will apparently sacrifice the CIA as a front facing organization but will have moved their operations deep undercover elsewhere (say in Qatar) and bide their time until the heat dies down, then like a plague they'll quietly re-emerge to re-establish themselves.

What is needed and which hasn't been discussed by patriots is how to maintain the momentum of pursing the Cabal hunt after V-day.

Patriots(not the government) need to establish something similar to what Simon Wiesenthal did with his Nazi hunter group. They never rested, never stopped uncovering the war-criminals after WW2 and neither can the Patriots.

Something similar needs to happen after the War Against the Cabal is fought and won(yes we are winning even if it's not obvious at first glance), otherwise in a couple of generations this will begin all over again when the general population has forgotten the horrors which are to be revealed.

Same as what happened to the memory of the Holocaust in recent memory(ie Canada salutes a Nazi).

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"How are they going to be eliminated?"

Those who live by the sword, die by the sword. The CIA's lifeblood is money; cut it off and the evil it feeds dies.

Congress appropriates money to pay CIA (and FBI) employees. The executive branch spends it. Either can terminate any agency, Congress by eliminating the appropriation or the President by refusing to spend it and terminating all of its employees.

CIA might try to go on, funding itself by its drug and money laundering operations; but at that point it would be revealed as a blatant criminal organization with no remaining pretense of legitimacy.

But you are correct, organizations like this will continue to appear and metastasize. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

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That's the issue I have, yes cutting off the official flow of money from the government is a start. However, this organization has hidden resources which might allow it to survive for a long time in diminished form, hiding out in other corrupt nations only to come back at a later time when it's convenient for them.

This happened with the crooks in the banking cartels in the US, they were eliminated twice only to reappear decades later stronger than ever.

To me elimination doesn't mean simply killing them, it means exposing and sanitizing the world of their kind(Satanic psychopaths) and making sure they never arise again.

I think the whole financial system has to be totally scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up with transparency at every step, this means a form of limited currency which can't be created out of thin air and easily transported and hidden.

Imagine if they tried to ship $100 billion in gold to their operatives, it's not so easy to hide massive amounts of physical wealth and transport it around to fund covert ops.

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Good points!

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All true. $100 Bn in gold at today's prices is about 1.7 million kg, or 1700 metric tonnes (1800 imperial tons). A B747 has a max useful load around 100 MT more or less, depending on version, range etc. That would mean 17+ round trips. Not easy to hide, if one were paying attention. Which all gets back to that quote about vigilance.

[They] would never have gotten away with all this, if we had been paying close attention.

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Great points!

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“ The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Love it!

Like Ben Franklin said: “A Republic…if we can keep it”!!

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Not original with me, but I could not properly attribute it because its origin is unclear.


That notwithstanding, it is true and worth repeating.

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You remembered it for the perfect time to use it…I’m going to remember it now.

Vigilance is a very meaningful word on one’s spiritual path also


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If we're lucky they'll turn on each other.

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Joe you continue to amaze me with your work of uncovering and exposing the DS Rat Bastards we call the CIA. H.W. and gang were pure EVIL and I am very glad that Trump and team enabled him to meet his Maker!

Hope your wife and family are doing well, we keep y'all in our prayers!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Thank you Joe! I really appreciate you friend!

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Just another awesome article about the truth... First rule of investigations follow the money... It will tell you what is going on where and how!!!! You have the money dialed in. When will all of the CIA assetts be taken over??? Will EO 13818 take all of those assetts an prosecute all involved??? one can only hope!!!! Thanks for showing the world the corruption of the Clowns in America!!!

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I’m going to mention that in my next article. Confiscating the enemy’s assets is ultimately going to be a big part of all of this.

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Great stuff Joe. Keep at it. Several mentions of a recent bereavement above - condolences. But life never ends, just shifts....

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I really appreciate that Chris and thank you!

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