Dec 11, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

I learn more on Substack from authors like Erik then I did in 16 years of government taxpayer funded education...

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Me too! It's downright shocking.

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The longer I've studied this - the elitist cabal, deep state/DC swamp, CIA, the Crown, the Vatican, etc. - and the deeper I dive, the more things line up precisely as you describe. Excellent work tying things together, as always, Erik. You and Joe Lange...brilliant work. Thank you.

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The voices of the Patriots are beginning to sound more and more alike. Though they started their journeys in different places and traveled different paths, they are all starting to say:

"We are winning. [They] are losing. It is accelerating. You will like the way this ends." 💖

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I believe you are right. Praying so!

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My personal experience with Kissinger is that he was put on a board at the Chicago Sun-Times while I was in management there in the 90's. Board members were being paid in the milliions of dollars - an absolutely outrageous sum for the day. David Radler and Conrad Black had bought American Publishing (which owned the Chicago Sun-Times and other Chicago area newspaper subsidiatries at the time). I believe they bought it because it was so cash rich. Black ultimtely went to jail but I can only think of Kissinger in terms of being on a board that basically raped the company I worked at of it's cash reserves, and virtually devastated a storied media name at the time. That said - RIP. We all have roles to play in this current showdown on Terra - and we need "bad guys" to contrast the "good guys", so I try to remember that, but it's not always easy. He played the "bad guy" role quit well.

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Great insight.

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All that money won't do the wicked any good in hell.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

And for those who have lingering doubts about the ones who will slip away into the night when the already ongoing tribunals are brought out into the public arena, be encouraged that just as the Parasites have been keeping their collective ‘eye’ on us, so God has always had his eye on them. When they were listening to us through our iPhones and laptops even when we thought they were ‘off’, so God hears every word they speak behind ‘closed’ doors. In fact, Psalm 11 says that not only do ‘his eyes see’, but that ‘his eyelids test the children of man.’ That is, even when it appears that his ‘eyes’ are closed, he is still willingly active in the lives of men, discerning the faithful from the unfaithful and determining the outcome of each soul’s life on this earth. ALL WILL BE MADE CLEAR.

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Amen. "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account." Hebrews 4:13

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Does anyone think that this information we have been lied to for decades will come out? I am old enough to remember Nixon and Kissinger. This is eye opening. Everything I have been reading from all the great diggers has made me cry that we all allowed our great nation and other countries to be under such control. I pray I live long enough to see this beautiful nation get back to its founding. God save our Republic. 🙏🏻😢

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Amen. May the Lord have mercy upon us and give us a new beginning, for His glory!

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They have lied to us for so long we have to question everything. We know both sides of every war since Napoleon, have been funded on both sides by the same bankers. The revolutionary war was after Napoleon... Who really won that war?? The crown of England controls our courts and Government. Vanguard, Black Rock, and State Street control everything you see, touch, smell, feel, and most of the time breathe. Corporations control everything... I truly believe it's time to dis-incorporate!!! Peace...

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Another excellent piece, Erik! I wholeheartedly agree with every point made.

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So appreciate the history lesson and many thanks for doing all the research so I don't have to. 😁

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Love your work here Erik. I think you are spot on.

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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Another excellent post about the criminals in control of the financial world who are all psychopaths. Kissinger was one of those psychopaths and caused numerous crimes against humanity. He was never elected to a position of power he was a bureaucrat appointed to corrupt power. Great post keep up the good work...

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Amazing article, I’m new to Badlands and what a great introduction, thank you.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Buckle your seatbelt, you're in for a wild ride. 💖

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Welcome! So many great writers and a wealth of knowledge from readers and listeners as well. Enjoy!

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Glad to see Americans are slowly but surely getting a lesson in real history and how it tells quite a different story than the myths propagated by academics eager to play footsie with the wealthy establishment. Richard Poe covers these assets of British Liberal Imperialism thoroughly.

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Remember that the victors write the history books. The Cabal has supported both sides in every war for the last 150 years, maybe more. So who wrote the history?

I look forward with a glowing heart to the day when our brave and brilliant Patriot Victors, including Erik and Joe Lange, get around to re-writing the true history of the world. People will be gobsmacked when they, the normie masses, learn what we are now learning.

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When I see footage of WWI, WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, my heart breaks. Sons of nations, our beautiful young men, believing they were being noble patriots (God bless their innocent hearts), were, in the main, mere fodder for these military industrial complex / bankers’ wars. The blood shed, lives lost, lives ruined, families torn apart, hearts broken. We are pawns in generational high stakes games. We are nothing. Expendable - in the hands and schemes of those who mock God and serve other masters. Lord, deliver us.

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Delivery coming up... Exposure, Disclosure, Justice. For All, and I mean ALL of the inglorious bastards -- will all face justice, here on Earth and then from their Maker.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Wow ! Quite the list of villains !!! And, of course hailed as heroes by the brain-dead sheeple. I pray world-wide declass and disclosure comes soon ! I want to see the Karens CRY !!! Nice work Erik !!!

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Impressive and fascinating report, Erik. Thank you very much! Blessings to you and may God’s Grace prosper you in all your research and writings. If ever there was a time for an attentive audience to understand our deep history, it is now!❤️🙏🇺🇸🕊🌎

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

Excellent analysis - thank you! The puzzle is becoming clearer.

I remember hearing a quote when Kissinger was knighted, he reportedly said, "I have always worked for and been devoted to the Crown". What a strange thing to say? Except it wasn't the royal Crown it was the financial Crown he was referring to.

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Dec 11, 2023Liked by Erik Carlson

How can it be that world wide known criminals receive a Nobel price. This is insane and an offence to the world population and to Mr Nobel who instigated that price for people who made an exceptionial contribution to create piece in this world . So either withdraw all those prices or otherwise stop this organisation as this is against the will of the world population.

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I'm waiting for Trump to receive a Nobel Peace prize - may be a while..

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Kind of like Melania Trump should have been on the cover of Vogue, and in every fashion magazine! Do those even exist anymore? Sigh. The evil left has ruined everything.

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Indeed, Melania was one of the most if the most beautiful first lady's in history.

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Beauty, dignity, grace.

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Exactly…yet Bruce Jenner in a wig was a cover girl.

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recently finished “the devil’s chessboard” about allen dulles. council on foreign relations is in the background. skull & bones. british intel. kim philby, etc.

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Such a Dirty Bird

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