Rock on, brother. Let’s ride this wave all the way to shore! 🌊

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So true, another great piece, thank you.

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"This story is really starting to get good." Could not agree more Erik!

What a glorious time to be alive!

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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We have since learned a lot about the Israeli intelligence failure. It turns out that Israeli intelligence analysts provided their superiors with detailed information about preparations Hamas was making. The person who is head of Military Intelligence, Aharon Haliva, refused to believe the intelligence. He insisted that "Hamas was deterred." In addition a general named Finkelman also said he thought the intelligence was "imaginary." And both men failed to follow up on it. Both men should be fired, and not wait until the war is over because they constitute a danger to the national security of Israel. You should also know that both men come from the Israeli left who had a bias in favor of the Palestinians. Prior to Oct 7th, the Israeli left considered Netanyahu a bigger danger to Israel than the Palestinians. But the Israeli left cannot get elected because their policies are anything from useless to dangerous. So all they can do is to try to destroy those who do get elected, like Netanyahu. Both these generals were part of the group of Israelis who thought you can work with the Palestinians. Almost nobody in Israel thinks that now. But Americans need to realize Israel has had progressives in their defense and security establishment who were going to not show up for duty (prior to Oct 7th) to protest Netanyahu. So this is how far the left will go in being destructive to democracy, all the while claiming they are doing things to "save democracy." So it is the same in this country. So I can answer you about the assessment of the Israeli Military: the Israeli military is one of the most moral militaries in the world, and it is extremely effective. But it has been hobbled in this instance by progressives who should have lost their jobs due to their inability to protect the country, regardless of their politics.

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Sounds like the current US military.

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Yes, and it would be sad for Americans if we were attacked at a time when our military's number one threat to the homeland is from White Supremacists. The damage progressives, socialists, Marxists, and Islamists can do to Western democracies is incalculable because it is infinite. Their goal is nothing short of wiping out Western civilization. There should be a ban on any of them being members of our military or defense establishment.

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The cabal infiltrated all the major and most minor governments and militaries.....

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Sounds familiar, right?

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Awesomesauce. Perfect boomerang for Yeezy

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Another great, informative article, Erik as you never disappoint. Thank you for your diligence in helping those of us who sometime think this filth doesn't happen. Please continue writing about these evil people.

The one thing most of us know is that God wins in the end & I sure would like to be around when it happens

God bless & have a wonderful weekend

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Did Ye get his dramatic flair from his ex-wife? Those Kardashians are high priced call girls who got rich creating drama. And they tried committing him, if that story was true.

Frankly I think he's just trying to stand up to the truth... but might've went about it wrong.

That story of Obama taking out Bin Laden always sounded phony and I know our government did 9/11 so that story didn't fly either. Thanks for keeping us aligned with the truth Erik!

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Excellent article and journey into so much that has happened. A friend of mine just sent me this article that compliments yours with more interesting information about Israel and Hamas. It's called "Israeli Army Conducted Online Psy-op Against Israeli Public During Gaza War

IDF used fake social media accounts to push the message it was “forcefully retaliating against Hamas” ■ It posted dozens of #Gazaregrets videos in Netanyahu facebook groups and tagged right-wing politicians ■ Senior officer: this is illegal, must not be done ■ IDF in response: We erred" https://archive.is/P4PyJ#selection-301.0-305.286 more reasons to remain neutral in all this stuff. We might not be able to stop the nonsense games they play but we don't need to support it either. My heart goes out to all the victims.

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Such a brilliant piece. A lot of great solid work in it. Well done. 🍾

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I wish I could “like” this a million times!!! I agree with every word!

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Excellent article as always Erik. The way you show how the conflict in Israel and Hamas , the woke agenda, how the uniparty is reacting, and Media Matters and ADL all tie in together. I am not defending Israel or Hamas, but am praying for the “truth” to be revealed . There is so much we have been lied to about. We the People need to wake up-quick! Thank you for writing this so comprehensively to understand. Blessings

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Erik. Thanks for exposing and knitting together some of the more obvious “glitches” in the Matrix that is not just a modern day control mechanism, but rather around for millennia, and just relatively recently revealed by Satanic forces impeded in Hollywood.

While reading your essay, I was almost immediately reminded of the much less technically enhanced yet nominally successful mind/culture manipulation that occurred in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when some of the forefathers of today’s controllers published the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Those actors also had some nefarious objectives they desired to achieve and in many regards, they altered the course of history prior to and throughout the bloodiest century recorded in the altered chronicles we euphemistically refer as “world history.”

Of course, one of the primary objectives of this ilk is to absolutely destroy the veracity of the Word of God as preserved down through the centuries by the very people (Jews) who were entrusted to maintain them for mankind, so generation after generation would have some confidence that there is indeed a PLAN that makes perfect sense to those who have been blessed with the eyes to see, and most critically, the ears to hear His quiet still voice that guides and directs His beloved in paths of righteousness and His ways.

I truly believe, based on reading your many articles posted on this forum over the years, that you have been given a unique gift to communicate in writing what you have been shown, and how those mysteries are not revealed to everyone, but instead, those who sincerely and patiently seek the face of the Creator of the universe.

Keep asking, seeking, and knocking, and above all, keep writing your inspired thoughts and conclusions, because this fallen and wicked generation, like every generation that has preceded it, needs communicators like you to provoke and stimulate others like me to simply search and dig deeper into the unfathomable knowledge of the Holy One.

God bless and keep you in all that you do to advance His kingdom on earth!🙏❤️👍😎

BTW. More glitches are on the horizon”🦻”

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Thank you. I believe God is always talking to us and always has been. The more “noise” we create in our lives, the harder it is to hear His voice.

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I call it the cacophony of voices that have legal grounds before the heavenly courtroom to harass us because of the open doors to our souls resulting from actions prohibited by His word, laws, statutes, and commandments! But we can close every “door” through acknowledgment, confession, repentance and finally refilling of the HS in the void created by deliverance. The prescription is in His word.

But lamentably, many people believe “IN”

God, but much fewer simply BELIEVE GOD…because if they truly believed God, they would believe what He had recorded and trust and obey! 🙏❤️😎

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Why is it strange to see a black man wearing a "white Lives Matter " shirt? I've seen plenty of white people wearing "Black Lives Matter" shirts. Turnabout is fair play.....right?

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Just go back & watch the 80 k Jacinda dance on the Stephen Corbett show, to encourage Tourism...one week before the 'breakout' in Wuhan, before she picked him up from the airport & he gave his engagement present a couple of lousy engraved glasses. But even so all they showed was the box! A white box with blue bow! As Q says 'Symbolism will be their downfall'. Just like the 'coincedence' of John Podesta being in N.Z the week before the Christ-Church event where he showed gave the signal of a a fish on one hand & number 14 on the other & said N'Z was a "big juicy target!" As shown in my video of actual footage from the Stark White Gallery in ChristChurch & Waiheke; it is all about child trafficking, pedophila & adrenachrome production to keep the elites alive & kill off the rest.

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A lot more symbolic in my view was what looked to me like Tarrant's team at Nugget Point on the day of the massacre. There's literally no phone service there but these guys were celebrating (doing the "we will not be replaced" stance common at the time) at what we later saw was the exact time of the massacre and photographing themselves. They were literally the only people on a 50 seat tourist bus. I wanted to photograph them doing their right wing gesturing but my wife wouldn't let me assuming I guess that they were a little on the dangerous side. I think if I remember correctly 3 men and one woman all in their late 40s or 50s and pretending to be tourists the woman had a Stones t-shirt on but had no idea who Brian Jones was when I commented "no Jones, no Stones". And not the typical Israeli tourists that we get who are normally in their 20s.

Make of that what you will, I'm just reporting facts. But Israel and NZ do have form.

Nugget Point is about 90 minutes away from Dunedin which is where Tarrant was based.

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Can you explain what this 'we will not be replaced' sign looks like?

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It was popular at the time. Arms and legs (a little) outstretched.

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I used to host IDF soldiers back in the day & had a couple of very interesting moments! Would have loved to have seen your photo! As a real Jew Noam Chromskie'e recent admission that AshkeNAZI'S have no Jewish DNA & that it does not matter is another indication that their plans will fail, as is also confirmed by the cementing of a certain Chasidic NYC tunnel recently! xxx

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I'm not sure that there is any such thing as Jewish DNA. It was originally a political orientation and most had the choice of whether they became Jewish or not. And before that decision most of the would have been Greek.

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On the DNA question, I am presently watching this

& remembering when I dreamt I had twin rainbow coloured DNA. As a Jacob & a Niall & a Faulkenburg & McGregor/Mooney & the little I know about the 10 lost tribes (the real Jews) Jesus said he came to preach to, I believe that just as Jacob became 'Israel' through faith we are DNA spliced Jews the moment we 'believe' & that my long heritage of 'believers' accounts for the rainbow twin DNA. dohttps://youtu.be/YwbkyEzYBHI?si=Vma1aUblb3QjOKgp

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And a Greek was someone who had a Greek education, nothing less nothing more.

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I appreciated Ye, but did not have a platform to say so.

Now, I have established a substack about Ishmael's biblical destiny, which will bring real peace to the Mideast. Jews and Christians will find it hard to face, but Muslims will like it and have something else to do to fight for their rights, instead of attacking bodies or innocents. Today, I will post the most surprising part about Ishmael in Genesis.


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Outstanding work, Erik! We always look forward to another article

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