
Thank you.

Canadians have not been duped. We have had fraudulent elections like the US & many other places in the world. All of our politicians are corrupt and don’t represent we the people.

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Canada is the USA’s Ukraine. Rotten and corrupt to the core. Judging by the continued lunatic behavior of my Canadian cousins, there is no hope of a peaceful outcome there. Thank you Justin for addressing this cancer.

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There is hope. Hard to see, but God created the universe and I expect this won’t last long in Canada. The people are waking up and will demand change. Of course, I could be wrong…

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Hi ALtab!

Yes I agree there’s hope of course, because there are many Canadians in the western provinces, especially in Alberta, who vote conservative.

The problem is that they aren’t in densely populated areas, unlike in the east coast. (PS I don’t pretend to understand the Canadian election map or how it works).

That said, I’m not sure how a couple of million rural conservatives are going to vanquish the tens of millions of city dwellers, many of whom are recently immigrated.

When I said “my Canadian cousins”, I was speaking literally - most of my extended family lives there. I have never met so many brainwashed sheep in my life. And they loathe MAGA with every fiber of their being. They literally see nothing wrong with committing crimes against humanity and genocide if it eliminates MAGA. These are sick sick people.

I pray I’m wrong, for example that the Canadian courts might become more conservative etc. The recent rulings on the abuses by Castro against the truckers gave me a little hope, but I’m not holding my breath.

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Wow! I will admit you are much more versed than me! I have traveled in most of Canada and met a lot of delightful people…but didn’t discuss politics. I do know that the goal is to put us all in cities like China did, as we are much more controllable! Obviously I don’t love in a city and I genuinely saddened to hear so many have been duped there! I will pray for their awakening. Thank you for taking the time to get us up to date….God bless.🙏🙏

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MRNA is in you food do this ASAP..... t.co/qmiCWZ8aCe

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I get this argument from an emotional standpoint, but it doesn't hold up from a logical one. When you start lifting people up because if who they sleep with-or because of any of their personal lifestyle choices-you can't simply stop once this reaches your personal subjective threshold. Either all sexual lifestyles are open and shared, or none are, otherwise it's inequality. So it's either gender ideology, or the closet for everyone, and no public official-especially teachers-talking about their sexuality publicly at all. I'm perfectly fine with that. And if you're serious about taking on radical gender ideology, you need to accept this as well. There's no "straight pride month" there should be no gay pride month. Or else you have to have a furry pride month, or a pedo pride month. This is where the sexual revolution has gotten us. The only solution is to cut it out completely. Sex is for the bedroom, time to put it back there.

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Feb 7·edited Feb 8

The 'Tranzzzing up of America" The push to drug kids for the last 50 years plus, until every kid and every parent is on a mind-altering drug, has been a success. Seniors are the most addicted in our population to pain killers. Deadly drugs have been legal at your pharmacy for years, yet not on the street, because that would look bad. Your doctor has you on a monthly return for your fix and his BIG CHECK from BIG Pharma. Real cures are shushed. The Pusher-man is at Walgreens! Turning men into women is the next logical step, the RAINBOW. Its truly DEMONIC warfare. Joe and Barry were pushing needles just a couple years ago. Free crack pipes too. That A-D-D cocaine for kids, now age 4 and 5....and I just keep praying for GOD to fix this broken world. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Gives me a headache just thinking how wrong and manipulated this phenomenon is. Can’t imagine the bottles of advil you ingested slugging through the gory leads and details? I have to believe a follow up ensues, sooner rather than later, that details the drying up of their disturbed money supply and new/better/sensible laws are made and enforced to save this confused generation(s). Appreciate your work bringing this travesty more into the light. God Bless!!!

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The infiltration across all sectors of society by the DS Rat Bastards has created the hell they want us to live in.

We the People need to exercise control of the news and continuously share the Truth. Their bullshit has to be called what it is BULLSHIT. Truth cannot be shamed into silence.

Once again this proves there is no legislation that our "selected" leaders can pass that we need. The only thing of value that these clowns can do that would benefit us would be to eliminate any/all the legislation that was already passed that is bullshit (most I am sure). Short of eliminating bullshit legislation they should just do NOTHING.

Enjoy your work Simon.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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You have spoken to a psychological problem that affects even Physicians when money is waved in their face and they have the choice to take the money or the consequences of going against the governments agenda.

The fact that so many Physicians and other health care providers take the money instead of showing some backbone is, I believe, proof that it is as easy to corrupt Physicians and Health Care Providers as it is to corrupt politicians!

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Just one more area the cabal and their globalist minions are working to separate parents from children and destroy the family unit (key element of a successful society) as they march to the Prussian model that the children belong to the ‘state’ and the state makes all decisions.

“…..the progressive mindset was not able to think through the consequences of these changes.” There was never an intent for the progressive mindset to consider anything and in fact, the progressive mindset never thinks one step beyond the immediate and that’s why they fit into the totalitarian system so well.

The people behind this movement are sick and evil. Watch Canada as legalizing pedophilia is likely next.

Hmm…. Interesting that the Europeans are opposed..could this be pushed in Canada in the hopes it will bleed over into the US?

Thank you for this great article! God bless you, Justin.🙏🙏

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Some good news on Substack today about the Canadian political prisoners.

"Two of the Coutts Four are Free -- But Many Questions Unanswered"


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Reading the headlines is assaulting. I really don't bother much anymore. The world is currently a disgusting place. I am a disgruntled human. I choose to spend my time elsewhere where life resides.

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This is not a comment, however a question. Are you and Ryan still doing Vigilant News?

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We all need to get this pissed off...and sound off!!


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And it is my God Given Human Right to be A Pirate 🏴‍☠️ AAAARRRRR!!! 🏴‍☠️

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this is driven by 'elites' (little el) males who failed at being a man [over many, many generations].

They need to dominate/violate others in order to make themselves feel good about their own inadequacies.

Men and Women are Equal - just with differing strengths/abilities.

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MRNA is in you food do this ASAP..... t.co/qmiCWZ8aCe

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> Gender theory and same-sex rights are not the same.

Not quite, but the latter does logically imply the former.

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