I wanted address the point you made about your sons.

People don't give the later/younger GenZ'ers enough credit for being perceptive and being independent thinkers.

Unlike the Millennials, I think GenZ developed better "antibodies" towards certain types of psychological manipulation, in fact they can spot bullshit faster than people 30 years older then them with much more life experience.

I've seen similar reactions from young people that you saw with your sons, they're actually a lot more savvy to the world than most adults give them credit.

They've also adopted a very wise stance, "Silence is golden" where the education system is concerned, I had the opportunity to casually chat with a 16 year old boy(son of a coworker) about current events.

At first he was quite reticent about saying anything on his personal views, but after he realized I wasn't trying to bait him he finally opened up. It was enlightening to say the least, I had figured most high school kids were brainwashed woke zombies, but this young man came across as being a very level headed and amazingly enough a clear and deep thinker.

He never believes what he's told at face value and always tries to find out the truth for himself.

Apparently his friends are the same way though he does see the brainwashed zombies in school, they give themselves away very easily with their dyed hair and their fanatical preaching on everything woke.

He told me the only reason why we don't hear more about young people rebelling against the woke virus in public education is that kids who dare get out of line get punished hard and very publicly. Teachers and their unions have a lot of power backed up by woke school boards(remember some of them calling in the FBI on parents who dared to question their authority) to enact brutal cancel culture punishments, not only against the student who steps out of line but their parents and anyone associated with the student.

Fear is what keeps most kids quiet and it's why older adults seem to think GenZ'ers are hopeless, helpless and brain dead(some are, most aren't).

Your sons are representative of the familiar pendulum swing model in politics, extreme political and social positions are rarely sustainable, sentiment and opinion always tends to swing back towards the equilibrium point between the two extremes.

Be glad your kids are awake and aware of what is going on, I think wokism is dying, I think the Cabal are pushing their psyops for all it's worth but it's beginning to fail.

Yes they have a bunch of brainwashed zombies as their "army" while the enemies of the Cabal have members who are very savvy, propaganda "resistant" and awake.

It's why the tide is turning, even if it's too slow IMO, and the Cabal is aware of this but can't stop it.

Inside of every well laid plan are the seeds of it's own failure, the Cabal ignored this observation and in their arrogance and hubris think they can still win but they never had a PlanB to begin with because they never thought they needed one (they never thought she would lose), a fatal error and a harsh lesson they will learn in the coming years.

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Fantastic work, thank you...!

I would be willing to bet you a 3 lb Porterhouse that 99.99% of the parents involved in the nightmare of gender mutilation are blue haired angry single moms named Karen. The absence of fathers in so many kids lives over the past few generations is having catastrophic effects right now...❤️🇺🇸🙏🏻

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I have a friend named Karen who strenuously objects to your use of her good name. That being said, your general observation is correct. Clif High refers to this dangerous situation as Munchausen's by Proxy.

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I haven't known many Karens, but they were all Karens. Probably a coincidence.

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Fortunately for them, not all English and Irish women have red hair and freckles ! 😉

God bless them !

And may God bless you as well ...

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Thank you.

On Aer Lingus, handed an Irish breakfast.

I ask, "What's the difference between an Irish breakfast and an Enblish breakfast?"

Red haired and freckled tiny Irish goddess, hand on hip replies: "Well Oi give it to ye!"

Don't know her name but I swear I was in love.

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Say What?

need a translation please.

Was it the physical action of literally serving you the food where you sat, or making and serving it to you.


English Breakfast = ???

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Karen..not in dictionary :)

Enlighten this old Fart.

A behavior is all i have, but exactly What Kind??

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That's a good bet.

"Mothers of Boys with Gender Identity Disorder: A Comparison of Matched Controls SONIA MARANTZ, PH.D., AND SUSAN COATES, PH.D.

Abstract. This pilot study compared mothers of boys with gender identity disorder (GID) with mothers of normal boys to determine whether differences in psychopathology and child-rearing attitudes and practices could be identified. Results of the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines and the Beck Depression Inventory revealed that mothers of boys with GID had more symptoms of depression and more often met the criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder than the controls. Fifty-three percent of the mothers of boys with GID compared with only 6% of controls met the diagnosis for Borderline Personality Disorder on the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines or had symptoms of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory. Results of the Summers and Walsh Symbiosis Scale suggested that mothers of probands had child-rearing attitudes and practices that encouraged symbiosis and discouraged the development of autonomy. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 1991, 30, 2:310-315. Key Words: gender identity disorder, maternal psychopathology, Beck Depression Inventory, Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines, symbiosis, autonomy, child-rearing practices. "


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Great article.

I believe the Plan is coming together and waking up more and more of We the People. The absurdity of so much of what is going on screams WAKE UP! And it is happening on all fronts. When we finally pull the pins and the BOOMS start to cascade the will be no way to stop what is coming:-))


God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Someone said yesterday: "It takes a picture of a raging faggot on their beer can to wake them up."

Whatever it takes.

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But how much death, pain, child abuse/killing, plus military age men (now increase in Chinese type) crossing border. I believe there is something BIGGER COMING and even those awake aren't questioning. We are hearing about a lot including this...but hearing & SEEING can cause different reactions. This is reminding me of movie "Red Dawn"...ARE WE PREPARED??

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"...the cabal despises Trans people more than they despise me."


I think that's very true.

They [Trans] have been "created," or shaped, & are being used, by, the cabal.

It would be good for them [Trans], to consider that.


Very astute, for a meathead !

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"Useful Idiots" may be the term you're looking for.

And as with other useful idiots in history, they will be the first to go when their usefulness had been exhausted.

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Excellent article. I just had a discussion that covered the same topics earlier today. Just when you think you are alone you are reassured you aren't. I encourage people to boycott and speak out and pray. Thank you and keep up the great work.

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This Piece was so Good.

It's got everything. Even unicorns.

GodBless US All. Everyone, Who Desire The Blessings.


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The NIV has no unicorns. Shitty bible, I'll stick with the KJV. It has unicorns.

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Searched and do not find unicorns in the KJV

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Apr 17, 2023
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I'm sure unicorns have an explanation, what I don't like is that they keep changing the bible. Why is that such a common occurrence? Look at all the versions.

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I don't believe that 'respect' is part of [their] lexicon. Not only do they not respect us, I do not believe that they respect each other either. They use whomever they can, to obtain power and by it, wealth. Thus it has always been so; they are satanists who crave power and immoral gratification.

Words that matter to them: fear, obedience, subordination.

From today's American Thinker: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/04/they_fear_you.html

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They're psychopaths, if you aren't useful to them stay out of their way or they will deal with you in the harshest possible way.

All these questionable suicides are messages to that effect.

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-We are all useful to this "dark side" one way or another for as long as we cannot understand how it happens we are slaves.

-Think outside of the dirty little box. It is like a fart. there is more room outside than there is in.

-Ask your God to point it out to you. He will if you quietly listen.

-There are answers for each individual to know why he or she knows who they are and why they exist within this universe.

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Thinking outside of the box has pretty much been my career path, but that was funny.

If being made an example of is how you are useful to them, you don't want that.

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One can not imagine how the "dark siders" can twist any truth speakers words, example or not.

At this point they have all the weapons to set the narrative to their vision, but soon it will change if we hold our nose long enough to see it happen.

Every dog has his day, if you will excuse this one "in the box" phrase.

Thanks for the conversation, Mr. Galt.

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These are weapons they have been using for about a thousand years. Liars, name stealers, poisoners. Manipulation and murder, some of us are catching on and when you take that pill the result is that suddenly their tactics go from covert to overt. Once that happens you see how effective their lies have been because in order to educate a normie you have to unwind a lifelong regimen of indoctrination. No simple task.

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So, now these social criminals are overt all around the world to gain the elite position, that they have mostly achieved, just as you have said and I do agree. It is the monied people lording it over the, as you named it, normies who have been for those thousand years, slaves to the criminals who are now thriving out in the open and don't care who knows.

Now comes the normies awakening... what are they to do. No money. No organization. No knowledge ... Wait! We still have our minds and our words, but as you said, "No simple task". "How do you tell a well frog about the ocean?"

Perhaps, just as we are being here and now.

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Excellent insight, many thanks for your writings Erik. My husband is a man of God and leads his family accordingly, against what mainstream ideology that’s prevalent where we live. I would also like to add that my husband would eat red meat for every meal, lift weights everyday and ban all romantic ‘reality’ tv forever if he could. 😂

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Can’t tell if this is indeed an incredible piece or pure logical thoughts on paper (text). Both are suitable. Either way, any article that starts out with a Georgie Carlin quote in my book deserves a well intended hat tip!!!🎩😉

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Hmmm... Trump has never made an unintentional move, so either Fink is either the face of corruption (like Fauci) or, he’s been leveraged against his will or, he’s seen the light. The end result will be the original intent of the move, whether we know or not. Gen Z isn’t as woke as the cabal would have us believe; that is good news. I love your advice to worry less and pray more!🙏 This very ancient battle is in God’s hands. Thank you for your excellent columns. God bless you.🙏

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Hi Erick. Thanks for another great article! I really appreciate your work. I listen to Patrick Gunnels reading your articles sometimes as well...and this I really love! Thanks for sharing a bit about your personal life with us. It’s fun to know the writer of these articles is intense weightlifter sitting in church with his family on Sundays!

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Absolutely brilliant and your honesty about yourself is refreshing. I’m relieved your kids are not aware of the woke nonsense…neither are my granddaughters. So the truth is…the woke narrative is just that and every time their pictures are posted and reposted it promotes the idea that this is the new norm. It’s not. There are way more of us than them. Never underestimate the power of We the People. God bless us all…and keep writing. You guys are awesome!

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We are facing an enigma on top of a catch 22. Is it our destiny or is it free will that ultimately navigates this spaceship we inhabit? Or is it both? How about neither? There’s just so much that doesn’t make any sense.

Here’s a true story that happened to me a long time ago but only set off a bomb 3 years ago when all of a sudden I realized that many people were indeed enslaved by by a powerful force that’s been at it for eons. In 1967 I was 16 years old and was visiting NYC with my mom. Stepping into an elevator in the NY Hilton there alone stood Rod Serling, cigarette in hand, grinning as if he’d been waiting for me and the two of us took a ride down 40 stories into the Twilight Zone. I couldn’t resist the opportunity to say something significant so I asked Rod the question millions of people would ask him if they were ever to be such a moment as this one, “Is the Twilight Zone for real?”

He looked at me with an expression that spoke way louder than any words, took a drag off his Lucky Strike and said “Yeah kid. Off course it is!” It’s been said many times this is a movie we are a part of. These days I’m finding it to be quite a thriller. And trying to avoid it becoming a nightmare.

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God Wins. All else is just details. In the meantime keep connecting dots because

It’s confusing. Glad to see woke go broke.

Will be glad to see them stop 🛑 their controlled demolition of this country. Quite frankly damn sick of the evil 👿 that just keeps spouting

Global warming transgender rights now the

U N sponsoring pedophilia … guess the Revelation of Apocalypse is in our faces.

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I Reader, have just reached, this point, in Your Piece...

"I’m a meathead."


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Great article. I don't worry for my kids because they are adults and have a good head on their shoulders. I'm more concerned for the grandkids who are in public school. All I can do is pray that God takes care of them.

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